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  1. I've seen them on here before but can't find any. Does anyone have a color wiring diagram for the RSV? specifically the lighting section. Had to do some work on the brake lights on mine and found that the PO royally screwed stuff up back there. I'd like to go back to square one and start over. thanks
  2. hey everyone. need handlebar holder. i have one side stripped and cant torque bar nut. anyone? its number 10 on the diagram. 10 26H-23442-01-00 HOLDER, HANDLE LOWER . . . 1. looks like this. http://www.swamotorsportwarehouse.com/YAMAHA-XVZ12T-1200-VENTURE-83-HANDLEBAR-LOWER-HOLDER-FITTING-26H-23442-01-00-XVZ1200-5503
  3. Can anyone tell me which wire is the hot that goes to the brake light? I can't find a good wireing diagram. I recently bought a flasher for the brake light. Thanks.
  4. The (1st gen) exhaust clamps that go on the 6 collector ports (4 in, 2 out)? 5 out of my 6 survived, but one was pretty well toast. Part #s 25, 26, 37, 44 in the following diagram: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1993/XVZ1300DE%20-%20VENTURE%20ROYALE/EXHAUST/parts.html I can probably make any one of them work. Just need one if ya got a spare collecting dust. Lemme know? Thanks!
  5. Does anyone have any of these lying around that they just don't need. It is the gasket/spacer that goes between the OEM muffler and the exhaust pipe on a tour deluxe or venture. I had a pair of Barons Bag Slash on the bike and they were a direct slip on to the exhaust. The OEMs need this gasket/spacer. Please PM me if you do. Part number 27 and 30 in the diagram. http://images.powersportsnetwork.com/fiche/images/YAMAHA/2006/motorcycles/4552_exhaust.gif
  6. does anybody know where i can get the wire diagram for a 2006 RSV radio and AMP?
  7. :confused24:OK,I just finished servicing the final drive on my 99 RSV.I used instructions I down loaded from this site,everything worked out just fine until I noticed that my brakes are not mounted the same way as the brakes in the pictures in the instructions.my rear calipers are mounted below the swing arm.Ever picture and diagram i have seen shows the caliper mounted above the swing arm.my mounting bracket is totally different.everthing hangs below the swing arm.Can anyone explain this????
  8. I got to wondering why so many techs were having trouble diagnosing radio/audio related problems on RSV's. So I was looking through the service manual wiring diagrams thinking things should be pretty straight forward. What I discovered is a lot of missing information. Neither of the headset connections or the rear remote are shown on the diagram. None of the interconnect wiring for the CB or anything else is shown. Only some of the wires and connectors from the MCU are shown. No antenna connections are shown. None of the repair messages the radio presents were shown in the troubleshooter. No wonder this is such a 'guess how' fix area on these bikes. If anyone has a complete wiring diagram for the audio system on the RS Venture how about posting it. Mike
  9. rod

    Old Goldwing

    I have a friend that had his starter solenoid melt down on his 86 1200 wing. Does any one have the wiring diagram? Thanks Rod
  10. Been fighting a cold, hayfever and finals at school for the last few weeks and now when I feel better and have a short time till spring quarter starts up, I got a couple of things holding me up from getting all the fairing and covers back on the vr. On the diagram below, I can't remember where these,(60), go? I noticed on both inner panels, there are holes the same distance apart, but the collars of the plate are to big for the holes. If they don't go there then what does?
  11. Anyone out here have a Calif. Friendship III sidecar? I'm looking for the wiring diagram for mine. Also looking for a place to buy parts.
  12. anyone with advice on how to remove the main switch on a 08 venture for replacement key to be made? i dont see any quick and painless diagram in the manual that relates directly with this.
  13. I picked up a 1985 GS 450 for a really good price. Only problem is, most of the bike came in one of two boxes. The engine wasn't even in the frame. I have the engine back in, and the suspension back on, but I am having a hard time routing the wires properly through the frame. I have a wiring diagram, but not a routing diagram. If anyone out there has one of these bikes, I would really appreciate if you emailed me. I would like to get some digital photographs of the wire routing, so you would have to be ok with removing the seat and gas tank. If not, no biggie, it just will take longer to get it right. At this rate, I figure I will be done in time for snow to start sticking to the ground...
  14. I have drawn my wiring schematic into my CAD drafting program. Reason being I am adding cruise control from an 84. This will make it easier for me to do this. Attached is a PDF of schematic. I have tried to make it easier to read by adding some line types & colors so the wiring is easier to follow. There is a color code chart is at the lower left. I rearranged some of the components to eliminate wires crossing unnecessarily. The schematic is the same as the original in the 83-85 owners manual electrically, just rearranged. The only thing I am not sure about is the Diode pack, my bike only one diode in it. The block schematic shows three diodes in the circuit. The wiring schematic indicated two diodes. I did correct an error or two I found in the schematic, one being the ACC terminals in the fuse block. I would like to add the Ignition coil #'s if someone could furnish those also. I changed the graphics for the rear brake switch to match the front brake & clutch switches. It prints out best at 11" x 17" but few of you probably have a laser jet that size. Not to mention a color one. If anyone wants an 11 x 17 B&W copy, I will mail you one for the postage & envelope cost, probably a dollar. I am going to stop at Staples tonight and see if they can do color 11 x 17 prints if anyone is interested. I can get B&W prints up to 24" x 36". Dingy
  15. I need some help! my power outlet has no power i do not know which fuse supplies the power , also need a wiring diagram of this outlet
  16. can you guys help? what is the difference in a wire labled Y/R on the wiring diagram and R/Y? is one color continuous and the other striped? if so, what is what.
  17. Here is the diagram and Radio Shack part numbers for converting a single wire tail light (pilot LED light bar) to be feed as a brake and running light. Note the diodes are directional feed, so the end that has the red tape/silver band goes towards the light. I saved this from before the crash and I don't believe it has been posted again so now its here. I am running the Radio Shack parts on mine with no problems. Gary [ATTACH]28526[/ATTACH]
  18. these people were great,mite give them a try http://www.wiring-diagram.com/
  19. Does anyone here have a wiring diagram for the Harbor Freight air horns? I bought the set about a year ago and never put them on. Went to put them on my p/u and all I could find are the 2 horns and the air compressor. Nada on wires, wiring diagram or relay and switch. If anyone has one it sure would be appreciated.:bang head: Don H.
  20. hey guys Im a newb to this site so be easy i just picked up an 1983 yamaha venture xvz12 and It needs some work but to start with I need a wire diagram for the f*&%ing thing I've been looking for two days and havint found crap any healp would be great:thumbsup:
  21. I bought 2 helmets at a garage sale last weekend. Don't remember what kind of headsets they are, but does anyone have a diagram that I can get and wire these up so I can talk to the wife while riding without screaming? Kevin
  22. Is there a "wiring diagram" for the installation of driving lights with a relay somewhere on this site? I have searched and searched but have not located one. I have located a Thread listing several "Tips" but no illustration. Can someone either point me in the right direction or provide a simple drawing showing all the components; driving lights, on/off switch, relay, battery, fuze, grounds (think I've got the all) and how these components would be connected? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  23. New at this, if I do this wrong let me know. I have a 84 Venture Royal( not owned long). I would like to know how much travel the push rod, in the clutch diagram item #19 push rod 1 has? Putting on new plates and just wanted to know.
  24. I was cleaning the contacts for the front brake stop light switch and when I put it back together and gave it a test, the cover wasn't on tightly and the spring popped it off! I have been looking at a parts diagram but I can't find the part number anywhere, or even see it on a diagram! I'll have to go to the stealership in the morning to see if I can order one, but I find they can be a little slack when it comes to searching for things like this. Anyone have a clue? Thanks
  25. Anyone know where I can find a diagram of grease nipples for an '84 Venture ? There is one nipple on the driveshaft but I have not seen any other ?
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