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  1. I'm too lazy to respond to all of the other Merry Christmas threads so I decided to start my own. MERRY CHRISTMAS VR.ORG!!!!!
  2. Well I got up early this morning and decided to get right on my "honey do" list. There were a couple of trees that needed cutting down, some trimming to do, some firewood to cut. Pulled out my old Poulan Wild Thing chainsaw and began the always pain in the butt task of TRYING to get it started. Got it started and cut about half way through the first tree and it quit again. I then spend about an hour trying to get it started again. Wouldn't even start with starting fluid even though it has spark. I about wore myself out trying to get the stupid thing started and so.....off to the store. I had already done a little research and had it narrowed down to either a Stihl or a Husqvarna. I had come to the conclusion that the Stihl was a slightly better saw but there is a Husqvarna dealer just down the road from me so I decided to give one a try. I don't use a saw that much. Probably less than a cord of wood a year and some light trimming and etc. I almost spent the extra money and stepped up to the heavier duty farm and ranch model but instead, saved the cash and went with the best home use model that they had. It is a model 445 with 18" bar. Got it home and it made quick work of the cutting that i had to do today. I just hope that it lasts for a few years and remains fairly easy to start. I'm getting old and don't like being worn out before I even get one started.
  3. I'm taking a coin with me!!!!!
  4. Coming off a 2000 Honda ACE Tourer for the last 3 1/2 years . (loved the bike) . Looked good lots of power. And was reliable. I put about 35000kms on in that time. Bike Had 80000 kms When I traded it in. I decided that which ever bike bought next would be new. So I priced the H-D Electra Glide looked at the Wing (for about 2 seconds) and decided to go with the Venture . Price and Warranty where major factors (price Wing) but when it came right down to it I know the Yamaha dealer And not only did he Take my bike but also my sled on trade. I went with the Venture because I ride two up alot. I wanted her to be comfortable so she would have nothing to complain about . haha . I actually signed the papers before i even sat on one because my dealer didnt have one in stock ! At this stage in life I decided that if I am going to make payments on something I may as well get something I really want (38). I have had the bike for about 3 weeks now and I have 4500 kms so far . Vacation for 2 weeks tho . I added the light bar the luggage rack and ........... LA chopper pipes. Yeah Yeah too loud too loud ( Remember Im 38 ) haha and gas cap cover . Most important addition was the Sirius radio. At first i was really nervous at slow speeds but some seat time and the 3 rules from "Ride like a Pro " and i feel more confident. But I KNOW I will someday drop this bike (its heavy haha ) i Thought i would need the lowering kit but ater reading all the reviews I am glad i didnt order one. So far I am very happy with my purchase I love the power it is very comfortable and most of all the wife is happy. I look forward to all the support and good information on here and i will do my best to help others on here as well. Thanks Jay:)
  5. I had a spare windshield laying around and being so hot outside the other day i decided to shorten it. First off I clamped it to my other windshield 5 inches lower with vice grips and masking tape underneath to prevent scratching.Than I contemplated on how to cut the windshield down without making a mess of it and decided on trying the router. I used a router bit with a bearing on it and set the depth just enough to cut through the one shield and not touch the other. It worked quite well. Surpriseingly it cut the plastic like butter and left a fairly smooth finish. It required just a lite sanding with 220 sandpaper to give the edge a smooth eye appealing finish. After mounting it I realized that the windshield is not quite as wide so there is a small space on either side. This doesnt bother me though. After I was complete I had to try it out. The extra wind is nice, I dont hear the clutch basket whine as much, the bugs now it my face, and there is some wind buffetting around my ears. All in all I am happy with the results. I will be putting my tall one back on in the fall.
  6. Had to pick up an 18 wheeler in welland last night, and on the way decided to stop and p/u a drink at Cassablanca. As I parked I spied a second gen venture complete with rider. I decided to introduce myself and we had a chat (No not as long as one of Carls) but we spoke just the same. I asked him if he was a member or even heard of us. Turns out he did but could not seem to find our site. So I gave him our website and then a little bit about us (not too much I did not want to scare him off). We had a few chuckles (seems like the sort that would fit right in). I let him know how we look out for each other. For eg: how us 1st Genners carry tow ropes to make sure the 2nd Genners can keep up during group rides. (He kind of laughed at that one, I think he thought I was joking.) Any way I get the feeling we will soon have another member.
  7. You know how projects that start out simple turn into something else? Well I seem to always make that happen. I decided this winter I would make a smoker out of 2 air compressor tanks. I had a Harbor Freight trailer already so I thought why not make it mobile. So every now and then I would work on it and do a little more each time. I pretty much had it all done, and I decided it would get kind of hot out in the sun, so I better have some shade. So today I made a quick mount for an umbrella. Then while I was doing some baked potatoes on the grill I figured I better make a quick table for my soda (no beer for me). So I am pretty much done with the mods, until the next time I use it and think of something else. Heres a few random pics. I think it turned out pretty good.
  8. Last weekend I pulled the carbs to seal up the base of the intake tubes with a little permatex black. Problem solved, no more creeping idle. The problem is I decided to drill and pull the caps on the pilot jets and when I did the right front carb the drill bit bumped the jet. Now the jet itself is fine, but when reinstalling the jet it bottoms out at about 2 full turns. I'm figuring I screwed the threads up. I set that needle at one and a half turns out just to be safe. I have the carbs I bought on ebay a few weeks ago and decided to use them for parts because they were dropped in shipment and the whole rack is crooked. So now I need some input from all of you. Will the carb thats on there run ok for now as it sits or should I change it? I'm out the door now for work, but I will check back in the morning to get your 2cents. Thanks, Ray.
  9. I received the carb diaphragms yesterday from Sirus, best purchase so far for the old girl. Took about 1 1/2 hour to change them out. Now I have to find someone with a carb tune so we can do that. Took her for a spin and I have to say, I had forgotten how good these bikes run. I actually thought it was running pretty good, but I was wrong, glad I decided to keep her. I had the most enjoyable ride so far today, only meant to go around the block but went around the county...........I was totally blown away, its like having a new bike all over again.
  10. Well last sunday was a beautiful day, it was hot, windy and there were all sorts of clouds in the sky. I put on about 140 miles and decided it was time to head home. I'd been listening to a tape all day so i turned on the radio to hear a severe weather outbreak warning for my area. Actually, not my area, more like about 30 counties surrounding me. They warned of torrential winds and baseball sized hail, so i decided to book it home. I got to a town that was 16 miles away from home and a big black wall cloud was the only thing stopping me from being in a cage, actually able to run into the thing. I decided if i go real fast i might get through it before it gets bad. Do things really turn out like that in life? I should be the one to say hell no. It was a downpour, which didnt bother me (what are the fairings for anyways right?), but then i noticed everything around me getting louder, and the bike getting pushed off the road. I then heard a slight *chink sound, and then another and another. I managed to pull over, do a quick U-Turn and gunned it straight back into the town i was just in. I managed to get out of the storm, which was predominately moving north, as i was moving east and this sort of caught my eye. The part on the right of the picture was on the ground, pushing winds at well past 70 and indeed throwing hail sideways. I was lucky i didnt get in the middle of it. But i put the bike under a lean-to and also watched to funnel clouds rotating from the ground up across the road from me. Needless to say it was a wet and wild ride
  11. Redneck


    I have gone and done it now. I decided I've had enough of the work thing so I'm going to try the retirement thing. What do retired people do?
  12. Since I decided to restore the ol' body to the condition it was in back in the 70's (minus the drugs) I have also decided to retro fit the RSV with a NOS 8 track player with Quad sound. I figure once I win one of the trailer raffles that I have entered, then ill have sufficient space to haul those 8 track tapes around. Im also considering going with fuzzy dice and pompom balls around the seat. Hmmmm, anyone have any Jimi/Janis stickers laying around? Maybe some tie-die seat covers.....The possibilities are endless. Hmmmm, maybe I should go further back into the 50's, for Eck's sake of course.... Wow, Perks are great s***:smile5:
  13. It decided to get cold down here south of the Mason Dixon so I decided to change out the stock shield for the new F4Customs Shield. I am documenting for a write up with Pics but I did have one initial comment. After that I hope to ride Tuesday with a few friends if the weather clears like it says. OMG it's Big! [ATTACH]64308[/ATTACH]
  14. The wife and I are planning a 10 or 11 day ride from the Washington DC area to New Orleans and back the end of May and could use some advice\suggestions on routes and things to do while there. We've never been down that way before. All we have decided so far is to head from home to the north end of the Blue Ridge Pkwy, taking approximately 2 days to ride to the southern end. We will then either take a quick lap on the Dragon (been there done that, as a passenger the wife finds it boring) or the Cherohala. From here we haven't decided anything. Suggestions on an interesting route from the Dragon\Cherohala area on down to New Orleans would be most appreciated. Also, suggestions on things to see and do while there along with best places to stay would be great. Thanks very much in advance for your thoughts. Cheers, Dan
  15. Any members in Florida have a shim kit...or just the shim tool...that wouldn't mind loaning them out for a couple of weeks? Decided to take the plunge and check the clearance on my valve shims, and replace the ones that need replacing! Thanks!
  16. Since Working on my plastic welding skills, kind of got the itch to get back to fabricating. I have time on my hands since retiring a few years back & I decided to take a 10 week course on the operation of both oxy–fuel and electric welding systems, as well as the joining processes of SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, and plasma cutting. It's been a long time since I did any fabrication (35 years) & I still have my old Oxy torches & arc welder, now I guess I'll need to get my a tig, mig, & plasma torch. Andy
  17. I ( in error ) decided a long time ago not to do a bucket list. I've changed my mind - after looking around Australia, I've decided that I want to do some fresh water fishing in Australia, then perhaps the next day deep water ocean fishing. What makes this doable is that it only costs just less than $100 US for a 6 hour charter for either. Of course the 27 hour flight could be a pain but that's why someone invented Bud Light.
  18. I found that the top edge of my stock windshield was right in my line of sight and I either had to stretch my neck and/or sit up straighter to look over it or slouch down a lot to look thru it. Was a real PITA so I decided to cut it down 2 inches. Here's a "blow-by-blow" pics for anyone interested in the process. http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/2003%20Gold%20Wing/Cutting%20Down%20the%20Windshield/ You can also refer to this thread for additional info... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1063
  19. I haven't posted here for awhile as I haven't had a ride. Today I traded my 53 Mercury for a 98 Ultra Classic Anniversary edition that is pretty sweet. I decided I would rather be riding then sitting at a car show!
  20. Lori and I have put on 13,000 miles on the Scoot since the Makeover this winter: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=56020 It has been a great riding season, and we are heading out on a trip this weekend as well, and hope a few more. The bike has been basically Flawless. The only problems that we have had are the Driving Lights like to flash once in a while, and my autio input fell inside the fairing last week. with 13K miles it was time for new tires, front and rear so I decided to go with White Walls. I found some Avon Venoms, so far I have agout 200 miles on them and they are very smooth! I also decided to try the 130 on the front instead of the 150. Seems to respond quicker and easier to turn. Here are a couple of pics: http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/46756/2576194990101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/47064/2273397730101950171S600x600Q85.jpg I also had some larger lowers made last week, They are about 1.5" wider than the stock ones. They took a lot of wind off of our legs. http://inlinethumb15.webshots.com/45838/2549347030101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/45988/2429408350101950171S600x600Q85.jpg So we are very happy with the bike and look forward to many more miles on it. Our only complaint is the relatively poor 32-35 MPG, but we are dealing with that. Ride Safe!
  21. Finally decided that I was going to the Davis Rally in New Hampton IA. :dancefool: Just going down early Saturday morning and headed back Sunday afternoon. Maybe these guys aren't as rowdy as that PIP bunch! I hope I don't run into any new traditions from the east coast. :whistling: Bongobob did go home..... didn't he????? :moon:
  22. Hey All: Wanted to extend a BIG Thanks to all of the members here who helped with my posts over the last month or so...Leaving tomorrow AM for South Dakota (1600 miles one way). Did a lot of pre-trip prep to my 06....Wiring for the Trailer...Had a weird running light issue that Freebird covered....Have to say....Followed every bit of input....Now...Just have to hit the road and make it happen...Decided to do a Blog for the family to follow, and decided to post here if anyone is interested.... Mt. Rushmore or "BUST" check it out.... http://trailblazingharbours.blogspot.com Back in Lynchburg, VA on the 16th.... Later... Long Tall
  23. They are Ensenada Mexico on a mission trip, They do it every year for abuot 8 years in a row, I was able to go last year but it didnt work out for me this year. SO,...I usually find some project to do around the house while Lori is gone and suprise her when she returns. This year I decided that we need some storage area for all of our Motorcycle Stuff, Helmets, Jackets, Chaps, Touring Bag etc. They usually get sprung all around the house after a ride. I built a shelf on an un-useful wall in the downstairs family room, and also decided to get some pics of our bike trips and make a collage of photos. Here is the end result: http://inlinethumb54.webshots.com/45621/2060146090101950171S600x600Q85.jpg http://inlinethumb64.webshots.com/36351/2549971900101950171S600x600Q85.jpg HERES THE COOL PART,.For Hanger Hooks I used a set of Rider Pegs that came off the Royal when I bought Floorboards. http://inlinethumb45.webshots.com/46892/2355996130101950171S600x600Q85.jpg AND for the Helmet Holders I used the stock Risers: that came off the bike when I got new pullbacks: http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/48685/2401736520101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Ans also used the front center covers that I had laying around for the end caps: http://inlinethumb56.webshots.com/46647/2859021840101950171S600x600Q85.jpg Anyway I think she will like it, I thought it turned out pretty good and just wanted to show it off! Thanks!
  24. http://www.coolwingrider.com/ Have any of our members tried these? I have the water soak vests but I don't like getting saturated so I ordered the 2 up special hoping these will work OK. I had about decided to trailer to Cody because of the heat but now I may ride if these work out like a few have said they do. Anyway if I don't like they say return for refund.
  25. but I didn't realize they were still caught up inside the right lower. As some know the PO fell down and skinned up the the whole right side of my bike before I bought it. I knew this going in, so no big deal. Not sure what happened to the left lower, but the front two button head bolts are all that is holding both lowers on. Yesterday I decided to install my new wind deflectors that mount on the crash bars. Well the PO had just straightened the right one even though the top mounting hole was torn. The deflector did not look right, so I decided to install the new (to me) crash bar that has been on my shelf for too long. When I pulled the lower, the two broken mounting tabs fell out, Yay!!! The PO had tried to glue them back on with some type of hard white stuff. It didn't "weld" to the ABS. As the tabs edges would not sit flat down on the mating surface I didn't think the ABS glue would hold them, so I decided on reinforcement, ABS glue and epoxy. Not the prettiest repair, cause there are screw heads showing, but I suspect the tabs will not come off anytime soon! I found some sheet metal screws(they don't all match, but they don't show either) and installed them at 90 degree angles, then filled the cavities with (two part) epoxy. The epoxy may/may not stick to the ABS, but it WILL stick to the metal screws!
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