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  1. Most folks here know this, but maybe a few new members have missed it. While there are many many sites on the web where political discussions are welcome, and even encouraged, this is not one of them. We do not have many rules, but no politics and no religious discussions are important. We have found that these types of threads inevitably lead to unpleasantness and negatively affect the overall feel of our forums. I have just deleted a thread that was purely a political discussion. The deletion had nothing to do with agreement or disagreement about anything that was said, just that we do not allow political discussions. Thanx for listening. Goose
  2. I am in possession of a copy of documents setting out the pay and allowances and health insurance benefirts for our federal legislators. If anyone would like a copy send me an E-mail to CFAS4U@Charter.net and I will make them available. I have locked this thread to preclude any political discussions This is simply to let those who may be interested in getting some facts that I can E-mail the documents to them.
  3. I've finally retrieved my Dell Tablet XT. No data was recovered, my power supply has gone missing and I still get a message that it can't find a drive (duh!), anyways, i would like to see about getting it back up running but I've had to many "discussions" with Dell about this thing. Looking to find a 40G, 4200RPM, 1.8inch ATA hard drive. Any of you techies know a source?? Thanks
  4. Hello: I am looking at a '85 VR to buy for parts, and am considering restoring it instead. It runs well, just needs cosmetic work. Anyway, I am not sure if this bike has the second gear problem and would like to know if I can trace the serial number to see if it has the problem. The owner does not have any info on the problem and is not familiar with the second gear problem. I thought I saw a discussion in this forum about serial numbers and model years but can't find the thread, either in General Discussions or the 1st Gen Tech Section. Does anyone remember the thread and, if not, can I go to Yamaha with the serial number to check and see if this bike has the newer harder washers or pins installed? Thanks for any help Jim
  5. OK folks, some of you are aware that with one the upgrades a while back, a new feature called "Social Groups" was added. These are like little mini-forums that are not publicly displayed on the main site. They were very poorly implemented in my opinion. The biggest problem is that there is no way to be notified of new posts to a social group that you are a member of. If you don't check them on a regular basis, it is easy to forget about them. The other problem is that the discussions are not "threaded" as they are in the forum and that makes it hard to have any continuity on a particular subject. There is a new software upgrade that will be ready soon. It is in "beta" right now which means that it is being tested and any major bugs are being worked out. Some sites are already using it and it seems to be stable now but I'll wait a while before installing it. Upgrading the software here is a major pain as I have a lot of customizations that have to be re-applied when I do an upgrade. The REAL question I have is do we even WANT to continue with the social groups. I've had mixed feelings about them from the beginning. On one hand, it is a good place for folks with a common interest that really doesn't warrant a specific topic area in the main forum to exchange ideas, discussion, etc. One example is the "Biker's/Musicians" social forum. This site is not about musicians but we have a number of folks here who play guitar, banjo, drums...even tuba that enjoy talking about their music, gigs, etc. The social group is a great place for them to do that. On the other hand, I think that too many social groups can distract from the family atmosphere that we have here. If enough folks take their discussions to the social groups then the forum could become pretty slow. I prefer that most discussion take place here in the open so that we can all participate. So, those are my thoughts. What are yours?
  6. whats cody 09, under venture rider discussions?
  7. Well folks, looks like we need another reminder about political posts. I have deleted two threads that either started out as or turned into political discussions. Simply put, they are not welcome here. This was discussed and voted on by the membership long ago and it was overwhelmingly agreed upon that we simply do not need political discussions here. I understand how tempting it is with all that is going on right now in the world of politics. I have said it before though and will say it again. There are PLENTY of websites and discussion forums available if you want to argue about politics. This is NOT the place. I also want to comment on a post in one of the threads that I deleted. The post said something like "I thought that political discussions were not allowed. I guess that's only if you disagree with the admin". That statement is totally false and I am offended by it. I most certainly have strong political views but I try to be unbiased in the way that I moderate this site. No threads are ever deleted without much thought and when possible, discussion among the moderators. Many times a political type thread is posted and is not deleted immediately. The reason is that even though we do not wish to see political threads posted, if it happens, we will usually give it some time in case by some unknown miracle, it doesn't get nasty and turn into a debate between the right and the left. It has nothing to do with whether or not the admin agrees or disagrees with the poster. Perhaps we need to take a stronger stand and just realize that ANY political thread is going to turn into a nasty debate and delete them immediately upon one of the moderators seeing the post. Folks, we have very few rules here. We try to give as much leeway as possible in allowing discussions on many subjects. No political discussion is one of those rules. Please try to keep that in mind.
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