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  1. Ferrari's motorcycle. Kinda out there, nice V4; but the design is..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TlOcCJpIpU&feature=related]Ferrari Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
  2. I ordered a trailer and was told it would be here in 2 to 3 weeks.. Well it's been a week and a half, (seems like a month).. I only needed a small trailer, so I ordered a Tag-Along http://www.lilthoroughbredtrailers.com/id2.html So far, I took my bike to the paint store "Finish Masters" they took a little computer out to the bike and came up with a color match I'm going to paint the trailer to match the bike. I fabricated a hitch for the bike pretty much following the design of others here. Below are a couple of pictures of how it came out and how it looks on the bike. Yes I know the bike is dirty but the weather here has been crappy.. It is hard to keep clean. Peggy and I are looking forward to using the trailer. It will make our trips a little more comfortable.
  3. Hope the attachment works - just an idea for comment...
  4. Click on this link from Competition Accessories (news review) http://blog.compacc.com/2011/08/michelin-commander-2-tires-preview/ Competition accessories is starting to sell the Michelin Commander 2 (I think). But not our size yet. The link above is an article that has pictures and describes the new tread design and extended mileage claims. Michelin is pretty happy but I like the old design. Says they will come in 15 sizes. For the front, it does not include our stock size (150/80/16) but does carry the "small front", 130/90/16. Rear, they do have our 150/90/15. This link is the sales page on what they do have now (not our size): http://www.compacc.com/Michelin-Commander-2-Motorcycle-Tires http://blog.compacc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/IMG00184-20110810-15161.jpg
  5. I know, I know. Aren't we all. BaggerShield recently released a new design to fit the Stratoliner Deluxe and we have a 2nd design coming out for the RSV in a few weeks. I'm looking for one of each bike in the Minneapolis, MN area to use as models for product pictures and initial fit up for these new BaggerShield designs. There is something in it for you. First volunteer to send me a PM gets to keep the BaggerShield they will be modeling. The year doesn't matter on the Stratoliner Deluxe but the Venture needs to be a 99 or newer. I'll be offering the same deal to the first gen guys as soon as that design is ready. Should be this fall sometime. Thanks in advance
  6. I have been asked a number of times now about the retro design of the speedometer on our 2000 RSV (red - the best color). Do any of you know if it was modeled after any particular truck or automobile speedo from the 1950's?
  7. http://thatwillbuffout.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/funny-car-photos-i-am-spartacus.jpg
  8. Well it is official that I will be in Fort Worth TX from March 18 to 20. Airline tickets are bought and room is booked. I was volunteered/railroaded into helping a group of "kids" at Marquette University with their engineering competition. The task is to design a radio control aircraft to carry as much weight as possible within the design limitations. The rules do allow them to bring in an experienced pilot to fly the aircraft for safety reasons. That would be where I come in. I guess they do not want barly flyable 50lb aircraft wandering around out of control. This sounds like fun. I just do not know if I can keep up with these college seniors all night after the official stuff is over..... I think this could be fun.
  9. Try this again! I just came across this site advertised on Craigs List. Its not RSV related, but I know a lot of you have different bikes also. www.gravesj44.webs.com If your bike isn't listed, they say bring it by and they will design you an instrument face for free. This place is just down the road from me, though I've never been there or seen their work.
  10. Well I ordered a RSV hitch from hillis73. It arrived today and I am very impressed. Great quality, design and finish. The Photos don't do it justice. It's design also gives me a place to install a mud flap. I would and will recommend this hitch for everyone. Thanks you, Hillis Shamue
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Helmet-Headsets-91-97-Harley-Davidson-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4156c3a0ffQQitemZ280628535551QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_500wt_1182 1 J&M setup and 2 "Harley" branded setups. They are the 5 pin design.
  12. I have a friend who makes the loveliest jewellery using all natural stones. Each design is individual. It's amazing what mother nature can produce, take a look............. http://www.janinestonedesigns.blogspot.com/
  13. Anyone know of a source for new piston rings for an 83 venture 1200. Doing 2nd gear teardown. Figured with 78000mi and a 90psi cylinder, I'd replace rings as long as the engine is out. Cycle Design had all parts but rings. I see on other sites rings are listed as discontinued.
  14. the time is running out . i have to get this thing done by april 15th, first meet in greenwood, ar.. chrome is going to the shop in the morning, and the paint job is almost done. forks and front end are ready for mounting. now it's all the little stuff that has to be done. built my fuel tank yesterday and tacked it together ready to be tig welded as soon as i make the filler neck and mounts. my last big project is mounting the 32 mm mikuni flatslide. very limited space for the carb and aircleaner so i'm still up in the air on my manifold design and how i'm going to design the shape. this may be my biggest problem so far. i may bring it to b2 dads meet & eat in july so folks can see it.
  15. I have a little project in mind for my 06 tour deluxe so I am looking for a used even beat up seat of any brand (corbin, oem or mustang). I don't even care if it has any leather on it or foam. I just do not want to experiment with one that is usable right now. I saw a bike that had been reworked with a "different" design in the leather and I am wanting to try my hand at it since I have a little extra leather hanging around the shop. The other thing is I want to see of I can fashion a bracket for the passenger portion that we can use for handles and cup holders etc. The seat I saw mimics a car seat with button and tuck design. I am just not sure if I want the small buttons on it. Have any of you seen anything like this and what are your thoughts. PM me if you have anything that may work.
  16. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beqi-UuiXq8]YouTube - flash arrow.AVI[/ame] Above vid of my design for arrow led turn signal At first I thought I would PM the only other member I know here who has experence in electronic design, Dingy, to see if he was interested in collobrating in my project, as he had stated in another post he was working on simular, then I thought this would likely be of interest to others, especially the final result, so I will provide my progress here. My plan is to replace lighting on my Venture to LEDS. Many places to buy plug and play, but I thought I would like turn arrows, and started experimenting I set my conditions for 1. turn arrows at 4 corners to sequence both front and rear on left or right as switched 2. turn lights also marker lights 3. turn lights also 4 way hazards 4. Minimum parts count/$ 5. also design trim lighting/brake lighing/passing lights from LEDs In my favor I found a source for cheap LEDS, buying 100ea 5mm for about $5 including shipping. For testing I have bought 100 each, Blue 5mm 6000mcd 20-50mA 3.0-3.4fV, Red 5mm 4000mcd 20-50mA 2.0-2.2fV, and Yellow 5000mcd 20-50mA 2.0-2.2fV. All have narrow view angle of 25-30deg and are very bright see straight on, not so much from an angle. Item 5 above is pretty straight forward, so started design of flashing arrow first. PDF is of my circuit so far, I am working on breadboard so changes are easy. Circuit is based on HCF4094 8 stage shift registar driven by high voltage 555 clock called TLC555. The shift registar outputs are driving NPN transistors, but due to high part count I chose transister array CA3083 with 5 each independent transistors capable of 200mA each. I chose my IC's purposly as high voltage (18V) as opposed to TTL(5V) to avoid parts count in voltage control for our 12-14 volt MC systems. Leds are arranged in series arrays. Had wanted to only have 1 major control circuit, but will need two , for left and right. Plan on 1 central control box with multiconductor wire to each corner light. As current to each segment is only 20-30mA this is well within capability of telco 24ga inside wire such as CAT5, and 4 pair wire gives 8 conductors for 8 chevrons, using main 12V already at each corner. Flashing arrow works great so started designing item 3 above. A little experimenting accomplished lighting all LEDS in sequence till all lit then hold, then a timer to output enable of the 4094 will flash all lit LEDs as in 4 way flasher. Then I started working on 2 above, meaning I thought I would need to dim the turn signals and have them fully lit to act as marker lights. I designed a 555 based pulse width modulator which will adjustable dim the LEDs, but at a noticable dimness as opposed to fully lit arrows, I think the LEDs are too dim and can't seem to find a happy medium. This is where I am looking for input. now I am thinking I need to have all LEDs lit full bright for marker lights, and when turning, only turn side will change from full bright to flashing arrow. also considering ordering White 18000mcd leds, but high fV will require changes in array. Weclome all questions, comments, suggestions
  17. When I got my last new laptop, I was unable to install my Corel Draw due to a bad disk. Now I find that I do not have the necessary file format to have the VentureRider mugs screened. All I have is a .jpg file. I need to have it converted to a vector based file in one of these formats. Adobe Illustrator CS4 CorelDraw X3 Freehand MX I also need the colors reversed so that the design and text will be black and the background clear. Do any of you have the graphics software to convert this it for me? If so, I can email you the file or upload it so that you can download it. The file is 570 kb.
  18. I want to design a route then load it to my Zumo 550 - problem is I can't find anything/information on how to do it. Help Please
  19. For those of you using or contemplating using the Mr. Gasket #42S fuel pump, be advised that the design has been "improved". Formerly, the input and output nipples were threaded into the pump. That allowed us to insert right- and 45 degree-pieces between the pump and the nipple, allowing the Mr Gasket pump to work for us. The new design has a fixed output nipple, and a long one at that. Consequently, I do not believe that the Mr. Gasket fuel pump will be an acceptable replacement. I went to a different store, and they had one old style pump in front of three new pumps. I snarfed that up, just in case I ever need another.
  20. I'm looking for a couple of those trunk latches used on a Harley trunk. Need both the latches and the hooks. Figured they'd be great for my trailer. Anyone got some? Could maybe even use the 1st gen (86-93) Yammi ones but the Harley ones are more compact in design. If I recall correctly, the Yammi ones there is one that is offset a bit so don't think that will work.
  21. OK folks. The design, color, etc. is pretty much finalized. The poll has been simplified. Please take the time to vote as it is important that I get a good estimate on the number of shirts that will be ordered. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45433
  22. OK Folks..... It's 2010 now officially for the last 11 days and now it's time to set you creative types to put your thinking cap on and show us what you got with a design that we will pick for the T-shirts for the International rally. We'll use this as the idea thread where you can post up your designs and we will have a 2nd thread with a poll where we will vote on the design the majority like. Keep in mind that this years rally is the 5th anniversary of the original rally held at Potato Creek State Park In Indiana. We'll run this till the end of January and on Febuary 1st we'll put the poll up with the entries we have and pick a winner....so show us what you got!
  23. I have made a write up covering some basics on the use and installation of relays in motorcycles. I worked in railroad signaling for 15 years and most of this time I was a signal circuit design engineer. I primarily dealt with relay based design involving signaling and highway crossing protection. During this time, I gained some knowledge concerning relays and the design of relay based circuits. The write up refers primarily with the relays used in Ventures. It does not include any information regarding the starting solenoid or flasher relays. I have included some basic information and definitions regarding relays. There are pictures of the internal workings of Venture and automotive style accessory relays that are available at various auto parts stores. Also included is some basic information involved in wiring and fuse size selection. I have included examples of several practical applications of relays involving Ventures including: Driving lamp addition Passing Lamp addition for RSV’s Headlight cut-out when starting for RSV’s Air horn addition Ignition switch bypass modification for RSV’s To open the PDF file, click on file name shown in blue below. Relays 101.pdf
  24. I bought an expensive Metzler tire for my rear end. It has about 1500 miles on it. I noticed it has some weird wear on the ends of the tread patterns that are unique to this tire... Maybe it is a design flaw. I have run it with the reccommended 32 lbs the whole time.... Thanks! [ATTACH]38355[/ATTACH]
  25. jinx56

    seat repairs

    I recently gave up my 1984 Gold Wing for a 01 RSV which is great; however the seams on the seat are giving way. Any suggestions for repair without having to lose the seat design. I have spoke with a couple of upholsterers but they say the work they do will flatten out the seats.
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