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  1. ok i do not ride a venture but i do work at a dealership, small one, like i am the only employee and the other folks own it. I have a weird issue with a venture that i cant figure out. even called yamaha and they seemed puzzled. what it does you can cruise around all day at in town speed and nothing will happen, you hop up to highway/ interstate speeds (70-80) and the bike dies, check engine lighgt blinks twice and then the bike comes back on, no set time period as to when it will do this, seems completely random. owner has removed radio stuff from the bike. I have no idea where to go next
  2. Carroll Shelby, father of Cobra sports car, dies at 89
  3. This has happened to me a few times during the past month... Riding along at various speeds, the bike suddenly just dies. There is never any warning, doesn't cough or anything. One second everything is cool and the next it is just not running. Everything electrical (lights, stereo etc.) still functions. After coasting to the side of the road, I can hit the starter and it turns over, but doesn't fire at all. Then I hit the starter a second or third time and it fires right up. Very weird. The bike has just shy of 80,000 miles on it. All suggestions and ideas are very much appreciated. Cheers, Dan
  4. The last few days, my '99 RSV has experienced a total loss of engine power within minutes of getting underway. No loss of electrical power, but the bike just literally "dies" for no apparent reason, and then starts right back up again. In both cases, after I fire it back up, it repeats the process - dies, starts up, goes for a minute and dies, then fires back up. Then, in both cases, after about 10 or 15 minutes of riding, everything seems fine. This happened about 2 weeks ago as well, but then not again until yesterday morning and again this morning. I took it to my mechanic today (the original owner as well) and he can't find anything definitive other then the rubber vacuum plugs below the carbs on both sides of the bike have a small age-related split in them, so they are getting replaced as soon as they come in (I ordered them from the dealer today). The service manager at the dealership has no idea why this is happening unless he tears the carbs apart, which ain't going to happen - at least not there. But he is calling the Yami Tech Center in the morning to describe the symptoms to see if they have any intel or ideas on this from their database of issues and will call me. So, anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening? Could it be ignition related and not a fuel issue? I will be taking it out in the morning to see if I can get it to repeat this issue. Thanks.
  5. My VR will be running fine. I pull up to a light or stop in traffic. Sometimes it just dies like you turned the ignition off. It doesn't sputter before it does this, it just quits. It will usually start right back up, but the starter turns it slowly. Sometimes I have to push it out of traffic and wait a minute or two before it will crank fast enough to start. I have to put it in neutral, just pulling the clutch lever won't let it crank. It doesn't do it until it has warmed up and I have driven a ways (it usually does it when driven at least 10 or 15 miles in warm weather). It has a one year old gel cell battery and a 4 brush starter with large battery wire. Sometimes if I catch it quick enough as I'm starting to open the throttle, it will pick back up and run ok, until the next time.
  6. Ok it’s official! I’m an idiot. So here’s how I discovered this. I’ve got my RSV up on the lift for a maintenance. So today I tackled changing the brake fluid and clutch fluid. I did the rear brake and then the front. Everything went smooth as silk. Then came the clutch fluid ,now keep this in mind I’m doing this the old fashion way, (open the bleeder, squeeze the lever, close the bleeder, release the lever and repeat). So I get the fluid in the clutch changed , it feels good. So I decide to started her up and put her in gear to see how she shifts. While it’s running an I put it in gear it dies. Damn, I’m thinking there must be air in the line so I bleed her again, and again. Start her up, shift in to gear it dies. Well, at this point I come inside and log on to the forum and review the tech section again and do a few searches on bleeding the clutch. Every thing seems right. So back out I go and bleed her again, start her up, it dies. Then all at once it hit me like a BRICK! And I though to myself.. YOU IDIOT THE KICK STAND IS DOWN!!!!. I put it up and alls well. I hope I can get a little smarter when I pull the drive shaft.
  7. It's sad when people in vehicles do not pay attention or just won't. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/jun/16/fatal-crash-early-wednesday-morning-palm-city-slow/
  8. hi i have a gen one i beleive(86 1300 venture) had spark issues i believe i have that fixed now bike idles and starts fantastic but go to use throttle and pops thru carbs and just dies out till off then idles great i need help any direction to go besides scrap yard like i have been told over and over this week. thanks
  9. I have an 83. Typically runs pretty good but having some issues. 1) Have to use choke to start it now. Didn't used to need to. 2) Smokes quite a bit when starting. Not impacting oil. 3) Slow off the start. 4) Having a hard time keeping it going. Idle doesn't seem to be enough. Dies at stop. 5) Notice on the highway that every 10 seconds or so the RPMs will drop from 3500 to 3300 for a split second. Would appreciate any insight you might have. Thanks Bob
  10. I worked on my bike these past few days, and got it ready last night to ride to work today. I started her up and let her idle as I put on helmet and gloves, and put down the garage door. I eased down the driveway, not wanting to wake the cul-de-sac by roaring off. As I approached the intersection, I let off the throttle to listen for popping. (One of the things I did was to re-install the pipes since a faulty joint was a suspect on my popping on decel issue) As I turned and accelerated, she began to hesitate as if out of gas. I know she has gas since I had taken the tank off and had to heft it back. I switched from reserve where I normally run to main, with no help. Finally, she stalled and wouldn't start. I pushed her home, and man am I sweaty! We had fog, so you know it was Houston Humid. I've found she'll start and rough idle with full choke. Try to blip the throttle and she dies. Take off the choke, and she dies. Over the weekend, I took off the tank and side panels. I installed Powerlets on the left side plastic panel where the passenger floorboards mount. Is there something I forgot to hook up? I think I hear a knock when the fuel pump is energized, but not the knock knock knock that happens if she is off for a while. Ideas? Dave
  11. Good morning all. I found an issue. When I let my 08' RSV set for a about a week than start it up and put in gear it want to take off and than dies. With clutch pulled I hit the starter and it will go about 6 inches and than engage. Any ideas. Thanks. Richard:confused24:
  12. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1j4DXmaBtA]YouTube - Head on Collision with two Bikes One Guy Dies.[/ame] Those on dialup internet dont worry this is not TOO BIG. TY & Ride Safe
  13. Healthy 29 year old man dies after police tase him
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