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  1. Hi guys, what is the best adhesive to use to reapply the yamaha and venture royale emblems? Seems like the factory stuff was awesome and I'm afraid I'll lose them with this double sided tape I was pondering. Thanks!
  2. I'm planning on getting a 1986-1993 Venture.I used to ride a 2005 HD road king.Does anyone know how they would compare top heavy wise.I was use to the road king but had to be careful when riding double and stopping on steep inclines.Also how about the handling.I want a bike that is happy in the mountain curves.
  3. Having motorcycle withdrawals bad, started passing a 6MM kidney stone 3 weeks ago and still working at it and since then I have had a bad kidney infection, a allergic reaction to the antibiotics for the infection and now double vision doc says its a side effect of the meds for the nausea. Doc will not break it up because it is not blocking me up I don't think he has ever had a kidney stone or maybe I am just being a big baby. I can deal with the pain and the nausea but the double vision has me concerned so I am wondering if anyone else has had double vision due to a medication or should I get a third opinion? Thanks for letting me rant.
  4. I took my 89 into mechanic. He replaced the rear bearing. Now afterward, it doesn't sound the same. There is a grinding rumbling sound that is not noticeably until the bike is about 45 mph or if you let off the throttle suddenly and brake with the engine. I took it back. He double checked everything and said it was okay. I don't know, whadda ya think? Iowa guy
  5. Comming home from the farm, after a hard day of putting a new roof on a barn (with all the harnesses and ladders that entails) my hired hand and I encountered a rather erratic pair of bikers. The lead biker must have thought that weaving 15 feet off of my rear bumper at 55 MPH was going to impress me. Personally... The first thought I had, was to hit the brakes to get him off of my six... I didn't, as I ride bikes myself. They both passed on solid double lines and subesequently drove past them about 5 miles down the road, as they had pulled into a Bar...????????? Sorry for the rant... some of the "motorcycle accidents we read about" , are self imposed.....
  6. My passing lights have quit working. I split the fairing to check it out and found that the switch , fuse and wiring are all ok. I pulled the the 2 + leads from the double bullet connector going to the lamps and checked voltage, I have 11.7v at that point. When I plug the 2 + leads back into the double bullet connector my voltage goes to 0.0v It is not blowing fuses. I have played with the wires going into the light bar and it still won'n light. Why would my voltage drop to 0 when I plug in those two + leads but not blow a fuse?
  7. Would like to purchase a slightly used, 2005 or newer pontoon boat 26-28 footer with trailer.correction: triple tubed would be best but would settle for double tubed. Please keep your eyes open... am willing to travel up to 1000 miles for one. Am located in Sandyville WV
  8. While in Florida last week I accidently found a gas station that is by now probably out of business or at least somebody lost their high paying attendant job. The street sign said $3.54 a gallon, same as everybody else - I thought Didn't pay too much attention until I got the receipt, 12.886 gallons cost $32.85 - I had to do a double take but it was real - $2.54 a gallon Since we were 750 miles from home, Linda refused to go get the truck so we could fill it up also.
  9. It seems that Canada's reputation as being "The Great White North" is gonna get a boost. It appears that Iceland in considering adopting the Canadian Looney as it's new currency. Awesome! Next...Timmies and the "Double, Double". http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/episode/2011/12/09/icelandic-economists-urge-their-country-to-adopt-canadas-currency/
  10. Those of you that have had to replace your clutch spring, did you double up on the springs? I'm thinking about giving Skydoc 17 some business, but I have another option that I think will hold me over for a while longer. Let me explain. Several years ago I had the clutch in my Vmax start to slip. Not knowing what I know now, I put all new friction discs and a new oem diaphram spring in and corrected the problem. I still have those discs, which by the way weren't worn at all, and the old spring. My question is this, If you were me would you simply double up that spring with the one now in my RSV and ride a while longer with a new gasket, or go ahead and purchase the deal that Earl has? I have the utmost confidence in Harry's product but, I already have these parts laying around. What would you do?
  11. I picked up a TREK 7000 mountain bike at an auction yesterday and it has the goofiest looking valve stems on the tires. I've never seen anything like these.... ever. They kinda have a double threaded stem, and the larger size looks smaller than what you normally find on a bike tire. Anyone know what these things are, and what kind of pump they take?? Pic attached...
  12. Guest

    HD muffler with CAT

    I'm double checking here on this, can I installed a set of HD with a cat in them and not drill them out, I don't want to unless I have too... Thanks
  13. I just changed out my rear brake disc this morning.. the previous 2 owners had gone metal on metal on the pads a few times, mostly because the inner pad wears out twice as fast as the outter one and yes, *I* even got caught like that on a road trip. I checked my pads and thought I had tons left.. but the inner pad wore out and I too found myself metal on metal on the inner rear disc. wow.. Bummer. Every time I had changed pads, I found the inner one tons thinner than the outside one.. Many of you had observed the same thing here. When I bought the bike, it was 2 years old, 20,000 miles on it and the rear disc was quite worn.. but wasn't something I really took notice of, the mechs told me "meh, seen worse but it's OK".. So I replaced the rear brake disc because it needed to be and mostly because I found a new one at a price you simply couldn't sneeze at.. I also replaced all the pads with the Double H Sintered pads from EBC. Last summer, when I replaced the rear pads, I did so with Double H Sintered pads.. I asked the shop to keep the pads for me for later examination. What was surprising is that there is no way to tell which was the inner and which was the outer pad, after 15 to 20,000 miles on them.. And I'm a heavy rear brake user because of the courses I do and the style of riding I do.. Well.. how about that.. And the pads were not even half used up yet.. But they were the same equal thickness.. Hmm how about that??? To me this is interesting. There is enough pad left to have finished off the summer on them easily.. What I will be monitoring this summer is how much brake disc material gets eaten up by the Double H pads. Someone had mentioned to me that you will sacrifice premature wear of the disc for using those pads. But you also get better braking (wow, I found that out on the way home today!) I have my shop note book of what and when I've done anything to the bike so I'll be able to keep a better record as to how much wear and tear is offered on the disc because of these pads. Based on what I observed on the first set of pads off this bike, I think I made the right choice.. However, your mileage and opinion may differ.. I'm not saying this is the absolute best route to take but it seems right to me based on what I saw and experienced.. I'll let you know if this worked out or not later this summer.. Field reports and such etc
  14. FROG MAN

    Not Bad

    My retirement fund is up 44% YTD. I hope your fared as well. May the next decade show double digit gains.
  15. OK folks....just a little heads up here. I've decided to upgrade our server for VentureRider.org The hosting company is running a special and I need to take advantage of it. For very little more money, we will double our disk space, double our monthly bandwidth and almost double our ram. In addition to faster processors and etc. This should be fairly seamless with little or NO downtime. That's my hope anyway. I'll let you know just before I pull the trigger.
  16. Sounds like a u-joint from a datsun B110 will replace the one in the bike but I can't find anyone who stocks it so i just wanted to double check before i order one.
  17. Well, I'm gonna order my tires tonight. Since my bike is used I'm not 100% that the correct tires are already on so I want to double check my sizes before I order. I'm going with Ronayers.com... best price I could find. I should have ordered from jakewilson last week, as I could have gotten both tires for $209. Not that 10 bucks will kill me or anything. 314411 ELITE 3 MR90-18 FRONT 1 http://www.ronayers.com/co/img/plus.jpg http://www.ronayers.com/co/img/minus.jpg $108.99 $108.99 314422 ELITE 3 MU90B16 REAR 1 http://www.ronayers.com/co/img/plus.jpg http://www.ronayers.com/co/img/minus.jpg $109.70 $109.70 Subtotal $218.69 Soon as you guys give me the ok I'll hit the checkout button... again, thanks for the help, as always... Mark
  18. Internet trouble... double post oops!
  19. I have been looking at some on ebay. Most are either single or dual fire. If one of the two would work on a venture, which one would it be?
  20. My 83 standard has been skipping in 2nd, hasn't been i big problem kinda planned on fixing it this winter. Last night though me and wife went for a ride and i lost first gear. skipping 2nd is easy but skipping 1st and 2nd riding double is tough! I'm guessing it really won't be that much more to fix it all than just 2nd but i thought I'd see what people here thought about about it. I'd really rather have a royale with adjustable air ride for switching between riding double and solo. Other than the tranny though the bike runs great plastic has a lot of broken tabs but doesn't seem to be anything to bad. Biggest thing is i don't really want to quit riding yet this year and if i can get the parts to fix it i'm guessing i could do that faster than parting it and buying a "new" one.
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