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  1. Yes... yes..yes... we've made a deal on an '06 RSMV. It's a scoot that is advertised on this site no less to boot! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1334/cat/4 It's been checked out by a friend of ours who is very meticulous and it's in showroom condition (it should be for only 1300 km's). We got it for $12,900 which I feel is a heck of a deal for this particular bike and for here in Canada...eh!
  2. This bike is about 45 minutes from me and I have looked at it in person. Very clean bike that looks like it has been very well taken care of. Doesn't have one single blemmish on it. I'm pretty sure I could work a deal of an even swap or very close to it with my 2007 RSTD. It has some adds that would save me the hastle and money such as: center stand, passing lamps, Slip Streamer windshield, backrest, trunk luggage rack, auxilary plug for heated gear/battery tender. One thing that makes me wonder if a previous owner was a member here is that fact that it has E3's on it. That doesn't sem like something a regular non VR member would figure out. But, on the other hand, the antennas are on the wrong sides. The PO traded it for a used Harley Ultra. I have one uh oh thing that I'm trying to sort through my brain. I asked the dealership if I could talk to the PO. They were very obliging and they called the PO. The guy told them that he didn't want to talk to me because he really didn't have an opinion on the bike because he only owned it for a month before he traded it in. What's up with that???. I dont' really care if he wants to talk to me, but why did he trade it after owning it for a month? Hmmmm. Makes me concerned that there is something wrong with the bike internally that he wasn't wanting to deal with.I don't know what I'm gonna do, but it's an extremely clean bike. Any thoughts? 2005 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Stock: 05A009088 | Sunrise Preowned
  3. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  4. Took a ride down to the Yuba River today. started out around 72 degrees and got down to 52 in the river canyon. No Snow or Ice to deal with. Sorry everyone, not bragging about our weather here but..... Oh Yea, Pictures Included.
  5. I am wondering what kind of touring capabilitys a Concours would have.. I KNOW the wife and I are wayy spoiled with the 1st Gen Yammer (I am wondering if my body is permanently molded to the good ol yam) BUT I have a chance to get on a Concours for a really swinging deal and am considering it.. At any rate,, anyone here ever spent anytime on anything even remotely comparable?? All yeas and neayss welcome! thanks Scott
  6. got 20+ years of nascar diecast, 1/24-1/64 size. mostly 1/64. got earlier card sets, 1988 and up. no Gordon, Johnson, mostly little guys, nice sponsors paint jobs in 1/24. with my son, they'll end up in demo derbies on the driveways or in the spokes of the kid next door bike. any body know anyone that may be interested in starting a collection or looking for a deal on something unique. PM me, we'll wheel and deal.
  7. Just ordered my new Nokia lumia 920 windows 8 phone with AT&T as the carrier from CAR TOYS on line for a Penney. What a deal that is for new customers only or customers eligible for upgrade. Here is the link www.cartoys.com :)
  8. http://www.bikemp3.com/GL800-Mirror-Turn-Signals-Smoked-Lens-HGW-TRN-SMK.htm ... and this is for a PAIR Did I place my order? .... you betcha!
  9. Venture and Royal riders, brothers or sisters...I really need to borrow a tach. I have my mix all out of whack. I am a tinker, and started messin with that dang screw and now I cant get it right with this multimeter/tach deal I have. I have a brand new Carbtune Pro that you can use if you would like to. Heck, anyone on this site that lives around here can use it if needed. Thank you all, I am about to pull my hair out!
  10. COULD DELIVER FOR A REASONABLE FEE DEPENDING ON LOCATION. Have to do what I have to do so I can save my credit. Having lots of trouble at work with them fibbing and not paying for what I work, so I filed for unemployment this morning because of lack of work. Its to close to my retirement so I must get rid of some things to save my credit and be able to buy a used bike when I do retire in February. So I pulled out all stops on my ride and I am letting it go for one HE** of a deal so please don't fight over it. First to confirm will get it. It is listed in the classified for sale 2008 RSTD 3 years left on warranty. $7500.00 loaded w/acces. I would like to see someone get a real deal here. Joe
  11. I have an opportunity to pick up a complete, but damaged 89VR for my 87VR. I started comparing part numbers off OEM parts sites. Thought I'd throw out if any of the experts know how compatible the parts are between the two, would save me great deal of time. Thanks .. Max
  12. I found a set or Dunlops -Dunlop-491-Elite-II-Front-Motorcycle-Tire--134.99 and the rear -Dunlop-491-Elite-II-Rear-Motorcycle-Tire--155.99 I am wondering if this is a decent deal or is there a better place to pick something up. Thanks everyone:)
  13. I was tooling down the road the other day and the vulchures were having lunch in the middle of the road. I though I would give a toot so they might dispirse BEFORE I got there. My stebel sort of made this squeaky sound and after maybe 3-5 seconds it finnaly started to sound like it use to. I tried it again a couple times today and same sort of deal. Any ideas? Do I maybe need a small shot of WD 40 in the intake of the horn so the compressor picks it up? I hate to think I'm gonna have to replace it.
  14. found this one on ebay...tell me what you think? i dont know anything about the 1700cc RS., thanks.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2006-Yamaha-RoadStar-Midnight-Silverado-XV1700-Many-Extras-New-Pics-Show-Winner-/261088395944?forcev4exp=true#ht_4223wt_1165.
  15. Just replaced my rear shock on a 99 RSV. I opted to go with a Hagon, great value for the money. $399 shipped to my house. I cannot get over how well the bike rides and sits. For the money I think they are the best deal out there. I will post after getting some more miles on it.
  16. I've been watching this bike on Craigslist for weeks. Price keeps dropping. Is it a good deal? http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/mcy/3186484375.html Not like I need another bike!
  17. well I finally after 25 yrs of riding I finally got a nail in my back tire. I went ahead and put in a plug and I'm thinking it should get me to the end of the year. I plan on new tires next spring so the 1,000 miles or so left in this season seems like no big deal. I have plugged car tires with good results so hoping this should be the same. what sez all you wise people.
  18. Here is the deal, had a customer come in , he is 5'3'' at best with a 28 inseam so he said , figure it was more like 26... anyway how much can a venture be lowered?
  19. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced and reliable chrome plating company. I am in the Detroit, MI area and would prefer to deal face to face rather than on the phone or by mail.
  20. :cool10: It's on there!!!
  21. Hi, I'm on the, Ong way to the international and now have a problem ihave to deal with in regards to my front fairing windshield holes cracking. A few were cracked when I left but they seemed ok. I received a clearview windshield just before I left. I needed to retighen a few bolts 2 days ago and iused blue lock tight but the windshield started making noise again today. Whdni check ked I found other middle left inside hole badly spidered. I am on the road in Towanda Pennsylvania so I don't have a workshop to deal with this. As of now my plan is to find some aluminum screen material and a solderinggun,during iron and see if I can melt some sport into. Where the plastic is badly spidered. Does anyone have any better (workable) ideas?
  22. Hi, I'm on the, Ong way to the international and now have a problem ihave to deal with in regards to my front fairing windshield holes cracking. A few were cracked when I left but they seemed ok. I received a clearview windshield just before I left. I needed to retighen a few bolts 2 days ago and iused blue lock tight but the windshield started making noise again today. Whdni check ked I found other middle left inside hole badly spidered. I am on the road in Towanda Pennsylvania so I don't have a workshop to deal with this. As of now my plan is to find some aluminum screen material and a solderinggun,during iron and see if I can melt some sport into. Where the plastic is badly spidered. Does anyone have any better (workable) ideas?
  23. So I'm strongly considering ordering one of these from RideBikegear.com anyone here have experience with their products?? Looks like a good deal to me! http://www.ridebikegear.com/tp-extra-large-motorcycle-trunk-tour-pak-with-wrap-around-backrest-and-large-top-rack-p-196.html
  24. If anyone is in the market for a video camera to mount on your bike this is a good deal. Its not HD but does a pretty good job. Keith http://www.visions.ca/catalogue/category/Details.aspx?categoryId=683&productId=7107&sku=X170
  25. Tropical Storm Beryl is making a beeline for Jacksonville. Guess we were due for a storm eventually. Should make landfall about the time im picking Jean up from work at 9 PM. Eck, if we dont make it, take care of the 99 although you do have to put it together. As far as the Mustang goes, you get the two dogs with it as a package deal........I expect to lose power soon. It already failed once today. SURFS UP!!!!!!
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