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the LR4 driving lights are what I will be installing.
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What oil do you run for winter driving? I was thinking maybe semi-synthetic 5W-30 oil. I am planning on commuting to work on the bike this winter here in
- Now that I have the rear light bar on the bike I was replacing the bulbs & found the one of the sidemarker crystals has stripped screws so I can't replace that bulb yet. Of course my OCD is driving me nuts that I have a side marker out (even though I don't see it while driving). I want to pick up an extra crystal (this one is also scratched) before I try to extract the screw. I have nightmares of slipping & cracking the lens while using the screw extractor. So Does anyone know who made this light bar & what should I use for keywords on Ebay when looking for a spare. ( I assume they are no longer available). I think I may have found them...Anyone else bought these?
Do any of you have this light in the 5 or 6k lighting range and if so how do you like it. My driving lights are L.E.D. and very bright and make my headlight dim and look yellow I see better with the driving lights on. So I am looking at installing a new headlight. I like the Kuryakyn phase 7 L.E.D. a friend has it on his Harley, but I cannot find any info to mount it on a Yamaha Venture. Your knowledge would be appreciated.......Ron
After our near-death experience last night while driving home in the Silverado 4X4, there will be no more feet-dragging on getting a very loud air horn installed on the RSV. As we rounded a country road curve heading toward our subdivision at about 6:30pm, a small white car came screaming at us at what had to be 55+ mph in a 35 zone, heading right at us - in our lane! How we avoided the head-on collision is a miracle, but it involved some intuitive accident-avoidance techniques and a damn loud horn. That little car and the idiot driving (who I'm guessing was on their phone) just missed us, ran off the road back on their side, found their way back on to the blacktop and disappeared in the darkness. My wife and I just sat there and couldn't believe what had just happened. I have to admit that I've been in some close calls before, but that one really shook me up. I've been meaning to install the Stebel air horn for some time now, but never got the bracket to get the job done. That will be rectified this weekend! There are just too many cell phone addicts out there who can't stop texting or Tweeting while driving, and it's gotten too dangerous to not do everything possible to get their attention when they cross the line. My riding and driving skills are good, but they aren't enough sometimes, and my wimpy-a$$ horn is just useless in that regard. Be safe out there, and if you don't have a very loud ear piercing horn on your bike, you need to get one.
Ive got a Yamaha light bar on my 2005 RSTD. One of the driving lights got busted in it. Anyone know of an aftermarket 4 1/2" sealed beam light or replacement light I can replace it with? Yamaha said they're on back order till Oct ? Cheers, Steve
hey all I just got a set of walmart driving light (18 bucks ) going to put them on the 83 . there are no other accessaries at all strickly stock bike. im thinking of just hooking them up just wires and switch that they came with complety seperate from anything else and get power from acess. fuse top of fuse block. lighted switch going through panel next to left storage box , and just turn em on when i want. anyone see any problems with this? i am planing to add more lighting to side and rear later on but im sure those will be led,s ..
Just noticed I have a burned out driving light. I have a 07 midnight with factory driving lights. They say they a sealed beam. How would I go about fixing this? Sorry for the dumb ?
Folks, (On Kevin's recommendation below, let's call it: Right Front Turn Signal) My 84VR MKI had an unfortunate "garage crash" the other day for no apparent reason (aside from the sudden escape of front fork air). I had a 1x4 under the side stand (so she doesn't lean so much). I'm getting ready to replace the tires, and she'd been sitting for a couple of days since our last ride. So when I say "for no aparent reason" I mean I bent down to see just how bad the tread was on the front (cracks between the tread), and as soon as I tapped on the tire, the front end dropped 3-4 inches (air pressure had dropped to zero while she was sitting-obviously another issue), and because she had that 1x4 under the side stand, she dumped over on the right side, and crashed against a ladder hanging on a rack. The impact cracked the lens cover on the driving light, and the right mirror post. So getting on with my question: I've searched all of the service and parts manuals and can't find anything about a replacement lens. The only reference I've been able to find is a diagram calling out "driving light" ... with no parts breakdown or service procedure. So I don't know if the lens is available, or if I'm looking at replacing the whole light. Either way - no part numbers are called out. Is there a part number for the lens? And where can I find a replacement? Anybody got a used one they're willing to sell? Would also like to replace the mirror - although I can live with it for now. Any input is much appreciated.
Today I was driving down 4 lane street in Aberdeen SD. I pulled up beside a beat up car in the lane beside me, and noticed a 20 something year old woman with plenty of piercings driving. The smartphone she was texting on looked to be worth more than the car. I watched for a few seconds and it was ovious she was texting and not paying attention. Since it was a nice day she had her window down, I took advantage of the situation and voiced my displeasure. I said something to the extent "Quit your effing texting bfore you effing kill somebody!!!!" I know I shouldnt have used such colorful language, but I was pissed. her expression was like I hit her in the face with a shovel. And guess what she did. You guessed it, she went right back to texting. Some people....You Cant Fix STUPID.......... After what happened in Sioux Falls earlier in the week, you would think some people would pay attention.
A follow up to the idiot who posted a you tube video of himself going 300KPH (186MPH) through traffic just outside Victoria B.C. The guy is 25 and has lost his licence 5 times so far. In my opinion he should go to jail. His motorcycle is registered in his mothers name. As the registered owner she is responsible for it. She has been ticketed $1449.00 for driving without due care ($368.00), excessive speed ($483.00), not having insurance ($598.00). Charges are pending against her son.
Hi ,everyone.Got some bad news this week.One of my sons elementary school teachers who had retired was killed last Monday on I-80 near Grand Island,Nebraska by a total idiot making a U-turn on the interstate.Her and her husband were riding seperately she was on an 08 Harley and he was on a 2012 Harley.She was following him and they were in the left passing lane and car was in right driving lane.They were passing the car and the car driver decided to make a sudden u-turn from the right lane and it hit the husbands bike on the rear wheel but he was able to keep it up somehow,then his wife ended up hitting the car in the side and she was thrown off and killed.Person driving had 4 kids in the car and no one in seat belts and she had no proof of insurance and had warrants out for driving offenses.She is up for motor vehicle homicide.Please remember her in your prayers and her husband.
Guys, I know someone on here makes a mount for the driving lights on our RSV's. It makes them stick out a little further from the fairing. Who can point me in the right direction? Just bought a set of driving lights tonight. Thanks....
Did You Know: DID YOU KNOW? At least 28% of all traffic crashes--or at least 1.6 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones and texting Cell Phone Use Was Reported in 18% of Distraction-Related Fatalaties in America 57% of American drivers admit to texting while driving You are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident when texting and driving Texting while driving increases the risk of a crash 23.2 times higher than non-distracted driving. That is higher than driving while intoxicated! 31 states ban texting while driving, including Michigan; 9 more states ban new drivers from texting while driving Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37% Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind 11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted It's a difficult vid to watch folks ... when are they gonna get the message? [ame][/ame]
All, I installed a new set of driving lighhts on my 85 and have been told I should have used a relay, Where could I find the correct relay and am looking for ideas of where to mount one if I need one. Thanks
Got a problem that is driving me insane and Im hoping either this has happened to someone else and they know how or someone knows the solution. So I was riding my 83 1200 venture and I noticed the volt meter was reading lower than normal. I figured it was because it was getting colder and just kept driving it. Well next time I tried to start it, the turn over was much slower, but it still started. Guage still low. Stopped for gas and bike would not start, not enough power so I push started it and drove it straight home where unfortunately it has sat for a while now. WHen I first brought it home it would still half way attempt to start, just slowly, then it wouldnt do that, then the cluster just went dark. I tried hooking up my battery tender to it to see if that would fix it but it wouldn't even register. I took to battery to autozone to get them to charge it and have not tried that yet. Does this sound like a battery problem or something else. Let me know what you think. Thanks:fingers-crossed-emo
I have a set of Yamaha Driving Lites and would like to replace the sealed beam bulbs with Halogen or better sealed beam bulbs. I would like to keep the wattage down to 35/36 watts. I have looked at some sites and they have them but they show flood, wide flood, spot, narrow spot, etc. Which kind is the best for the driving lights. Can you please advise what type you think I should be looking for. I am basically looking for the best light possible with a straight replacement lamp and still using the Yamaha lite bar holders. I have searched the sites and have sent a private message to one of our members but I know technology changes daily and possibly someone has tried something lately that works well. Thanks Dana
One of the things that stand out about our recent trip to San Francisco is that on the way there we pulled off the interstate to eat. We had to stop for a red light before continuing to the restaurant...there on the corner was a panhandler. Not the typical panhandler as we both commented on his attire, which was actually pretty nice (better clothes than what I was wearing). We continued on the restaurant...where we sat outside. While eating, Belinda said "look at that" was the panhandler coming to eat, too...getting out of a Lexus! I know that many of these people need help, but when I'm driving a Corolla and he is driving a Lexus...I'm just saying!
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Good Morning everyone, Here is my story, I have been chasing an electrical problem for awhile now concerning my headlight. I knew it was loose connection somewhere cause the fuse wasen't blown and the headlight would work off and on. I checked all the connectors to a point where i was about to run my own hot wire to the high and low switch. Never did i think about the factory instructions on how to install the driving lights. I'm thinking this is the factory who is telling me to tap into the hot from the headlights so they must know what their doing. (WRONG)!! Believe me, dont use their instructions! Listen to the people who have installed their driving lights with a relay. You'll save youself a huge headache. I traced the the wiring to that connector and sure enough... the connector was smoked! After cutting and resoldering, the headlights work perfect! I installed a relay for the driving lights and they work perfect also. So please.......heed this warning, and be smart from the start and use a relay for the driving lights!!!! Thanks for listening! Frank
I was at Walmart today picking up plastic buckles to replace the ones on the trunk straps, and I came across these great driving lights for the Venture. They are all chrome teardrops for under $20 bucks...& they come with the wiring, fuse, & switch!
On Jan 15th, my daughter borrowed by RSTD to go for a relaxing ride. Little did either of us know that it wouldn't be very relaxing thanks to a 15 yo boy driving without a drivers license or permit. He ran a light and hit her head on at 40 mph in the middle of an intersection. She came off the bike, hit his windshield and broke it and then went over the car and ended up laying face down in the middle of a very busy intersection. She was wearing leathers, but no helmet. Thankfully, she is fine...though it took the ER $25,000 in medical bills to decide that. And thankfully there were witnesses willing to go on record to say that she had the green and the 15 yo had run the light, and the 4 boys in the car were all lying and saying it was her fault while they were putting her in the ambulance. Grrr! The cop said that with out the witnesses, they would have ticketed my daughter as there were 4 boys in the car and it would have been their word against hers, but the 3rd party witnesses confirmed my dd's story. I guess that my daughter just kept telling everyone that it wasn't her fault and that she needed to get the bike cause it was her mom's. LOL The officer felt it was important enough to tell me that there was nothing my dd could have done...she had no where to go and couldn't have avoided the accident in their opinion. The eyewitnesses also agreed. The other driver got 3 tickets for inattentive driving, failure to yield and driving without a license. I hope they cancel his parents insurance too, as not only did he lie to the officers that night, but they also refused to cooperate with the insurance companies and haven't done anything since the accident to try to get the situation settled. I'm thinking we'll end up in court. My dd was only in the ER for 3 hours, they did CTs on her body and xrays and sent her home with Tylenol and told her to go back to normal activity. The doctor didn't do a head CT, which shocked me when I found out a few days later, and we ended up having to argue with the dr.s to get one as she was having dizziness and head aches. She did injure her right hand/thumb, but that is better now, and she's seeing a chiropractor for whiplash, but all in all, she was very lucky and walked away with no permanent injuries. My bike did not fair so well. She was totalled....broke both the front forks, moved the tank back 2 inches and bent the mounting bolts, and put the tire back into the radiator. Really, she held up pretty well considering the hit she took, and the fact that my dd is OK I attribute at least partially to how well the bike was made. Oh, it totalled out the Toyota Camry that the kid was driving, which comforts me a bit anyway...well, it gives me some personal satisfaction at least. So, State Farm (the other car's insurance) has admitted fault and we're now waiting for dd's medical treatments to be finished so we can talk settlement, but my insurance has paid for the loss of my bike. So, now I'm shopping for another RSTD or perhaps a Venture. Anyone have any suggestions or bikes for sale?
Hi All, Received my Barons Ultimate Light Bar recently. Amazing quality, very happy. Just went to fit it only to find no wiring in the harness for driving lights! Barons spell it out in the instructions that there should be a blue wire for the left and right driving lights as well as the the two left and right turn signals. Turn signal cabling is fine. Nothing to be seen for the driving lights! I have checked the loom in case it just wasnt run into the original light bar and nothing! I can only assume its something to do with Australian compliance laws as I cannot imagine they would leave them out for any other reason. Not sure what people buying the Genuine Yamaha lightbar thought when they went to fit them also. Now i will have to run a feed directly from the battery via a relay. Its just extra hassle i didnt want. I just thought it was very bizzare. Any other Aussie riders out there who have found the same issue?
Here’s my question. Why have a relay for the driving (passing lights). My front fairing is still apart and I can change my wiring easily. I bought the Kuryakyn Master Cylinder switch and have the hot connected to the Red wire with yellow strip (power on all the time when key is turned on). One of the switch wires I connected to the driving lights. The hot wire to the switch has a 30 amp fuse and the wire going to the lights has a 10 amp fuse. There is power to the switch when I turn the key on and I can toggle the driving lights on and off with the switch. If I ever forget to turn them off, the power is cut as soon as I turn the key off. I don’t know a lot about electrical draw and amps, but was just wondering why I needed to put in a relay. Other than the fuse being in the fairing, is there any problems with the way I hooked it up? Thanks Melvin
I would like to share an experience with you, about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from the odd social session over the years. A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some friends at the Marriott Hotel and had a few too many beers and some rather nice red wine. Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before: I took a bus home. Sure enough I passed a police road block but as it was a bus, they waved it past. I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise; as I have never driven a bus before and am not sure where I got it from.
I have a 99 RSV with 02 California sidecar, new to me as of April 2011 The bike had 14,000 miles when I bought it, and only 16,000 now. Friends are planning a 2 week trip to Arizona this summer, about 5,000 +/- miles, and I would really like to join them. They are driving new HD's. I plan on making several trips before this to get used to distance driving. (more than the 1 to 3 hour jaunts I've been on so far) So the question is...........and I understand there are many you think the bike will make it? Thanks in advance! MJ