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  1. Does anyone have an identification diagram for the wires going to the cassette deck? I want to eliminate the one on the 88 but the radio wont play without it. Any ideas. seems like i have seen this in the past but i cant find it.
  2. Anyone know where I can get a look at a wiring diagram for 1st Gen audio system? My cassette deck has gone AWOL and would like to remove it and wire in a stereo connection to plug in my IPOD, but the wiring diagrams in the manual seems to have identified every wire except those from the deck to the amplifier. Appreciate your help.
  3. My tape deck was faulty so I removed it. Now the radio won't work ! Do I have to have the tape deck installed for the radio to work ? Can I just bypass it if possible ? Jim O'D...........
  4. I'm removing my cassette deck and putting in a mp3 jack on my 87vr. I found a few threads about this but am still a little confused. I understand jumping pins 1 and 7 to bypass the deck. Which ones do I wire in the switch and jack to? Does anyone make something I can just plug into the old cassette wire and go? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm mechanical but no electrician, so please be as specific as possible.
  5. New owner of a 2007 midnight venture and have a couple questions 1. What can I do about the wired com system. Can't seem to find any info online ... are the headsets universal? Are they yamaha only? Where is the best place to get info, shop etc. The bike only came with the wires ... no headsets 2. Is there any way to remove the cassette deck and upgrade to CD? Or just pull the cassette deck and create an empty pocket for the droid and or MP3 player? And who's idea was it to put a cassette deck in a 2007? Seems a little past time to me. I dunno Thanks for the help.
  6. I will be removing the cassette deck and turning it into a storage box. It just so happens that my crackberry will fit in there perfectly. I would like to add a power outlet in the back of the box for charging the crackberry. Does the cassette deck have a power line running to it? If so can I add a power outlet to the end of that line after I take the cassette deck out? If so is there a separate fuse for that line and if so will I need to change the fuse for this? Finally if so which line is it on the back of the cassette deck? Thanks for your input on this.
  7. I have a small tree growing up through the deck attached to my house. This deck is only a little bit above the ground, so I can't get underneath it to get to it. The only way I see to get anywhere near it is to remove some of the deck boards and reach down. Anybody have any idea how I can get rid of it? Frank D.
  8. Hey Y'All! Lately we have been having issues with the audio system on our '91 VR, mostly with the cassett deck. To get music we have been using an iPod and a cassette adapter. That worked really well until the cassette deck started having issues. The main problem was some times the drive system would not run and this caused the auto-reverse mechanism to cycle repeately. Each time the deck cycled we would hear a click in the audio. I tracked the problem down to the drive belts. Some times things were fine, but as time went on the problem grew worse. Then a problem with with my head set reared its ugly head: I had an intermittent connection and would loose the left speaker... To "fix" these issues we decided to get a set of Scala headsets... That turned out to be a bad move. Not only did the head sets not function as advertised, I couldn't stream audio from my iPod to both headsets at the same time, so I fixed my headset cable and we sent the head sets back... But that's another story... Anyway, I hit on the idea of getting an FM transmitter and forgetting about using the cassette deck. After some research, I decided to get a Griffin iTrip. That was a good move! This thing is sweet. Its small, it connects to the iPod/iPhone docking port, there is an app that will run on my iPod Touch 4th gen and our iPhones, and so far the audio is pretty good. When you compare the price of $30.00 for the iTrip to the $242.99 for the Scala head sets, its a no-brainer. If you're worried about battery life, the iTrip has a mini-USB port, and if you have a 12 volt cigarette lighter style outlet wired to plug in to your Battery Tender cord (Hint Hint!!), then all you need is a 12 volt to USB adapter, the appropriate USB cable and you're all set.... I haven't had the chance to do any road testing yet, but I might get some time to take a ride later on today and I'll post my results. Y'All ride safe...
  9. Any recommendations on how to get a Trex Deck really clean. Currently I just use my pressure washer. It gets it clean ok, but there are still some dirt left behind. My Pressure Washer is rated at 3100 psi.
  10. Hi All I converted the cassette deck to a storage area this afternoon. It worked out quite nicely which I plan to keep my Ipod and garage door opener in. I followed the the instructions from the following link to ventures.org. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002003&id=386 I attached some photos after the project. Dwight
  11. I have 87 royale and was wondering about removing the stereo/tape deck. Then installing a newer radio with IPOD attachment. If I did this would the CB still work? Or is there more involved in keeping the old CB?
  12. My bike has been in the shop since I think 11/16/11 had to have a water leak fixed a couple of speakers replaced and the cassette deck replaced . Everything has been done for a couple of weeks EXCEPT for getting the new tape deck back from Clarion haven't been able to ride but I'm ready to have my baby back in the stable are they always this slow dealer says he is just waiting on them. Anyway to light a fire under there A**.
  13. I just bought a 1999 Venture this week, there's a problem with the cassette deck. The PO got a cassette stuck in the thing and couldn't get it out. As a result, it won't turn off, and the battery will drain in 3 days. His solution was to wire a switch into the fairing that turned power off to the radio/cassette. The problem with this is I loose the FM channel presets when I turn the switch off. I'd like to remove the cassette and create a space for my MP3 player. If I unplug the cassette, will the radio still function? or do I need to jumper some pins on the plug? Thanks, D.W.
  14. Awning/cover for the tape deck? I have a slight misalignment issue due to the TCI being mounted inside the fairing there- causes a small gap around the outboard side of the tape deck and how it lies down in the recess. I figure I can keep the majority of water away from the area with the awning and then seal it up the rest of the way with electrical tape (service removable) or RTV (permanently affixed- not good).
  15. Just got home after logging around 1000 miles today. The 2008 RSV is in the garage safe and sound thanks to a uhaul trailer and an understanding GF. So I got a 2008 RSV (S?) with 1059 miles for 10,900(warranty till 8/2014) Has HD mufflers, the extra light bar/driving lights. The tape deck has been replaced with a lined box, not sure how I feel about that. A light scratch on the headlight chrome trim and an odd spot on the front fender trim. A great experience dealing with ACES.... Provided I get the paperwork on time they get 5 stars from me. So now I need a tape deck and a replacement seat hold down nut(only had one) Pretty stoked and damn tired. BTW the Uhaul trailer with the chock built in worked sweet, could barely tell it was back there and built like a Sherman tank! Night all Frank
  16. These are a couple of pictures of the left over ice from the storm that went through a couple of days ago. It is where the snow built up on a deck railing, then later the ice formed over it. When it warmed up some today, the snow underneath melted first leaving these ice domes. They are very fragile, some collapsed when I walked on the deck. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/DSC01035s.jpg http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/DSC01038s.jpg
  17. Well here we go again. Winter storm in the SE for the second time this year. Why did I move away from Nebraska? Getting really hammered with 5" on my deck already and it is supposed to snow all day and then turn to freezing rain. I think I will hybernate. Pictures will follow!
  18. Monty

    This sux

    Well, my oldest Son's house caught fire today. It started out on his deck. We got the fire trucks here pretty quick. My adrenaline was pumping, so I just grabbed the line off the truck and told them to charge it, and we got it put out before anything inside the house burnt. He lost a wall, that we had to open up, and the deck. No damage to contents, except for a futon that was sitting by that window. Pipes will probably freeze now, since the power is off. Luckily, everyone got out, although he and I both got lots of smoke. It's a rental house. We called the landlord, and then moved their stuff out to the sheds, and down to our house. They'll be staying with us until they figure something out. The Fire Chief had the gall to ask me if I wanted my old job back...lol. I said no thanks. Everyone is safe, and all is well for now...except it's snowing like crazy. Kinda puts a damper on their Christmas too.
  19. Alright folks, I have a question for you. I don't understand what the big deal is with Yamaha offering us MORE options for fulfilling our audio desires. So many of you pee and moan about the bike being so 'behind the times' because it has a cassette deck. I do realize that some also indicate they are 'behind the times' due to lack of fuel injection and gauges - but I'd like to focus on the cassette deck for now since so many get fired up over it (I'd like to understand). The way I see it, is Yamaha is giving us MORE options. They give us the AM/FM radio, a cassette deck, an optional CD CHANGER (standard on 09 and up), integrated into the audio system as well as an Aux plug for whatever audio we want to plug into. So, if you don't like the cassette deck, keep the little door closed and don't use it, or pull it out and put something else in like a storage compartment or gauges. Why all of the complaining? I just don't get it. Just like the little, almost useless, DC connector under the seat that many of us snip off and put something else useful on there. Just because I choose NOT to use it, doesn't mean I'm going to B and Moan to Yamaha because they put it there. I really don't understand all the hub-ub about the cassette deck, maybe someone can enlighten me. By the way, I happen to use mine. I have a handful of cassettes that I recorded some music on for when I don't feel like hooking up my MP3 player - or when I don't want to deal with batteries going dead or whatever. My cassette deck never skips.
  20. OK I need some input on where to start and what might be wrong. Everything on my stereo comes on and works like it should except no sounf from speakers or headset. I can hear it a little bit when it is cranked all the way up. FM, Tape deck and MP3 all play. The CB radio works as it should and I can hear it fine. It started this a few days ago and then all of a sudden it started to work and then when I got home it went out again. Thanks Rick
  21. I have a 2008 venture and would like to get rid of my cassette deck and install what? I don't want to stock cds in the bike but I suppose if I have to I would. I would prefer a USB hook up to plug in an Ipod. Is there anything like that available ? Tks.
  22. I have some free time this weekend and want to take the tape deck out but leave the AUX jack for my mp3 player. I have looked all over and cant find the specific thread for tape deck removal. Can someone point me in the right direction please. Also I want to install a tach. I am looking at this one here http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_Sunpro-Super-Tach-II-2-5-8%22---Black-Face-&-Chrome-Bezel-Actron_16990020-P_N3342_P|GRP2032____ will that one work and how difficult is the install ( I am by no means a mechanic) LOL
  23. Need some help trying to remove my cassette deck from my 07 rsv have the 4 bolts out from the sides the 2 screws from the front it's loose but it's like the front door (closed) wont fit thur the opening, its hanging up. From what i can see the face plate is catching on top and i dont have enough room for it to slide out. Dont want to froce it. any suggestion's Thanks Ken
  24. My tape deck was faulty so I removed it. Now the radio won't work ! Do I have to have the tape deck installed for the radio to work ? Can I just bypass it if possible ? Jim O'D...........
  25. My cassette deck was not working, so I took it over to my dealer to have it checked out. They found the problem. :rotf::rotf:
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