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  1. I have a quick question about valve stems. I am going to put 90 degree valve stems on my 03 RSV. There are two sizes available 8 MM and 10 MM. I have searched the forum and found threads on valve stems and could not find the answer to my question. I did read on the forum that the front and back wheels are different as far as the the valve stem hole. True or false? I'm going to put K&L valve stems on, either part number 32-5419 10MM or part number 32-5414 8 MM. Now my question is what size is the valve stem hole, 8 or 10 MM?
  2. I just picked up an 85 with carbs removed. I am not sure if i have all the hoses correctly routed and the book is no help. I also need some help on how to best press the carb bodies back onto the boots by myself in 40 degree weather. I see only 3 hoses on the upper section coming from under the seat that i believe should connect to the 4 carb air vents on the carb bowls that are on a 45 degree angle. I do have the 4 little drain hoses on the bottom. I also have the canister on the left side that is not completely connected. Any help with all these hoses would be appreciated I have worked many bikes but do not see how i can easily press these carbs back into place. Any suggestions besides brute force?
  3. Here is a spring ride in Indiana on April 7 2012. I normally shoot video off he motorcycle at 720P but up it to 1080P on this ride. On the GoPro HD 720P shoot at 170 degree wide angle but at 1080p is at 127 degree. when we started that morning tempture was 39 F. Part 1 https://vimeo.com/41214565 Part 2 https://vimeo.com/42243234 Part 3 https://vimeo.com/43487559 Part 4 https://vimeo.com/43562847 We rode 45 but I forgot to bring my extra batteries and one cam quit about 5 minutes in to it.
  4. It took a few years since I bought my bike, but it finally happened. I know some of you may be thinking, well we have had Hot Sex together, but this was with my wife on my bike. While making a rounding left 90 degree turn on a road I scraped my left floor board. This was my first time doing this on my bike and with my wife. Life is good. Have yourself a great day. Take a chance, take charge, and take control.
  5. The weather is a little cool, but that doesn't appear to be slowing them down. Several are here and enjoying the 70 degree weather. Not a bad turnout for the fall week and a city that doesn't want to be biker friendly. Could have fooled me.
  6. I kid you not......a local church here in Omaha put up a new sign. I was cracking up as I rode past tonight in 94 degree heat. Satan called! He wants his weather back!
  7. Ok guys will the intercom cables comming from the amp to head set from a 99 work on the 92 venture as long as the cable from the 99 has the 90 degree angle on the end going into the amp:bluesbrother:
  8. ok so I had an atnenna brake on my 91 vr. So I went to the local radio shack and bought a twist on pl 259 coax connector. then a trip to the local truck stop where I purchased a 3 ftK40 antena,stud mount , and 90 degree pl-259 adaptor. This project took more timedeciding what antenna to buy than it did to do. First I cut the coax as close to the original antenna as possible and then screwd on the conector. Then installed the stud mount and 90 degree adaptor and screwed the coax back on. Already had the radio tuned to a channel that Ive never been able to pick up and waalaaa it picked up. Now for the ?? Will the stock cb handle 2 antennas? I am debating adding a splitter inline and getting 2 new coax cables to hook up 2 antenna instead of one. I just dont want to burn up the unit. And of course either way Ill be getting the swr set as soon as possible. David
  9. Iowawegian


    I just went outside and saw my first snowflake..... 4 days ago the hubby and I were pouring cement in 80 degree weather and now it's snowing. I know I'm whining, but man, it's gonna be a long winter.
  10. I have ridden 2400 miles so far in the last week and the reworked seat is great! I didn't think ihat I had any real issues with the seat before but apparently I just didn't know what the thing was supposed to feel like. I have had zero butt or back pain since we left home! One thing I found out this morning though is that if the bike is parked outside overnight in 28 degree temps, it takes about ten minutes for the seat to warm up and get soft again. I am 100% satisfied with this mod and would recommend it to anyone with the pillowtop seats.
  11. This is the 1st of hopefully 4. Don't know how to put in the degree sysble after the 44 and 073? N 44 37.755' W 073 14.921'
  12. Today I've been invited back for a second interview, drug screening and possible job offer for a real job back in my field of expertise, Facility Maintenance Management. I've been out of that field for a while (10 Years) being a self employed sub-contractor and have been actively seeking to get back in the job market for the past two years. I don't mind telling you that it has been rough for me over the past few years like it has been for so many others and many of us. Being at this stage of life with an abundance of experience but no Degree it has been a slow process finding a job in my skill level. Most all jobs even the most basic unskilled entry level jobs require a degree to be considered. Those of you with children emphasis the importance of a college degree. I have been close to my economic collapse lately facing loosing my house and the possibility of being homeless. It has been so disheartening that emotionally and spiritually I have been finding strength in my faith that things would work out in God's time. I can see providence at work since this job would be a perfect fit for my past experience and desire to find a position that would allow me to do meaningful Dragon Slayer work. This facility is an Assisted living facility for medical rehabilitation and hospice patients. This job would mean so much to me that I am asking for all of the prayer and crossed finger action I can get in hopes that your sent hopes and prayers will help make it happen.
  13. getting ready to leave for work, 32 degrees out there .weather man says feels like 20. low when i come home is supposed to be 17 and windy. i will let you all know how well my gerbings electric jacket works. so far it has been toasty warm in the 32 degree weather.
  14. I ordered some tires from americanmototire.com and probably need to change the valves also. Are the valve stems universal? I want to use the 90 degree type.
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