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  1. On the way home a new noise cropped up on my 88 after getting off the highway. Fairly loud gear whine when decel or coasting. Sounds as it is coming from rear end. Slightest bit of throttle quiets it right down. Checked pumpkin and engine oil, fine. Prior to this the bike made pretty much the same mechanical sounds as a brand new 2010 I took for a test drive. Some noise at coasting and decel but it definitely just got louder all of a sudden. This bike is new to me (64K mi now) so don't know what maintenance has been done to the splines drive pins etc. I'll pull it apart this weekend and have a look and slop some moly 60 in there. Is this a common noise (decel only) for dry splines and pins or am I looking at a bad rear pumpkin?
  2. Ok folks I have been chasing my tail on this one and quite frankly I am done so I need some assistance from folks alot smarter than me. Last spring I started having issues with my 89 VR backfiring on decel. A new collector from Mark (Mark's Pipes) and an awesome new/used set of stock mufflers from Earl (Skydoc) solved the backfiring on decel. However, in fixing that issue I seemed to have created another problem. Cold start the bike fires right up and after some initial cold engine sputtering and backfiring through the carbs it purrs right along at the set idle speed (1000 rpm on stock tach). However, once warmed up and if let sit more than a minute it is a bear to get restarted. I have done the following: 1) Sprayed non-chlorinated cleaner into the top side of the carbs with the diaphragm covers/air cleaner on and off. Focusing on all openings and accessible jets 2) Ran 6 to 12 oz Seafoam religiously for over a year 3) Drained fuel bowls and checked for gunk suspended in fual (found none) 4) Pumped straight Seafoam into carbs while running and let sit two days. Performed this twice as I wanted to make sure I did it right (resultant smoke cloud on restart killed all mosquitos within two miles and fire department has put me on their "watch list" ) 5) Changed and regapped plugs after each Seafoam treatment 6) Cleaned all electrical connections and retightened where necessary 7) Battery has been tested numerous times and is pushing more than enough amperage 8) Plug wires and diaphragms are less than 2 years old 9) TCI and coils are all stock (40,800 miles) At this point I am looking for any other suggestions. I will be attending the SE Texas Maint Weekend so maybe I can get some good pointers there as well. Thanks
  3. I have an 07 RSTD with 21k and since I have owned it only 6 weeks I don't have a lot of info about what was done by the prior owner (original). So that being said I believe it to be stock, I know the exhaust is, I'm experiencing some slight decel popping. Is this a tuning issue that is a warranty item or is it normal?
  4. So i just checked the vaccum caps on carbs as advised due to backfire on decel. Just as was mentioned they were both cracked badly so i replaced. Will there be any performance differences since the leak is fixed? Will it impact mpg? I guess other than the backfire on decel what other issues does the leak effect? Thanks for all the good info! What a great site. Larry
  5. Hey, guys I just bought an 07 venture with 3,200 miles and i'm getting some poping on idle and on decel any advice ?
  6. Hey guys. jose here with my 96 rstd. I just purchased this bike 3 weeks ago. The bike had a hard time rolling when cold and also popping at idle and decel. I decided to adjust the valves and clean the carb. All intakes were tight at 27,600k miles exhaust were fine. Plugs looked good and I changed them anyway. The carbs had some gunk build up. Everything back together and the bike pulls like a monster but i get popping through the pipes at Idle. Accel and lots of popping on decel. My lil bit of experience tells me this is a rich condition allowing raw fuel in the pipes which get ignited by the heat and there fore make a popping sound in the pipes. Question if i am correct is.How do I lean this out a bit to get her running better. the bke was bought with aftermarket louder pipes. not sure the make of pipes. the baffle are still in and yet it sounds pretty loud. I have yet to spray carb cleaner by the intakes to see if any change in RPm which is what i read to do to locate and intake leak. does anyone have a pic of the pilot screws. I looked for the caps and think i found the holes to be drilled out but I am not sure http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh221/muaymendez/tag%20o%20rama/SDC10352.jpg
  7. I've sync'd the carbs, plugged both the AIS's, and now changed the exhaust with slip-ons. Still have afterburn pops on decel. The slip-ons went well past the split ends on the exhaust before clamping. Any chance the splits in the sip-ons have to be completely covered with clamps? What else do I need to do to stop (slow down) the pops on decel? Thanks for any help!
  8. I have a 96 Royal Star has the four K&N Cone filters on top of the carbs and has vance and hines slip on exhaust. I was thinking about taking the baffels out of the pipes and i was wondering if i had to change the jets in it. Problem is when i decel i have a really annoying popcorn sound in the coming out of the exhuast. Any Ideas
  9. Folks are talking about pluging the AIS to cure popping on decel. What and where is it? Thanks
  10. Ok folks. My '04 RSV has a bad decel backfire. Just changed collectors on both sides without fixing it. Also had AIS removed by Snarly Bill. Took it to the shop to look over, they said they didn't find anything to cause it. No exhaust leak (they say) only offered carb sync as a possible solution. Going to maint day so will have that taken care of then. The caps on the carbs look ok far as I can tell. Those who know me, know I am almost the most non-mechanical person here. Looked at all the other threads for backfire too. So anyone bold enough too step up at maint day and see if they can cure the beast? Or at least give me new ideas. Other than the explosive backfire, she runs great, gets excellent mileage, but does occasionally have a gas odor. This makes me think It's getting too much in there and blowing up on decel. But again, I really have no clue and don't want to mess with the carbs by myself. The challenge is out there! See you at Don's!
  11. The rubber pieces that join the carb to the head are dry rotted. Would this be causing my popcorn exhuast under decel. Also is there any quick fix to them besides replacing them?
  12. OK,IF your tires are not cupped,front or back, and If you have a VERY bad wobble when on decel or your bike seems to follow the grooves where it wasnt before, read Freebirds write up on "Tightening the Steering Head" in the 2nd Gen read only maintenance area. Mine had started wobbling so bad on decel I had to really have a grip on the handlebars. I thought it was my Avons wearing out,(13,000 miles on them still very good tread on it) But after feeling tires for cupping or unusual wear I figured OK,tighten the steering head. IT WORKS! No more wobble at ANY speed or on Decel. I have ridden alot of Ventures and quite a few has this wobble but it is a simple fix and the write up is dead on. I have included the link for our New Members that may not have figured out how to Navigate the forums yet.( I know I still have trouble but I am NOT Computer literate!) Here is the link. Tom http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=511
  13. Hello all, I just installed a set of Baron's bag slash pipes (and ah yeah, they are loud...) and plugged the AIS. I removed the front and rear AIS hoses and used a 3/4" and (3) 11/16" plugs to stopper up the mechanical parts as well as the hoses and yet I'm still getting a heck of a lot of popping on decel. I don't think it's any better than it was before I put the plugs in and I know no air can get by those plugs - they are shoved in there tight. One of the guys in our ride group has the same mufflers and had to rejet and I know just about everyone has had to say you don't have to but maybe there is just something different on the '06 and later bikes that needs to be specially tweaked? Any help appreciated, gp
  14. Since This Is My First V Four Need To Ask Some Dumb Questions. Is It Common For The Venture To Have An Occasional Backfire. Always On The Right Cylinder Bank. Usually Only Until It Warms Up. Sometimes A Backfire When Cranking. Sometimes Slight Backfire On Decel At Low Speeds. 2500 Miles On Engine. Installed New Plugs Since Carb Float Has Stuck One Time. Thanks For Any Info.
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