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  1. Brock is our grandson who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes early last year. There are so many children who have Type 1 (the kind that they will have to have insulin for the rest of their lives). We would love to have you join in the walk or be a virtual walker. Any support you can give this cause would be greatly appreciated! JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, North Alabama 2015: Brock's Sugar Shakers - JDRF The JDRF Walk raises money for life-changing T1D research. Join the Walk today. www2.jdrf.org
  2. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 35 years ago and quite honestly did a poor job of controlling it. I took the pills prescribed, but my eating habits were terrible and was about 80 pounds overweight. I eventually ended up on insulin, but that did not help as my A1C numbers were from high 9's to about 11. When it became obvious that I was going to be dealing with a divorce after a 41 year marriage, I started getting serious about myself. I ended up loosing about 50 pounds and went off insulin and my last two A1C numbers were 6.7 and 6.4 which are very good. But, the problem with diabetes and poor control of it is damage done over the years just don't go away whenever you decide to do better. So, I am sitting here right now trying to type with one eye and hoping I will get some good vision out of the eye when it heals up. The hemorrhage I had was as bad or worse than any of the examples shown on the website about these things. About two years ago I was really happy with the results from my cataract surgery. Now I am being told that I have a lot of damage in both eyes and it will get worse. The reason I am writing this is I know I am not the only one in this bunch with type 2 diabetes and I hope some of you will start taking diabetes a lot more serious than I did, so maybe you can keep some of the damage to a minimum. It is a beautiful day outside and to be almost 80 degrees and I would love to be going for a ride. RandyA
  3. Morphine, Not what it used to be. About 1:30 A.M. this mourning , took a field trip to the hospital. Severe pain in my left side lower abdomen. It wasn't stopped up gas in the intestines, nor appendix. Got to the hospital ER......what NO ILLEGALS !!!!!!! They sent me directly to a room and had me undress with No formal invitation. Dropped my drawers and revealed my BUTT , like usual, LOL !! Man I was in Pain with a capital "P". So in with the IV, out with the blood samples, and then the Morphine. Got the usual bad taste and warm flash, and hours later still in pain. Shot #2 .....same affects and wide awake. Got my Birdie snapped (X-Rays) and then the good ole soft drinks for the Cat Scan. Poor Kittie . Up all night , 2 shots of Morphine and No pictures to show you of my little boy. No not what you are thinking , but of my new kidney stone. Now in the whom (Bladder) and just waiting the opportunity for me to turn my head away for the great escape! While in my bed , badger by the nurse to get a Flu shot. I said why not, just add it to the newly acquired med bill, what a few more large bills? Finally the Doc shows up to give me the spill. Blood pressure EXCELLENT ! . Kidney stone the culprit (my first one) and possible Diabetes Type II. Suger fix 211 at time they drew the first blood. Down to 192 at last check before they released me. So now awaiting the passage of the stone, M&M's for pain meds, and meds for possible Diabetes. instructions to go find a Sugar Daddy or Momma to check fer sure on the Diabetes. With all that , I was purely disappointing to get the watered down Morphine. Where in the heck was the Demerol ? In conclusion, I'm tired, fuzzy headed now and then from fatigue, starring at some Reese's Peanut Butter cups and saying to myself NO, NO, NO. Calling: Nurse Yamma Mama .....where are you ? BEER30
  4. I know there was a thread on this in 08 but just wondering if anyone has diabetes, does it affect your riding, how do you handle it?
  5. These were some of the Pictures I took from our North East Intruder Alert Ralley. We keep it small and it enables us to do some pretty cool stuff every year. Last winter we lost one of our members to diabetes so the pictures of us up on the mountain were from a tribute ride for him. We had a small urn of some of his ashes and spread them up there. http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/hunter1500/th_IMG_0230.jpg http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g51/hunter1500/th_IMG_0184.jpg
  6. I am sure youve all heard me complaing about the cold around here the last few days. Well here is a story of a guy riding his scoot across Canada to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes. For those of you that may not know the overnight low the night before he arrived it was -40c which also happens to be -40F WITHOUT any windchill factored in. This guy is dedicated to his cause, I hope he raises a ton of donations for Juvenile Diabetes. Crossing Canada in January is gonna be one cold and long trip!!!!! http://www.leaderpost.com/Health/motorcycle+tour+raise+awareness+about+diabetes/1180062/story.html Brian
  7. did anyone see the interesting news on how gastric bypass is pretty much curing type 2 diabtetes??? they are saying that apparently there is some relation to the duodenum ( spelling?) first part of small intestines and diabetes. people who had the surgery and were diabetic.......were off their medications after the surgery and not because of weight loss.these people were off the meds by the time they left the hospital they have been doing lab tests with diabetic mice and as soon as they disconnect the small intestines from the stomach and reattach the stomach to the large intestines the diabetes is gone! reattach the small intestine and its back ! wow this is incredible...... the only problem is that right now they will not do the operation unless you are severley overweight or obese....they will not do it for diabetes alone...... I see this changing in the near future.....or some sort of similar operation for diabetics ! I cant believe that as long as gastric bypass surgerys have been going on they haven't said something sooner....... and how I wish this were more widely known before my father passed away in 2002......he was diabetic and overweight and would have been a good candidate.....and maybe lived a while longer........
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