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  1. Say huh? Yep, my grandson Shane was called this morning from the Snap On Tool salesman to advise him that he was the winner of a Snap On Tool drawing that he had signed up for when he bought a couple of tools. It is really neat as from the outside, it looks like a large tool chest, but it opens from the top to be a deep freezer. Only the bottom doors open to where the compressor and plumbing is located. Randy Please disregard the camera markings as I probably should have used more pixals.
  2. local "have everything" shop just got a handful of these mortar tubes. watertight, deep, heavy. $30.00 !! score! 24inches interior height, 6 3/4 diameter.
  3. Anyone warranty their avons? Tires bought last year, Venom X tires, premature cracking on both tires. Rear has one crack at the tread that looks deep and appears to be leaking air slowly.
  4. Discouraging find this weekend. My 24 x 48 garage has a serious problem, at least 1 6x6 post is rotting out. These posts are rough cut true 6in x 6in popular, set about 4' deep in concrete. Then walls were built, then pad poured inside. Not easy to inspect other posts and will work just 1 at a time. Does not appear to be any wood left in concrete pour under 6x6-seems to be just rot and dirt. Looking for suggestions of how to repair. My first thought is to start carving with the chain saw a 4 x 4 recess into the 6x6, auger as deep as possible in the concret pour, then jamb a treated 4 x 4 into the augered concrete pour and recessed 6 x 6. Bolt the 4x4 to the 6x6 and repour concrete to set 4x4 and pack concret up to support bottom of remaining 6x6. Any other ideas?
  5. Because of work schedules and Turkey Day plans, we had our Thanksgiving dinner with the family tonight. We had one turkey stuffed and cooked in the oven, another deep fried and all the fixins. I'm so fuuuuuull!!! I still need pie........ Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Dave
  6. To anyone who is or was a fireman/firefighter, my hat is off to you. I've just completed the helicopter crash rescue phase of my tech course in the navy, and it has been the most physically intensive course I've ever been on. I'm aching in places I never even knew I had! I also don't fear fire like I did before, I still respect it, but don't fear it. I also have a newfound deep respect for any firefighter who is putting their life on the line, either professionally or as a local volunteer. Thank you all!
  7. Nothing to do with Ventures, but thought you guys might like to see what kind of weekend I've had. Although a geologist by profession, I'm also local elected politican official. Reports began coming in about a stranded whale in one of our bays on Thursday. So we began to mobilise crews to be ready. From previous experience its normally a dolphin or small whale, although any stranding here is rare. You can imagine our surprise when we turned up to be greeted by an almost full grown bull sperm whale, all 39 tons of it! I'm sure if you google Whale on beach in the UK or something like it there's a lot more info on it. Suffice to say its taken three days to try and remove the whale with as much dignity as this kind of operation can afford. Nonetheless, a very sad end to such a noble giant of the deep and a personal privelige to stand next to such a massive warrior of the deep. I've added some pics, there are many others for those with strong stomachs! I'm the one in the orange jacket and green hat Cheers
  8. This winter is dragging on. Had a few good weeks of nice weather. But today, it decided to be winter again. 4-12 inches forecast, with winds gusting to 35. At 1:00 p.m. today the snow was already over bumper deep on the highway going past my farm. Visibility in the country right now is about 200 feet tops. So I guess it is official, I am ready for spring........I feel a little better now!
  9. Took the ol girl out today, "84 Venture" temps in low 30's this morning; 50's this afternoon on the way home. Felt so good, no ice just snow melt water on the roads, little gravel and sand, and lots of SALT slop plus the dirt road I life on was kind of sloppy. Going to be freezing tomorrow and for the next couple of weeks had to wash her good when I got home. 74 miles to work and home. Up state New York, snow still deep in places.
  10. Could someone measure there trunk on the 2nd gen and tell me the measurments of it. Need to know the width side to side and how deep it is along with the length. ONLY NEED OUTER SIZE. Thanks Joe. Star4772
  11. Well I just did the clutch upgrade on my '09 RSTD with about 1700 miles on it. Took about 2 hours altogether including cleanup and pulling the discs out after realizing I left the washer in there. Good thing I checked the excellent writeup on the site to make sure I was on the right track. All in all it was not to hard but I did worry when I got to the wire, was not sure how to get that out without breaking it. The half disc was hard to get out because it is in there so deep. Any way the clutch pull is a little harder as people have said. I think the friction zone is slightly larger but it engages later on in the travel. I think that is a function of it grabbing better. Any way time will tell. Not sure how you would be able to get that wire back in there if you were to go back to stock. David
  12. Water is too deep to ride through so I need some bad!
  13. Stopped by the GDI restaurant 1/2 mile from my house tonight with DEBRA and DARRYL and guess what was on the menu.................................you guessed it..................... HOPPERS.. WHODA THUNK IT:think:........BEER BATTERED AND DEEP FRIED .....
  14. Welcome to the deep south land of sunshine and warmth..................:rotfl: [ATTACH]41331[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41332[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41333[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41334[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41335[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41336[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41337[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41338[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41339[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41340[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41341[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41342[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41343[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41344[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]41345[/ATTACH] This is after 5 1/2 hours of non-stop snow.........and it aint over yet!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hey, guys! We are in deep Mexico- near Veracruz, and I hope I´m not in deep S My voltage is great when I first start up, but sitting in bad traffic means the bike runs hot (does not overheat) and the voltage is dropping as low as 10 volts, until I get out of town, cool it down, and open the trottle for a while. It creeps back up to 12 or 13v. if it cools down. Am I screwed? Is it the stator, or the regulator? Just looking for a few answers. Thanks!
  16. I know most everybody knows this but saw this the other night and reminded me of tomorrow. I'll be deep frying ours but it will be in the driveway. If you should catch the oil on fire DON'T use water..... http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-water-and-oil.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-fanning-the-grease-fire-flames.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/mythbusters-small-scale-disaster.html http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/time-warp-grease-fire-close-up.html
  17. I initiated my KLR 650 Thursday ,Okay it's not a 4-wheeler, I decided to take one of these winter ski-doo trails that followed the Trans Canada power lines for 12 miles one way. The trail was jagged , round boulder gravel great for a jeep in low gear:rotfl:for 5 miles and then the water showed up. Most the way up the depth of the water was around 1 foot or 2 deep except the one pictured below was knee deep (Now which side to I take left, right or down the middle.) Down the middle it will be ....While standing upward and in second gear I hammered it Reached the curve of the road and my eyes widened :doh:a major wash out fast flowing water I kept it at a steady pace and than it happened the front wheel drops downward and here Im going over the handles bars .Yahoo!!! Flat on my back and a motorcycle on top of me Im so glad that it is a light scoot The other 2 photos Northern Ontario Speckle Trout lakes Oh the camera , sleeping bag tent Etc are presently being dried out Yup , Im not 21 . The pain stays a little longer:rotfl:
  18. I have a line on a CB for the 1st gen in pretty good shape but it looks to be about 5" deep where my 86 uses one that's only about 3"... anybody know the year this one would fit?
  19. It has a side car and trailer and is in perfect shape according to seller http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royale_W0QQitemZ180396907373QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item2a007e5b6d&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 Its nice if you got deep pockets. Nicest sidecar I have seen yet.
  20. Riders, I know this topic has been beaten to death but I need to know "from the last related posting" what is the majority of members using for after market mufflers I don't have the metel knowledge to make mods that installing the "road king" mufflers would take.. I don't want LOUD, but I do want that deep rumble sound that will let cagers know I'm there.. Bubs ? " Do the sleepers still have the crome tip issue? Kromeworks ? etc etc Help a fellow rider out 06 RSTD THanks
  21. thought i checked my tires this year pretty good but the other day i just happened to glance at my rear (tire) and noticed a crack deep in the tread after removing the tire this eaving i noticed 3 cracks deep in the tread one of them about 3 inches long i believe its a delamination of the tire i had the dealer order a new one today and i'll bge taking this one in tomarrow and see if they can get me some kind of warranty.
  22. After months of planning and checking schedules i cant come to Don's MD at the last minute my natioal guard unit has changed my drill dates to the same weekend as the big event. this makes me very sad i was sooo looking forward to meeting alot of folks that i have talked to here especialy my teacher "yammer Dan" (he's on the verge of buying a second gen.) so with deep regret i must say maybe i can meet some of you during this up coming rideing season someplace on the twisty roads. Ron "aka" grass hopper
  23. Finally pulled my TCI out for a "shake and bake", took the cover off and discovered a lot of battery acid fume corrosion from where the PO had taken the vent hose off the battery. That's the reason I had to repaint the frame last year when I did my second gear. Soooo, not sure if the board is affected way down deep in it's recesses, I'm looking for another TCI to fit an '84. Anybody got one they want to part with in good shape? I've got a few days as I also pulled the carbs to clean out. Appreciate your help, Dan
  24. http://www.ride-on.com/newsDetails.asp?nid=54 WOW....deep.........................
  25. Seems like i can't find the right socket to fit my plugs in my socket set and I don't have the original tool kit. Will a standard deep 18mm socket work? The manual says either NGK DPR8EA-9 or ND x24EPR-UP Can someone assist. Thanks, Jim
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