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Found 13 results

  1. Help please. Me and Deb went for a ride to Pittsburgh PA sunday just to shop a little. On the way back the speed-o just quit. Looked in our classfied and at pinwall but just can"t seam to find one. Does anyone have a speedometer cable for my 84 venture royale around for a reasonable price. Me and Deb want to go to moundsville wv on the weekend of 8-24 to see the moveing wall come into town. Thanks Dan.
  2. star4772


    Just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from our family to all of your's. Joe and Deb
  3. Not sure I put this in the right forum but couldn't find a "Lost & Found" forum?? IOWEGIAN (AKA DEB), anyone seen her? DEB where are you? Hope all is well. Are you and Gary coming to this years Wisconsin Leaf Lookers? Hope you can make it even for a while, just miss your smiling face. Bryan
  4. I get weekly emails from Motorcycle Gear (old name was New Enough) and they have a great sale going on for new HJC CL-Max Helmets for $64.99. This is a full face, flip up helmet. I bought one for the hubby last year and it's a nice helmet. Just wish I would have gotten that good of a sale on it. Anyway....just wanted to pass along a great deal. I tried to copy and paste it here but to no avail. Website is: www.motorcyclegear.com Deb
  5. If there is, I'd like to ask for a little of your knowledge. Our son is just starting out airbrushing on motorcycle tanks, helmets, etc, and has asked for a couple of items for Christmas, but I'm a little confused and need your advice. Thanks, Deb
  6. I have a video that was emailed to me this morning that I would like to post but I don't know how. If I could forward it via email, could u post it for me? Thanks Deb
  7. what a great story. did you miss that thread? anyway - what's your story on how you got your bike? lets hear yours! here is how we wound up back on 2 wheels - - - It is sat morn last fall. i got Lady Massey and daughter massey setup for the community garage sale. i am sitting back in my chair in the shadow of the neighbors truck sipping my coffee. Deb comes up to me not long after i have yawned a couple times thinking "another day setup at a garage sale". she said "are you gonna look around?" I seez no cause i might find some junk i can't live without. she smiles and seez "did u see that motorcycle over there" I said "course not, i ain't looking for nuttin, besides, if it's nice and cheep, you know i will wind up with it!" She seez "Well, you better make your way over there an' check it out". i get up and she points it out. well i didn't know much about ventures at the time, but it was a nice white 04 RSV. sign on it says 6500 OBO. I knock on the door and the owner comes out and we chit chat bout this that an the other. we go over the bike. very clean & all maint done. purrs like a kitten with good tires. didnt know what it meant then, but no chirp or whine. i ask just OBO number he has in mind. well, it was a good bit lower. i said i will take it, but I don't have cash, so i ask if we can deal on monday after i call the bank. he said to let him know what the bank says. we part and i go tell Deb how it went. she has been watchin and while i did not see, there was a lady taking pictures on one phone and talking to hubby on another phone. deb said i may want to put down some holding cash or that lady is gonna swoop the bike out from under us. I go back over, knock on the door and the owner comes back out. I let him know i am solid at the bank and feel there will be no problem, but i want to seal the deal with a few hundred bucks to hold it. he looks around, sticks out his hand. i shake it and he says, that's good enough for me, its yours. not many folks work off hand shakes anymore. i still do and you just get that feelin sometimes. It's not even 7:30 AM & we are in his back yard at this point. we come around by the bike, i walk on across the street to meet Deb and the owner flips up the kick stand and starts to walk it back to his shop. the lady comes up to him and says " YOU SOLD IT ALREADY?????" the owner says "yes M'aam" she was sooo busy working details on the phone with hubby she did not take my presence seriously. anyway, the following tuesday, I had title and keys in hand and a grin a cheep carwash couldn't scrub off my face. my last bike was a used first year Kawa 1100 Ninja back in 1988 that i sold in 1990. what a difference in how motorcycles handle. i have had to learn how to ride all over again. yes, it was a steal of a deal.
  8. I thought one of our members made chrome wind deflectors. Did a quick search in classifieds but I can't seem to find it. Can you help me? Thanks Deb
  9. Just put a wanted out there. Purchased passing lamp visor's from one of our members here. Looking to buy the headlight visor if anyone would like to get rid of one! I know they are pretty cheap on the internet, but would rather buy from a member here. Thanks Deb
  10. friesman


    Finally some warm weather has made it our way, after the coldest winter and spring in over 30 years. Yesterday we hit 31C almost 88f finally, today it was a bit windy but 25C almost 78F so Deb and I decided to go for a ride around a few of the lakes in about an hours drive of Regina. Heres a few pics of the day
  11. star4772


    Happy new year to all and may everyone have a good upcoming year. Joe and Deb
  12. Deb and Gary made it safely to Fond du Lac on their trip over to Lake Michigan. My son Grant and I enjoyed showing them around town and sharing a great Mexican dinner together. What wonderful folks they are. I WILL be heading to their place in Iowa to see them again. Safe travels Deb and Gary. Sorry the pics are kind of dark. We took pics after dinner instead of before. RR
  13. Well it was with great anticipation that we finally began our first bike trip together that was more than 500 miles. This time Deb on her upgraded RoadStar instead of her Vstar and me on the Venture instead of my trusty ol RoadStar. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9775.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0679.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0646.jpg Last minute a good friend John decided to join us for a leg of the trip to go see family in Lansing and then break off. Day one destination was St. Joe MI to spend the night with Deb's sister. Half way up the rain began and it came down in sheets. We stopped once under an overpass to wait out the worst part and lo and behold deb reached down in the raging drainage ditch and fished out a BASS (a rubber one that is) as it was floating by, so we took it home and mounted it! http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9793.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0686.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0651.jpg After that John left us and we spent the night in St Joe. Had great hospitality and a great warm meal awaiting us! http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9778.jpg Off early the next day up through Grand Rapids up 131 over 55 to 127 then straight up 75. Great weather for the most part. Hit Mackinac City where we were going to stay the night and it was starting to rain and some hard stroms were blowing in, so we just hammered down the last 70-80 miles just under the big storm and arrived a day early in the soo. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0653.jpg Deb lived a block from the locks and left in 1987 and has not been back or seen her family there since, so everyone was looking forward to the reunion. Next day more rain, went to he brothers caught up for awhile and he lent us his minivan to do some sightseeing to see how things have changed. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9820.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9794.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9811.jpg Next day we road to along superior (beautiful) up to Tahquamenon falls state park, simply beautiful country and a beautiful 78 degrees and no humidity!! The old southern boy was loving these cool climates. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9925.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9881.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9903.jpg Then a day of sightseeing in the Soo, Deb' could not believe she was a fudgie (local term for tourist) http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9867.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9856.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9811.jpg Next day meet up with brother number two, he had a Virago so we road out to his and Debbies mother's grave. Was a very touching reunion!! http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9984.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9976.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9975.jpg Then we meet up with Deb's ol party buddy from Younger days Gus, he was character and also a guitar picker so we sat around his house and jammed and had a great time. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9845.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9968.jpg Then the highlight, looked up fellow Venture rider Gentlemen Greorge and found he was performing a concert in the park by the locks. So hurried on down before he began introduced ourselves, and enjoyed a great show (more pictures and video to follow). What a nice guy wish we would have had more time to catch up. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9952.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9958.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_9959.jpg Took a ride towards Brimley to Mission Hill and Monocle lake for an evening ride with her brother. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0020.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0018.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0015.jpg Had full on family dinner and get together nieces, newphews, grandbabies, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters. It was awesome!! http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0121.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0129.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0099.jpg http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0086.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0091.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0114.jpg Last day was Deb's 30th high school reunion and it was fun watching her catch up with all her old freinds. One had a grandson who band was playing at the Casion so we went down and listened to Nixxson Dixxson and for a bunch of 16 year olds they rocked!! Pulled out the next morning, first stop was Mackinac bridge since it was raining and nasty we we came across the last time. Took a few pics then on to the Indiana line for the nite. Woke up back in heat and humidity land, and rode on back home safe and uneventful. http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0189.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0179.jpghttp://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/th_IMG_0190.jpg Deb did great and was ready for more, Carson sat on the back of black beauty and ipod'ed and text the whole trip and no complaining!! So that is what I call a great family vacation . Thanks for listening!! =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For full photo Slide Show check out click, http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff242/stratocurtster/Rebel%20XTI/Trip%20To%20The%20Soo/?albumview=slideshow Then click the fast option at the bottom The First 10 are old pic from Deb's childhood included for her family to see, the rest are the trip pics. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==
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