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  1. So, I think I blew a fuse for the 12v cigarette plug in the left side of the fairing. No fuse in the "fuse" box. Where might I find this thing hiding so I can replace the dead fuze? Thanks
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for a tach for my Midnight and not sure what to get.. I got up all confused over the single / dual ignition thing etc.. What's out there that is bone dead simple to install etc? I had a small little digital tach thing that I couldn't make work as it required me to splice into too many odd wires to make it work (needed converter signal cables etc) Suggestions?
  3. :sick:hay I gess I will just jump in and ask you if anyone can help me out I have got a 87 1300 with a dead # 2 cylender no fire I thought it was a dead coil but I took the # 4 electrical conector and hooked it to the # 2 connecter and I got fire from the coil so I don't know if it is the brain or the igniter or what it could be I cleaned all other connections it"s got me stumped just call me brain dead if any ideas thanks............
  4. I think some time ago someone said they would appreciate dead radios to experiment on. I’ve got one, send me your address if you want it. It only receives AM stations very weakly. The AUX input works fine.
  5. Went out to start the RSV tonight for the first time in about 3 weeks and the battery was almost dead. I put the charger on for about 30 minutes and was able to start up. The battery is only 6 months old. The bike is a 2010. Is this common for the RSV?
  6. Guest

    Goldwing Rental in Denver

    Planning a trip to Denver and was wondering does anyone in the Denver area know of a place to rent a GW I have been searching but the list is never ending and some are just a dead end... Thanks..
  7. If your local and got a spare you can spare let me know, I got everyhing torn apart and not a dealer in the area.open on Sundays 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  8. I had a talk with my grandson about a week ago about me seeing him cranking it on with him on his CBR600 and he was going to get a ticket. The thing about it is, you can sometimes get by the Laws of the Land, but when you don't stay within the Laws of Physics, you can really get in trouble. He is again scheduled to be in surgery in the morning and they will try to see how much muscle damage there is, as they have to keep taking out dead muscle tissue and are trying to stop the bleeding before his leg can be closed up. We do appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. RandyA
  9. I just bought my RSV. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, then the battery went dead. I charged it up, it started fine, the next morning the battery was dead again. The only thing I can think of that changed was the activation and connection of the IPOD that cam with the bike. I was told it shuts down after the bike is turned off, but since removing it from the connector, the battery hasn't died again. I'm thinking that something in the IPOD stays live, even when the timeout kicks in. Any additional experiences with this? Thanks, forbey PS: how do I attach the state map to my signature?
  10. Well I had a little time so I dug out my 83. I got the headlight changes, lowbeam still does not work GRRRR. I had already had it on the charger. Got it fired up, stung bad for a bit then cleared up. Took it out for a spin. Stopped at a friends place to chew the fat. when I went to leave the starter just growled, no start. I let it sit for a couple hours and tried again, nope not happening. We pushed it down his drive n got it started, not to hard. Got home and let it sit until I got home from work. Tried to start it and nothing. Checked the battery and it was dead so I figured it was bad and got a new one. Not the battery is dead again and still no start. Any ideas? Shaun
  11. I swapped wires on the coil and still had a dead left cyl. Does anyone have any pointers on how to drop the rear cyl. coil packs so I can check the wiring. Is there a test that will tell if the ignitor is toast?
  12. My buddy's RSV runs fine and all is good...most of the time. It will sit one day or several, but there will be a dead battery when he goes to start it. He is on his fourth battery since they will never re-charge. He called me and said it was dead again. Two weeks ago we checked every fuse for power drain and all was well with that at the time. I am thinking that the switch may be the problem and is coming on for some reason. It could set a week and start again fine or be dead overnight. :think: Any opinions?
  13. brush fire smoke mixed with fog. 10 dead so far. http://us.cnn.com/2012/01/29/us/florida-fatal-crashes/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 US 441 also affected
  14. After a series of ignition issues I have most of them resolved. New plugs, plug caps and wires have made all the difference. I also removed and split the TCI. The diodes are in perfect condition so I left them alone. I re-flowed the solder in the pin headers and put it back together. The bike fires up, runs just fine right up to the red line. Before I did this I was having an issue of cylinder #2 not firing, and the tach behaving a little strangely. Cylinder #2 would quit, and the tach with it (sometimes). Now it's all back together the four cylinders are all playing nicely but the tachometer is dead. This may simply be a dead tachometer. What I was wondering is whether or not there is any way of testing the ouput on the grey wire from the TCI (tach signal). Is there anywhere else I should be looking too? Thanks
  15. Has anyone ever been sucessful in fixing the keyless entry remote. I have one that went dead. Tried a new battery, cleaned the terminals still dead. If you have how would one go about trouble shooting to determine which electric component needs replacing?
  16. well not dead, just intermittent. I'd noticed the motor getting a little balky on cold starts. Then it would not run at all unless I rapped on the pump body with a tool, and the plastic end of the pump was getting piping hot. I bypassed the pump and approached the dealer shop guy about the warranty. He said I'd have to bring the bike in and leave it. I rarely do anything like that! Then I remembered seeing an article here about the Mr. Gasket 42S. Thanks to all who contributed to that information. I got the 42S installed pretty easily, and as far as I can tell it pumps fine. I notice it passes fuel even when it is unplugged. That means I'll have to get used to using the petcock. Thanks again to all who took the time to post info and photos. What a treasure this board is!
  17. Paint that Flag....For all to see!!!!! Boomer...who sez patriotism is not dead in America!
  18. I bought my 2002 gen 2 about 4 months ago and the previous owner said it had a new battery , but after a couple of weeks of occassional use its dead flat , tried re-charging but battery would hold a charge even when not connected !! So i guessed dead cell and replaced the battery charged the new battery fully and fitted it. Over the next few days left it on my optimate charger . But for the following two weeks its been in my car showroom where i work , i went to move it today and guess what Dead! it lights the dash but just clicked when i atempted to start . What could be draining her or do these bikes need to live on the optimate chargers ! Cheers Edge
  19. Including my 88 I don't know what Carl did when he put the trunk box etc together on my bike .... but my class WAS working before I tore everything apart. Now it is dead....nothing....no display....no clicking....zilch...zip...nada. Where do I start?
  20. Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica - Where do they go ? Wonder no more ! ! ! It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintaining a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into and buried. The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing: "Freeze a jolly good fellow" "Freeze a jolly good fellow." Then they kick him in the ice hole. :rotfl:
  21. http://www.wlbt.com/story/14983186/motorcycle-collides-with-suv-at-reservoir
  22. Good job U.S. Military !!!!!!!!!!!! Beer30
  23. Some background first. I have a 99 Venture. Early last year I was having charging issues and ended up putting in a new stator (buckeye), new stock rectifier, and new battery. Had no issue the rest of the year. The bike was stored under a porch this winter, so it was exposed to New England cold all winter. I didn't have a way to hook up my battery tender so the battery did unfortunately drain dead. I charged it with my trickle charger until it was full a few weeks ago. I've only ridden the bike half a dozen times this year. The problem I'm having has happened to me twice now within the past few weeks, and it happened after the bike sat for 4 or 5 days. When I turn the igition into the on position I can see my trip odometer and it is where it last was and the clock is set correct. When I start the bike it seems the electricity is lost to the dash and my clock and trip odometer reset. I assume my stations all reset too. Did a voltage test. Bike off - 12.6 Ignition on - still roughly 12.6 While starting - drops to 9.7 With throttle - 13.8 So it appears to me that maybe I have a dead cell. I'm just not positive if that voltage drop is too much while starting the bike. My connections at the battery seem good. Is there something else I should check or should I just go get a new battery?
  24. A beautiful afternoon, uncovered my VR all set to ride it to work ..........and what do I get but a dead cylinder. So now I get to work on my bike instead of riding it.
  25. I've got one for you electrically inclined. My cousin's 07 RSV ( with 7000 miles on it) would not start. Let me give you the symptoms. When he turned the key on, the lights came on, the speedometer, gas gauge, everything came up and was doing its thing like its supposed to. When he hit the start button, everything goes dead. Well, he thought it was the 30 amp main fuse cause everything went dead. He pulled the fuse, installed another one and it cranked right up. Okay, this happened a couple of more times, so he ohmed the fuse and it was okay. So, it hadn't been blowing the fuse, the fuse is good, but the only way he can get it to start is pull the main fuse, like its resetting something, put the fuse back in, and then it will start. Its still under warranty and he's going to try to get it into the dealer next week, but I thought I'd run it by you all and see what ya thought. When he takes it to the dealer, I'll let everyone know what they find out. Thanks, Glenn
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