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  1. uncledj


    Thank God that thread got deleted.....
  2. Deleted. Tried adding a poll but it timed out. Starting a new thread.
  3. Anybody seen or heard from V7Goose it's been almost two months since his last post not sure on his last visit. Hope he didn't get deleted.
  4. deleted
  5. Post deleted
  6. Message deleted. I have sent the trial member an email explaining why.
  7. Support our troops, and don't get this thread deleted, please. Show some respect for these guys.
  8. I have temporarily disabled all signatures at the bottom of our posts. This is an effort to determine whether or not all the weather banners and other external links in signatures are causing any problems with server speed. The signatures have not been deleted and when I enable them again, they will be as you had them.
  10. Message deleted by author
  11. deleted
  12. deleted
  13. The thread has been deleted. If anyone needs to have why explained to them please contact me by PM.
  14. Deleted, Later-
  15. deleted
  16. Deleted
  17. Deleted due to lack of response.
  18. This is an interesting study on motorcycle oils. If this has been posted before, sorry, I couldn't find it anywhere. Edited by V7Goose: Man, I don't know what was wrong with that pdf file originally attachd here, but it stunk up several of my computers BAD (massive memory useage, huge page file, SLOW, etc.). So I deleted it and added an external link here: http://www.synthetic-oil-tech.com/MC%20White%20paper-g2156.pdf (If anyone has downloaded and saved the original file from this post, I suggest you delete it and save the one from the link. The file is twice as big, but it won't mess up your computer!)
  19. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! Lets see someone turn this into a rant and get it deleted..:rasberry:
  20. i'm not a moderator here but just wanted to say my piece. seems like alot of the threads on here start on a mild politcal theme, or some how turn into one. now we all know everyone has their own opinion and no one is going to give an inch. it is impossible to have a politcal discussion with out it going to the dogs, and eventully getting deleted with some hard feelings left along the way. this group is to good to fall apart over politics. there are people on here i don't agree with but i still respect their opinion and i hope they respect mine. what i'm trying to say is why don't we keep our political opinions on the economy, unions, and politics to ourself and get back to motorcycles, and other clean, neat topics. i have jumped on some people that i don't agree with out of temper and i am sorry i did cuz it really bothers me. we are all friends on here, and i sure would like it to stay that way, there was one really bad post and i don't really remember who it was but he had his opinion and it got deleted. still he is one of us and thats what it's all about. if i am out of line here to bad, but i do hope everyone agrees. snarley bill
  21. Thanks for all the replies. I got this handled today and deleted the messages just to be safe.
  22. I notice a thread, political statement actually, which was , I guess, closed without comment by the moderator. I do believe that closing it was the right thing to do but leaving it this way allows for a political statement!!! It should have been deleted altogether!!! If this isn't done, provocations of all sorts may be posted for viewing without fear of repudiation, where is the fairness in that??!!
  23. Folks, I've been doing a bit of house cleaning and will be doing it off and on over the next few days. If you get a PM telling you that a thread you started has been deleted, it's not because you have done anything wrong. Most of what I'm deleting are threads about upcoming meets and eats, rallies, etc. that are long past. There may be others also that are simply no longer relevant so don't worry if a thread that you started gets deleted.
  24. Well folks, looks like we need another reminder about political posts. I have deleted two threads that either started out as or turned into political discussions. Simply put, they are not welcome here. This was discussed and voted on by the membership long ago and it was overwhelmingly agreed upon that we simply do not need political discussions here. I understand how tempting it is with all that is going on right now in the world of politics. I have said it before though and will say it again. There are PLENTY of websites and discussion forums available if you want to argue about politics. This is NOT the place. I also want to comment on a post in one of the threads that I deleted. The post said something like "I thought that political discussions were not allowed. I guess that's only if you disagree with the admin". That statement is totally false and I am offended by it. I most certainly have strong political views but I try to be unbiased in the way that I moderate this site. No threads are ever deleted without much thought and when possible, discussion among the moderators. Many times a political type thread is posted and is not deleted immediately. The reason is that even though we do not wish to see political threads posted, if it happens, we will usually give it some time in case by some unknown miracle, it doesn't get nasty and turn into a debate between the right and the left. It has nothing to do with whether or not the admin agrees or disagrees with the poster. Perhaps we need to take a stronger stand and just realize that ANY political thread is going to turn into a nasty debate and delete them immediately upon one of the moderators seeing the post. Folks, we have very few rules here. We try to give as much leeway as possible in allowing discussions on many subjects. No political discussion is one of those rules. Please try to keep that in mind.
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