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  1. Just saw that Web Bike World had picked this as one of their products of the year. I've never even heard of it but I know there was a recent discussion here about the best action cameras. At a list price of $399.00, it had better be very good. Sena Prism Review - webBikeWorld
  2. VentureRider.Org was started on July 21st, 2004. The object of this site is very simple. To bring together folks who enjoy friendly discussion of the Yamaha Venture, Venture Royale, Royal Star Venture and Royal Star motorcycles. What started as a very small group of owners has become the most active site on the Internet dedicated to these bikes. Though most of us share a passion for these particular bikes, we welcome all riders who enjoy the company of a friendly community of riders who have a desire to lend a hand when needed, share a cold drink when possible and simply enjoy the company of other riders. On August 15th 2006 there was a major server crash and we lost two years worth of messages and member information. At that time, we had over 3600 folks registered here. After a total rebuild of the site, the numbers are still coming back and the great technical information lost is being reposted as we continue on. This is a very informal group. We don't feel the need for a lot of club officers, rules, regulations. We do have some basic guidelines for our organization though. These are guidelines that the majority of the members reached a consensus on long ago. Edited by V7Goose: The original intent of the founding members was that this site is, always has been and always will be free to all. Don Nelson, Freebird, spends almost unimaginable time and effort personally creating and maintaining this site for the benefit of all members, and for five years he personally covered 100% of the costs for software, hosting, bandwidth, etc. A few members donated to Don in an effort to help out, but they were only a small percentage of the members here. In 2009, Don and his family were beset by some unexpected health issues and large medical expenses that forced him to make some hard decisions about continuing to spend his own money on this site. As a result, the members here were quite vocal that we needed to implement some form of membership fee so that those of us who enjoy this site would all begin to share in the cost. At this time, the forums are open to all to read but registration is required for posting a new message or replying to an existing message. Registration is just $12/year, is easy to do and helps to protect us against spam. Just as important is the fact that this site is PG rated. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where people can look at pornographic materials, use vulgar language, etc. We do not need that here. By keeping this site PG rated we are able to reach a wide range of people. Please respect this simple guideline when posting here. Although we do not have many rules, keeping the PG rating in all things would be Rule #1. We have also tried to keep political discussions to a minimum here. Many people have very strong political opinions, including me. Again, there are a lot of places on the Internet to discuss politics and I've never seen any good from mixing politics with motorcycle discussion. What starts off as a rational discussion always seems to turn into a heated debate and it usually gets personal before it ends. All of the same things can be said for religious discussions. Rule #2 would be that politics and religion are two subjects that will not be tolerated. The last rule, Rule #3, is that all discussions need to remain civil. That is not to say that we do not expect disagreements, and even some "lively" discussions where it is clear that opinions are held strongly by some individuals. It does mean that personal attacks and insults are not acceptable. Our primary focus here is motorcycles, motorcycle touring, technical discussion, etc. This site would get pretty boring though if no other discussion was allowed. We have become much more than a website here. We have become friends and many of us have met in person as well as here on the site. It was the motorcycles that brought us together but it's the friendships that keep us together. As in face to face meetings, conversations other than motorcycles will often come up. We have specific areas for just that type of discussion and we encourage folks to please try to post in the appropriate areas. If a mistake is made and something is posted in the wrong area...it's no big deal...we will either overlook it or move it. The main thing folks is that this site should be not only helpful but fun as well. I hope that we all remember that first and foremost, we are friends. This is the kindest and most considerate bunch of folks I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There are no cliques here and no secret groups within our group. If you are new here, simply introduce yourself and you will be warmly welcomed.
  3. Here is the article which was recently discussed here regarding the use of car tires on a motorcycle. Though it did cause some of the typical bickering, I know that some were not able to read it. Please take it for what it is, an opinion. You don't have to agree with it but part of a discussion forum is actually....discussion. http://www.venturerider.org/darkside/darkside.pdf Thanks to Rick Butler for sending me the article. Remember folks. If your mind is already made up then that is fine but those whose minds are NOT made up certainly deserve to hear both sides of the issue.
  4. A good pictorial of different stages of the war and a great review and discussion point for sharing with our kids. http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/pages/ww2/
  5. Hi all, I'm posting this question because I haven't been able to find a previous discussion on the matter, but can't believe there hasent been one. So redirect if such a discussion exists. I'm trying to find out, outside of color changes, what changes if any have occured for the Royal Venture from 1999 to the current 2012. I understand there was a seat change in 2001. Is there a tech bulletin that describes all the minor changes throught those years? Thanks!
  6. I'm getting new rubber soon (just hit 18K on the front and 13K on the rear) and am considering going whitewall on the '99 RSV. I have the green/grey paint scheme, and have always just had blackwalls, but I am curious as to how the RSV looks with both wide and/or thin whitewall's on them. If you have pics of your RSV with a whitewall tire, please post so I can get a feel for how it looks. Don't care about the brand of tire (God knows we don't need THAT discussion again!), but just how it looks vs. a blackwall. Thanks!
  7. A lot of discussion on MC tyres gets entered on the site. Not intended to open more debate on which is best. Just wanted to post this for those interested in getting more information on MC tires. http://www.conti-online.com/generator/www/de/en/continental/motorcycle/themes/download/technical_manual_uv.pdf
  8. I've had a few emails asking for the dates of my 2011 Maintenance Day in Oberlin, OH. So, I'm going to throw out a couple of dates for your discussion. May 28th is one choice. That is Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that it would give many people an extra day to get back home. There may be some who do other things on Memorial Day weekend though. Your thoughts? The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th. My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend as it gives me an extra day to get things somewhat organized again before going back to work. This is open for discussion for a couple of days and then I'll pull the trigger and set the date.
  9. This afternoon the group I was riding with Stopped in Prescott, WI at Cabana Joe's. This trunkless (and badgeless) '04 was in the parking lot. I know there has been some discussion on the forum about this. I never did find the owner so I have no information other than these pics. Enjoy!
  10. Over at my other haunt XS11.com We have a very enlightening discussion of what actually goes on inside a TCI box. http://www.xs11.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20938
  11. Come to the CHAT ROOM, we are on a live PODCAST! Come on an listen to the discussion. Yama Mama
  12. Well, my battery lasted 5 riding seasons but now needs to be replaced. Does anyone have any recommmendations for a good replacement? This summer there was discussion at one of the meet & eats about a gel battery. Has anyone bought one and, if so, how do you like it so far?
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