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  1. Jeff, Are you here at Don's? Jerry
  2. Where and who is staying where for the Don's maintance day any hotel information? Thanks
  3. Who is meeting at Denny's Friday morning in Monroe Mi. I-75 S. bound exit 15. I will be there about 10:15-10:30 have breakfast with everyone who show's up then ride to Don's when everyone is ready. :whistling: ALL IS WELCOME!! Joe
  4. Hey Gals and guys, I will try to get Iron Butt ride to Don's Maintanance Day. All options are open, here's rout I was planning, but once again nothing is carved in the stone. Iron Butt Route Does anybody want to join me ?? First 6 Beers are on me at Don's ( after ride )
  5. I anyone is coming through Illinois headed to Don's in Oberlin and need a place to crash for the night you are welcome at our house
  6. Left shoulder surgery tomorrow. Just wanted to warn everybody that I will be aggravating you all for quite some time again. No work or ride for the last 8 weeks and now after surgery, 3 - 6 months recovery. So no work and ride either and I am sick already. I have my new bars and SS lines on that I can not try and a trip planned and going to miss Don's Maintenance day. Well shoot, oh well. I am blessed and I realize that, but dog gone it, it really really really sucks getting old. I need to learn that when I am working that I am not able to do as I always have. Well I have time to get some computer work done. Adding to Don's Member Vendor list and going to try to sell a few Stinger Flagpole Mounts that I have been working on and to help me and the PGR riders out a little. I have a guy in or next to Kenova,WV building me up a few. Then also a friend nearby to help when needed. Then I am painting and taking care of the rest. The steel and is going to be the biggest factor I believe,so expensive. Well so consider yourselves warned that I am going to be lurking about for a long while. Please come visit me here. Thanks all for your cares and prayers. Fuzzy :thumbsup2:
  7. I know this is a repeat of some other fairly recent threads, but I noticed that Pioneer Motorsports has EBC HH pads for sale in the classified for a very reasonable price, so I thought I would mention this again. I am sorry that we did not make a point of organizing the inspection of the rear pads on all the 2nd gens at Don's recent maintenance day - it only takes about 1 minute to open the saddlebag lid and reach behind it to pop off that plastic cover and inspect the pads with a little flashlight - No need for any tools! I want to stress the need to do this - the last time I had 5 RSVs/RSTDs together before Don's maintenance day, none of the owners had even given a thought to their brake pads with less than 20,000 miles on their bike, but THREE of the five bikes were already metal-to-metal on the inside pad! Please do yourself a favor and make this quick little inspection - new pads are sooo easy to change, and new rotors are sooo expensive. Goose
  8. I saw this trailer at Don's MD. Does anyone know who owns it and who makes this trailer??
  9. Wish Everyone a Safe and Happy Event at Don's
  10. For anyone whom I may have missed from this area going to Don's MD here's the plan. We'll be meeting up near Monroe at exit 15 & I-75 at the TA travel center Friday morning. Kickstands up at 10 am. Also some of us will be arriving earlier (about 8:30) and having breakfast at Denney's restraunt across the street. From there we'll be taking a leasurely ride to the hotel/Don's using mostly secondary roads. Staying off freeways as much as possible is the goal. Currently it looks like we'll head up 8-10 riders for this group. Hope to see you either there or at Don's. Larry
  11. I'm sorry that I can't make to MD. It seems that my wife made other plans for me. I'd rather be at MD than at a family picnic :>( I may be able to get Mic-Mutes kit to Don's house if you act ASAP. If there are 3 or more people interested in having Mic-Mutes kits, I'll deliver them to Don's house on Saturday morning .Call me on my cell phone and I'll see what I can do to get you a Mic-Mutes kit by Saturday. 724-312-3723
  12. for RSV or RSTD can bring to Don's MD $70.00 for the pair. SPOKEN FOR GONE.
  13. I need some fork seals installed on an 86 Yamaha Venturre. Is this something we can do at Don's maintenance day or is this an extensive job?
  14. I decided over the past week to make it to Don's maintenance day this year and have made arrangements to get the time off work. The plan so far is to take the 87 VR if I get this years redo re-done by then. That would allow me to drag the camping trailer and camp out at Don's. If not i'll be taking the 2007 Midnight Venture loaner that we require getting a room since it does not have a trailer hitch. I plan on riding up on Thursday and back on Sunday and was wondering who might be coming through Atlanta on the way that might want to hook up to ride up together.
  15. I sure miss my bike. Miss riding in this beautiful weather. Sure missed coming to M. Day at Don's and seeing everyone. This really SUCKS. Just had to vent.
  16. Attached are front and rear scans of the menu at Quaker Steak & Lube for anyone interested in going Friday night from MD. Manager said they could accommodate us, I told him I would try to let him know Friday afternoon how many were coming. Try to leave Don's 7:00-7:30pm. Its about 30 minute ride from Don's. It's in Sheffield Village, not Oberlin,as post title would suggest. I added PDF file of menu scans, its a little more readable. Almost 2 meg size. Gary
  17. Hey all I would like to attend Don's MD on Sat so if anyone from my area is riding down on Sat morning and comming back Sat. I would love to ride with. Please let me know and maybe we can meet up some where. Star4772 Joe
  18. I am now officially an old timer. I will be getting two, count 'em, two hearing aides from the VA on 6/28. I guess the years in the artillery finally caught up to me. Maybe now I will be able to hear what my son is talking about regarding the brakes squeeking on Doreen's van. To al those going to Don's MD, have fun and watch out for yourselves, nobody else on the road will!! Dave
  19. Sleeperhawk and I are about to leave Columbia headed for MD! Plan to stop in West Virginia overnight, so we will see everyone there at Don's! Everyone please ride safe!!!
  20. Not too late to plan tire changes at Don's Maintenance day - this is relatively easy. Just need to either bring the tire with you or order one and have it delivered to Don's address. Don has the tire changer, and I will have the tire lube and weights to help anyone interested in mounting a MC tire. Unfortunately, I am not available for any work at all concerning a car tire mounted on a bike rim. Goose
  21. Any one from the cincinnati,Ohio goingto Don's MD that wants to meet up Im going to go up on friday and would love any and all company passing through. Ron
  22. Is there anyone from Arkansas going to Don's Maintenance day and would like some company?
  23. Here are a few photos from MD at Don's. Yama Mama
  24. We are still working our way home.....spent the nite at dales bros last night and the weather isnt looking good for taking off any time soon for the rest of the trip home. We still have 8 or 9 hrs to go yet and after the trip to dons in the pouring rain for many many miles we r trying to avoid it heading back.......it wasnt fun.....
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