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  1. Hello all, I've got a 2005 Venture but was seriously considering stripping it down to just the saddlebags and windshield cruiser look of the deluxe. Has anyone done this that has photos or insight? The removal of the front fairing and trunk looks difficult but I'm not sure. Cheers for your time! Nice to have found you guys! Robb Reno, NV, U.S.
  2. I was just wondering how many of these wonderful bikes you fine people may have owned in all these years. Just to start, I have owned and still do..ONE. But would like to have a garge full of them :mo money:but..... Sqidley says he has owned 8.. That might be a record. Nothing against other bikes, I was just wondering about the Venture and Tour Deluxe. Thanks....
  3. Went to the Seattle version of the International Bike Show today, got there before they opened at 9:30 am. Looked all around, saw some bikes, and...saw the new Honda F6B. They only had the all Black one, which is the one I want. Turns out...according the "most" of the Honda reps there (and I found out that they did not know all the facts of life) that the Black bike only comes as the standard model F6B. And the Red/Black bike only comes as the Deluxe model F6B. That is stupid on Honda's part. There are items on the Deluxe model that I want...but I don't want the Red/Black bike. So, I guess I will have to buy a standard model, all Black, and then add the items I want...that Honda is too stupid to offer as a Black Deluxe model. As per the Honda motorcycles website, the standard model will be available in BOTH colors, and the deluxe will be available in both colors...hmmm. But, having said that...the bike is thee BOMB, Man ! I love the all blacked out effects, and the cruiser art-deco styling of this bike. Having owned 3 Goldwing 1800's before, this is a nice departure from the stale Goldwing. And...Honda has opened up ordering starting now. They are taking orders, and first deliveries should be by end of February, or first week in March at the latest. I can foresee a new bike in my future.
  4. Who ever picked up one or more of the auxillary tail light harnesses for a TOUR DELUXE , that I sent up to Don for Maint Day please contact me at stevemarilyn@hotmail.com or 386-314-6945. I need to recall the TOUR DELUXE harnesses, due to a major brain fade on my part I have mis pinned the the connectors, they will still work, but the color codes and functions are not correct on the wiring diagram. If you will contact me I will arrange for a replacement unit to be sent to you. This does NOT affect any Venture harnesses only the TOUR DELUXE.
  5. My 09 tour deluxe head light needs to be supported on the bottom, to the light bar to prevent shaking. I ordered the light bar [ part # STR-4NK35-10-01] and [sealed beam lamps [#STR-4NK35-10-00]. My question is which mounting hardware do i need,i can't find the right part # for a 09 tour deluxe. All i could find is a # for 06 and older. P.S. My 09 has the quick release windshield, if that makes a differance.
  6. If there is any interest in my auxillary tail and brake light harness for those going to Freebird's maintenance day I can arrange to have several of each (Venture/Royal Star & Tour Deluxe/ Road Star 1700) harnesses dropped shipped to Don. Cost is $11.00 for Venture style and $13.50 for Tour Deluxe style). http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=69814
  7. About to buy one, but I don't recall this... Does the Tour Deluxe have 1" or 1-1/4" bars on it?
  8. I got this in a email from Motorcycle U.S.A. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/1404/Motorcycle-Video/2012-Star-Stratoliner-Deluxe-First-Ride-Video.aspx
  9. I have a chance to pick up a hoppe at a good price, However Hoppe tells me the Roadstar Fairing will not fit on the Tour Deluxe as the radio is set to low. Has anyone modified this fairing to fit a RSTD?
  10. I am looking at buying an '06 Midnight Tour Deluxe with 0 miles for $9,000. Is this a good deal?
  11. Well, I might be back on a Yamaha! I found a great deal on an 08 Tour Deluxe with under 4,000 miles and warrenty until 2015. I would like to sell my 03 Road Glide first so I don't have to borrow the money and I am talking to a guy who will give me what I need to purchase the Tour Deluxe plus a 91 Trans Am GTA with 62,000 miles. So I get rid of the Road Glide and end up with a Tour Deluxe and a Trans Am with the only cost being the taxes and fees. Let's see - I've had two 2000 MM Ventures and an 07 Tour Deluxe. For some reason I keep coming back to the Yamaha! One of the greatest benefits of having a Royal Star is the Venturerider forum!!!
  12. I am headed to Wisconsin to pick up the Tour Deluxe I bought early tomorrow! 6 hours one way! Long trip but worth it!
  13. I've worn a hole through mine and wondered if anyone is still making these. I think the guy in FL that I got mine from is no longer making them. If no one has any ideas then I will probably bring my old one to a leather place and have them fix it or use it as a template to make a new one. If I had one made would there be any intrest in this.
  14. I know, I know. Aren't we all. BaggerShield recently released a new design to fit the Stratoliner Deluxe and we have a 2nd design coming out for the RSV in a few weeks. I'm looking for one of each bike in the Minneapolis, MN area to use as models for product pictures and initial fit up for these new BaggerShield designs. There is something in it for you. First volunteer to send me a PM gets to keep the BaggerShield they will be modeling. The year doesn't matter on the Stratoliner Deluxe but the Venture needs to be a 99 or newer. I'll be offering the same deal to the first gen guys as soon as that design is ready. Should be this fall sometime. Thanks in advance
  15. the virago is up for sale in the classified section, here is the replacement 2006 royal star midnight tour deluxe.
  16. I have been looking and can not find this anywhere on the forum or online. so I will ask. Is there any difference in the cables and hoses on the venture vs the tour deluxe? Other than the deluxe are longer to accomadate the taller and more pullback the bars have compared to the venture. Just curious.
  17. Got my new-to-me Corbin dual touring seat today!! Wooohoooo.... haven't taken a ride with it yet but that will happen very shortly! Found it via Facebook group (Yamaha Royal Star Venture and Tour Deluxe Fans, and Owners). [ATTACH]57102[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]57103[/ATTACH] Don't it look purrdy? I'll let ya'll know how it feels later.
  18. Has anyone put a fender bib on your Tour Deluxe? If so, do you like it?
  19. I am looking at purchasing a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe, this is an upgrade from the 1982 Honda Deluxe I go back and forth to work on. My mechanical knowledge of bikes is minimal to changing oil, filter and charging battery, oh I can change light bulbs to. I have a few questions; do they make a lowering kit for it? Is there anything I should be cautious about or look for on this bike that would tell me to avoid it (other than the leaks, drips and signs of damage)? Is there some other instrument cluster you could get for it be either aftermarket or off a different model bike (just don’t care for that look)? Thanks!
  20. Has anyone taken the fairing from a Venture and mounted it on a Tour Deluxe? If so, can one simply take off the stock speedo on the RSTD and mount the Venture fairing without adding any special mountings? If mounting hardware is needed, does it replace the windshield hardware on the Tour Deluxe? I like the Venture look but need to stick with my Tour Deluxe, which already has the Venture trunk and passenger seat. Pics on my homepage. Hoppe wants big bucks for their radio equipped fairing and I really don't need or want the audio . . . and they don't sell a fairing without the radio/CD. Any guidance would be appreciated. If it's workable, I'll be looking for an undamaged upper fairing off of a salvage Venture. Thanks.
  21. I have a little project in mind for my 06 tour deluxe so I am looking for a used even beat up seat of any brand (corbin, oem or mustang). I don't even care if it has any leather on it or foam. I just do not want to experiment with one that is usable right now. I saw a bike that had been reworked with a "different" design in the leather and I am wanting to try my hand at it since I have a little extra leather hanging around the shop. The other thing is I want to see of I can fashion a bracket for the passenger portion that we can use for handles and cup holders etc. The seat I saw mimics a car seat with button and tuck design. I am just not sure if I want the small buttons on it. Have any of you seen anything like this and what are your thoughts. PM me if you have anything that may work.
  22. i have a 2005 royal star tour deluxe i need to know if i can put a venture fairing on my bike; if so what would i have to do?
  23. I was calling around to various dealers to see if there were any late season deals to be had. One of which was a local HD dealer. He said he would do some checking around because they have independent dealers come in and buy the traded metric bikes. Miy tour deluxe is an 08 blue/black with 9700 miles on it right now. I told him aftermarket pipes,radio,driving lights, and Bakup seat rest all go along with stock pipes. He said hed make some calls. Boy he must have speed dial, cause it was 5 minutes and he called back. after checking around (im guessing maybe one dealer, or maybe just picking a number out of the air) he said the Yamaha dealer would give him 4 grand, but hed throw in an xtra grand. I kept my temper and was civil. I told him he was way off and that it wasnt even close to book value. He told me the dealer told him that it was a dead horse. I told him that the dead horse was gonna sit in the garage and rot before id do business with him.....but i was polite.
  24. Can anyone direct me to instructions to change my own oil in my 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe? I'm really tired of paying the dealer. Any recommendations on choosing the best oil? I'm in So. California and have 40,000 miles on my scoot. Bruce Lamarche
  25. http://www.recklessmotorcycles.com/roadstar.htm Anybody familiar with Reckless Fairings? I am thinking of putting a fairing on my tour deluxe.
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