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  1. Not a favorite, just a road report. Ride: July 2009, Friday, Late PM to Early AM Gas Available: Wikieup. Bagdad is 20 miles off the track, but there's an attendantless station there if you really blow it. Direction: South Avg Speed: 70 Flora: Low desert Fauna Encounters: 0 Subjective Temp: Balmy. [i live in Phoenix, AZ] Road Condition: I won't comment on I-40 except that it seemed to be fine between Kingman and the US 93 junction. After turning onto US 93, the first quarter of the way is very good, the second quarter good, third quarter very good and last quarter good. First quarter is straight with intermittent sweepers. Middle two quarters are packed with well marked sweepers. Last quarter is straight. Center reflectors go for the distance. Raised reflectors on both sides of the road in the corners. Reflector gaps are rare. Reflector condition is easily seen to very bright. Passing lanes on the longer uphill pulls for the patient. Passing stripes abound between the sweepers for those who are not and who have the muscle. Smokeys Seen: 1, in Wikieup. Sherrif, lights on, busted a cager in the reduced speed zone (The bustee was someone who was tailing me by 100 yards or so; shining his lights in my mirrors for 10 miles, so I slowed down going up a hill to allow him to pass. Hee hee hee.) Cars Passing Same Direction: few Cars Passed Same Direction: about a dozen with half being semi's Cars Passed Opposite Direction: low drip with intermittent low trickles I was planning on an overnight in Overton, but the town was such a rat hole (present residents excepted, of course), that I decided to have a couple of beers, get a couple of hours sleep and bust out. What turned out was a very nice, cool (for me), ride on an awesome night road to get some much needed night riding experience.
  2. Not a favorite, just a road report. Ride: July 2009, Weekday, PM Gas Available: Loma, Rangely. Direction: South Avg Speed: 70 Flora: Farm, high desert, pine/fir to Pinion. Fauna Encounters: 1 mule deer in the mountains Subjective Temp: cool. Road Condition: Generally good. No construction. Once past the farms in Loma, straights and sweepers take you into the mountains where sweepers and tighter corners are found. Out of the mountains more straights and sweepers. All corners are well marked with no suprises. Cars Passing Same Direction: few Cars Passed Same Direction: few Cars Passed Opposite Direction: slow drip Smokeys seen: 0
  3. Hi folks, I am considering buying a Stinger Motorcycle Trailer, I would like some feedback on this trailer, I have never bought a trailer for my bike before and I need some direction from people who have some experience with trailers. thanks. Patrick
  4. can someone point me in the right direction on how to pull the front speakers?
  5. I and 3 of my riding buddies are heading west again tomorrow. We're headed to Glacier National Park via Cody Wy and Chief Josepht Highway, Beartooth Pass and Red Lodge. Here is a link to our approximate route: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=209345560562245148088.0004c40c214cc5ab7ecae&msa=0 We'll be making the big loop in a counter clockwise direction. So if you see 3 Goldwings and a Tour Deluxe going down the road give us a shout or a wave. Dennis
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/lifeguard-fired-leaving-post-beach-hallandale-florida-135238189.html What is our society coming to? Has anybody here seen the movie Idiocracy? Could our world as we know it possibly be headed in that direction? Sad, but I fear is may very well be true. Bill
  7. I wanted to post an ad for my 83 silver wing in the other motorcycles section but cant find a button to create a new ad. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this? Thanks in advance
  8. I'm putting the final touches and should leave in a few days. First destination is Nova Scotia and the maritimes and then the international rally. If anyone is heading the same direction and needs company, let me know. We can meet up somewhere. I am thinking of going along the northern states for the first part. Still have to check out the maps. At least I know which direction to head in! Tom
  9. All, Hey I just joined the forum today after looking around here for some time. I recently inherited a 1984 Venture Royal from a friend and am looking to fix her up. She does run but my friend laid her down and i have some fairing work to do. As he did not have great records, i wanted to get her up and running the right way so am asking if you have a recommended check list of things I look for, fluids to replace, and other items to check. I am going to have a local mech come over and check it out as well but also wanted to get some direction from the experts. I really look forward to learning from you and sharing the successes of getting this bike road ready. Since she only has about 32K miles, I figure there is a lot of life left. Any help and direction would be appreciated, as would pictures as I am very new to all of this and want to make sure I get it right. Thanks in advance, Mark
  10. I am tried of trying to find a right side vent for the side cover of my 85 royale, so a guy here said there was a insert someone here makes. Can someone lead me the right direction ? Thanks
  11. I am going to upgrade my stator soon. I can't seem to find a "how to" in the second gen tech section. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks,
  12. OK, I am going to preface this by saying that other than a Suzuki GT550, I've never had an electric starter system apart...every other bike I've owned is either kick only or the electric starter system never gave me a problem, so I don't know how, or have any real frame of reference as to how the electric leg works on the Venture. When I thought that the ignition pickups were bad (they aren't) I took off the generator cover and 2 shafts and 3 gears fell out. Naturally, I had 5 separate pieces on the floor instead of 2 assemblies. I put the pieces back in in what seems to me to be the logical way and I looked at the microfiche, but it's not 100% obvious as to the correct order that the parts install. Attached is a picture of how I reinstalled the gears. With no gears installed, the starter driven gear on the back of the rotor spins freely in 1 direction only as I figured that it would. With the gears installed as per the picture, I can't easily spin the driven gear in either direction, but it appears that this arrangement is the only way that everything lines up. Did I put this back together correctly or am I about to cost myself some serious money? Thanks, Jeff http://www.3cyl.com/jeff/starter%20gears.jpg
  13. I have looked high and low for the condenser. It is showen in the sechematic and wiring drawings but NO ware on it's phycial location. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  14. I'm looking for photo's and general info on Naked Ventures. Searching has revealed nothing. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
  15. I know lots of folks can't stand Facebook, but if you do use Facebook check out the following group. Lots of great questions, responses, etc and we steer them in this direction. Hopefully we pick up some more members. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_21338336667 Yamaha Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe Fans, and owners.
  16. I have consulted the WS manual and found that the CV join can be pressed apart and that there are 4 needle bearings in it. I now have bought a (-83) XZ550 with an extra engine for nearly bicycle money. The CV joint (I assume it's a similar construction, only smaller) flexes nicely in one direction but not in the perpendicular ditto. I suspect one of the needle bearings to be shot (rusty). Has anyone any experience of servicing the CV joint?
  17. i'm getting ready to go riding. looks like good weather for a change. guess i will head west. not much flooding in that direction.
  18. I am trying to identify a bolt with a pivot pin in the center that allows it to hinge 90º either direction. What's it called? I can't seem to find them... Any help?
  19. I have some free time this weekend and want to take the tape deck out but leave the AUX jack for my mp3 player. I have looked all over and cant find the specific thread for tape deck removal. Can someone point me in the right direction please. Also I want to install a tach. I am looking at this one here http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_Sunpro-Super-Tach-II-2-5-8%22---Black-Face-&-Chrome-Bezel-Actron_16990020-P_N3342_P|GRP2032____ will that one work and how difficult is the install ( I am by no means a mechanic) LOL
  20. Squeak when I turn right ? I have had squeaky brakes before but never just on a turn and in just one direction ?
  21. I went for a ride with 2 buddies and I assumed that everyone knew about an "optical illusion" in our area, but neither one had heard of it. Upon seeing it they had to go back and try it again and then again. So I thought I'd mention it here, for anyone near the Port Colborne area, just in case you had not seen it either. When travelling in an EASTERN direction along Lakeshore Rd West at Oakridge Rd, there is a bend in the road just as Lake Erie comes into view. Across the water is a factory, and when first viewed it looks huge, but as you get closer it moves further away! Ergo the optical illusion. If your in the area, check it out, it will amaze!
  22. This guy is located on highway 20 east of Smithville. Just came back from purchasing a jacket, quite happy with a textile Himilaya with two liners for $135 including taxes. He has really grown and I recommend the guy wholeheartedly. He is a rider and has opened a building on his farm, so low overhead and low prices. If you're riding in the Niagara direction, make a point to drop off and see Ed, you'll be glad you did. (Closed Mondays and Friday opens at noon) http://tonsofbikegear.com/
  23. Here is a step in the right direction. Hope it catches on in other states. Seattle Washington
  24. Not a favorite, just a road report. This is an '08 report. Ride: July 2008, Weekday, AM Gas Available: Fields, Denio Junction. Direction: South Avg Speed: 75 Flora: High grass and desert to low desert. Fauna Encounters: 0 Subjective Temp: Balmy to Warm. Road Condition: I'ts been a year, but I remember generally good. Long straights with a few well marked sweepers. Fields is very tiny. Not sure I'd count on getting gas there without making inquiries first. Denio Junction has gas just a few miles south of Denio. Cars Passing Same Direction: 0 Cars Passed Same Direction: I want to say 0. Maybe 1 or 2. It was a while ago. Cars Passed Opposite Direction: 1 or 2 This is a lonely road.
  25. Not a favorite, just a road report. Ride: July 2009, Weekday, PM Gas Available: Silver Lake. Direction: South Avg Speed: 70 Flora: Pine and Pinion to high desert Fauna Encounters: 0 Subjective Temp: Warm. Road Condition: US 97 to OR 31 Junction: Generally good. One construction wait for 15 minutes closer to La Pine. No dirt. Otherwise divided four lane in good condition most of the way to La Pine. However, the posted speed limit in the Peoples Republic of Oregon is 55 and everyone seems to take it seriously. Some are doing 10 over, but most seemed to be taking it very seriously. Cars Passing Same Direction: few Cars Passed Same Direction: lots Cars Passed Opposite Direction: steady flow Smokeys seen: 0, but it was pretty busy and I was watchin traffic, not looking for smokeys, so I may have missed one or two that were well placed. Road Condition: OR 31 Junction to Lakeview Fair. Slightly choppy in places, but not a problem with higher speeds, as one is able to open it up a bit on this section. Long straights with well marked intermittent sweepers and a few well marked tighter corners. Intermittent residential, e.g. ranch house and/or speed zoned small town (very small). Cars Passing Same Direction: 0 Cars Passed Same Direction: 2 or 3 Cars Passed Opposite Direction: slow drip Smokeys seen: 0 OR 31 meets US 395 about 20 miles north of Lake View. US 395 was in good condition.
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