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Found 13 results

  1. So, I sent my rear diff off to John Furbur at RMSportmax, and he did his thing to it to chnage out the gears to make it ther RS-Max gears. Most of you know what that means, so I will not explain. He sent the rear diff back to me, leaving his shop on Pennsylvania two days ago, it was in my hands this morning, and in less than 82 minutes...ta da...the entire bike was all back together, everything re-insatlled, a new rear tire on it, and the bike fully on the road. Hey, less than 82 minutes was pretty good. Of course, I had everything prepped and ready to receive the revised rear diff. All parts were cleaned, newly greased, and all tolls laid out. But still...in less than 82 minutes. I have other things I still am doing to the bike, like a full valve adjustment, and fixing two wiring items. But it is nice to have the bike abck on two wheels. BTW, he did re-gear MY rear diff, as I asked him to, rather than swap mine out for someone else's.
  2. Anybody , look at these pics and tell me if this is normal the oil build up under the diff please. Seems to me I use to see this on my old 59 Chevy LOL But is it normal after 3 years on the Trike? The second pic is running my finger nail on it to show how much. Jeff [ATTACH]64918[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64919[/ATTACH]
  3. When I was at the parts house today, I asked for plugs same as the last set. He looked it up useing my phone # on the computer and said,"No problem". When I get home and get my Venture torn down, he has given me plugs with a 7 instead of an 8. (DPR7EA 9)They look the same ,so whats the diff, hotter?,colder? or what. Would it hurt to use them or should I take them back. 50 miles one way. Thanks Richard
  4. Did a 350mi ride with the queen yesterday and noticed a disturbing noise near the differential, today it's going crick...crick...crick...as the wheel rolls slowly....thinking somehow the diff is shot, oil clean, took sensor out and teeth look fine...check the forum and learned it might be the diff pins being dry....broke it down, cleaned and greased with honda moly 60....noise gone...Thanks to the powers that be....Mick
  5. i have an 07 rstd - had to replc. rear tire so i did all the normal rear wheel maint. - swapped inner/outer rear pads - pulled hub off and greased pins - greased outer diff. gears and matching wheel diff. gears - pull diff. out (from bike only - not from rear itself) greased the splines - drain diff. and replaced gear oil. reassembled all parts - put it on the ground, cranked it and tried putting into 1st - it wouldn't go, actually won't go into any gear. also when you roll the bike it creaks (diff.?). the only part of this job that caused a little trouble was putting the drive shaft back into the bike, once i got it line up i had to give the back of diff. a good smack with the palm of my hand to get it seated - the four flange acorn nuts were hand tightened (these were the last nuts to be tightened in reassembly) and everything seemed normal. hopefully i did not screw something up too badly...any ideas/suggestions or anyone else ever run into this problem??........HELP !!
  6. I have put a LOT of miles on the bike lately. I haven't driven a car for 3 weeks until this one plus a couple of 6 hour rides etc... I noticed that the rear diff at the fill plug I have seepage, is this normal? Should I worry or simply wash the bike and get get back to riding.
  7. Help ! , Just 978 miles on my new RSV and I'm hearing a distinctive "click' "click" "click" noise as I coast to a stop! I called my dealer's service dept. and was told to check a shim in the rear brake caliper that may be the "culprit" ( ? ) ...I dunno but it sure sounds like something in the Diff ( ? ). Anyone else had that issue ? I know I need to "visit" my dealer but I'm a bit worried that there is something amiss and don't need to experience a rear wheel lock-up at cruise + on the way there ! Renne
  8. i have a 99 rsv and today while riding the raidio sound stoped. and when i pulled over you could hear it but very low and the volume nob made no diff after a while it will start to work. any help would be great thanks.
  9. In a nutshell what is diff Venture vs Venture-S ??? Looking at purchasing a 2008 RSV and dont want dealer to BS me TY
  10. Is there a difference between the VMax carbs and the Venture carbs? Are the VMax carbs larger? I know the diff between the intakes, just curious about the carbs.
  11. Hey guys, I just had my rear tire changed by a shop down the street from where I work( I dropped it off because I did not have time to pull off the tire myself). Since the tire was changed I have a rubbing/squeeking noise when the bike is pushed backwards and it is there a little when going forward. It sounds like it is definitely coming from where the diff connects to the tire. There is no clicking noise and I have looked at the brakes and it is not coming from there. I was wondering if anyone had any Idea what they could have screwed up between the diff and the tire. I cannot think of anything in there that could cause this. I also drained the rear end oil and it is clean so I don't think it is in the rear diff. I am going into work early tomorrow to pull the tire and I was hoping someone might give me a tip on what to look for. I have pulled the tire before and it went back together no problem, so i can't think of anything in there that could be out of place. everything on the outside looks good nut on shaft is tight and spacer is installed correctly on right side. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  12. I know it's probably a silly question but I have my reasons. On a 1st gen ('87 VR to be specific). With the differential removed from the bike, driveshaft attached to the diff, how hard should it be to turn the driveshaft? Also, with the bike on the centerstand, run up into 4th gear. Idle in 4th gear and pull in the clutch. How long should the rear wheel continue to free spin? I'm chasing ghosts and hopefully your answers will help me to nail them down. Thanks in advance, Ed
  13. I have posted several times in the past about the trouble I have had with the rear end of my 05 venture. Yamaha replaced the rear diff three times within about 2,000 miles. I had already had the rear diff replaced once before that. I left my bike at the dealer saturday for the 24,000 mile service. The service manager just called and said the rear pinyon was worn out so yamaha is sending another rear diff and a new drive shaft. What's up with the rear ends with these bikes? This will be the fourth rear diff within about 8,000 miles.
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