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Found 17 results

  1. I recently purchased a used Roto Cover. I took it all apart and cleaned it up nicely including all the electric contacts. Each side has 2 pushin light bulbs. When putting it back together I noticed that the light bulbs have some differences. I've included a picture of the light bulbs. One has a blue dot in the center and a blacker tip where it pushes into the socket. My question is, are the differences of any concerns as to which one goes into which socket. A 2nd picture is attached of the sockets. One of the sockets has an extra wire that I think is the ground.
  2. so what are the differences between the 83, which i have, and an 85vr? i found a bike locally, running, but always could use some parts. besides, my 2nd gear just went. will it work?
  3. Just bought an 08 RSTD last Sunday, So far so good love the bike. got a buddy has an 06 model. Are there any major differences in the two model years ? Now I need to research tires as well as I dont like the Bridgestones on it ? Suggestions?
  4. I am swapping out my 1200 for a 1300 engine and need some help with the wiring differences can anyone help me? thanks
  5. TWO IDENTICAL PICTURES ·This is amazing. I managed to get all 3 eventually. This will really intrigue you. Good luck! cheers. ·READ BEFORE CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW There are two identical pictures that will appear on the screen. Almost 8,000 people were tested to see if they could find the 3 differences in the two pictures and only 19 found all 3.. See how observant you are. ·If you find all 3, you're one of very few people who are able to do this. · http://members.home.nl/saen/Special/Zoeken.swf
  6. my RSMV was totaled a couple weeks ago, now I'm looking for another one. What would be a better deal, an 06 with 20,000 miles, or a 99, at half the price, with 18,000 miles? Are there any major differences between years?
  7. I appreciate the responses from all of you about the performance of the 2nd gen Venture in my last question. Unfortunately the 2008 I was looking at was sold before I got it. I found a 2000 that seems to be in very good condition with relatively low miles for cheap. The questions is; are there any differences or changes that were made as the 2nd gen progressed from the beginning to today? Thank You Rich
  8. Venture Riders, I'm new to the site and am having a good time learning. I have a 2002 VMAX and would like to compliment him with a Venture. I am interested in the 86-93 models. Is that considered 1st generartion or 2nd? Also, I was wondering what where some of the differences in those model years, mostly function and option differences. I believe there is no reverse gear in those years, is that correct? Also I'd be interested in member's opinions regarding the pros and cons of the Ventrue for those years. Any info would be great even if you might think it is trival. I'm trying to educate myself for a spring purchase. Thanks! Bill Hampton, IL
  9. Freebird

    X Factor

    We've discussed it here before and it seems to be fairly evenly split between those who like American Idol and those who don't. I've been a huge fan for several years but for some reason, am having a really hard time getting interested in it this year. Well next season it appears that they will bring X Factor to the USA. It is similar to American Idol but with some significant differences. One thing that I like is the fact that they allow older people to enter. I'm really looking forward to it. Here is an audition from the UK show and I think that this guy is really good and wow...what a heart breaking story. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w-ocLJuHRA]YouTube- The X Factor 2009 - Daryl Markham - Auditions 2 (itv.com/xfactor)[/ame]
  10. Does any one know the differences, if any, between the 26H(1983?) and 41R(1984-89?) models of the CDI/TDI. I put a used 26H in my 1986-1300 which had a broken 41R in it and it seems to work ok now but I think my gas mileage might have dropped?? Anyone got info? Gerry
  11. I've got an opportunity to get a 84 1200cc venture, I'm a wing rider and know nothing about the Ventures but a lot about the Goldwings. I was hoping to get some honest feed back on differences in performance and how they ride and feel compared to the wingers...............
  12. I am a new member and appreciate all that contribute here. Can anyone tell me the specific differences between the old and new clutch baskets. Also, does anyone have the part number for the "I" basket. Thanks
  13. Stopped in at the local Kaw dealer where they had a new silver/black Voyager on the floor. Someone from Virginia already had a deposit on it. Salesman walked over to us as we were standing by the bike, looked out in the parking lot, saw my 99 out there and made the comment so, you're looking to "upgrade" from a Venture? Well, that didnt set quite right with me. Somehow I dont see it as an upgrade. But thats just sales talk I guess. As we talked about the new bike I pointed out several differences, from the warranty period, the lack of a driveshaft and the small fuel tank. He said the belt drive was designed for about 60k of service to which I replied well I have 60k on mine now and all it needed was a little dab of lube on it and its good for another 60k. Mind you I wasnt confrontational, just pointing out the differences. I did say that im waiting to see what Yamaha comes up with in the future as far as the Venture goes. I also pointed out the lack of a CB, rear speakers, etc. No doubt about it, this is a nice bike but after weighing all the differences, I think ill keep my 99 a bit longer.
  14. I think it was a few years ago, but I believe Freebird posted a picture that alternated between an Electra Glide and a Second Gen venture. It kind of showed the dimensional differences in cargo size and seating arraingments. Does anyone still have that?
  15. In shopping for a used saddle bag on ebay for my 05' RSTD I find a few for the Venture. Are they the same as the RSTD? I am looking for a right hand bag. Really just need the tub as all the rest of the parts are still good. Just not sure if they are the same size since the Venture is much more outfitted. Are there any major differences in various years? Thanks.
  16. Greetings... Does anyone know of where we can find a detailed listing of the differences between different models and years of the various 1st gens? has anyone compiled such a list? I have found lists of what the various models and years are called etc, but no details of how or what they differ. For example - If I were buying parts for my 89VR on Ebay - what parts from a seller parting out an 88 or an 87 would I NOT want to buy? I know that most of the fairing parts, for example. are pretty much identical - from 83-85 and 86-93, and a lot like front turn signal lenses - are identical in all years. I guess what I'm really interested in knowing is are there any known "this part ONLY fits an 19XXVR and no other year" type of situation. I'm guess I'm asking because I see that each year has it's own service manuals, etc - and parusing them, I really don't see any differences between them!
  17. I got to wondering.. I've seen references here, to the Tour Deluxe, the Tour Classic, The Tour Classic II and one or two others I believe. What were/are the differences between them? My '98 says Tour Deluxe on the title, but Tour Classic on the side of the leather saddlebags. Not a big deal...just curious more than anything!! Thanks autopilot
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