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  1. Just a few more days an we will giving St. Jude a nice donation and then touring the facilities.
  2. At a sloped blind intersection where oncoming cars are allowed right turn without stopping (or signaling in most cases). As I started out it looked like the oncoming car was coming through. I stopped and put my foot down, but nothing was there. I dropped the bike, and made my donation to the site. Here's a picture after the touch up. I must say this bike was tougher than expected. 750 pounds ~ and very little damage. The scuff on the crash bars cleaned up with steel wool and wd40. A little touch up paint on the fairing and I feel lucky. Lesson: always know where the high side is. Don't mind the reflections. Damage is front and center on the ridge. http://db.tt/jixV46Xw
  3. We are now under 2 weeks till our meet and eat in W. Memphis, Ark. From there we ride over in mass to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. to make our donation and tour both the Hospital and the Ronald Mc Donald house. Dont miss out on this great experience. All we ask is a small donation to help St. Jude in their research. I will have plenty of Cruisin' for St. Jude t-shirts for those attending and donating. We are meeting at the Flying J/Pilot Truck Stop that is located at the junction of I-40 & I-55 in West Memphis. We will be having lunch there before we go to the hospital. Looking forward to a good turnout for this special event. :Venture:
  4. I just received a ton of St. Jude shirts from Jason Murphy that they had left over. Its to late to start auctions since we are going to St. Jude on the 6th of next month. What I would like to do is offer them up for donations. The shipping would be Priority Mail and the cost of that is $5.00. That will cover as many as I can stuff in the box, which is normally 3-4. Instead of starting a bidding war on them, a $10.00 donation per shirt plus a $5.00 for shipping up to 4 shirts would greatly increase our donation to St. Jude. So you can donate by paypal or you can snail mail a personal check to me. [ATTACH]71530[/ATTACH] Please note, if you use paypal I need shirt sizes and your mailing address. If you pay by check place a note with your sizes in the envelope.. If you plan on going to Memphis on Oct 6, you can pm me and let me know how many and what sizes and I will set them aside for you and get your donation there. Thanks to everyone for supporting St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Paypal addy is partin_guy@yahoo.com Snail mail is ........ Lewis Cramer 160 Teal Pl. Newnan, Ga. 30263
  5. The St. Jude auctions are now posted. T-shirts sizes Med, Lg, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL. St.Jude Pins, St. Jude Hats. Shipping is $5.00 with the exception of the Pin only auctions, shipping for those will be $1.00, Please remember to include your shirt size and shipping address when you submit your paypal payment. Also mark your payment as a donation or gift, that way St. Jude gets all the donation. And we will be riding to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. in late Sept. or early Oct. to make our donation in person. It wont be as large as last years donation, but we will have one to make. It is the ride I look forward to the most every year whether I go on the bike or in the van. Its always great seeing all the faces of our family getting together for such a wonderful cause, and you don't have to make a donation to make the ride, being there is showing your support also. I challenge each and every one of our members to show up for this ride, a big turnout would be fantastic. Thanks again to all my cheerleaders and all the great supporters we have here at VR. St. Jude Auctions
  6. I posted the following message before we went on our cruise, didnt get any response to it, so I will repost here. If everyone would rather have the auctions, I can do that, so let me know how ya'll let me know how we should do it. I got plenty of shirts and pins and some hats left, they taking up space and I need to move them, I can take them with me to this years St. Jude ride but I would like to have most of them gone. If you want one of these items send me a pm telling me what you want. It will cost you $5.00 for the USPS priority mail shipping, plus a donation for the kids at St. Jude. At least make your donation a minimum of $5.00 for each item you want, you can make a larger donation, which would be fantastic, so if you want one of each , pin, shirt, hat, that would be $15.00 donation and $5.00 for shipping. Now I have plenty of shirts and about 30 pins, 15 hats, so pm me first before you paypal to make sure I have what you want.
  7. I am going to try something new.......instead of posting auctions for all this stuff I have, and more coming from Jason, lets try this, I think it will work faster and make everyone happy. If you want one of these items send me a pm telling me what you want. It will cost you $5.00 for the USPS priority mail shipping, plus a donation for the kids at St. Jude. At least make your donation a minimum of $5.00 for each item you want, you can make a larger donation, which would be fantastic, so if you want one of each , pin, shirt, hat, that would be $15.00 donation and $5.00 for shipping. Now I have plenty of shirts and about 30 pins, 15 hats, so pm me first before you paypal to make sure I have what you want. I will respond to all the om's after we return from our cruise which will be Feb 23. So don't forget this is for the Kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. :mo money::mo money:
  8. Help................... We need to raise a little more money for the Kids at St. Jude, I was given a hint as to how much NARR group has raised so far and we are going to fall short and loose the challenge, but thats not whats important, we want to make an impact on the research that goes on at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The kids are in need of all the help they can get to find a cure for this horrible affliction that strikes out at everyone, it knows no age limit, young, old it makes no difference. The research that goes on at St. Jude benefits everyone in the long run. If we can raise a little more money we will get the donation to St. Jude go over the $10,000 mark, that would be a combined total from both groups and that would be fantastic. We were told on one of our visits there that the average donation from a m/c group was $2,500.00. We can set a new standard! If you don't feel comfortable sending the donation to me, you can always make the donation to the hospital via the tribute site we have set up at the St. Jude web site. The link to that page is below. Remember we are going to make the donation in person at St. Jude in Memphis on Oct 1, 2011. You can make a donation at the tribute site any at any time. Its all about the Kids!!! Mean Dog Tribute __________________ St. Jude Benefit Ride Oct. 1, 2011 http://www.danasoft.com/sig/STJUDEBENEFITRIDE.jpg Follow up from B2Dad Come on people..... The time is getting close. I am sure a $1 or $2 won't break most of us. If everyone gave just a dollar, we could hit that $10,000 mark that Lewis spoke of! I personally will get this going again with a donation of $25. Who is with me??? Dig deep fellow VR members! And thanks! It's for the kids, ya know!
  9. When we arrived home and got everything unloaded, started going through all the mail and found an envelope from the company I used to make the t-shirts. They saw from our shirts that we were raising money for St. Jude and sent me a small donation. This is the second time I have used them and they are a class act. The shirts are always first class, and I highly recommend them to anyone who needs shirts done fast and at the right price. The company is CustomInk.com. Visit their link and check out the site. Its easy to design your own shirts, I did it anyone can. My hat is off to CustomInk.com.
  10. What can you buy for a $1.00? You might be able to buy a cup of coffee, a candy bar, a newspaper, a soft drink, but what is the greatest thing you can buy for a dollar and feel you haven't wasted your money? You can buy some children a chance of happiness that they so richly deserve, make a parent happy, and you yourself can feel good about doing something with $1.00 that will go a long way to acheive those goals............ With $1.00 donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital you can give them a chance of finding a cure for cancer. You can make them smile, give them the hope that someday they can lead a normal life like the rest of us. I know in these tough economic times we have made sacrifices to get by, but I don't think $1.00 is too hard for anybody to come up with. Don't have that cup of coffee, or that candy bar, instead make a donation to the kids at St. Jude. Now if you have already made a donation or won a St. Jude auction I am not appealing to you, you have stepped up, some more than once and I dont know why you need so many shirts, hats, and pins. With this donation you will receive the satisfaction that you are helping some very unfortunate kids. We want to make this another banner year for our St. Jude fundraising, so PLEASE, PLEASE donate just $1.00 to those kids. Then join us for the ride you will never forget to Memphis, Tn. to see what your $1.00 is doing. When making you donation please mark it as DONATION and no fees will be charged. Paypal addy for donation is............partin_guy@yahoo.com Thanks to all, Lewis & Charlene DragonRider & DragonLady
  11. Our youngest, Andy was diagnosed with MS just before his 19th birthday. We are so blessed that his is not very aggressive at this young age. Both Andy and Jan are riding in the Harmons Best Dam Bike Ride 2011 to raise awareness and research funds to find a cure. While keeping in mind the current economic times, anyone that feels they are able to make a small donation, I have included the link below. You can donate on behalf of Jan or Andy Harris. https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/Donation2?idb=604336954&df_id=31240&FR_ID=15231&PROXY_ID=9324307&31240.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&JServSessionIdr004=0yr044n173.app330b Thank you in advance for your thoughts, prayers or donations. Dave
  12. As some of you know Eck donated some 1st Gen and 2nd Gen parts to me when he moved to S.C., he suggested I use them as door prizes or fund raising items for St. Jude Children's Hospital. I choose to do the later, but I still have quite a few parts left over, so here is what I have decided to do, along with another idea to help out all you folks who have all those old OEM and custom parts laying around after you finished Blinging out your ride. If you are coming to Vogel and would like to rid yourself of all those parts you will never need or use again, bring them to Vogel as a donation for St. Jude and I will have a table or two set up to display all the parts providing I dont get way too many to display, now what I am talking about is parts you can carry on your bike or in your trailer, not engines or anything way to big or heavy. If someone sees something they need or would like to have, all they need to do is make a small donation (No Minimum) to St. Jude. Now in the event that there are parts left over and I am sure there will be, you can take them back with you or if you want, I will load them up in my vehicle and take them back to my shop and hold them and put up a list of parts available and post it for everyone to see, and if they see something they want, and for a small donation plus shipping and off it goes to the donor. In return for those donating parts I still have a bunch of Crusin' for St. Jude t-shirts available and will give them to the donors. And remember this is all for the kids at St. Jude and we will be making another ride in either late Sept. or early Oct. to deliver the money to St. Jude in Memphis, Tn. So far since the very first Vogel in 2005, we have raised and donated over $12,000.00 to St. Jude. Our max donation one year was over $3200.00 and that was from an effort put forth by Squidley and Sleeperhawks Mechanic. My thanks to all those that have supported our efforts to help the Kids at St. Jude. There are many and I wish I could name everyone of you but that would not be possible, so Thanks and God :clap2:Bless each and every one of you.:clap2:
  13. Since it is taking too long to auction off all the t-shirts I still have for Crusin' for St. Jude Children's Hospital, I am going to offer them up first come first serve for a minium donation of $10.00 per shirt plus $5.00 shipping, of course you can make a larger donation and I wont refuse it. Sizes are limited ranging from Med to XXXL. If I dont have the size you request I can substitue another size, so give me your first choice size and a second choice if I am out of the first. Please do not use this post to make your donation , please use the PM function!!!!!! Do not send any money to paypal till I verify I have what you want, then I will advise you when to send it and give you my new paypal addy to send it too.
  14. There have been three folks who have made a donation to the International Rally using PayPal and the payments have not been received. We did determine that one individual thought that he had used the CFAS4U@Charter.NET address. But, in reviewing the transaction information provided, was able to determine that he had inadvertently used Charter.com If you have sent a donation to the International Rally which has not cleared please review the transaction information and make sure that you used the CFAS4U@Charter.net address. Fortunately, there is no such address as CFAS4U@Charter.com and the payment will just sit there as unclaimed until it is returned to your account.
  15. We finally made it home from the 5th Annual St. Jude Meet & Eat & Tour. Had a grand time, met plenty of new faces and we have been challenged, I will tell more about that later. Its after midnite and need to get to bed so we can get up and make it to church on time.. To recap the ride we had 16 bikes, 1 cage, and a total of 26 bodies. Our final donation for 2010 was $1,876.00. Very good considering we didnt have Vogel to help with the totals......... Thanks again to everyone who donated, bid, contributed, and supported this effort, it was a great team effort by all.
  16. WATCH OUT when approaching gas pumps!!!!!! Somebody either spilled gas or oil....put my foot down and it just slid out from under me! Came SO close to laying it over. But....no donation this time!
  17. Ok folks, now I got the high bid on the headsets. NAybody think they can outbid me. What the heck its for the kids and I havent made a donation yet this year. thanks dragonrider for all your hard work David
  18. Just made $10 donation....$5 for laying the bike over in sand....I detailed that one on the Watering hole shortly after I first joined the group. about 2 weeks later I tried to bleed the clutch but I guess I didn't do it well enough. It was fine at first...but after a few days the air must have moved and all of a sudden the clutch wouldn't completely disengage. I tried to limp home...I was way out in the middle of nowher and was going to putt thru a stop sign....BUT wouldn't you know it...at the last second a see a truck coming! There was no time to find neutral...so I just pulled in the clutch...put on the brakes. BUT....between the bike still pulling and the gravel under my left foot....over she goes! Really I just laid it over. CHA CHING! One good thing....at least I got to try out the method I learned here on picking the beast up! $5 more!....at this rate I'm not sure If I can afford this bike! LOL
  19. Well finally got bike running great today so rode over to a friends house to show him. So I pulled up to his garage where he and another friend was standing next to a 79 Moto Guzzi and as I stopped I slowly fell over on the left side. (Just like Arte Johnson on Laugh In). The loop on my tennis shoe laces caught on my shifter and I couldn't put my foot down. Didn't hurt me or the bike but we sure got a good laugh out of it. And I'm sure this won't be the last I hear of it. Will send in my donation tonight.
  20. OK, so lets make it official: Address is: US-1 restaurant (old Sly Fox) 2842 S Ridgewood Ave (US1) South Daytona FL Date: 05/17/09 (Rain Date: 05/31/09) Time: 1 pm Located on southbound Ridgewood ave (west side of roadway) Link: http://www.us1restaurantgrill.com/2031807.html This place has great seating, great parking made even better now that its paved and last but not least.......great food. And a place to unwind and BS one another after the meal. I will be requesting a small donation for the maintenance of this site at the M&E. A dollar or two will be fine. Donations of $1000.00 or more will go right into my pocket so be warned...... Lets hope for good weather and have a safe ride there.
  21. Hello folks. I have a set of brand new Road King Muffler brackets inadvertantly sent to me by Mark Hilliss. When I asked him what to do with them, he said I could offer them for a donation for Freebird. Sounded good to me. Thanks Mark. So, to help get some donations :mo money:for the site, Mark is graciously dionating these fine brackets to the highest contributer over the next two weeks. I know they are good quality brackets because I just received my own set a few weeks ago. So, if interested in helping Freebird out and getting some great brackets in the deal, this is all you need to do: Make a donation to the site (separate from your subscription dues). Send me a PM with your amount donated. After May 03, 2008, I'll see who made the largest contribution and then send them the brackets. Shipping costs will be on me. I hope this is the right way to go about doing this. Thanks for your assistance. Rusty Metts
  22. Thanks to Brad for putting this idea in my head......... I have quite a few Crusin for St. Jude Pins that I have been auctioning off, and the shirts, hats, and lic. plate holders will all be gone before the pins......... So here is what I am going to do.......... I am going to set aside 15 of the pins for this offer......... The first 15 people who respond to this post will be able to purchase for a $10.00 donation to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 1 Cruisin for St. Jude Pin, this will include shipping by US mail. No PM's please, must be requested in this post. Once you respond to this post you can use PayPal to pay or send me a check for the donation. My PalPal addy is below. partin_guy@yahoo.com Thanks to all.
  23. My wife is seeking sponsors for the Komen walk for the cure, this one is a 3 day 60 mile walk. There is more information about it below, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Butch and Brenda http://www.the3day.org/images/content/pagebuilder/10860.jpg http://www.the3day.org/images/sp.gif This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Breast Cancer 3-Day. I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations. I've set my personal goal at $2300.00 but hope to exceed that amount. So I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation from $5.00 to $500.00? Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train. You can give online at www.The3Day.org. Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising webpage and make a donation. You can also call 800.996.3DAY to donate over the phone. As so many of us have lost a loved one to cancer, my family have lost both Mom and Dad to cancer. I do this walk in thier memories. According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Sincerely, Brenda aka "Topmom" P.S. Ask your employer if they will double your donation through a matching gift program! Click here to visit my personal page. If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address: http://www.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/TampaBayEvent?px=2714977&pg=personal&fr_id=1301&et=K0HO5pPr-bLtmxwj8NYeyw..&s_tafId=131971 http://www.the3day.org/site/PixelServer?tr=Go0KNwVLx7iZBjYUj8JGlQ.. http://www.the3day.org/images/sp.gif
  24. Well the winter months here in Ohio leave me alot of time to think since i cant ride. So today i was sitting at work talking to a few of my co-workers about ST.Jude and they all seemed like they wanted to help and told me to let them know when i was going to go on the teddy bear collection frenzy. My Boss heard the conversation and told me about a program offered here @ CSX railroad where if i voulenteer for 40 hours they will make a 400 dollar donation to our charity. then i also had some other idea's with this i work on the intermodal side which is the division that puts the trailers and over sea's containers on the rail i will share these later and get some feed back on them. so as soon as i get some more info im going to get started. I just thought I would share this with every one. Ron
  25. I'm proud to tell you that I'm being locked up...that's right, I'm going behind bars to help Jerry's Kids© and MDA. To be released on good behavior I have to raise bail and I need your help! All you have to do is click hereto make a secure, online donation before 06/19/08. Your donation will help families living in our community and help guarantee me an early release. I can't wait to add you to my list of contributors. Thanks in advance for your help. Don't hesitate to call or email me with any questions. Together we'll make a difference, Bobbie If the link above does not work, please cut and paste the address below into the address bar of your Internet browser. https://www.joinmda.org/columbia2008/bobbiejune/
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