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Found 17 results

  1. Im seriously thinking about having knee replacement surgery within the next year. I wanted to wait about 8 more years as I got closer to retirement but the pain is getting to be a drag. Has anyone here had it done and if so, how has it affected your riding. Recovery time? Flexability?
  2. Just stumbled upon this youtube video of a Venture and a couple of Goldwings drag racing. Running in the low 14's I thought the Venture held up very well to the Goldwing. [ame] [/ame] Dennis
  3. I use a gps program on my Droid called CoPilot Live Premium. I have replaced my Garmin with it and am so far happy. It has a lot of nifty features, one of which is "Drag Route". If you don't like where it is sending you and prefer other roads you can drag the route to change it right on your screen. This program sells for $9.99 on the Google Play store which includes one year of free traffic updates. I bought my copy late last summer. Recently I entered a contest that CoPilot was running, which had a grand prize of a Nexus tablet. I did not win the tablet, but did win a free copy of the software. Obviously, I cannot use it since I already own it. Therefore I am offering it to any VR member (subscribed members only) who may want it. The FIRST PERSON TO RESPOND BY PRIVATE MESSAGE will get it. Replying in the thread does not count. If you win the race, I will send you an email that contains instructions on installing along with the key code that activates it. Make sure it will work on your phone. If you have an older android phone it may not be compatible. Check it out here: http://copilotlive.com/us/personal/android.asp Let the race begin. Joe
  4. Clutch won't competely disengage? How do I adjust the clutch pull cable? Coming to a stop and holding the clutch lever in, the bike wants to creep ahead. Sometimes this will stall the engine and then it's hard to crank over because of the low gear drag on the starter. I know it's probably an easy fix, but I need your help. Owen.
  5. After bleeding the foot pedal brake (91VR) both front and rear, now the rear brake seems to slightly drag. Put it on the center stand lifted up on the foot break pedal both the front and rear tire seems to spin freely. After pressing on the foot brake pedal, then letting it free the foot pedal does not come up like it used to. The front tire spins freely, but the rear tire was slightly harder to spin and the rear brake light stayed on. So I continued riding with my right foot under the brake foot. That seemed to be enough to release the rear brake. Any suggestions.
  6. i put a center stand on my bike. problem 1- cant get it on stand by myself and iam a big guy. problem 2-stand hits a 2.5 or 3 inch clylinder type thing on right side of bike which really doesnt allow it to go all the way up to bike frame. so i drag stand a lot. can the clylinder thing be moved? stand from ponch who make a good stand.any info on this would be great. thanks
  7. turns as far as dragging the foot boards? For what ever reason I'm much more comfortable leaning hard into a left turn than a right one. On my Tour Classic, with the exception of "The Dragon" I've never drug the right foot board, but occasionally, effortlessly, drag the left one. So far I've not been comfortable enough to drag either board on the RSV.
  8. I picked up a nice chrome trunk guard a while back but the Barons light lenses were all faded out and almost clear, so Ive been trying to find the replacements. Finally, today I managed to track them back to Drag Specialities and ordered the amber for the side lights and red for the back lights for 2.95 us per lens. They also offer the complete new light fixture if yours are rough for about 20 bucks. As Drag SPecialities is a wholesaler, they wouldnt sell so I managed to track down AllJet to take my order online, here is the info. http://shop.alljet.com/productdetail.htm?productId=7724779&catalogId=&searchProducts=2040-0299 Brian
  9. Anybody know how to get the Drag Specialties drivers backrest pivot covers off? The backrest is from a 94 Goldwing and is about 3" to tall. I need to get these covers off so I can shorten it and hide the welds under the cover when I'm done. There's an allen head bolt on the back but all it does is just spin. I'm thinking maybe the plastic ring that says WINGLEADER comes off and there maybe some screws under that. Anybody ever try to take off those covers?
  10. ... i've read in the other Thread you want to see a Photo of me. Well, to be honest, i don't care much about Pics which contain me, and i have none on my own. But .... every now and then a Pic with me is popping up somewhere... So, i finally found one to show you. It has been taken on the Drag Racing i've contributed on October, 18 last Year. Here it is ... http://www.torsten-konrad.de/gallery/beschlrennen5/viertelmeile09_176.jpg Don't get me wrong, I'm the Guy on the left Side of the Picture ... :crackup:
  11. Just wondering if anyone at Don's MD will want something welded. Someone mentioned plating over an exhaust collector. If there is enough interest, I may drag my MIG along.
  12. I've been sufferring from starter drag for a while. It would sound like there wasn't enough juice to turn the starter over and all of a sudden it would catch and fire up. Didn't seem to matter if the bike was hot or cold. I did the battery cable upgrade and it didn't seem to make any difference. But lately it seems to be getting worse then ever and now one or two starts will completely drain the battery down. I pulled the starter out and tested it and it spins fine under power but when I put the starter back in place, same problem. Any suggestions?
  13. for a new two wheeler for better gas mileage!!!! Also seems that he has converted daughter and grandson to drag racing in the process!
  14. Greetings! So, I'm thinkin' I need to lube my throttle cables to see if that keeps my Cruise Control from disengaging right as I start to scratch that itch on my... face. Please allow me to 'splain: No, I don't have fringe on my clutch/brake levers. I've owned this 99RSV since early 2007(ish) and as long as I've owned it, the Cruise Control will randomly disenguage on me. ususally within seconds, but sometimes as much as a several minutes after I enguage it. Originally I just assumed it was my... generous surface area adding wind resistance causing the CC to quit. Then I started testing it more sceintifically. It doesn't appear to be wind drag on my beer gut. I proved this by going 55MPH with a 45MPH tail-wind, giving me much less wind drag (going on a diet would take too long). I next thought that maybe one of the cancel switches was just reacting to a bump in the road. Soo.... I picked a nice, level, recently paved stretch of road (which is VERY hard to find in this town) with no bumps or asphalt-snakes. The CC disenguaged at seemingly randomly intervals. I did however notice that my throttle does tend to drag just the tinyiest little bit. Okay... now that I've gone through all that, my ACTUAL question is, what kind of lube should I use on throttle cables. Sorry all, but my wife already beat all of you to the smartarse "throttle cable lube" response. Since tomorrow is Sunday and the scoot-store is closed on Sundays here and I'm entirely too impatient to wait until Monday, I was wondering if there were any good/bad substitutes for throttle cable lube. Discuss...
  15. has anyone ever put on bars ,like mini apes, drag bars, or anything like that
  16. Here you go Dan..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgs2riK_IrA]YouTube - Yamaha Speedstar Drag Pipes Stratoliner[/ame]
  17. Most of the threads fit my window just fine but once and a while I will be reading along and all of a sudden a post (or is it a thread?) grows to about twice the normal width. This isn't a real show-stopper but it caused me to have to drag back and forth for each line. Us RSV'rs are into things going smooth and easy. Am I doing something to cause this phenomenon?
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