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  1. Anyone try this yet? http://www.shoplet.com/RealTree-RT17MLAF-AntiFog-Cleaning-Kit-17mL/KLCRT17MLAF/spdv?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=KLCRT17MLAF&ci_gpa={adtype}&ci_kw={keyword}&gclid=CK6mhaGliMMCFQwaaQodvAoA_Q&rtop=1 I picked up some at Walmart for $6 something for the inside of my full face visor. It also says it repels water and dust?
  2. I know this is probably a stupid question, but does anybody need (or want) a stock CD changer? I really have no use for the thing. Don't necessarily care if I get money for it, wouldn't bother me if somebody just wanted to swap me something cool for it. Let me know, I'm afraid the shipping will get more expensive because of the weight of all the dust it's collecting.
  3. Next weekend I'm puttin the bike away for her long winter's nap. It's going to be staying in a pole bar at my Uncle's place. I figure it would probably be a good idea to invest in a cover to keep dust off of it. I've got the 1300 RSTD, not sure if that's going to require a "Large" bike cover or an "XL" bike cover. Suggestions? Thanks
  4. I'm thinking about the BikeMaster seals. My dad used em in Lady Blue before me and before they started to leak, they did okay. Anyone with experience on em? Dust seals, oem as well? and to top it off... Covers. I love the fact my forks look good uncovered, but a little bit of protection couldn't hurt... If oem, can't someone point the seals out for me in the parts fisch -.-' every time I look at it, my head hurts.
  5. Pulled the rear wheel to change the tire and considered pulling the gear mounted on the wheel. Got the dust seal off and just about pulled the snap ring....re-read the tech article and realized it was about noisy rear...which mine isn't...so ended up not pulling and greasing it. Anyhow....new E3 mounted and on, pipes on...just finishing my last electrical connection in the fairing and the bike is ready for the weekend....but, See the dust seal still sitting on my tool box How important is it for pavement riding (no gravel)? Can I get by the weekend? a month? Take the damn tire off in this 200 degree garage and put it back on? Thanks for any input
  6. It was a pain in the rump, the old seat as my son said " It smells like its got 28 years worth of fart dust in it" when we tore the old torn one off. Progress , continuing progress. 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  7. I have a 2007 Venture Royale that the tape player dust cover will not lock close. Since the bike is still under warranty I spoke to the dealer about having it repaired and was advised the hole assembly mounted in the dash had to come out and be sent to Clarion. I'm not about to have my bike tied up for potentially months over this. Anyone else have this problem or a solution?
  8. Ok, I pulled the forks. I have not pulled them apart yet. waiting on new seals and spring kit. I did notice some very faint, very had to see scratches just above the dust cover.is this normal? Can they be polished out? Or just leave well enough alone?
  9. Now just what is it? Well I spent some time to make a spice rack for my wonderful wife,,, she wanted it for a long time,, but it involved cutting wood and that is not my specialty,,, but I done IT. Now of course the shop is all dusty and my Scamper is sitting there all covered in dust,,, not really all that bad, but bad enough to need a cleaning,,,,, sooooooo what better way to clean the dust off than go for a ride,,, SO I DONE IT. Didn't work so good, so maybe I have to try IT again, and ride a little longer and faster.
  10. I'm kinda bummed. The biggest thing is that my gas tank started a slight rust last year when I did my 83/86 Frankenbike. I've been dealing with it all season. The rust dust in the fuel will accumulate in my carb bowls until there's enough to foul my carbs and they start running like crap. I'm sick of blowing & draining my carbs regularly. After I clean them out, my Venture runs like a raped ape! I did put a couple of filters in line just before the carbs, and that lasted quite a while. Ultimately I'm sure I'll need to pull the gas tank (UUuugh!!) and clean it out/coat it. I bought a fuel filter that will filter down to 10 microns and I'll probably be installing that today so I can ride for another month or two despite the cold temps. I did some research on the web, and I think the rust dust varies between 5 and 200 microns. We'll see how that goes. My Vboost is totally awesome! The weather is all gray. It's supposed to snow this weekend. Down at the local Honda Powerhouse, there is a '98 Valkerie with 50K miles for 5 grand. I wish I had the money...I've always loved the Valkeries... Doug
  11. I am rebuilding a '92 Venture that needs a bit of work and one of the things I need is new set of dust seals (rubber boots) that sit on the top of the lower front fork tube. I went to the dealer and asked him to order me a set. I almost hit the floor when he told me the item was just over $100. The near heart attack came when he told me that was for just one. The part number is 3JJ-23191-00-00. The old ones on the bike are a small rubber boot that is about 2 inches tall with no clamps or fittings of any kind . However, the microfiche shows a large boot that resembles more the gaiters that were on the early British bikes. This didn't seem to make sense so I checked out the Yamaha web site and found that for 1986-89 there is a different picture and what appears to be the correct dust seal with part number 26H-23144-00-00 at $15.76 a piece. Now I am wondering if the information on the Yamaha site is correct. Did the 90-93 Ventures have a different boot? I do want to get the right part as the local dealer is unforgiving once the part is ordered. Thank you!
  12. While riding some twisties today I went into a right hand turn when I noticed a groundhog in the ditch ahead of me. Watching him I almost ended up in ditch with him!! I know better than that!!! Look where you want to go. Not in the ditch!!! Stupid trick!!! Kicked up a little dust. Hope a rock hit that sucker in the head!! I think he was waving at me!!
  13. Ive always been fascinated by these flyers that can fly 5 feet off the ground spraying crops. These guys fly under power lines and in nasty weather and take their lives in their hands. There is a new series that was shot here in Saskatchewan about the cropdusters called Dust UP and I find it pretty interesting. I thought some of you guys might like to see it too, the episodes of Dust UP are here on the History Channels Website. I hope they dont have the website blocked to people outside Canada, it seems to be happening more and more with webcasts. http://www.history.ca/video/default.aspx Enjoy!!!
  14. The (1st gen) exhaust clamps that go on the 6 collector ports (4 in, 2 out)? 5 out of my 6 survived, but one was pretty well toast. Part #s 25, 26, 37, 44 in the following diagram: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1993/XVZ1300DE%20-%20VENTURE%20ROYALE/EXHAUST/parts.html I can probably make any one of them work. Just need one if ya got a spare collecting dust. Lemme know? Thanks!
  15. I am going in on tuesday morning to have a Cataract removed from my rt. eye. they will be replaceing the lens so I will not need glasses any more the Doc said to stay away from dust and away from painting for at least a week. Making these grills is nothing but dust. Looking forward to seeing right again. The left eye had a small vien brake last weekend so that eye is blurry to. Trying to type or read is just a ton of fun right now. LOL
  16. Anybody have any ideas on how to cut down the dust in a pole barn? I and my wife have been spending every weekend cleaning out her Dad's pole barn since the snow cleared enough to get into it. It was used to store hay up until 20 years or so ago. I got all the old hay out and now the dirt has a layer of real fine dirt on top that is more like dust. This is where we are having our post wedding reception and we are trying to think of a good way to cut down the dust on the floor so it doesn't get kicked up so easily when all the people start showing up. I was thinking that a good wetting down would help the finer particles clump together a bit and not get kicked up so easily. I also thought maybe some sawdust might help. Especially where the dance floor is gonna be. Others have mentioned a load of gravel. But I'm thinking that fresh laid gravel is hard to walk on until it is good and settled. The party is in three weeks. Anybody have any other ideas? Thanks, Bill
  17. In early 1940, Kate Smith, a fiercely patriotic American, and the biggest star on radio, was deeply worried about her country. She asked Irving Berlin if he could give her a song that would reignite the spirit of American patriotism and faith. He said he had a song that he had written in 1917, but never used it. He said she could have it. She sat at the piano & played it and realized how good it was. She called Mr. Berlin and told him that she couldn't take this from him for nothing. So, they agreed that any money that would be made off the song would be donated to the Boy Scouts of America. Thanks to Kate Smith and Irving Berlin, the Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties. This clip is from the movie "You're in the Army Now". You will see a familiar face in this—one that we are all very proud of. Frank Sinatra said that when Kate Smith, whom he considered the greatest singer of his age, first sang this song on the radio, a million guys got 'dust' in their eyes and had to wipe the tears the 'dust' caused. If you can watch and listen without 'dust' getting in your eyes, you have no soul. Sit back and enjoy a Real Star.You may have to copy and past the URL to get it to work. If it does not, let me know, and I will just forward. It is too good to miss. [nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnQDW-NMaRs]http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=TnQDW-NMaRs[/COLO"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
  18. Hi guys, after a long day's ride I got home and started to dust off the bike (a lot of dust kicking up around here from the high winds...) And I discovered one of my Firesticks antennas was almost all coming loose from it's mount. I guess it would have take another 2 turns or less for it to come completely off.. (right side, CB?) Now I reaaaaally don't want to put much of a wrench on it to tighten it up more because I already killed a Firestick last year when I applied too much ape to the torque and killed it.. Would putting blue loktite in there cause any interference? Ugh I can just imagine one of these flying off the bike and nailing the rider behind me.. ouch.. Thoughts, ideas? I had originally thought to getting large enough black heat shrink and holding them with that.. the idea was to hide all the chrome back there..
  19. Planning to replace the fork seals in my 84 and not sure what parts to order. I will need the oil seal 26H-23145-00-00 and the dust seal 26H-23144-00-00, Is there any other parts to consider replacing? Thanks
  20. You may have seen some TV coverage a couple of weeks ago of a massive dust storm that swept across Australia and turned Sydney a deep red colour. This is a shot a mate sent me of the storm front as it passed through Broken Hill. Broken Hill is in the very west of my State and close to the 'epicentre' of the storm where it originated in central South Australia. The last I heard the dust was settling on the north island of New Zealand.
  21. If you have made your RSTD a solo bike and don't need your back rest anymore........well I do! Does anyone have one collecting dust they want to sell? Studded would be great! PM me if you do. Thanks
  22. Hello all: I am looking for a windshield for my 2001 RSV. I would prefer one that is near stock height (+ /- an inch or 2 is okay) that is in reasonable condition. A vent would be a plus, but at this point I am not really going to be extraordinarily picky. I am, of course, willing to pay a fair price for what you've got (although I wouldn't argue with a donation either ) So if you have changed windshields and have an extra one collecting dust - please let me know. For those of you that have purchased a clearview shield and took off the plastic before you realized that you probably wanted something else, now is a good chance for you to get the shield that you've been wanting while letting your older one go to a good home! I was hoping to get a new vented clearview but I just cannot quite make that happen at the 200 bucks just yet (not to mention the 4-6 week wait time -- since I am looking to go on a trip in a few weeks) so I was hoping that someone may have something in reasonable shape that they would be willing to part with. Let me know if you have something laying around or whatever. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you in advance!! Rick M.
  23. What KInd of fork seals and dust caps does everybody use for replacements?
  24. After reading the post about snowing and money I was reminded of an incident way back in the 70's at Kennedy Airport. I used to pick up freight from various air cargo buildings at Kennedy. Two of my most frequent stops were shared in the same hangar. Air lift International and Al Italia Airways. Now, we were supposed to walk around the front of each hangar area to access one from the other but there was a doorway in a small vestibule that was covered in a thick layer of dust and the door was propped open with this dust covered brick. We poor slobs who made $2.00 an hour driving the "big rigs" back then, passed thru this doorway for years. One day the area was closed off, the dust all cleaned up and the door closed. We had to follow the rules and go around to the front from now on. What prompted this change was someone decided to clean up the area and seal off the door. Well, remember that brick? It turned out to be a full sized gold bar, which was lost from a shipment several years before. One of the dock people had to pass through the door and used a gold bar to temporarily prop it open. Somehow the bar was forgotten about and there was an investigation about the theft of a gold bar from the shipment later on. Literally hundreds passed right by that "brick" over time. God, I wish I had that "brick" now....... Yep, true story......:bawling:
  25. Did anyone else get their 09 Star Calendar? I hate to say it, but I am not a fan of choppers so this calendar will go in the work shop when the dust will cover it up.
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