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1. those who are riding through Michigan after a long day on the road and need to ease some of their pain 2. those who have lost their jobs in the recent economic downturn...(perhaps Squid will find a way to get back to Michigan yet)
ooooooooooh, ever see two grown men giggling like little school children? A friend had sent me some Larossa downturn slippons to try on my RSV as he didn't need them anymore, these were brand new and they installed easily, replacing the screaming eagles I had on prior. Wow.. these things are loud lol.. but not harsh on the ears (well not harsh to motorcycle enthusiatsts at least) Just the flash up sound, idling and blipping of the throttle brought huge smiles to our faces hehe.. (still chuckling about it..) I will one of the first to say I doubt I'd run with these on for long as I think that under full power they will be very very TOO loud.. And I'm not sure how they would react with the bike without any additional tweaking beyond my abilities.. However, I would ask if the learned and experienced minds here could help me out with some pre ride observations.. When I blip the throttle, there is a burbling noise not normally heard with the other pipes.. THIS would be akin to the sounds people hear making them want to remove the AIS. So I would assume that when I roll down the highway, and decellerate, I'm going to get a lot of blurbling.. Remembering Goose's sage words about not removing one's AIS for troubling purposes, I'll be leaving it on.. However, I'm just curious about the blurbling sounds.. Exhaust temp.. What caught us by surprise is the amount of air being pushed out of the ends and the lack of heat.. no kidding. When you look down the end of the pipe, you can see the glow of daylight through the other end at the downturn.. I would have assumed I'd feel more heat in the exhaust gasses. and the volume of air is less also. To compare, my buddy rolled out his RSV with stock pipes, and you could feel heat in his exhaust almost right away. Strange.. Now the next part I may know the answer anyway but the exhaust gases feel 'wet'.. but in no way what so ever smell like fuel, not even a little.. because these are downturns, they leave a wet spot on the pavement.. It's warm and humid here, so I'm assuming this is all normal.. Tonight, if it's not raining as normal, I'll be taking this out on the highway with my cameras to record the sounds.. if it's not that hard on the ears, I may leave them on for a while but man, I have the funny feeling they won't be there for too long hehe.. what a sound though.. nice!!