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  1. JUST SEEN ON THE YAMAHA WEBSITE, THE NEW 2012'S WILL BE POSTED ON 9/14 AT 12:00 am. AND THE DRUM ROLL PLEASE...................................
  2. camos


    I finally bought a dremel kit, mainly to fix a few broken tabs on the fairing but I'm sure it will be very useful for other things too. What's up with the drum sander bit? There is a rubberish drum on an armature and some sanding tubes that apparently slide on the drum. There is nothing I can see that will hold the tubes in place and even light pressure makes them slide up or down. Obvious or not, what am I missing?
  3. For those few of you that have expressed any interest in the 2nd gen transmission being a viable option in a 1st gen engine, here is a great update. I received the forks and drum today and after doing some measurements on the location of the shifting slot that controls the slider for 1st and 3rd gear, it appears that Yamaha has shifted that slot approximately .080 toward the center of the engine. As noted in the earlier post, that slider was off using the 1st gen drum to the point that the dogs on 1st gear were touching the mating gear slightly and the dogs on the other side of the slider were just barely going into 3rd gear when that gear was engaged. It does appear that the forks themselves are identical. The other change is the tabs that were bent over the end of the pins, the ones that tend to open up and allow the pins to fall out, are no longer there and now it is a machined casting. This is another big improvement in this transmission. After replacing the forks and drum, I set the gearsets in place and it appears everything aligns perfectly and all sliders engage exactly as they should and have the proper clearances when not engaged. All the gears changed perfectly as I went thru the shift pattern. Now, I will gather up all the necessary seals and gaskets to start assembling this thing. I will add some pictures and the last one will be the 2nd gen gearset in place in a 1st gen engine with everything aligning as it should. RandyA
  4. Looking for some info re drum brakes.....1.do I need to go to an auto brake master or will a 90VR rear brake master do the job? I have de-linked the fronts from the rear. 2.what type of tires would you recommend for rear wheels? Thanks :canada:
  5. New member joining. Love the sight, lots of good info. Have 2nd gear going out in my 84 VR. Was wondering if i put an 86 or newer trans in it if it would work without any mods? Also would i need to change out shift drum and forks? Love the bike, would like to fix it. Any members out there that has a trans that they would like to sell me would be great? E-mail me at arwest_11@hotmail.com Thanks for any help you can provide.
  6. Watch this little guy rock with Joan Jett and The Blackhearts! Not sure how you get so good so young. Watch his foot on the "bass drum". Towards the end of the song, he spots his parents in the audience. The look on his face is priceless. And only 4 years old!! He certainly has rhythm. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJG9Tol1a0U]YouTube - Facebook Inbox - 明版的Howard drum show!!! [HQ].mp4[/ame]
  7. Couple of ??? Have you raked your front forks? if so why? Do you have drum brakes? if so did you delink your front/back brake? if not, & you have drum brakes is the original rear master cylinder adequate in applying the rear brakes? :canada:Yes! I have aquired another 1st gen.........a trashed 84 with what I think is a salvagable custom built bolt up TRIKE kit. Once I tear into it & its a go the 90VR will be triked. :canada:
  8. Guest

    little yellow drum machine!

    it's raining today so can't get much done.. except waste my time on youtube! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RyodnisVvU]YouTube - Yellow Drum Machine - The original main film[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCC0iKPSmYE&feature=related]YouTube - Yellow Drum Machine II - Stroll II roll -[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhoVZlkUS74&feature=related]YouTube - Yellow Drum Machine II - It's good to be two -[/ame] these things are so cute!
  9. Been hanging around here and other forums trying to decide - - Wing, HD, Vision, BMW, the new Voyager or the Venture - drum roll please! http://lh6.ggpht.com/_xOOWRVc9-a4/SfJuswJI9SI/AAAAAAAAAsU/GZ9EVpoo6xw/s640/PatVenture1.jpg That's Mrs. Wanderer (Pat)
  10. Today I had to put one of the pins back in my shift drum again. This is the third time in as many weeks. This time the metal tab that bends over the pin broke off, So i welded the pin to the plate, ruined it for future repairs; but it works for now. (every shop needs a small mig welder). I think that when i miss third and land in second gear it is some how causing pressure enough on the shift drum to push the pin out, I don't understand this happening; but something is doing it and it is always after landing in second. it could be that it has something to do with the shift lever being out of adjustment ( heel to toe shifter) causing me to land in second. All this aside, it's time to do a second gear job and a shift drum repair. I have aquired a donor bike/motor so i will be pulling the tranny from it as soon as i finish anpther job i'm doing so it may be a week or so. I plan to make repairs along the line of the repair that randy has made to his. So Randy I'm looking for all the info you have. I am posting a picture of the tranny for reference, If i am understanding your previous posts. The location i will be working on is shaft #1 and gear set #5 which is the second gear pinion. Is #10 the washer you fliped over ? and tell me again about how you cut the dogs on the side of the gear. I think you said that you cleaned up the wear by flatening out the wear on the end of the post which caused a little slack in the gear set but wasen't enough to really notice. then you cut out .020 from the dog, my question here is how did you shape the dog. Is it a slope with the .020at the base, or is it more of a hook or notch shape?
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