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Hello I hope Anyone can help me... My Battery from my 2002 Yamaha Midnight Venture is draining, after 3 days the battery is to low to start the bike....I first thought it was the battery , so I replaced it for a new one ..but I still have the same problem. I put the Multimeter behind ..and...
While cleaning block up today, I took some pictures of the 2nd drain plug on the 1st gen blocks. I Don't know if the 2nd gens have a similar 'feature'. On the left side, directly under the middle drive cover there is a 14mm head bolt that goes into block and drains an oil pocket. This pocket appe...
It has been said here that there is no way to drain the 2nd gen water pump with any normal tools without removing or at least loosening the exhaust. I found out otherwise. I REALLY hate disturbing a new, leak-free exhaust system. Even more than I hate vise-grips and cheapo Chinese sockets. With thes...
Do you have to drain the oil first before you take the cover off?
I have been having trouble getting the idle mixture set on my 83VR. I have the airbox off now and noticed there is fuel dripping from the slide needle on 3 of them when the engine is running. Thought to myself that the float level was too high so I put a clear tube on the drain to check. Supprising...
I'm doing my valve check on my 2005 Midnight Venture tomorrow and have a question.I got the bike seat,tank,air filters,surge tanks and carbs off.Next is draining the coolant.The manual says to take off the side covers,one of the mufflers and remove the exhaust pipe from the #4 cylinder.Is all that R...
I was doing some work on the bike today and took off the fake gas tank lid and a lot of metal stuff seemed to look rustier that it did the last time I had the lid off, (it might have been last fall) While cleaning things up and wiping dust and residue off everything under there i noticed that the dr...
My new to me 86 has been sitting for at least 4 years. The previous owner only put 400 miles on it last year. Before that the owner died and his wife kept it 3 years before selling it. I don"t know when the last time the radiator has been flushed and the coolant changed so i want to do that befo...
Just in general for any battery if a battery has multiple cells and is ran in a series does the battery drain 1 cell at a time? If the battery is ran in parallel does all cells drain at the same time?
The Drain Pipe has no room for me to seperate at the leaking joint. At the Bottom the Drain Pipe goes into the cement floor. Above the Drain Pipe has a T for the Vent and the horizontal drain connection to the sink/dishwasher. This drain connection goes through the 2 x 6 and so the drain Pipe hole...
So, I finally got out to do an oil change on my Sear's mower since I put it away last month. Couldn't find the oil drain so I broke down and checked the owner's manual. Yikes!!! You have to remove the dipstick and then...get this...turn the mower over to get the oil to pour out the fill tube! Oh...a...
I'm doing progressives on my 88 I'm trying to drain the front forks. I'm using a 19mm hex and reaching way up inside the bottom of the fork. feels REALLY TIGHT and I've turned it probably 20 turns and it doesn't feel like its getting any looser. Is the plug really that long? Is...
I have a 2005 RSTD and have been searching everywhere, and probably found the answer, but I am one that needs the answer in plain site.. What is the size of the oil drain plug washer (or gasket as I have seen listed in various parts manuals)? I don't need one right away but would like to keep a few...
ok after getting parts from members on here and working in a hot storage shed i put the radiator and hoses back on the bike. just not sure how tight i got everything? i dont have much feeling in one of my hands i got all the clamps tight i hope? now just a quick and maybe dumb question? is it safe...
Looking for a little info for the 600mi service. . . I will be on the road back home, 600 miles into the 2100 mile trip, and will of course need to do an oil and filter change, and rear-end oil change, my question is what size wrenches do I need for the oil drain plug, and rear diff drain and fil...
Coolant drain on the front of my '86 VR is dripping.To replace that o-ring you remove the little set screw in the side and then does that plastic plug unscrew or wiggle out of there.That fitting and the little hose on top were plugged up with a reddish brown clay when I flushed the system,now that I...
Ok...stupid question...I have the V-four timing chain cover to replace the yamaha one. Question is, when I take the old cover off does fluid come out? Do I need to drain the oil first? I also have the water pump V-four cover and I know I have to drain the antifreeze but not sure about the TC cover...
I've read many threads on changing the clutch fluid. So the Bleeder valve has been removed and an oil pan under the VR with it on the center stand. I pulled on the clutch lever slowly a few times to drain most of the fluid. I opened the Reservoir lid. Now I need to get ready to go to work (job)....
I thought I'd post a few comments for those who have not been through this before. It is not hard as long as you have the proper tools. T-handle allen wrenches are almost mandatory for me - they make turning out the many socket head screws fast and easy. In addition, if you follow the manual (Method...
I'm stuck at work with an overheating 97 Tour Classic. The top drain plug p/n 1AA-12561-00-00 has broken off in the radiator and leaks coolant. The poor thing overheats after only a couple of miles and I don't have the tools to remove it with me so I'll be taking a few breaks on the ride home. I wou...