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  1. My oldest daughter, biker name is Awahoo, who is a School Teacher now out near Sacramento CA hasnt always been a full grown woman.. A number of years ago (yesterday in my mind) her and I were on a bike trip out west.. We were riding a 1984 Blonde Royale who the kids named "Beeg" (Beeg's Blonde side covers can been seen on our current bike "Tweeks").. We had camped out in Badlands of South Dakota the night before, packed up and went looking for breakfast.. The west end of the Badlands pretty much emptys out into a place many of you have heard of, a place called Wall Drug.. We drifted into Wall Drug, found breakfast and got to goofing off in one of their many "Cowboy and Indian" tourist area.. I lost track of her for few minutes so, of course, I went looking for her.. I found Awahoo standing next to one of those Music Displays with a set of ear phone muffs on, standing there listening to a song with tears running down her cheeks.. I walked over to see why she was crying.. She handed me the ear phones and said "listen to this Dad,, they wrote this song about you".. Here is what she was listening to: When we left Wall Drug and headed toward the Black Hills a trail of water followed our bike and it wasnt coming from a leaking water pump!!
  2. I bought a new set of E3's from Jake Wilson a few weeks back and finally installed them. The difference is amazing. I didn't realize just how bad my bike was handling. When I bought the bike in February of 2010 it had 34,000 miles and I had no idea how many miles were on the tires but they were in great shape. I put 12,000 more miles on them before I decided it was time for a new set. Riding in Florida, most of the riding is flat so the center of the tire wears much faster. That makes turning gradually require more effort. It happens so slowly that until I had new tires I didn't even notice. I now understand why there is a "recommended" break in period to scuff the tires in and get used to how the handleing has changed. Up until now I had only drug the floorboards twice. Can you say "pucker factor" when you don't expect it. Now (after 200 miles) I have drug the boards several time without feeling like I was about to lay the bike down. The grip and control is exceptional with the new tires. Parking lot manuvers are also much easier. I'm only 5' 10" and always felt the size of the bike. Now the bike feels much smaller. I don't think I'll let this set get as worn as the last set before I replace them. I love the feel of new tires in the morning.
  3. Meth-from-urine lab busted in east Tennessee The Associated Press CLINTON, Tenn. (AP) — Law enforcement officers in east Tennessee say they have so far found three methamphetamine operations that extract the illegal drug from urine in Anderson County. Chief Deputy Mark Lucas said the department got a tip that led to a raid Thursday, resulting in drug charges against Rickie Jack Harber, 47. Deputies found meth-making components and 144 gallons of urine, stored in plastic bottles, Lucas said. The department reports the lab is the third, but largest such operation it has found, according to The Knoxville News-Sentinel. Harber was charged with promotion of methamphetamine manufacture and is held in lieu of $200,000 bond. Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force director Tommy Farmer said labs that use the urine of meth users to make the drug are a ‘‘very infrequent thing.’’ ‘‘We have had a couple’’ in southeast Tennessee, he said. Farmer said law enforcement officers in some communities have discovered bottles of urine without realizing it is used to make the addictive stimulant. Farmer said such labs are ‘‘pretty disgusting’’ but they show what meth addicts will resort to if they can’t otherwise get the drug that is usually made by cooking toxic chemicals and decongestant products that are now restricted. He said meth users when arrested are frequently quarantined so others in custody won’t drink their urine. ‘‘It goes to show that once you get hooked, it’s so addictive. It’s not going to stop at anything,’’ Farmer said. "nuff said bout that":thumbdown:
  4. On Feb 18th my wife suffered a massive stroke to the right side of her brain. Getting her to the Hospital and having her treated with TPA SAVED HER LIFE. Check with your local Hospital concerning their use and the time restriction for the use of this drug. Our Hospital has a 3 HOUR window only for this drug use....In other words if the stroke victim is NOT in the Hospital within 3 hours of the the stroke striking the drug will not be used. My wife spent 4 days in Intensive Care.....she is now in a Rehab Unit and is scheduled to come home on the 4th of March!!! The recovery process that this drug has provided for my wife is nothing short of amazing and fantastic........ ***Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) AHA/ASA Recommendation We strongly urge people to seek medical attention as soon as possible if they believe they're having a stroke or heart attack. The sooner tPA or other appropriate treatment is begun, the better the chances for recovery. Boomer........Grateful for modern medicine in the USA.
  5. OK....here's the thing. I've been smoke free now for 10 days. I decided to do this with no patches, gum, etc. Just cold turkey. The first day was really hard...the second day was really hard too. Then it seemed to started getting a bit easier. OR SO I THOUGHT! The past two days were absolutely BRUTAL. On Wednesday morning, I snuck a couple of cigarettes out of my wife's pack before leaving for work. Actually drove around for about 30 minutes with an unlit cigarette in my mouth and a lighter in my hand. I never lit it though. Ended up taking them home at the end of the day and put them back where I found them. Today it seemed to get a bit easier again. I keep hoping that I'm getting over the hump but only time will tell. I try to remind myself all the time that if I start back now, that means I've tortured myself for 10 days for nothing. I also try to remember all the money that I'm saving...believe it or not..that is about $350.00 per MONTH.....that's just crazy. I also try to remind myself that the doctor told me last week that the little stroke I had two weeks ago was just a gentle warning and I had BETTER quite smoking. It's amazing though how a little nicotine addiction can almost make all those arguments seem irrelevant. That's the other thing that I keep reminding myself of...that it is a drug addiction and I don't WANT to be a drug addict. So...I'm hanging in there. I know some of you are going through the same thing and just wanted to say....GOOD LUCK!!!! Let's be STRONG!!!
  6. Just added another Black Cherry ride to the garage. Worked awhile to get myself where I could afford something like this (for the unbelievers, the drug money is good!) Curt http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/012_135.jpg http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/august_calendar_3_283.jpg http://www.venturers.org/Forum/memberuploads/p3240006_190.jpg
  7. as an addendum, without blindsiding robertbob's post. how many of us live in a neighborhood, where "KNOWN DRUG dealers/cookers", flourish, and yet the police are seemingly "powerless" to do anything about the problem? i can sit on my front porch, and SEE at least three dealer's houses. everyone in town ,knows who is dealing, except the county sheriff's dept. sometimes , when the wind is right, i can smell the crap, at my house. anyone else have a similar situation? just jt
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