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Found 14 results

  1. I have just recieved the Dyna 3000 ign mod, kit # D3K7-3 from ATV Galaxy. My question is, has anyone else installed this module and if so are there any particular settings for the 8 pins on the back. I see the ones for the rev limiter ( it recomends 5000rpm) but do I need to touch the advance and retard pins. Any instruction/advice would be appreciated. Thanks Ian
  2. Howdy folks. I am in the process of trying to identify an intermittent problem with my bike. unfortunately I think this may end up including needing to replace the ignition module. I have found some form Pinwall (and another member has offered me one that he purchased used) and I am aware of the Dyna 3000 as a replacement. I don't really have any interest in doing the Dyna replacement and my preference would be for a unit that has a reasonably well known history (ie out of someone's bike that got upgraded to a Dyna unit or something like that). So my question is does anyone have a spare module out of their RSV that they took out for the purpose of replacing the current one with a dyna or whatever? If so, would you be willing to part with it, for how much, etc etc. Thanks a lot!
  3. I put a Dyna 3000 in my bike just after Christmas. As soon as I did the tachometer went ballistic and started reading very high numbers. More than twice the actual rpm. Like 6900 rpm and erratic at 35mph in third. I don't think so. The bike idled rough and there was popping in the exhaust. Overall the bike just ran poorly. My tach is a simple unit with just a one lead pick up that wraps around a spark plug wire. Not much to go wrong. So my guess is the new Dyna ignition module was causing my ignition to misfire and multi fire. I revisited the settings on the Dyna and made sure the switches were set for 7200 rpm and advance curve 3. They were. I double checked the connectors. They were ok. But the problems persisted. So figuring I just got a bad unit I reinstalled the stock ignition module. Instantly cleared up the problems. The bike went back to her normal good running and the tachometer settled down to the correct reading. I called Dynatek and got a return authorization number. I sent the unit back with a note describing the problems and my phone number. Which they requested. After not hearing anything for a couple of weeks the unit showed up on my doorstep. Pretty good service so far. Opening the package their repair slip simply said "returning tested good". What does that mean? They didn't find a problem, didn't look for a problem, or it was ok after repairs. Well we finally got a couple days of decent weather. So I reinstalled the Dyna. I was hopeful because I am looking foreword to raising the rpm limit. But no go. The tach went ballistic again and there was popping in the exhaust. Since I don't want to burn holes in pistons I just took it back off and reinstalled my stock unit again. That answered the question about what they did to it. Nothing. I am sitting here getting ready to call Dynatek again. Any suggestions? Oh yea, I did a short video of the module install including the tach readings. Mike
  4. OK, just for a minute let's all pretend we are in the camp that thinks Dyna Beads work. Wait for it...are we there yet? Good, Here goes. Being a cheap bas$#&d, I was just wondering. If Dyna Beads work to ballance your tires, why wouldn't BBs work just as well at 1/10 the cost? Easier to recover and reuse in your next tire change too. Of course they would have to be installed at the time of the change. Just wondering. Opinions?
  5. Has anyone tried these Dyna Beads to balance their tires ? Looks interesting ! http://www.innovativebalancing.com/motorcycle.htm Keith
  6. I would like to try the Dyna Beads, however I would also like to use Ride On. I'm thinking that the two do not work well together. I've read Ride On also balances the tire also. I search on Ride On but no hits. So does anyone have an opinion on Ride On?
  7. I know lots of members here seem to like the Dyna Beads for tire balance. In general, I am not a fan of adding ANYTHING to my tires except air, but I have never joined that discussion since I didn't have any real information or first hand experience with the product. Well, now I have some info that I thought I would share in the hopes of maybe helping a few members here not waste their money. I am a huge believer in Motorcycle Consumer News - I won't go into all the reasons why at this time, but I have great faith in their testing and opinions. The following comes from their answer to a letter asking about Dyna Beads in the February 2010 issue: " MCN evaluated the Dyna Beads on a reader's suggestion back in October of 2006. Although the tiny white ceramic beads have apparently found favor with long-haul truckers, we tested them in a Honda 599. Using a shop's spin balancer, we checked the bike's rear wheel, which had 1.6 oz. of balance weights in place. The balancer agreed with the amount and location of the weights. After installing the specified two ounces of beads in the rear tire and then removing the rim weights, the balancer found an out of balance condition. This test was repeated five times and the balancer continued to call for the replacement of the 1.6 oz. of rim weights in the same location. Over-the-road testing was next. Without the rim weights, the rear wheel produced noticeable vibration and the installation of the beads gave a barely perceptible improvement. Also, the weight of the beads added so close to the tire tread gave a noticeable increase in gyro stability, making the steering heavier. We also tried them on a car and were disappointed. Bottom line: Save your money for a proper spin balance." Goose
  8. Hi: Has anyone ever asked (or told) their dealer about installing the dyna 3000 and whether or not there were any warranty issues with this? Normally,.. I may just go ahead and install something like this but I have had some warranty issues recently and received some comments from Yamaha that led me to believe something like this may void the warranty.
  9. I had one of these on my old '96 Royal Star and was very pleased with the performance. Now, I'm thinking about putting one on my '07 venture. Baron's in having a holiday sale right now for their retail, E-Mail customers - 25% off their in-stock items. Their regular price is $289 for their Dyna units, so that would be a pretty good price. Plus, I like dealing with them. They are a good vendor! But, times are tight and I gotta watch those Christmas funds, so I'm looking for the best price I can find. Does anyone have any suggestions for a better price? I need the model D3K7-5. Thanks guys & Merry Christmas! Pete.
  10. Just curious if anyone on the site has done a before and after dyno run on their second generation Venture or Royal Star after adding some or all of the following items to improve the performance : 1. Aftermarket slip ons. 2. K&N or other less restrictive air filter. 3. Dyna 3000 or other ignition mod. 4. Jet Kit. I am sure that many people on the site have done some or all of the above and if you didn't confirm the results with a dyno run what did the seat of the pants feel indicate after the mods.
  11. I posted this last night but accidentally posted it in the read only tech library, sorry about that. I mentioned a while back that my gas mileage has gone way south. This started over a year ago, long before installing the VMAX rear end. I recently changed the plugs, removed the K&N filters and tried stock again and neither of those things have helped. Today I will remove the Dyna 3000 and re-install the stock ignition module. Now the Dyna did not originally cause the problem but I'm just trying to rule out that something might have gone bad with it. Bike runs good, idles smooth, has great power. This is really baffling me. There is no fuel overflowing that would indicate a stuck or high float. So...I'm still looking.
  12. :confused24:I was just wondering if those who have a dyna 3000 on their rsv have used the number 4 or 5 advance setting? I just installed it this weekend on the third setting and didn't want to take it all apart again to get to the dip switches if I didn't need to. I am currently running K&N filterrs with drilled out exhaust with 125 mains and 17.5 pilots. Or is setting 4 or 5 too much advance?
  13. I've seen a couple of posts lately where 2nd gen owners have reported ignition coil failures. I think that both of those bikes were under warranty so you bet I would let Yamaha replace them. For those who are out of warranty though, there is an alternative. Dyna, same people who make the Dyna 2000..now 3000...ignition module also sell coils. If and when I ever need to replace my coils or wires, I will try the Dyna units. I know that Dyna makes quality products and I like the fact that the wires are not molded into the coils so you can change the wires when you need to. I'll never understand why Yamaha molded the wires into the coils on these bikes. Makes no sense at all to me.
  14. I ordered one and should be getting it this coming week. Any tips for installing and setting it up? What settings (redline and advance curve number) do you guys that have one use? I have stock pipes/jetting with K&N filters will I have any jetting issues after adding the Dyna ignition or not and if I add khrome werks or bub slip ons a little later on will I then have to re-jet or is it still ok stock (not that I'm adverse to that, I'd just like to know how much I'll end up spending )?
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