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  1. TDunc

    Eagle swoops Kid

    ummmmm... don't know what to say. Maybe..."Duck!" There is adult language... dont turn it up with the kids in the room. http://www.break.com/index/golden-eagle-swoops-up-little-kid-2397519 Edit... added for those that don't get the humor of the original post - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4jefE-0Zt8]Golden Eagle Snatching A BABY IS confirmed Fake HOAX on GMA Good Morning America YouTube - YouTube[/ame]
  2. They even have a BBQ Sundae @ The Smokin Eagle http://www.idine.com/details.htm?merchantId=113872
  3. This weekend it is a 1,200 mile ride for me from Atlanta to St Mary's Ga. and back. The plan is to ride down tomorrow morning spend the night and then on Sunday morning lead the St Mary's Eagle Riders (As Ga State FOE Eagle Rider Ride Coordinator) to the Florida, Ga state line to meet and welcome Darrel Rall as he enters Ga on his 25,000 mile ride in 25 consecutive days to raise $15,000,000 dollars for the diabetes research center at the university of Iowa. Check out his mission/ project and real time coverage of his ride at www.ironeagle.org By the way, any riders that would like to ride or catch up and participate are welcome. just PM me.
  4. Not one to boast.. but tonight my Youngest son Shane completed his Boy Scout district eagle board of review... and I'm proud to announce that he is the newest Eagle Scout in the Ohio River Councle Boy Scouts of America..... I made Eagle in 1976 my son Brent in 1996 now Shane 2009..I'm so happy:dancefool:
  5. [ame] [/ame]
  6. 1962 Cushman Eagle, Black with leather bags, chrome fender tips. Restored in 2006, $3500. 251-510-7556. Don't know the person, but has been in paper for a week. tew47
  7. I've noticed a "Welcome to the forum" pop up a few times for "new" members who have been here for a while already. Lone Eagle being the most recent. What's this about?
  8. Hi all, Just picked up this 1989 Venture and realized that this custom paint job has some specific meaning to somebody. Just wondering if it once belonged to a member here. The trunk has a great eagle painted on it and on each side of the eagle, as shown below, there are two little scarecrow characters. the left on with a 90 and the right side has a 91 and Vdaze painted across. Looks like some type of ride/gathering. So..anybody recognize the eagle and the scarecrows ?
  9. Could you do it? What if it meant raising 15 to 20 Million Dollars to build the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Iowa. That is exactly what Darrell Rall, Grand Aerie Trustee of the Fraternal order of Eagles is proposing to do. To that end the Grand Aerie has committed $600,000 and the Grand Auxillary has committed $400,000 to fund this project. His plan as it now stands is to tour all 48 Continental U.S. States and all of the Canadian provinces meeting up and riding with Eagle Riders and other supporting riding groups along the way. As the Georgia State Eagle Rider Ride Coordinator I have pledged my help assistance and support to this project. Check out www.foeeagleridersga.byethost24.com as further details are known I will post and update as this project progresses.
  10. The official Ga. Eagle Riders website is up and running. Check it out at www.foeeagleridersga.byethost24.com Even though the site is about the Eagle Riders which are an internal group of motorcycle riders who are members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles all are invited to participate in events, visit the different Aeries in Atlanta, Gainesville, Waycross, St. Mary's and Augusta. And join if you like what you see. This web site has links that will tell you about who the Eagles are, what we stand for and what we try to do. Hope you enjoy
  11. Some of you may recall me mentioning my involvement with the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the internal Eagle Riders groups. Last year we raffled off a new Harley and many of you supported that effort by purchasing raffle tickets for that fund raising event. (Sorry if you did not win) As a result of that raffle we raised over $4,900 for the Cancer fund in addition to raising the money to purchase the bike. The Fraternal Order of Eagles is an international organization dating back to 1898 whose sole purpose is to raise money for charities we support. The organization has a rich history of accomplishments and disquished membership including Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Harry S. Truman and many many more notible public, sports figures and celebrities. http://www.foe.com The FOE has over a million members internationally with local chapters known as Aeries. Within many of the Aeries we have formed internal groups known as the Eagle Riders who are motorcycle enthusiast who organize to raise funds for charities and promote the message and causes of the FOE through motorcycle related rides and events. For more information check out this link http://www.foe.com/events/eagle-riders.aspx I mention this to announce that I have recently been appointed and installed as the Georgia State Ride Coordinator making me responsible for the organization, growth and leadership of the Eagle Rider Groups in the state of Georgia. And to invite all of you to check out the FOE and Eagle rider groups in your area. Georgia has five Aeries located in Atlanta, Gainesville, Augusta, Waycross (Okefenokee) and St. Mary's. Two of which have established Eagle Rider Groups in Atlanta and St. Mary's. Within days of being installed in this capacity I have begun the formation process to open up two new Eagle Rider groups in Waycross and Gainesville, Ga. Doubling the number of Eagle Rider groups in Georgia. My interaction with the VentureRiders and the F.O.E/Eagle Riders has resulted in hundreds of new friendships with great people because of the participation in these two groups of like minded motorcycle ethusiast. Because of my experience and sincere appreciation of both of these groups I wanted to share this information with you. I hope that you check out this organization, visit an Aerie in your area to participate and join if you find it a worthy organization as I have.
  12. Happy Birthday Flyinfool, VentureMax and Lone Eagle! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  13. I was surfing the VRide Canada, a website that has taken videos all across Canada from an HD Vrod, and found this video that i thought was cool with a Bald Eagle flying along while the bike was going past. The Bald eagle is an about the 3 minute mark, and the video is from the Merritt, BC area. These guys have some great videos have a look around and watch a couple. http://www.vridetv.com/blog.html?entry=motorcycle-riding-with-a-bald And here is the vid taken from just south of home, Regina, SK at the old Corner Gas TV Set. http://www.vridetv.com/hdcornergas.html -----if you guys watch this you will understand why i travel into the mountains or States to go for a ride
  14. I was at a long on ramp entering the freeway. A friend was directly behind me and the road ahead was clear. So I just couldn't resist and I got on it. I heard his pipes open up so I new he was on it to. When we talked later He said he was going to blow by me but it turned out he was loosing ground instead. Thing is I didn't have the throttle cranked all the way. One or two of my horses were still in the stable in reserve. His bike is an 09 Ultra Classic. He spent a considerable amount of money for a 103 stage 2 kit plus a new ignition computer, Screamin' Eagle mufflers and extra dyno time. In his defense though I have put a lot of extra chrome on my RSV. And everybody knows chrome makes them faster I just didn't realize how much until now. Mike
  15. Mar 27, 2010 ride to La Connor WA for eagle viewing, seafood and tulips.
  16. My riding buddy has a 2008 Screaming Eagle Ultra Classic, therefore it has the 110 ci engine. He is trying some different mufflers, so offered me his Rineharts, to see if I would like the sound in my RSV. When I went to put them on, I found out that they are made for a 2" pipe, and the RSV has a 1 3/4" pipe. Anybody know of a solution to this? thx
  17. Does anyone have an idea how a set of R/K Screaming Eagle pipes would sound on an '09 RSV? Thanks....... Art
  18. Don, As much as I like your avitar Eagle, Just couldn't bring myself to use it. Just seems to belong with you. Found this one, and with it being white--which goes with my black and white bobber, I used this one. Seems to kind of finish it off---least till I change it again. Steve
  19. I've recently found out that Eagle Nest, NM has a 4th of July parade. I've also heard that it's usually attended by about 5000 spectaturs, which I find is very remarkable given the small size of the town. Anyhow, to "toot my own horn" so to speak, I've signed up to play in a band for the parade. A former band director from Amarillo, TX now spends 3/4's of the year in Eagle Nest. He had the brainstorm of an idea to form a band for the parade. I just happened to find out about it when looking up some old friends on Facebook. Anyhow, if any of you guys and gals just happen to be attending this parade this year, keep an eye out for an exceedingly tall tuba player riding on a 20' trailer with a bunch of other former band geeks.
  20. man, did I get a bad case of the Coon Eyes today..... I got to ride today and got paid millage and time to do it... had ( got ) to ride right at 250miles today, had to pick up a bid proposal and drop it off, dummy me had the Bull Frog sunscreen in the saddle bag...but did I use it???? Nnnnnnnnoooooooooo!!! and man do I hurt now!! ya`ll use your Sun Screen!! The only other bummer of the day was that I lost my Eagle from the top of my flag pole.... I don`t know why my flag didn`t fly off, but it didn`t... now to find a new Eagle.... K
  21. :thumbsup:This is awesome........ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOZF4vTAF2M&NR=1]YouTube - Bald Eagle Music Video "This Is America" (AEF)[/ame]
  22. At the first Int'l Rally in Ft. Collins, Dave (think is who it was) had a gorgeous 1st gen with an etched windshield of an eagle. Does anyone have a good picture of that windshield that you could e-mail to me (victortibbs@comcast.net) - thinking about doing something like that. Thanks.
  23. 1BigDog

    New bike

    After much thought and consideration I have decided to go out and buy a new Harley. Jean fell in love with a neighbors 08 Ultra and the dealer here has a super price on an 08 Screaming Eagle Ultra. And Zeus looks good in a black and orange bandana. Pics to follow. Dealer even offered me 8k on my RSV. Cant beat that with a stick. :thumbsup2:
  24. Hey folks. I'm looking for a good set of armrests for my '05 RSV. My wife and I spotted some of those chrome eagle armrests made by Diamond R Accessories in some of the photos posted on this site and she loves them. The only problem is I contacted the componay and he said he no longer made that armrest. So I'm hoping someone out there has a set of them they've taken off and would like to sell. If you do, PLEASE email me at roy.powell1@us.army.mil and let's work something out. Thanks
  25. HI all I know this question came up several times but I couldn't find the answer. I have a newer set of screaming eagle pipes and I installed them but Too Quite. Whats the best way to get MORE sound? The pipes have baffles in them but they are welded in. Any ideas ? I could get some pics up that could help. Thanks for your time ! Jon
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