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  1. we have a new dealer in the area, off I64 Farmers exit near Morehead Ky. seem to be a good place with reliable people running it, a nice supply of street bikes and 4 wheelers and a well stocked parts dept. I'll give them a try as i would like to keep them around :cool10: caverun motorsports
  2. I have been offer a position in our fire department as Chief. I have many many years commited to the dept and feel like I am ready for it, but its a huge responsibility just the same. At least they gave me plenty of time to think it over. I was asked Monday, meeting is Wednesday I already have my business, I'm a board member for our 911 emergency services, member of the community betterment association, do all the presentations from the fire dept to daycares and home schooled children, have 4 children and a wife and now they want me to be Chief But other then that I dont have much going on so I am considering it.
  3. For the last 3 years I have been fighting city hall over getting one of their trees removed from in front of my house. Every time I call the forestry dept I get the same song and dance about how their budget is small and maybe they can get to it next year. This tree has been dead on the top half for the last 3 years. up till this year it has just been an eyesore and a nuisance picking up all of the dead twigs falling out of it. This past summer it dropped a 6" diameter branch on a car parked in front of my house causing damage to the car (no ones that I know). The police were involved so that there would be a record of it. I also contacted my alderman to complain about it. My alderman contacted the city forestry dept and they said they would try to get to it this winter. This last weekend it dropped a good size branch that just missed another parked car. the attached pics are of this latest branch and where it landed. I sent another email with these pics to the alderman and the Mayor, yesterday. Today I got an email from the mayor that he talked to the forestry dept and the tree will come down on 11-9-10. I hope I have lit the fire under the right butt this time. I did put the letter in the terms that these branches coming down are big enough to cripple or even kill someone walking down the sidewalk and the tree is so rotten that it could easily fall over and there is no direction that it can go where it will not land on either a house or a main power line. I just hope it is a hortheast wind that takes it down cuz I really need a new roof. In pic 4 you can just see the split that is running up the tree, that split is on the side straight away from my house and is currently about 2 inches wide, more than a foot deep and about 10 feet long.
  4. That's Hurricane Earl. I hope this thing doesn't have a direct hit here. Worst part is they aren't calling for this to be less then a cat 4 when it gets close. Local news was out at Rodanthe and the folks that are vacationing are saying they aren't leaving. Kinda stupid. Once the storm gets here hwy 12 will be gone, after that they are stuck. That's really no place to stay when something like this comes through. Guess they never saw any of the news during any of our other hurricanes or nor'easters. I'm not a big fan of these things, the winds scare me. Too many trees near us. During Isabel we couldn't get out till the fire dept chain sawed it's way in to us. Plus this thing is gonna be here at night. I hate that even more you can't see anything that's happening, not that I want to see it. Well hope everyone stays safe during this. Good news is Fiona looks like she'll stay away. Of course then the next one may be forming by then. Margaret
  5. It must be something about the area or maybe it's the dealerships but I have only seen a handful of Ventures locally (Slidell, Louisiana) in the past four years that I have owned mine. A local restaurant has a bike night every wednesday (hundreds of bikes everyweek) with food, beer booths and music, vendors set up shop and sometimes riding exhibitions from the Sheriff's dept and over 95% of the bikes are Harleys? My bike ends up being the odd ball. I took the tank emblems off so people always ask me "what kind of bike is that?" We need more Venture riders !!!!!
  6. Hey All, I wanted to take a minute and let you folks know of a memorial ceremony that will be held for Mark Still (AKA Mean Dog) in New Manchester WV on June 29th. This will be held at the New Manchester Volunteer Fire Dept. between 12 noon and 2 pm. I have talked with Nancy and Lonna has also talked with Marks daughter, Missy. They would love for as many of you that can attend to come over and spend the afternoon with them. This will be the Sunday that Skid's ride in ends, so it would be real nice if folks that were already in the area could stop in. I am planning on being there after the Skid in and if anyone would be interested in a group ride heading north from Jeff's place in Gassaway. It's about 175 miles from Jeff's place up in the north handle of the state, this is where Marks family is located. Looking forward to seeing as many VR members as I can, Nancy and the family would greatly appreciate it also. Here's the complete address to the Fire station... New Manchester Volunteer Fire Dept. 193 High Street New Manchester WV. 26056 http://www.nmvfd.org/default.asp I am having a bit of problems mapquesting it out, but will contact the fire dept for more precice directions.
  7. Is this a normal LEO practice. I monitor several county sheriff dept and local city pd radio transmissions over our home scanner. One local small town dept is constantly running traffic stops. During the exchange for information with local 911 dispatchers the dispatcher gives the usual name address etc of the driver. Next the officer will ask for and receive over the air the drivers SS#. Identity theft is a major problem and now if you are stopped for a traffic violation your name,address, and SS#are broadcast for all scanner land or monitoring thiefs to hear.This must be a new practice because I don't remember hearing this before until recently.
  8. My father passed away peacefully on Wed morning with all of his immediate family by his side. He truly was a good man. One I was proud to have as my father. Throughout my life he was always there to help, encourage and even criticise both my brother and I. He lived a very full life of 83 years of which 62 were while married to my mother. He retired from the Lexington KY police dept with 29 years of service. Fortunately he was able to enjoy retirement for 25 years. Attached is his photo taken in about 1974. He will be missed. Dennis
  9. The Methhead I have had to put up with is gone evicted two days ago and his house burnt to the ground this morning. No I didn't. But I cheered. Warden did call Fire Dept after it was going good. ashes are all thats left.
  10. well I got a call yesterday from the sheriffs dept inviting me to interview with the hiring board , so wish me luck.:dancefool::banana:
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