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  1. 1987 with 36k with sidecar was averaging 38-40 all of a sudden dropped to 21, 26.2, 31.7, 28.6 , 29 no long idling no excessive speed rig coasts fine no brake drag i thought if there is a return line do to fuel pump maybe it broke or was leaking but there is no gas smell or residue. is there a return line line and any suggestions to look for for milage drop could it be clutch?doesnt seem to be slipping.
  2. I dropped my bike in my driveway and blew out a disc in my back trying to pick it up. Been in bed for ten days now. I am 61 and live with a few disabities... 4 bad back disc , 5 right shoulder operation and 2 knee. I am heathy .. just broken. I have watched " who to pick up your bike " on YOUTUBE and now see I did everything wrong. That is not my question.... somewhere on the forum I THINK I read if you trike a Venture there is now a "reverse kit" ???? If I can not get "reverse" I am going to have to sell and think about a Goldwing trike. I have no problem with getting a Goldwing but it would be cheaper if I could trike my Venture. I like my venture for it's stlying and dependability . Any information would be nice thank you Cb
  3. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2 Did something really stupid. Trying to get a cigarette out of my mouth with gloves on and dropped it in my lap. Looked down and when I looked up was in the ditch. I'm ok but my ribs hurt.
  4. At a sloped blind intersection where oncoming cars are allowed right turn without stopping (or signaling in most cases). As I started out it looked like the oncoming car was coming through. I stopped and put my foot down, but nothing was there. I dropped the bike, and made my donation to the site. Here's a picture after the touch up. I must say this bike was tougher than expected. 750 pounds ~ and very little damage. The scuff on the crash bars cleaned up with steel wool and wd40. A little touch up paint on the fairing and I feel lucky. Lesson: always know where the high side is. Don't mind the reflections. Damage is front and center on the ridge. http://db.tt/jixV46Xw
  5. Anybody ever drop one of these bad boys? I've dropped mine twice and was unable to pick it up myself either time. No damage done, fell over on the bars, but still a bit embarassing. Once on a gravel driveway(turned into newly resurfaced drive) and once in my driveway. I have a 1988 Venture Royale, not sure if it makes a difference. Anybody out there have any tricks or the secret to getting this thing back up when you're alone? Thanks Ed
  6. My gas mileage has dropped and my bike isn't running smooth. The carbs have been synchronized so thats not the problem. I used to go 165 to 170 miles on a tank before switching to reserve but now am only going about 130 to 135 miles. When the weather was cold and I started the bike the left pipe purred fine. The right pipe would skip every now and then. The bike doesn't seem to have the power it had before and I am getting some vibration that I didn't have before. Any thoughts? I have an 05 RSV. BTW I have used seafoam and it didn't change anything. At the last service, 52,000 miles, the plugs where changed. Now have 56,000 miles.
  7. Parked next to my Tour Classic. Darn it I didn't have any of my VRO cards with me. I waited a few minutes, but ice cream was one of the things I bought, so I rushed the mile home, dropped off the groceries, picked up a VRO card and headed back. Of course he was gone....
  8. I was trying to maneuver the bike in the front yard to put on the trailer and I dropped it, nothing happened to the bike but I had to call for help. I finally got it loaded and ready for my week in Hollywood Florida.
  9. Was on the Original 9/11 ride for pride in Columbus caught a glimpse of another RSV in the 300 plus bikes there. Was it anyone here? I was the one who dropped a red one in the parking lot (front brake and slick shoes are a bad combination).
  10. TWICE Which renewed my membership in the "I dropped my Bike at Vogel" Club. Hmmm Dropped it once on my 1st Vogel trip and twice on the 2nd trip, does that mean I gotta do it 3 times next Vogel???
  11. Well here it is in a nutshell. The bike seems to be down on power and mpg. Thought at first I dropped a cylinder. Nope firing on all four. Was able to get into for a little yesterday. I checked spark on all plugs, idle dropped with every wire I pulled. Pulled the airbox and watched down the carbs as I revved it up, appears to have good fuel flow, maybe to much? If I was to get on it today I would just think it was normal and never work on it but knowing how much power is really has and what it is putting out now I think there is a problem. Any ideas? Shaun
  12. Sad day in many ways, I dropped the Venture off at the dealer today as a trade in on the new Yamaha Super Tenere due in in a week or so. I am ready to do a little adventure riding before I get to old . A trip to Alaska is on my bucket list as well. The Venture was an awesome bike that did everything I wanted it to do, took me from Dallas to NY State, Blue Ridge Parkway, Dragon's Tail, Custer S.D. and surrounding states more than once, a trip following the Mississippi River, and much more. Always had it serviced at the dealer and never had a single warranty issue in 6 years. Anyone interested will find it at Stadium Yamaha in Irving, TX. Fastest color, Quicksilver, 40k miles, new tires, new battery, just serviced. I cleaned it all up and rode it in and almost couldn't drop it off, it rode as good as the first time I took delivery. I big thanks to all those on this board that go out of their way to help others with advice and photo's of installs, etc. It's been a great ride. I am just glad that Yamaha made my next bike so that I didn't have to go to BWM. See you down the road! Tim
  13. Ok last weekend I opted to replace both front and rear tires. The rear was pretty much shot so I decided to step the size down to help reduce the ride height a bit. I have a 28" inseam so the VR can get a little top heavy for me. Anyway I digress; I went with a Shinko 712 (100/90) up front and a Shinko 777 (130/90 6 ply) rear. BTW, thanks to this great forum I was able to get both front and rear wheels off (kneeling). While the wheels were at the dealership getting tires mounted and balanced. I was able to completely service the rear diff and grease everything up. Man those splines were dry as a bone and rusty (explains the roaring noise). I also repalced the brake pads while I was there. Once I got the wheels back I replaced the seals and bearings in them too. All in all, not a bad way to spend the weekend if you ask me. I have to say I am absolutely thrilled with the low speed handling however at anything above about 70 mph it seems the front starts to shimmy around a bit. I originally had too much air pressure all the way around so I dropped it 4 lbs in the front and 2 lbs in the rear. Bringing it to 36 front and 45 rear, even at that pressure I am still getting the shimmy motion (kinda like being buffeted by a strong crosswind) even when there is nothing around but me and superslab with no breeze. I have since dropped the rear shock pressure and made sure the front was as close to zero as I can get (progressive springs installed with heavier oil). I will see if that helps. If not I am totally puzzled.
  14. Ok, I put on different exhaust, Barons Double Nasty pipes, put on the K&N filters, had the dealer rejet and repin the carbs (said it had to be done). Have any of you done this and what did it do to your mpg? Just wondering if anybody else has done this or not. My mpg has dropped from 44 to around 32 I'm thinking. Guess I'm just wondering if something could be wrong or if this is just the price I pay for putting on different exaust? Thanks for the feedback.
  15. Well I ain,t keepin up with Tom either, but look what the Fed ex guy dropped off today. Whoo, Whooo:cool10:
  16. Just curious...... I've dropped mine 4 times...... 3 times sitting completely still and once when it stalled while pulling out. Luckily it didnt get one scratch..... but I have admit even though I'm a big guy the RSTD is pretty heavy when you pick it up yourself.
  17. Not enough excerise In 41 years riding a scoot I only drop a scoot 3 times and the past week I have dropped The Fjr twice while not going moving:Laugh: and all on the right side
  18. I let the bike fall in the drive (downhill) busted driving light (will visit dropped bike fund after finding parts)I need two bulbs and one housing. Hope to find parts and not replace the whole thing. Low on funds need to go the cheap route. Thanks for any help.
  19. To those of you who helped "Grace", here, get the motocycle off my leg!!! (Please chime in here and let me know who you are.) At least I can hope there were no pictures!!! I'll be hitting the donate button in a bit. HMMMMM, Am I a charter member of a new club; "I dropped my bike at MD"??? I may have to quit these big events, 'cause I'm 2 for 2. Yeah I joined the "I dropped the bike at Vogel" club last year. At any rate, I seem to be OK, my left calf is sore and I still have some what of a headache, (but maybe when we get home and I let Wes outa the truck that'll go away!!!):crackup: Walter
  20. Dropped the insurance on Lil'Red. Going to miss it but Too many Bikes.
  21. Has anyone heard what is in the future for the Venture? I think something is up as they have dropped the Tour Deluxe.
  22. I have a friend in dire need of a fuel tank for a 1987 Yamaha Virago XV700ct. If anyone has one, or knows where I can get one, let me know. He dropped the bike on the trailer, and all it hurt was the tank, but it is creased bad.
  23. Got "Ugly" out to burn out the old gas today. Ran Great!! I didn't want to come back. But started home and stopped to fill back up about a mile above my house. Where I'm well known!! Filled her up and she drew some lookers of course. Told them she was 25 yrs old and ran good. Started her up dropped her into 1st. And she quit. Laughed and tried her again. Fired right up after the slow turn thing. Dropped her into gear . And she quit!!! Had to push her out of the way and play with sidestand switch a little and off I go... I have greased that thing, replaced it, greased it and I guess I'll do it again!! She could have picked a better spot. Friend??? offered push when she was cranking slow.. But still GREAT RIDE!!
  24. Does any one know the differences, if any, between the 26H(1983?) and 41R(1984-89?) models of the CDI/TDI. I put a used 26H in my 1986-1300 which had a broken 41R in it and it seems to work ok now but I think my gas mileage might have dropped?? Anyone got info? Gerry
  25. The picture didnt come out but this battery from Batteries Plus stores is plain crap. I bought my first one last year and right out of the box it had a bad cell. They replaced it and off I went. 8 Months later it dropped another cell. My charging system was working fine but I went ahead and repalced the starter solenoid just in case. Sat morning we headed out to Daytona and stopped for gas about 5 miles from the house. Went to start it and poof...nothing. Trailered it home, pulled the battery Sunday and took it to Batteries Plus today. Yep, dropped another cell. He also informed me that it was out of warranty but he will honor it since I had such bad luck with it. I had him credit me and special order a stock Yuasa, which will take a week to get in. Only cost me 10 bucks difference. Local Yammie dealer wants 135 for his. Bottom line, while Batteries Plus bent over backwards to accomodate me, their batteries aint worth the plastic theyre wrapped in. Their Oddesy batteries were 169.00 so ill just stick with the Yuasas now. http://www.batteriesplus.com/products/59-CC/5380-Motorcycle-Batteries/340611-Yamaha/2007-DASH--DASH-1996/XVZ1300-Royal-Star/images/Product/icon/32753.jpgXtreme Permaseal High Performance AGM Jet Ski, Powersport Battery - XTAX20HL-BS
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