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  1. I got the posts and write-ups here on the site about greasing the splines and dampers under the circlip on the rear wheel. I have it all torn down here while the hurricane is overhead. I got Honda moly 60 lube. While in here lubing it, should I go ahead and pull the driveshaft so I can moly the driveshaft and u-joint? My '87 has 87,000 miles on it and I bet the shaft has never been serviced... Thanks to all!
  2. Replaced the rear tire on my 2011 RSV S. Took out the driveshaft and lubed it. Also lubed the pins and needle bearings. Put it all back together again. The rear wheel will turn with the tire off the ground but on the ground I just get a noise and no power to the wheel when I let the clutch out. Took the back tire off again and left the drive shaft in. Again am getting a noise and I can see the splines turning. What did I do wrong?? I figure it must be in the driveshaft. The driveshaft looks fine. Supposed to leave for the Outer Banks NC Saturday. What could be the problem?? I am new here so greatly appreciate any help. Len
  3. Friend has a '07 Suzuki Boulevard, shaft drive. He removed rear wheel to get nail hole fixed, put back together driveshaft won't turn. Told him to pull back apart and make sure he got drive shaft in yoke,done, says the engine running put in gear let out on clutch can hear noise in rear of engine like something turning but driveshaft nor yoke is turning. What does he need to do? Any suggestions?:confused24:Thanks in advance.
  4. Guys! I removed my rear wheel. I cleaned all the old grease off. I applied the Honda 60 Moly. I pulled the pumpkin, and the driveshaft. The driveshaft was bone DRY on the engine end, but not damaged. Some wear, but looked ok. A little wet on the pumpkin end- guess my seal is rotten. I liberally applied the moly on both ends. I pulled the cir-clip off the rear wheel and the dampner pins were BONE DRY, some surface rust, but not pitting. I lubed all of them. I reassembled the whole kabudle and tested it at 85mph. NO Roar! All I could hear when I pulled in the clutch was WIND! There is a tiny bit of whine (barely audible at 55 and about 35 mph). All I hear is the slight muffle of exhaust coming through my worn out sleeves on the mufflers where they meet the pipes. I even love hearing the chirping! I can't believe how this worked out, You People are AMAZING.... Great Balls of Fire- THANKS!!!!!
  5. I am in need of a driveshaft and rear differential for my 85, anybody able to help out?
  6. Need help, what is the best way to get to the fuel filter, seems like they built the bike around it. Thanks for all the info. I have gotten on this site. Just greased driveshaft splines they were dry as a bone,never had to do thst on anyother bike I have had.
  7. I have the 89 VR apart for entire maint on the rear end. When I unbolt the 4 crown nuts on the rear gear case what am I to expect when I pull the driveshaft out of the swing arm? Like, will just the shaft come out or will the seal washer and circlip from the front come out as well ? A LOT OF HELP PLEASE !!!!
  8. I have always had a friend use a magnetic pick-up tool to hold the yoke up while I inserted the driveshaft. If you are working alone or don't have any friends, I made up this simple tool that worked well. My pick-up tool has a threaded end and interchangeable magnets, put a nut and a magnet on a bolt, pick up the yoke and adjust the nut to centre the yoke in the tube and put the driveshaft in. Maybe I was lucky but worked first time. I know you can use a piece of wire to do the same thing but this made it easy to centre the yoke. Just thought I'd pass this on for what it's worth. Doug
  9. I replaced the rear tire on my 99.While I had the tire off I did all the maintenance known to mankind.My friend wanted his done also so we got started.After greasing the driveshaft we attempet to reinstall it.No go.The driveshaft wont line up with the yoke.Guess I got lucky with mine cause it went in the first try.Not so on his.We spent 2 days and still dont have the driveshaft in.We tried everything we can think of.Any suggestions or help will be much appreciated.
  10. Does anyone have an MKII driveshaft that they could get me a length measurement from ? I am having an issue with my MKI shaft and the FJR rear end Gary
  11. Changed the oil and final fluid today. Checked the air filter. Plugs are burning clean and still within gap tolerance. Synced carbs just a few weeks ago. New tires were put on 12 months/12,000 miles ago and driveshaft was greased good. Coolant level is good. Me thinks I am good to go. Anything else to check?
  12. I have a 1300 tha I purchased last month with 11,500 miles. As I have begun putting on miles and getting used to her an oil leak has developed. At first I did not see anything, but thought I smelled burnt oil. Then a couple drops of oil on the garage floor appeared, and now it's 4-5 drops. Today I got underneath and took a look around. The left side of the exhaust collector has oil on it. There is also oil on the lower portion of the driveshaft cover. There is no oil i could see above the driveshaft. So here is my question. What are the likely locations for oil leakage? Is there a sensor I cannot see? (fingers crossed) Or is it a seal for the output shaft?
  13. I'm having a hell of a time getting the driveshaft to mate up with the u joint splines. Is there a trick to it or do I just have to fumble around for hours?
  14. First os all I want to thank all of you that post the how to's and such on this site. it gave me the courage to pull the rear wheel off and then the driveshaft out tonight. You can officially count me as a member of the DRY driveshaft club. It was dry as a bone on both ends. Now to be honest, I could see where there had been something there at one time. But it couldn't have been much. I am wondering if they don't just put some assembly lube on the things when they first install them and call it finished. But it's greased up and back together now. My wife helped me get the shaft lined up and we got it in position the first try. Tomorrow I need to go get some new lube for the pumpkin and then I'll put the pipes and bags back on and take her for a ride. Thanks again for giving me the confidence of doing this kind of thing myself. I did have my computer on just in case I had questions or problems during the process. I knew someone would be around to answer them for me. Ride safe and I am looking forward toseeing all of you huys that are going to MD at Don's.
  15. I have a 2007 Royal Star Venture and have a pulse what feels like the front tire. At 50Km (30 miles)/hr on new pavement and going straight the bike front end pulses up and down not a wobble side to side. The dealership has checked the driveshaft, the bearings in the steering and I have replaced the two tires. It has improved somewhat but I can still feel it. Has anyone had this problem and can you suggest what I need to check next?
  16. As the pics show, you can fit a wider tire then the I put on. This is a BFGoodrich T/A Radial 155/80R15. There is a good 1/2 inch of clearance between the tire and driveshaft. If I ever wear this tire out, I will go wider. ADDED : If you have a sidecar or a Voyager Kit, this is a must do mod. ADDED EVEN MORE : Current mileage is 74265
  17. Hi Y'all, I'm changing my rear tire and have some questions. I've done the tire once before on this bike but don't remember noticing these things before. First, the grease between the wheel and final drive spline is NASTY. Now, I'm sure I put some fresh grease in there last time, but I must not have bothered to clean the old stuff out. Now it all looks like old stuff. That doesn't happen on my Virago - it always comes apart looking pretty good in there. What is your experience? Next, there is an oil seal in there in a strange place that's not in the parts diagram, and I think a PO fitted it. It's a standard, spring-backed double-lipped seal. If you have the wheel off and look into the female spline in the final drive (from the RH side), in the center there is a collar that protrudes 1/4" or so, maybe 3/4" in diameter. It's stationary (doesn't turn) and the axle comes thru it. The seal is fitted onto that collar. There is no bore for the OD of the seal to fit into. It appears the part of the rear wheel that houses the needle bearing sandwiches the seal against the backside of that female spline bore so that the seal turns with the wheel, and the seal surface rides on the stationary collar. What this would do (if it actually seals) is separate the grease in the needle bearing from the nasty grease in the spline area, which could be a good thing. Anybody else seen this in their bike? Finally, I pulled the final drive to lube the spline ends of the driveshaft. As in my Virago, it came out with the driveshaft attached. The manual shows the driveshaft staying in the swingarm, and pulling it separately. It also shows greasing both ends. Since mine is assembled, I can only see the forward end splines. What's up with that? Thanks in advance for your suggestions, and for bearing with my long post. Jeremy
  18. I had a scraping noise on my '84 Venture earlier this sping. It was suggested that I clean and grease the driveshaft. Did that and it was needed. I thought maybe the noise seemed to go away but now its back. I can feel a scrape (in the floorboards) when I am crawling forward in first gear. Does my driveshaft need to be done again ? What about the U-joint ? Has anyone had this problem and traced it to a bad U-joint ? Any other ideas ?
  19. Anyone know where I can find a diagram of grease nipples for an '84 Venture ? There is one nipple on the driveshaft but I have not seen any other ?
  20. Hi I am looking for a drive shaft for a 1986 and newer Venture Royal. Today I broke mine on my trike. Don't ask just that I did something I shouldn't of. All I need is the drive shaft. All I can stay is that it made so much noise when it broke and by the time I got it stopped I thought the hole bike was gone. Thank god I was only going slow .But nothing else happened to it so if you know were I can get a new or used more then likely used driveshaft please let me know. Now I have one more thing to fix. I will take the one I have into a driveshaft shope and see what they will say and if it can be fixed. Thanks Guys Bikenut:sick::crying:
  21. Can you hear your driveshaft? No...not the fictional band that Charlie was in on the show 'Lost'. I changed the driveshaft gear lube on my 07 Venture last week, and put around 250 miles on this weekend. After about 100 miles or so, I began to notice a slight gear noise...sort of a low hum, that of course varied with the torque load on the wheel. I never had noticed this before, and its NOT the whine from the clutch/transmission. This noise is not really noticeable until speeds reach about 30-40 mph, radio off, and it was much hotter this weekend than it has been in a while. Temps were near 90 degrees. SO...I stopped and checked the level, and it was fine. I had replaced the gear lube with Amsoil, and wondered if maybe its not entirely compatible with the remaining YamaLube that may have still been in the housing, possibly thinning it out. Actually my question is, can anyone else hear the driveshaft on their bike? Its not terribly loud, in fact if the radio is on, I cant hear it at all...just wondering if I'm noticing it now, as opposed to it actually getting noisy...I just dont remember ever hearing it, but I do normally ride with the radio on. I did change it out AGAIN, put new Amsoil in, and the old Amsoil had darkened to match the previous oil's color. I'll get a chance to ride it later on next week. So...Driveshaft noise...normal or not?
  22. Think I found one for sale and was wondering if a 1998 will work with my 85 venture? I read that I will need the vmax driveshaft and the dust cover, anything else I should look for/prepare for?
  23. I know it's probably a silly question but I have my reasons. On a 1st gen ('87 VR to be specific). With the differential removed from the bike, driveshaft attached to the diff, how hard should it be to turn the driveshaft? Also, with the bike on the centerstand, run up into 4th gear. Idle in 4th gear and pull in the clutch. How long should the rear wheel continue to free spin? I'm chasing ghosts and hopefully your answers will help me to nail them down. Thanks in advance, Ed
  24. Guest

    I thought you said...

    Took the 06 in and got the rear tire changed out after 6500 miles. What a quiet tire the Avon Venom is! 'Well, anyway, I thought that it was a given that the driveshaft splines would be dry as a bone? At least that's what so many of you have been saying. My driveshaft splines front and back had good grease; the hub had good grease. I am not complaining, only surprised. Greased her up with good moly anyway. Who has had dry? Who has had greasy? Jim:)
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