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  1. The house is getting closer to being finished out at the farm. I need to make a decision on Direct or Dish. Anybody have any insight as to what you are running now? Pros and cons would be appreciated.
  2. i'm at the mileage interval where i need to lubricate the swingarm bushings on my 07 RSTD.... can anyone either direct me to a thread or provide some insight as to how to accomplish this? thanks !!!
  3. A DNS changing malware will hit this coming monday, to see if your computer is infected go to http://www.dcwg.org/detect/ it will direct US folks here A http://www.dns-ok.us/
  4. I just purchased a Venture tank for my RSTD to get the extra fuel capacity for trips. Is there anything special I need to know to swap it? In the pics, it looks like a direct swap. What do I use for a sealer for the petcock? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. R.
  5. Man I must be getting old... Turned on VH1 and they had saturdaynight live on! Turned on MTV and MTV2 they had some kind of real life soap opera crap going on... Am I missing something??? these are suppose to be music video channels??? Where can a guy get some decent music videos to work out to? I have direct tv and know 801 thru 850 has music, but its a black screen... This snow is starting to sux
  6. Can someone direct me to the location of the Wiring Schmetic for the 91 VR.
  7. I've got a set of Markland foot rests that bolt onto the front crash bar. They just don't seem to allow me to stretch out as much as I would like. Is there any type of extension you can get or if I have to buy a different model, can anybody direct me to a REASONABLEY PRICED alternative? I don't want to spend $200 for foot rests! EDITED TO SHOW PICS OF FOOTRESTS I HAVE, AND WINDSHEILD CHROME I"M LOOKING FOR!
  8. Do somebody knows if there is a direct replacement of the thermostat of a 1997 RS with a NAPA one? I already order one original, but probably will not be here before the MD, and I don't want to miss that weekend. Thanks
  9. Does anyone have any of these lying around that they just don't need. It is the gasket/spacer that goes between the OEM muffler and the exhaust pipe on a tour deluxe or venture. I had a pair of Barons Bag Slash on the bike and they were a direct slip on to the exhaust. The OEMs need this gasket/spacer. Please PM me if you do. Part number 27 and 30 in the diagram. http://images.powersportsnetwork.com/fiche/images/YAMAHA/2006/motorcycles/4552_exhaust.gif
  10. With all the good reports on Venturerider about the Michelin Commander I was hyped to buy them for my '06 RSTD. NONE available anywhere I could find. Called Michelin and the tech rep said they've discontinued them in the sizes 150/80-16 (front) and 150/90B 15 (rear). So unless someone can direct me to a source for a matched front-rear set of Commanders, I'm looking for a recommendation on the next best option. Avon Venom ? Please and thank you.
  11. I've had cable TV service for years and have no experiece at all with satellite systems. Our cable provider, Insight Communications, is switching to a digital system and in doing so it will require a tuner on each TV. No problem I thought. I already had 2 DVR units and they were going to give me 3 mini box tuners for 3 other TVs which left me with needing one more. However, all of my TVs are HD TVs and the mini box tuners do not support HD, only SD. So I called Insight today and was basically told that the only way I could get HD would be to have an HD DVR on each TV for an additional $15/month per TV. I really only need the basic 4 major networks on the 4 additional TVs and today I can get that off of the standard cable using the TV tuners. So, if I want to use my HD TVs to their potential it appears I may have to switch to Direct TV or Dish. To those of you with satellite experience, can you share the pros and cons of the two systems? It seems I'll still need a tuner for each TV but they are only $5/each per month. I would also have to switch my phone and internet to the local phone company. I find all of this really annoying. Dennis
  12. :fingers crossed:Hi again everyone. I was nearly hit three times this week by cars changing lanes. I honked my horn but it is worthless. Could someone direct me to get a horn, maybe a STEBEL and how to install, any brackets etc.. Thank you.
  13. Can someone please direct me to the post that describes how to turn off the digital tach, I can't seem to find it.
  14. Anyone runing one of these instead of the Zumo? There's one coming up in an auction tomorrow. I know the screen is smaller, but it still has the screen that can be seen in direct sunlight. It also has Blue Tooth. It doesn't have the enterface cables, but they are still available thru Amazon.
  15. barend

    for sale

    '98 Shadow. look in classified Gremlins are having a ball on my 'puter so i can't upload pics. Let me know if interested so i can send direct. Thanks!
  16. Can anyone direct me to the location of the fuel pump relay on and '04 Venture? I can wire direct and the pump runs fine but get no power when I turn the key to the "ON" position. Anyone else had similar problems? Solutions? Thanks, Chief
  17. I just a thing in the mail for me to go to direct buy for a open house. I dont know a soul who has ever been there or knows anything about it but they do say they can save you a bunch of money but I tend not to believe til its proven to me. ANyone out ther know anything about these?
  18. What is a direct swap in the rear gears for a 1st Gen. I think some of them we didn't have to do anything to? some of them are a little different?? 85 V-max to 85 Royale??
  19. I need to replace my mufflers and I am considering putting on a set of aftermarkets that a friend is giving me. I was told at one time someone posted specs of a pipe to make for between the collector and an aftermarket muffler. Specs would consist of pipe size (diameter), length, location of bend, and degree of bend. Does anyone have these specs or can they direct me where to find them at? Also, are there any ideas of how to cover this pipe to make it look nice such as chroming it, heat paint, powder coat, etc.? And, is there by chance any way to get this pipe already fabricated and chromed? Thanks for your help.
  20. I went to Tandy today to get a belt blank to make a new belt for my new VentureRider.org belt buckle. I was asking about what kind of neutral stain I could use on the raw leather belt blank and buckle that would not harm the logo image on the belt buckle. The leathersmith store owner was hesitant to recommend anything not knowing how the image is made on the belt buckle and suggested the safest methode to use would be direct sunlight.......................I said, "What" He repeated, "direct sunlight". He then showed me several examples of raw leather exposed to direct sunlight over varying lengths of time and the darkening effect that sun light has on raw leather. Kinda like sun tanning the leather hyde. The direct light darkens and ages the leather somewhat and the aged color looks more like the tan leather riding, cowbow boots I just purchased a few weeks ago. I'm gonna give it a try.
  21. Does anyone know the part number for the iridium spark that would be a direct replacement for stock on a 2007 midnight venture
  22. Called up my local dealer about slow leak in tire. He says the product they carry is for off road motorcycles only. Recommended using 1/2 can of Fix-A-Flat. I don't think so I heard it is not recommended for motorcycles. Is there anything over the counter locally that is comparable to ride-on? It's $50 to buy a 3 bottle kit on line direct. Do you want it this week add an extra $15 for express shipping.I don't know anything about the Slime product.I'm tempted to order the ride-on but I need it ASAP.
  23. Am looking at this unit. Anyone have one, and would like the pros/cons. Any other brands/models you can recommend that can be viewed in Direct Sun? i have aGarmin c330, and is useless in the sun.
  24. Guest

    air filter

    i have 2006 rstd . does k&n make air filters for my bike? please direct me to a link rooster522
  25. Guest

    jack adapter

    can someone direct me to the site to purchase the adapter for the new jack i just got but cant use on my rstd
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