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Found 14 results

  1. Hello All, Got my96 RS on the road and need to replace the original seat, not comfortable at all. I have been looking at Mustang and Corbin Dual Touring seats and would like some feedback.All will be appreciated.
  2. Ok Guys, I know the plans or dimensions for this horn bracket are our here somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it. I've built several and even have one one the left side of my bike for Dual Stebels. And I thought I had made patterns, but I can't find them either. So can anyone point me to the post that first showed this bracket? Thanks, Rick
  3. Hey guys has any of you had any experience with a KLR650 dual purpose bike? Pros? Cons?
  4. After several hours riding, I find that my butt gets numb and tends to feel sore afterwards for a while. I modified the seat to relieve pressure on the tailbone and that worked fine but still get the "numb butt". So, I happened upon a "like new" Corbin dual touring seat for like 1/2 of the new price .... hopefully that will make a difference but if not, I figgure I could re-sell if for what I paid no problem. [ATTACH]56801[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56802[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]56803[/ATTACH]
  5. Friend of mine has a 1000cc Kaw-wa-ski police special and would like to put a dual seat on it. Does anybody know of a dual seat that will fit it?
  6. To those who have had both the corbin dual tourer seat and the Yamaha pillow top seats....how they compare? I realize seat choice is all kind of/sort of a personal preference.....just wondering how many pillow top users have switched to the corbin and really prefer it that way? gunk:smile5:
  7. A while back, some one posed a question concerning air horns. The OP asked the opinions of those who had installed two or more of the Stebel type air horns. This person wanted to know if the dual horn configuration was a more noticable improvement over using a single horn. Well, while not using the Stebel brand horns, I did in fact use the "Bad Boy" type that Harbor Freight sells. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/94100-94199/94117.gif I installed two of them, one on each side, and had the wiring finished up by last Thursday night. I had my opportunity to give the dual set-up a run for the money today when I rode in our local Veteran's Day Parade. I rode with our local Gold Wing group (don't worry, I was riding my 1st gen VR) and there were about 15 bikes in our group. There were approximately 4 of us (that I could hear) that had air horns on our bikes, and mine were by far the loudest. I'm very happy with the dual set-up. In using just a single horn, I noticed that it clearly sounded as if the horn was only monted on one side of the bike, which it was. But when I added the second horn to the other side, it was a difference like night and day. True stereophonic sound! Response was instantanious. There was no hesitation, I had sound the very instant my thumb hit the button. So, are two horns better than one? You bet!
  8. I grew up with the enduro class of motorcycle. Those were great for riding country back roads,and trails during my early teen years. I put a lot of miles on a kz-250 when I was teen.Today kids are into the ATV thing and you never see a dual purpose bike around here. My youngest just turned 12 but he is a big boy and looks more like 14 in size. I would like to get him started into motorcycling soon to get the off road experience and skills early. So what should I look for in a scoot? If I opt for a dual purpose licensed capable scoot then Ramona could ride it around the camp and short highway trips. That Big 16th Birthday will be here soon and I noticed a few spare 1st gens in the shed out there.
  9. Greetings all, My soon to be 16 year old son has gottin bit by the bike bug. He wants to save for a dual purpose bike. Didn't we call them enduros back when? Any way, I thought I would seek the advice of the brain trust here and ask what is a good model for a starter bike? I like his thinking that he could learn in the pasture before hitting the streets. Thanks Dave
  10. Do anyone know where I can find dual exhaust tips for 89 vr
  11. I have the rear wheel off to install a Car tire on it and I thought I would grease the Hub pins while its off. However... I can't get them out. They won't budge even a little. I've tried the dual Pry bar... Tried WD40 and a hammer... Is there a trick I don't know? I soaked it down with WD40 before calling it a night. Hopefully tomorrow it will come loose.
  12. Anyone using or used one of these helmets from Leather up http://www.leatherup.com/p/Motorcycle-Modular-Helmets/Advanced-Hawk-Gloss-Black-Dual-Visor-Full-Face-Motorcycle-Helmet/54913.html My wife likes the idea of the dual visor, but wanted to see if anyone has any thing to say about them. Thanks, Jay
  13. Can't really think of a place for this, but I've got a 86VR, a 05 RSTD and a 80 xs650 bobber, (work in progress) So, I'm thinking that I really don't need two BIG bikes, so I might just as well get a 650 dual purpose bike. It seems like a nice combination to me: 05 RSTD (go anywhere bike) xs 650 Bobber (fun little hot rod) and a dual purpose bike, (maybe go to work, the woods, just blast around) Of course this means the 86 VR has got to go. One last thing, money is an object. What do you all think? Steve
  14. I've been looking for a small bike I can ride 1-12 miles to work & not have to worry about lack of shade, rain, sun-baked seals & seat, etc. Saw this new 250cc street legal, dual front disc brakes, full body, dual headlights, warranty, choice of colors, etc., for $1400. & FREE DELIVERY. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BRANDNEW-2007-200cc-SPORTBIKE-FREE-SHIP-MORE-DISCOUNT_W0QQitemZ220214605360QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220214605360 Cheaper if you pick it up.
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