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  1. The house is getting closer to being finished out at the farm. I need to make a decision on Direct or Dish. Anybody have any insight as to what you are running now? Pros and cons would be appreciated.
  2. I am in the process of laying out the menu for the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. So, does anyone who is planning on attending have any requests for a special item or side dish? If so, please let me know and we will try to accomodate you. Thanks.....
  3. I would like to see who can make it on that date, to get a idea of what all to do to get ready. I put it on the calendar so you can RSVP there, and it is posted in the Meet and Eats so if you would like to bring something like a dish to pass or maybe a tool that would be of use for the work on the cycles that maybe a good place for that. This is the first time at doing this so any ideas would be helpfull. Thanks Orlin
  4. I've had cable TV service for years and have no experiece at all with satellite systems. Our cable provider, Insight Communications, is switching to a digital system and in doing so it will require a tuner on each TV. No problem I thought. I already had 2 DVR units and they were going to give me 3 mini box tuners for 3 other TVs which left me with needing one more. However, all of my TVs are HD TVs and the mini box tuners do not support HD, only SD. So I called Insight today and was basically told that the only way I could get HD would be to have an HD DVR on each TV for an additional $15/month per TV. I really only need the basic 4 major networks on the 4 additional TVs and today I can get that off of the standard cable using the TV tuners. So, if I want to use my HD TVs to their potential it appears I may have to switch to Direct TV or Dish. To those of you with satellite experience, can you share the pros and cons of the two systems? It seems I'll still need a tuner for each TV but they are only $5/each per month. I would also have to switch my phone and internet to the local phone company. I find all of this really annoying. Dennis
  5. I for the most part over the years have been happy with them. I am not crying over the recent lost of some Fox programming. One side says this and the other says that. Who knows what is really going on. The truth is somewhere in the middle I suspect. I do (well did) watch SOA. I won't be any longer if or until they reach an agreement. If not, oh well. I am not leaving sleep over it. Kids and I did like National Geographic channel though. Just means more Nick Jr. for them. Anyway starting my story now. I am window shopping to either go back to cable or another satellite provider as hoping to find something a bit cheaper for the same channels I like. I wanted to compare the channel lineups from the others vs. Dish. I do this by printing the lineups for each provider. So I am on the Dish Site and do not log in. I click on the learn more button under the current programming (America's top 250 btw). There is a field labeled Region. I enter in my zip code and press the thing that looks like a sideways triangle. To the far right of that in small letters there is a button that says print. I clicked on it which takes me to another page and a print dialog. I click cancel on the print dialog. I scroll all the way to the bottom and in the local channel section I don't get my local channels. I have tried this several times. I have gotten San Fran, Houston, Evansville (at least closer), and tonight DC. Obviously not Indy. So I e-mailed the web-master saying your site ain't working right and here is the steps I took. I get a response saying local programming is not offered in my area. Uh, yeah it is. Part of response to them was did you actually try and do the same thing as me before you responded? So here is the experiment for everyone here. Follow the steps as I did and see if you get the same type of results.
  6. You know the old saying "best to learn from other's mistakes than your own", especially when it comes to bikes. Heading off for a weekend bike trip later today so I had to switch to my normal windscreen instead of the shorty 4" screen.. And I use a magnetic parts dish to hold the screws. Nice rubber coated magnet under the dish, sits nice on the fender etc.. really nice. And strong.. Remember the old motto "The job ain't done till all the tools are away" lol It stayed there on the fender for about 30 minutes this morning as I was riding around before heading out.. Now THAT's what I call a good magnet..
  7. Curious if anyone has found an aftermarket lense for the RS's turn signals, like the kuryakyn deep dish bezles.
  8. I have had a dish for work at work for the last 4 years. I couldn't get dsl unless I paid $4000.00 to get it installed. I would have been the first in this area so I bought the dish. It sets on top of our 1 1/2 story building. This winter has been very bad with snow hanging up on the dish. I looked on the INTERNET to get ideas on how to solve this problem. Spraying with what ever W-D 40 or the likes. Came across some stuff called DOME MAGIC. Ordered the can and I got it back in November. I can't put it on yet cause the temp. needs to be between 60 and 110. Fat chance of that happening for awhile. I had to go up and brush the snow off again today after Saturday's snow fall. The roof is pitched and I fall every time I come back down. The last part of the roof is not pitched very much so I don't worry about going all the way down to the ground. What a pain this is to deal with. I should move the dome to the side of the building where I could reach it from the ground but there is really not a good place to do that. Does anyone know of something you can put on in the middle of winter that would make the snow slide off?
  9. Now you didn't think I bought a Harley did you?:rotf::rotf: I'm talking about Direct tv's new HDTV receiver and a couple of standard units for the kids. Dish network was losing our locals at the end of the month so we upgraded. Now I can watch football in HD sure makes the cheerleaders look better.:rotf:
  10. I have no problems with either service. When you live in the country no cable available it's either satellite tv or nothing. We had direct for a few years and switched to dish to get a discount package and new equipment. Now after 3 years with dish I'm thinking about switching back to direct for new equipment and a package discount for another year. I have no problem with a 18 month contract. My real question is HD receivers and $10 a month for HD service worth it. I can upgrade to direct with a free HD receiver. I could always call dish and negotiate with them to keep my business.Rumour has it dish is asking for a rate increase in Feburary.
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