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Found 20 results

  1. I have a 2007 Venture & just installed a centerstand. All was well until I scraped the centerstand on a driveway curb. I noticed that the stand was hitting the Emissions Valve, so it wasn't up all the way. I tried to relocate the E valve per the Rivco directions. No luck, the directions seem easy enough, pull the bracket off and mount it backwards. It didn't move the E Valve far enough to allow the centerstand to not contact it. I was thinking of drilling new mounting holes higher up on the frame. Any ideas?
  2. Hello All, First I have searched to no avail for Gen II carb diaphragm replacement vendors or fixes. Found the thread to spray on rubber stuff:think: for a temp fix. While taking apart carbs on my 99 RSV to clean today, I may have put the carb slider cap on a TAD wrong, to say the diaphragm was pinched and a small hole is now in the material at the bend where it seats on carb body. It may have already been there, not for sure.... ANYWAY I need one. Help? Man those carbs were dirty..... Thank you in advance...Looking for new one. Directions? Also, the fuel mixture screws are obviously not set the same. Inside the throat of the carb body where the screw (or hole) is present, One is thru enough to cut yourself on, while the others are barely or not at all... I am not a carb expert. Directions to setting these properly? Thanks, James:bowdown:
  3. Seems like we are always going in different directions....It was great to have everyone together.....here are a few pics of my family....
  4. I have a 99 royal star deluxe and I want to get a front fairing for it and when I put my bike info in there is nothing for my year can someone please point me in the right directions and also what later years would fit
  5. I purchased 2 Wolo Bad Boys at the new Northern Tool & Equipment store in Sioux Falls on Saturday. Went to work on sunday to install them. One on my '84 and one on my son's 91 750 Nighthawk. We can get neither one to work. We wired just as the directions show to do. The relays will click and that is all. Any ideas? Thanks, Dave
  6. I can't remember how to find the MEMBER vendors....carbon one, freebird, etc. Directions please??? thanks
  7. its been a couple of yrs,old age has set in. what's the directions to MD/freebirds from rt58 north/south,, to the house thanks steve:confused24:
  8. ok after reading many posts on here about how to bleed a clutch line cable or whatever i have come to the conclusion that i need step by step instructions on how to gravity bleed and hand pump bleed my clutch on my 1984 venture xvz1200,i`am totally new at this but will attempt anything with the right instructions,so if u can lead me to a step by step post or just give me the directions i would greatly appreciate it, i have ordered a manual but as yet it has not arrived,please keep in mind that only thru these posts di i discover where the bleeder screw is that is how little i know :)thnx in advance for any and all help troy:fingers-crossed-emo
  9. I had a Street Pilot III wired with Kennedy Tech cable into the intercom on my RSV. That way I would get GPS directions over my headset while leaving the stereo / CD Player / And Aux port free. I just got a Street Pilot 2730 and dont see any benefit of getting another Kennedy Tech cable for it because the 2730 has an MP3 player and XM Radio and I cant separate that from the GPS Directions. With that said should I just use the 2730's audio out port and plug it into my AUX port or is there a way to separate the GPS directions from the MP3 and XM Radio audio ? If I do that then I can not listen to the radio or CD player if I want to hear the GPS Directions. Am I getting this right ? It also has an FM Modulator but that will give me the same results.
  10. oops, duplicate message..
  11. Just installed the light bar with the passing lights on my RSTD. What a PIA. The directions wern't real good but now that I have done it, it would be easier the second time around. Feeding one of the wires up through the special bolt was easy but getting the second one with the bullet connector on it was imposible. I tried evey way imanginable and there was just no way. After 20 minutes with it I cut the connector off and put a new one on after I fed the wire up through. Also the directions are not clear on what connector goes where. It's kind of trial and error. Also the screws and hex head bolts are not easy to get at but I was able to get through it. I really looks nice now. I did get it done and will post a picture here later.
  12. will allow you to input your own routes? most threads have comments about the turn by turn voice directions. i like mapping out my own route and would like to download that into a GPS. Then get the turn by turn directions without having to look at the tank bag window.
  13. Last night, on my way home from work, a young lady on a cell phone pulled out beside me and sideswiped my 89 Royale. Fortunately the gear all worked flawlessly and I got away with some aches and pains. Here is the part I want to share with you all: I was on a boulevard (center divider) with 2 lanes both directions. I was in the left lane and the young lady was coming from the left on a merge across the boulevard. She was at a stop sign, lost, on the cell phone trying to get directions and decided to go just as I came beside her. We were the only cars in the vicinity. Now, why would I be in the left lane with a car merging from the left with the right lane wide open? Because I was distracted. My head was elsewhere. Now, she shouldn't have pulled out into me like that but if I'd been in the right lane (where a smart biker would have been in that situation) this wreck would not have happened. I wouldn't have the bruises, the Venture wouldn't be significantly damaged and the young lady's prom night would not have been spoiled. I hope I never forget the lesson and I wanted to post it to remind all my friends here to stay sharp!
  14. Okay..okay..I seen the directions. I followed them. I copied and pasted the the addy to my signature and it, says, invalid URL....what am I doing wrong? Please help. Mark
  15. I assume that you put the "restricters" in the rubber tubes per the instructions in the manual, but which adapters (if any) do you use for the 2nd gen RSTD? All of the directions given on the forum for using the carbtune are great, but none mention setting up the carbtune. Thanks for any help!
  16. Okay guys I've followed the directions in the manuel and I can't get my intercom to work. I am getting the music thru the phones but when I click talk nothing happens. I did check the IC volume and left it at 10 but I still don't get anything. Should I start to look for a local teenager to help me out? I can't seem to get the CB working either and I followed those directions to a T also. Any ideas???? Thanks Josh
  17. I was so excited! Had gotten my Carbtune Pro, read up on synchronization in the tech forums, (thank you Freebird and Kenneth Branton (Kbran)) Printed out the directions, gotten my camera, and figured a 15 minute project at best! Found the screws that needed adjusting for 1&2. Wait a minute my screwdriver does not reach! Went back to the directions. Yep right there it says... "a long #2 Phillips screwdriver... . OH! you mean a LONG #2 Phillips screwdriver!, DA!! Spent the next hour driving around and finally purchasing a long #2x8 inch Phillips screwdriver! Back to the bike 15 minutes later project done!! See, size really does matter!
  18. I just ordered a Garmin Streetpilot 2720 with ram mount, and I’m thinking to hardwire it or use the power outlet from my bike…but I’m also thinking can you connect it to your audio system so you can hear the directions thru your speakers or is the original speaker loud enough to hear the directions when you ride. Can't wait to install everything.
  19. I'm NOT the most mechanically inclined, but can do a lot if I've seen it done once before. The problem: I've been following the directions and have finally gotten the front fairing off (one allen bolt on my passing lights was stripped and I I had a lot of trouble getting it off, but did get it off). NOW THE PROBLEM: the directions say I need to take the back side of the fairing loose. It mentions two 12 mm nuts that need removal from behind the headlight 5 mm allen head screws beside the head light. Does anyone out there have any pics of these locations and the nuts and screws in question. Either I'm nuts or something, but for the life of me I can't figure this part out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Steve:bang head:
  20. OK, I turned the gas off to my house , to remove some gas appliances , and well Now my furnace wont come on, So ya ll will know it has a spark starter kind of like a grill. Tried the directions about turning off for 5 min, and all that stuff. Please help me!.....Fred
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