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Found 23 results

  1. I sure hope you guys enjoy answering My super simple questions! Got a new one. What side is the cb antenna supposed to be mounted on?
  2. that there really aren't people this dumb out there.....
  3. Just noticed I have a burned out driving light. I have a 07 midnight with factory driving lights. They say they a sealed beam. How would I go about fixing this? Sorry for the dumb ?
  4. I need to renew my membership. Where do I go to do that?
  5. whats the differance between the levaling links and the barron lowering link? sorry for the dumb question.http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/Barons_Rear_Lowering_Kit_Royal_Star_Venture_p/ba-7530-00.htm
  6. Will the rear wheel off a RSV fit on the front?
  7. Do you have to remove the tires from the bike to balance them?
  8. I bought a small 12volt compressor to carry on my '83 Venture on Ebay for $30 + $10 shipping without checking out pricing elsewhere first. A couple of days ago I saw the same compressor at Pep Boys for $12 + local sales tax (6+%). Boy, was that DUMB! Even though it was my own fault, I emailed the guy - didn't blame him, just said I was frustrated that I was dumb to overpay so much. He emailed me back & said he was sorry, he didn't know what they sell for & that he ended up with a box of them from the flea market - I don't think he's American based on his illiterate email. I emailed him back asking that he refund me $15 - I don't expect a positive response/any money back. Man, I'm gonna hafta do more homework! Doug
  9. Because I am a dumb dumb and cant find what I want after searching my heart out. What exactly is the new fangled code number for the rear tire RSV Elite 3! They spell it out in numbers for the front thank goodness but the rear .... Is it MU85B15?
  10. Hope this is the correct place to ask this. Thought I was computer literate, turns out I'm just a dumb a**. I posted to my Album and want to transfer to the Gallery. How? My Dad used to say the only dumb question is the one that is not asked. Hope you agree.
  11. I have a dumb question here. If it has been answered many times before, my apologies. I've spent a good amount of time searching and did not find a direct answer to my question. I've done wheel bearings on cars and trucks numerous times, but never on a bike. I don't really know a whole lot about them other than to take them out, spin them to check for flat spots, smooth rolling, etc. then grease the crap out of them and then put them back in. I am looking to replace the front bearings on my 01 RSV (I have ~40k miles on it. got the bike at ~28k. Full records of dealer recommended services within 50 miles of the recommended service point), found them on partshark.com for $10.97/piece. My questions are: 1) Is that a reasonable price, or would hitting an autoparts store for a generic replacement (if possible) be a better way to go. 2) Is it just a single wide 'bearing' or are there two (one for each side) -- (I know, probably a dumb question, but I figured it was better to ask then order the wrong number of them) -- DO'H, Found the answer to this on the next fiche I checked. 2, duh. 3) Do I need to grease them before I put them on? Can the old ones simply be re-greased and reinstalled? (I figured for 20 bucks for a set, I might as well just replace them even if they can be greased ) 4) Do I need new oil seals (I presume 2 of them; ie. one for each side)? 5) Any other parts that will need to get the job done? Like I said, I know, some dumb questions - but I much rather ask and then get it done right the first time than what the other options could lead to. Thanks a lot folks! Oh yea, for what it is worth, most of my riding is in what would typically be considered 'extremely dusty conditions'. Thank you very much west Texas... EDIT: I vaguely recall some folks either ordering bearings (possibly OEM from a dealer) and getting the wrong ones. Was that an issue with the dealer goofing up, or is it an incorrect part number on the fiche? -- This is also why I wanted to ask this question...
  12. OK...so I got my Motorcycle Larry Ram Mount Resevoir Cover today. I put it on the LEFT side and liked the way it sat above the Audio Controller, but it also exposed 1/3 of the back of the GPS (which is where the external speaker is located), so I decided to move it to the right. The left cover came off very easily and I noticed a plastic cover that I assume prevents spillage...so anyway, I decide to move it to the RIGHT side to see if it fits better and when I take the screws out...you guessed it...the white plastic cover came off and CLUTCH FLUID spilled out of the reservoir onto the garage floor. LUCKILY I had the steering column straight instead of cocked and the fluid fell straight to the floor. I assume if any gets on paint it will strip it correct? Again, although DUMB...I was lucky that none got on anything except a drop or two on the VERY bottom of the chrome kickstand (wiped off with wet cloth and then dried). What I need to know is...since I have never messed with the brakes on ANY bike I have ever owned...what kind of CLUTCH FLUID do I use (do I need to go to the Yamaha place)...and HOW MUCH do I put in... Thanks for helping the DUMBA$$ out. Wally
  13. Any one have white walls on they're RSV? I'm thinking of putting some on mine but I can't find any pictures of RSV's with them on.. I don't want it to look dumb.. I have a red 2000 RSV. Lets see your white walls...
  14. Taking a risk of this being a dumb question, but here goes. I am looking for a hard (not leather) travel trunk that will fit my 2005 RSTD. I have searched several threads and most of it relates to the venture. Will a Venture travel Trunk fit a RSTD? I have seen several places on the internet that sell travel trunks but nothing that is specific to my ride. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am not worried about the color because one of the guys I work with paints cars as a sideline, painting the trunk to match my colors would be easy for him to do.
  15. How can I tell if my dues are showing paid? I know....probably a dumb question but I meet the specs.....LOL Jerry K:Venture:
  16. I got one of those jacks everyone uses (like a harbour freight one or a Can Tire one)... my "dumb" question is... what are or is the process of going about getting the bike jacked up. Mine has the foot pedal. What do you do... position it under the bike, sit on the bike, and start pumping it with your foot or what? ... and how do you line it up properly ... I don't have an adapter so was thinking about using hockey pucks (like I've seen suggested somewhere in here).
  17. Now I am not as dumb as a few minutes ago.
  18. What is a good way to check engine cyl compression? I realize it sounds dumb but there has to be more than one way
  19. Ok...here goes....dumb new owner question.....do the turn signals on the RSTD turn off automatically? It seems to me that sometimes they do, and sometimes they do not.....I could not find anything in the manual about it....is this a feature I have, but did not know about?
  20. I am doing tranny repair as you have done.I have copied all the foroms that you,fixit3546 and freebird have wrote......My dumb question is the crankcase? Is there a gasket their or do i need to you'se gasket sealer?????I have done the gears and ready to put back together. By the way the foroms had great info!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Denny
  21. Hello Everyone, This is going to be a dumb ?. I just rec`d my K&N Filters and chrome covers. Do the lowers have to come off? Also what holds the chrome piece on? The black cover does not go back on. Told you this was dumb. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance :confused24::confused24::confused24:
  22. Talked the dealer into giving me a short windshield when I bought the RSV 06 since the one on there was a bit scratched up. They didn't have it so they left the tall one on and gave me the shorty when it came in. Never got the shorty out of the box. After some riding, and reading in forums, the part that can make the most noise (read significant other here) has said that she does not want the shorty on. Since I do not like unnecessary noises coming from the back I have decided to agree with her. (see not quite as dumb as I look after all). Any way here is the deal. If someone has a full height windshield in great shape (i.e. like new) and wants a shorty still in the box I will work a swap with them. Just PM me. The windshield I have is as follows PART#: STR-4XY02-50-00 DESC: WIDE,WINDSHIELD/LOW
  23. how do i know the difference between an '87 venture and a venture royale?
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