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Found 13 results

  1. Today when I fired up the bike it started acting funny it idles fine if i rev it the tach and engine will rise to about 2500 rpm just past 2500 the tachometer drops to 0 and it starts to hesitate. when I ride it it does the same thing it gets to 2500 the tach drops and it will still accel but isnt all there "here is where it gets wierd" if you hold throttle and keep accelerating once the engine gets to about 4500 rpm the tach comes back to life and holy sh*t you better be holding on, because its just runs like a champ till get back into that range. Has anyone ever had this issue before. I am almost certain it is an electric issue.
  2. Looks like our bikes here in Canada have finally been lowered to match US prices. The price of a Venture has dropped $3,900 Canadian. Yamaha has announced big price drops on its most popoular bikes. I guess it is good news if you have nothing to sell and are a new buyer??? http://www.cyclecanadaweb.com/articles/14098/
  3. Its been a week and the new len's is great. The replacement surgery went great and Its nice to be able to read with out glasses any more. Still have to use drops in the eye for 3 more weeks but well worth it. Started back on the Grills today.
  4. again. just had the same last week. This one looks even uglier than last week. The big radar map shows it stretching from New Orleans to Pittsburg. I raced the front edge of it home an hour ago and got hit with a few drops of rain and some wind gusts. Looks like all H is going to break out from the weather map. probably thats whats happening from Huntsville to Nashville right now. Got the bikes under the carport and a blanket thrown over the car.
  5. After only one week of owning my RSTD, I have now COMPLETELY ruined a perfectly good motorcycle by riding it in the RAIN!! Sure it was only a couple of little drops, but I know that holding out any hope for resale (esp. on craigslist) is now totally pointless.
  6. At the Asheville East KOA road today half way back to KOA tach drops to 0. Roll of throttle tach shows RPM's again, roll on throttle about 2000 drops to 0. Coasting down hill shows RPM's 3000 roll on throttle hard RPM's come back. Cleaned the connection on left side any thoughts what could be hope not the TCI, starts fine idles good. Your help as always appreciated.
  7. I have a question. I brought a 2000 venture mm and i was wondering if the speedometer is suppose to move like a speedometer in a car because mines sticks as I am accelerating and then when I let off the throttle it jumps to the speed I am going. The cruise control also wont stay engaged if the speed drops going up hill. I need to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and how they resolved it. Thanks for the help in advance.
  8. My wife and I got caught in the rain once on the interstate and we got wet before I could stop, but that didn't bother me as much as not being able to see. I have an '05 RSTD with a tall windshield, and I wear prescription glasses without a face shield. The combination of water drops on the WS and my glasses made it feel dangerous. We are planning a trip this coming week and it looks like we may run into some rain. Any of you have any pointers for me to improve visibility?
  9. I have a 1300 tha I purchased last month with 11,500 miles. As I have begun putting on miles and getting used to her an oil leak has developed. At first I did not see anything, but thought I smelled burnt oil. Then a couple drops of oil on the garage floor appeared, and now it's 4-5 drops. Today I got underneath and took a look around. The left side of the exhaust collector has oil on it. There is also oil on the lower portion of the driveshaft cover. There is no oil i could see above the driveshaft. So here is my question. What are the likely locations for oil leakage? Is there a sensor I cannot see? (fingers crossed) Or is it a seal for the output shaft?
  10. Hi there Guys: I've got a bud that has an 86 royal star and I'm not sure about this problem but think its his grounding for the bike volt meter rises or picks up to the normal running area when you put a slite pressure to the clutch handle. Let go of the clutch and the meter drops and at night you can see the head light dim down. He has checked most of the connections and cleaned with contact cleaner plus putting the elletrolite grease on connections.. I think it would be the ground from motor to frame. Does Anyone have any other ideas what this might be..
  11. Good afternoon all just singed up to today Have a question to ask i have a buddy who has an 85 vr and he has a problem we are trying to figure out when the tach drops below i think hesaid around 2500rpm i am not 100% on the rpm s but he drops a cylinder and loses the tack above 300 rpm everthing runs great crusies prefect until you start to drop speed or come to a stop thn the tach quites and he loses a cylinder then bring the rpms back and preston you have all four cylinders again. any suggestion's on what to look for.
  12. Hello, I have a 1989 venture, 87,000 miles. Bought it couple of months ago. Noticed when I apply brakes, the volt meter drops down almost to the yellow line. When I release, it comes back up past 12. It had trailer wiring on it which I removed thinking that was the problem. Gauge still drops down. Pulled the connector for the rear tail lights and turn signals and applied brakes and still drops down. Disconnected foot brake switch and applied front brake, with connector to rear lights still disconnected and needle still drops. Is it possible that the switches are bad and causing the drop in voltage when I apply the brakes? Thanks for the responses in advance. Ya'll have a good Holiday and a Happy New Year.
  13. Lately I've noticed that my 83 cuts out at 6500, like it has a rev limiter. When it does this, the tach drops to zero until you let off the gas. No load, or 1st gear the same symptom. I havent torn into checking the wires or the TCI or anything yet, it still runs and drives fine. Any quick ideas? I'm sure its electrical since the tach drops like that..... PS I didn't see many Ventures at Wildwood NJ.....
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