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  1. While riding some twisties today I went into a right hand turn when I noticed a groundhog in the ditch ahead of me. Watching him I almost ended up in ditch with him!! I know better than that!!! Look where you want to go. Not in the ditch!!! Stupid trick!!! Kicked up a little dust. Hope a rock hit that sucker in the head!! I think he was waving at me!!
  2. Speaking of karmA. Had a friend in hospital so went to check on him after work. I decided to do some wandering on the way home. Went down a road middle of nowhere that I take to go down memory lane. Houses have went down hill since I was in high school 30 years ago. Anyway, I came across this little guy, could not of been 5 years old with his tiny 4 wheel atv idling and stuck front wheels inthe ditch. He was even wearing a full face helmet, yanking on the back of it trying to get it out. Centrifugal clutch he was fighting the engine. He would yank back and it would just pull itself back on the ditch. I shutdown and asked if he would like some help, he nodded. I lifted the whole back end in the air and ask him which way he wanted it pointed. Sat it down and held it while he got on. He zipped off back into his yard merrily doing his laps around the house. You know what, the little guy didn't even wave Bob Marshall, il
  4. I read this today in Belt Drive Betty's Facebook Blog, (she runs a Canadian Bikers Newsletter and Biker Friendly Business Directory). I thought it was worth sharing with everyone and especially those who dont wear gear or ensure their passengers wear full gear. Here is her website http://www.beltdrivebetty.com I know I was young once. Of that I am quite sure. And I know when I was young I took chances some smarter than others but... I have become highly critical of those who wear things like sandals and flip flops when they ride. When I pull up beside some dude who has his gal on the back of his motorcycle - and she is wearing a bikini or shorts and a halter/tank top, sandals/flip flops and a full faced helmet I want to SCREAM - I WANT TO RAGE - I want to ask him "Do you not value the life of that pretty young thing behind you?" I have been asking you for feedback on buying new gear....today I ask about foot wear...the following story has a lot to do with why I am the way I am when it comes to my feelings about good gear. Back in the day when I was young, I was living in a little community called Mara Lake BC. My old man was a guy with the nick name of Rotten Ronnie - aptly named for the noxious gases that exploded from him after a feed of moose or deer meat...Ron is the man who taught me to ride a motorcycle. Road rash....a story of gory and disturbing proportions that I want to share with you for it is this incident that set me on the path to being an opinionated lady on this topic in many, many ways. One weekend, Ron and I had gone to Kelowna, we had had a great time and got up nice and early on the Sunday morning to head home, Ron had things around the yard he wanted to get done before work on Monday morning. There were lots of motorcycles out - it was a glorious day to ride. As we passed through Vernon, traffic began to get thicker, there was construction up ahead about 10 kilometers or so. This young buck (remember I was a lofty 24 then) pulled up beside us on his Suzuki sport bike. He had this very buxom young lady riding pillion. She was wearing a full faced helmet, a bikini and sandals. He was wearing jeans, tee, boots and a full face. I sat on my ***** pad shaking my head thinking to myself this guy really doesn't value what he has sitting behind him... Well, we leave the set of lights, the dude on the sport bike far faster than us on the our FXRS...he's gone like a rocket....as Ron and I come around a corner - just before the construction zone that is between Vernon and Armstrong - we see the carnage....my blood runs cold and I am almost sick to my stomach. There is buddy's sport bike, embedded in the trunk of a car...buddy is screaming, standing but wobbly, bleeding and road rashed...his once pretty little girlfriend is now dead. Her once buxom form is nothing more than bones now as she has no chest left, just a rib cage from doing a face plant at about 100 KMPH and skidding down the shoulder of the road into the ditch. Her one foot is gone - literally worn off from the high exit rate - she had skidded down the pavement for a good 100 feet or so before tumbling into the ditch. Rib bones and raw meat are all that were left of her. That and her un scarred, untouched face. I guess that was a consolation, at least her family could have an open casket funeral. That crash is forever etched in my mind. The howling of the rider - that of a wolf in enormous pain...the visual of this pretty, pretty girl at the set of lights only minutes before transposed over the corpse lying in the ditch that I saw will never leave my mind's eye. Now perhaps you understand all of the questions from last week about good gear - maybe it will explain a bit to you about why I get a tad opinionated on the subject of gear and helmets etc...so today the question is footwear - what brand, what style and why you chose the particular style you did. Foot wear is a very important and vital part of the gear equation in my mind...Please share with me your thoughts on choosing good footwear...
  6. Where to buy Ride - On tire sealent?? A member here had a Plug blow 2 times yesterday the last time put him in the ditch...got me thinking..ordering a new front tire (21k) on existing tire, and want to put Ride on in both front and back..... Thanks
  7. Woody

    Near hit

    I may need to get my seat fixed, while riding two up with my daughter on a narrow country road we meet a white pick up truck coming in our direction driving very slow as if looking for an address or something and then from behind the truck a red truck came around a curve way to fast and could not stop for the white truck it took to the ditch on the right side of the white truck and passed it in the ditch came back in the road in front of the truck with it’s front wheels off the ground coming straight at us I took the ditch on my right avoiding the red truck a mail box and then the white truck. After my daughter was able to talk she said at one point she could have touched the red truck and the mail box at the same time. If we had been in four wheels we could not have got out of the way. Good thing is no one was hurt, bike got a couple of scraps.
  8. My friend David Bean hit a deer Sunday evening on the way to work, He was not injured but his Goldwing was not so lucky, David was a member here but dropped out when he sold his Venture. The deer was a hundred feet from the inpact point and the bike traveled another 200 ft. He went off the road into a muddy ditch which stopped him and the bike fell over, tupperware is shattered, parts missing, left crash bar and radiator bent up, frount forks bents. He went on to work, In the ER he an RN in the er. Left the bike on its side in the ditch, I got off work Monday morning from the ICU and met him there and we fished her out, damage lokks bad, and worst of all he thought he had full coverage insurance and only had liability was an 88 model. Gregg
  9. about a week ago I started a thread after driving into the ditch. I want to thank saddlebum, eazyduzzit, 99silver, Yammer Dan, SteveP, Eck, Twenty7Delta, BigBoyinMS, Wes0778 for input, suggestions & wit. they made this fix go easier & quicker than if I had not had their input. they all worked. the RSV is back together & ready for a ride. If the rain would ease up a bit, i could take it for a test ride. i avoided having to make a claim on the insurance, plus i got to do some work i may not have gotten to other wise. Like i really needed that! anyway here are some pictures of the work involved. I will upgrade and add the crash bar brace - but that will be another day. that upgrade will be easy compared to this self inflicted work. I want to thank not only those who gave direction, but to everyone on this site. it is refreshing to have this community. now if we can just get to gathering. time is something there is just not enough of. Dale in Louisiana
  10. i was making a right hand turn out of the driveway & for some strange reason, i could not turn tight enough and wound up on the other side of the road in the ditch. Pictures below. our driveway is asphalt & our road is gravel. this turn is always tough for me as i feel if i turn to tight, i will loose the front end to gravel slide. since i was in a turning position, i was in line with the ditch. i was able to get the front tire back on the road, but when the rear came up, the bike fell over on the left. i had messed up the lower cowling and the engine guard/crash bar was bent upwards cramming the highway peg against the floorboard which caught the gear shift. no room to lift the bike using the technique learned and used before as i had to stand in the ditch to lift. i had got my truck & was in the process of hooking up ratchet straps to assist me in lifting the bike when a neighbor came home & gave me a hand. what a pain. anyway i have the busted side of the bike taken apart. My question is - can i heat & straighten the bar ends that are bent, or should i replace them with used/new bars. i checked our classifieds & ebay, but nothing listed. If replacing is the better option, does someone have a left crash bar for sale that is not listed? i am over being embarrassed with myslef & Debbie came home for lunch & I told her, so I have bases covered. Dale in Louisiana p.s. - this really put us out of making the M & E in Biloxi, Ms.
  11. Hi all my son and i went to western nc to go riding this weeknd he has a 03 rsv he was going around a curve and the bike went out from under him it slid on its side through a ditch and stopped upside down on the side of a mountian the good lord was with us he was un hurt (but pride maybe) just some scratches and burs on his leg the bike has a lot of damage windshield broke off the lt frt crash bar bent back and we could not shift it but we took a crow bar bent it out and finished the ride the bike maybe a total loss but just would like to say that bikers no mater what thay ride help when in need there where about 6 riders that stoped to help us right the bike and get it out of the ditch kevin wisor 199 rsv jax fl
  12. :scared:On June 22nd 10:15pm on the way home after 300 mile ride to see our BACA kids.I was reflecting on the events of the day.When all at once a little piggy (200lbs)jumped out of ditch at about ten feet had just enough time to oh! impact dead center 60mph.Woke up sliding on my back ,bike fling over and landing in front of me.I watched it slide into ditch about 30ft.ahead of my landing.At this point i could not that I am concious(no helmet)I usually wear one. When I stand up I realize right eye is swole shut,forehead bleeding,both arms look like hamburger,left leg is killing me and I am in the middle of no where. I here a car coming from the north, my luck it turns off a mile before me. I can still hear hogs around and decide this is not a place to hang around,I see a light south of me and start toward it dragging my left leg and hoping they did not have dogs.Knocked on door and requested 911 waited on heli.Nothing broke just skined and bruised. GLAD TO BE HERE!! P.S. Son just told me it was 3/4 mile to that house.Also I was on the Roadstar,Venture was in the shop.
  13. Rode with a few other couples Sat to J & P Cycle's open house in Anamosa. About 50 miles into the ride we were going around a bend in the road and all we both saw was brown hair and then bang, bang, bang....The deer had to have made one leap from the other side of the ditch right into the left side of our fairing. All I can say is my husband is one heck of a good driver. We skidded into the other lane, onto the gravel shoulder the whole bike is swerving and he held onto it. I can't believe we didn't hit the ditch or lay the bike down. Cut in the front tire from the fender bending down, headlights sitting crooked and a few more dings. We're hoping the forks are ok.I don't think he was going over 45 mph when it happened. I can't belive how lucky we were. Kept on going down to the open house, but between the crowd down there, high winds and rain the whole way home...It was one of those days when we should have just hung it up for the day. No one hurt except his ankle which he drug on the road. A few Harley Riders from our hometown heard about it and everyone of them told Gary."It's lucky you had the Venture...cuz if it would have been an HD it would have never held up to that kind of force hitting it" Hope that's the first and last time we ever hit a deer!
  14. My brother just gave me a 1986 Venture royale that's in rough shape 80% of the plastic is cracked or has broken tabs and most of the accessories don't work.I don't want to restore it to its original glory but rather I'd like to strip it down to a almost bare/naked bike.I want to ditch the instrument console and need to know if there is any problem with just mounting a different speedo & tach or does the bike need any signals from different components enable to start it?Can anyone think of any other obstacles I might encounter.Thanks
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