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  1. My father was active and in good health. Yesterday my father (age 78) took a headfirst dive down the basement stairs. My mother heard the fall and he was bleeding and unconscious when she got to him. She called the paramedics (3 ambulances and 8 paramedics showed up) and they were able to revive him and transport him to the local hospital. The local hospital did what they could to stabilize him and then had him transported to a big hospital with neurosurgeons on staff due to bleeding in the brain. What is known so far. many deep lacerations on his head and body. Fractured scull fractured eye socket fractured vertebra in the neck fractured clavicle 3 broken ribs in the back. He is spitting up blood so more testing is coming to determine its cause, as well as a full body scan to see if any other things are broken / damaged. They have not yet looked at much of anything below the chest yet. The doctors have said that none of his injuries appear to be life threatening but they are still very concerned about possible brain damage. When I got to the hospital the doc was asking him questions, he did not know what year it was or who the president is. He did not recognize my mother, my sister or me. He has no recollection of what happened. Most of his right side is not working but the doc said there was no stroke or heart attack that caused the fall. He will be spending some significant time in the neuro ICU.
  2. Wednesday we drove out to Greensboro NC, Muffin had to be at the hospital for 6 am and it's a 4 hr ride. His surgery started at 7:40 and lasted 2.5 hrs, then recovery about as long. Here's a pic of his foot all wrapped up pretty on the ride home yesterday. I have a few more pics I'll add just have to scan them. The doc gave them to me when he came out to chat after the surgery. Boy he was young looking. Jeff had DeNovo surgery, he had an accident at work in April it killed the cartilege in his ankle. The surgery uses donor tissue to replace what you've lost. The doc said it was more extensive then he thought. So Muffin is on his butt for about 6 wks, in 2 we got back to the docs office. So no bike riding for him, but it could have been worse. Just can't seem to convince him of that. Anyway thought I'd let you all know. It's been a long year so far since this all started. Once this is all over he can go back to work. I'm really really looking forward to that day. Margaret
  3. I've seen 2 different firing orders listed during a search. 1-3-2-4 and 1-3-4-2. Is 1st and 2nd gen the same? Mine is 2nd gen. Just putting an excel cheat doc together. Tired of rumaging though manual for little stuff.
  4. Ive seen and heard the words before but didn't know anything about it till now. Ever since I got back from SD my 2 middle fingers on my right had are numb. My doc wants to send me for surgery . Anybody have it done , was it worth it and what was your down time . I was going to wait but was told you can get permanent damage.
  5. Having motorcycle withdrawals bad, started passing a 6MM kidney stone 3 weeks ago and still working at it and since then I have had a bad kidney infection, a allergic reaction to the antibiotics for the infection and now double vision doc says its a side effect of the meds for the nausea. Doc will not break it up because it is not blocking me up I don't think he has ever had a kidney stone or maybe I am just being a big baby. I can deal with the pain and the nausea but the double vision has me concerned so I am wondering if anyone else has had double vision due to a medication or should I get a third opinion? Thanks for letting me rant.
  6. I finally got my new design on my web site for anyone interested. The site is a work in progress for now and I have more pictures to put up when I can. I have the Vertical 1 1/4" Stinger Flag Mount available now and also the regular Horizontal Mount, but in a different design. I am also in the progress of building the mounts to work with the Diamond R Hitch. Coming very soon. Thank you all for your orders so far and putting up with me doing this. I am trying to keep them as affordable as possible for all the PGR members and other groups. I will try to get them up here in the Members Vendors area ASAP. The prices will be the same as my web site. Note; These will not fit the Hitch Doc with the 1 1/8" stinger/receiver hitch. Also for now I can not find any 1 1/8" square tubing to build for the Hitch Doc Hitch. https://sites.google.com/site/flagpolestingermounts/ Thank you, James
  7. Morris , an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing great, aren't you?' Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'' The doctor said, 'I didn't say that.. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful..
  8. Met with the doc today and he says no surgery at this time.... Maybe in 5 or 10 years.. Now he has a baseline to go off of... CT scans every 3 months to see how much fluid builds up,, The excess brain fluid is there,but not causing the headaches,chest pains and blurred vision... He is leaning towards migraine headaches as the issue... More pills to take.... He must have seen the look on my face and referred me to another doc to see if he confirms this... So I'm trying to get in to see the other doc before the end of the week,before I go back to work.. Thanks for all the well wishes...
  9. Well the way I feel after surgery my first ride is gonna be way down the road. Doc had a hell of a time with scar tissue from all my earlier surgeries. Lost 3 liters of blood which was replaced plus a bunch more fluids. I was is in ICU from thurs to sat late afternoon. They had a hardtime stabilizing my blood pressure it kept dropping way down then my temp jumped up to 105. So the was touch and go for awhile. Raymond (ColesGrandpa) came and visited Sharon and I at the Hospital sat morning it was nice to see him. But anyhow I got to come home last night. Im on oxygen 24/7 till I go back to doc on monday. I feel ok but I have no strength and have not been able to get really comfy yet. Once that happens I know Im on my way to recovery lol John
  10. Here's what I have. Angel didn't take very many this year. I'm gonna doc her pay.
  11. I've been nursing a bum right knee for about a year... busted it up swinging a leg over the scoot last summer.... I'd been putting off doing anything hoping that it would heel up by itself. Yesterday it got so bad I couldn't even walk on it. Damn it hurt. So off to the Docs I go this morning. Torn miniscus. A shot of cortizone cocktail and I'm mobile again. I may need an operation to clean things out of there. The Doc kinda hesitated about recommending the op untill I asked him if my name were Joe Montana would it make a difference... Gotta go mow the lawn now....
  12. well i thought it would be about 2 weeks. but doc said go ahead and give it a try . told me i still have some muscle pulled some where in my lower left leg? i have some pain in that area no blood clot though. so i walked the entire leanth of the gym 2 times there is pain in the leg but not too bad. and my headaches are doing great now with the medication im on. so i looked at the doc and said can i give my scoot a ride today he said well since ya asked so nice. go ahead and see how ya do. well i didnt set a road trip record. but got the venture out of the garage warmed it up and off Dianne and i went. we did 60 miles round trip. so not so bad. brakes and exhaust all working well. carbs are a litttle off now after all the exhaust work? slight hesitation when I cracked the throtle. idles ok ? time for some more seafoam and run the pi$$ out of her. she sure needs some cosmetic work. looks like at some time a bike got tipped on the drivers side. at the shop where it was being worked on? i found some cracks that wherent there before and some green paint on the drivers fairing. also the lowers on that side is lose? wasent before? but since all the trouble i had just to get it out of that shop. i wasent going to call him and start a fight. fells great to ride again but got hot as heck at noon it hit 109 heat index dianne said oldgoat time to take you back to the barn. oh and her vstar for some reason gave me a run for my money in third gear? maybe just my nerves after a long wait to ride. now i have to figure out the slow wobble. between 30 and 45 mph and then again at 55 to 60. new tires only 300 miles on them maybe not worn in yet? well that the news from oldgoat today
  13. I just finished installing a new spring in my 1986 VR, using the kit from Sky Doc. First off, let me tell you that Sky Doc backs his stuff up with patience and understanding at a very high level. He put up with my nonsense (a result of not knowing what the H**L I was doing!) and more or less held my hand until the fog cleared and I saw what I was supposed to do! Now my VR hooks up like a VENTURE...a new one, that is! I was having slipping problems in higher gears and then after the first installation, I managed to have it in EVERY gear (Does that tell you how little I know about motorcycle mechanics?) But after Sky Doc and I talked quite a few times, he finally got through to my thick head and now the bike runs like it should. Other problems still exist, but it is nice to know when someone really follows through with his products like Sky Doc!!!!
  14. have heard the more air for breather help with engine performance? drill hole in breather? go to K&N (costly) appreciate any info thanx doc
  15. Hi Don: Any chance of enabling the newer Office files: ie) docx instead of doc
  16. Took a ride this morning to the Doc's for my 4 month checkup on my hip replacement. X-Rays were excellent, Range of movement was excellent. Still have some pain when I walk on uneven ground and move certain ways but Doc said that was normal. Said things were going so good that he didn't need to see me for another 6 months. Exercise does work lol:banana: John
  17. Ok first of all for those wondering about the water bill from last week. I got that taken care of. They do a special for leaks once a year. With any luck I won't have anymore leaks at all. Now for yesterday. Started off in the morning taking dog out for walk, kept feeling something like a hair by my ear. Tried pushing the hair away but still kept getting the same sensation. Well Turns out it wasn't a hair it was most likely a bug. Not sure what kind but it ended up in my left ear. Yeah I know don't ask how I have no idea. So yesterday I spent in the emergency room to get the darn thing out. Went to the one in Edenton because I've been to the other with someone else and spent 7 hrs there. I was there for a while maybe 45 mins got my vitals done then off to get the insurance stuff taken care of. Before I leave the nurse tells me 1 to 2 hrs most likely before I see the doc. Ok doen't sound bad if that's how long it takes. If you've ever spent any time in a hosptial emergency room you know what I mean. So after a little over 2 hrs I'm in the back waiting for the doc to come in. Now mind you this creature is in my ear for the whole time getting up the nerve to actually go to the hospital plus getting there and then waiting. So by now my ear really hurts. Doc get's out his light thing to look in my ear and says wow that's really far in there. So far doesn't sound good for me. So now we start the process of pulling the little bugger out. This is also really really painful. But I'm tough so no crying for me, but that pillow will never be the same. All he can get out is half the bug, yes I said half. Now comes the even more fun part of trying to flush the rest of it out of my ear. Talk about torture and it hurts too because my ear canal is extremely irritated as the doc tells me (wonder why). So he decides it's way too irritated to continue trying to get this thing out. I'm kinda relieved because my ear was hurting like hell at this point. He tells me I can come back in 3 days for him to get the rest out or try to make an appointment with the (mind the word the as in only one) ear nose throat guy in Elizabeth City. So I'm sitting here figuring if this is the only guy that does this he's gonna be really booked up. So I might as well head back to this doc he already knows what my ear looks like and knows I can handle the pain since they never give ya anything for this. He also gave me a prescription for these ear drops that are an anesthetic and something else. I'm hoping it makes what's left of this stupid bug really really easy to get out of my ear. I feel like my ears stuffed (which it is with the left over bug). Makes it kinda hard to hear out of too. So now I'm not sure I'm gonna make the meet in GA. I have no idea how long this is gonna take on thursday since I have to go back to the emergency room for this stuff. So I'll have to play that one by ear. Anyway I'm terrified of what next weeks gonna bring. I don't want to imagine what can happen because it seems if it's unusual and strange it's gonna happen to me. Margaret
  18. got to work @ 8am - soaped up the garage floor and scrubbed it down - stepped out to grab the water hose to rise it off - took one step into the shop and went down on my left side.... dislocating my shoulder (man that hurts) - off to emerg. room where they xrayed it and said they saw no break (s)-three shots of morphine and one other type didn't touch the pain- a doc comes in & tells nurse to give me a shot to put me sleep, well that didn't work either - so he proceeded to put it back in place - and when it popped back in the pain was instantly reduced by 90%. my left hand is numb and can't move two fingers- doc said wait about three days to see if it begins to cooperate, if not to see a ortho doc. got no one to blame but me, but the prospect of missing out on riding is a bummer. if anyone has an extra prayer send it my way,thanks. my initial prayer was already answered, i ask God to allow me no bone breaks...so praise God from whom all blessig flow. Buz in N.C.
  19. Doc said today I could park crutches as I could handle it. Shaking up all the hardware that was already there is causing me more pain now than anything. About like starting over with it. Everything has to grow into place. Asked him about work. Told him I needed to be able to take off and run to help other officers when I got there if necessary. He said never. More paperwork.
  20. Well its been one month since the hip replacement. Went to doc today and Im now full weight bearing on the leg:banana: Have been discharged from in home therpy and will now go to out patient rehab to build up more strength. Doc says everything looks excellent and dont have to go back for 2 months Still no word on when I can ride bike that will be up to theripist when they think IM ready. John
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