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  1. Friends went away for 3 weeks and we were taking care of the house, feeding the cats etc. They bought me back a couple fo tee shirts from Daytona Bike week and this metal plaque. They are nice EXCEPT they are harleys Can you say "ride therapy"?
  2. Not tons of NASCAR fans here,,, But if you are,, the rain delayed Daytona 500 is starting now (Monday 7PM). On FOX. First time ever run at night (prime time). Mike G
  3. Anyone going to Daytona this weekend...now it's 4 official days....lots of bikers in town and alot more headed this way....supposed to be great weather..anyone?
  4. Thom


    sorry , I've not been on lately , but I have a new job , I am working for Ken at Trick Lights , installing LED lites on bikes . We did the daytona bike week and saw Ruffy , Jricherd and Crazy Larry , than did the San Antonio expo , now getting ready for Bandara . Its very hard to get on site with Andriod , I am going to try Tap a talk ? anybody know off a better app. ? Trick Lights is a lot more fun than working on RVs , I get to work on other riders bikes installing LEDs lites , LED headlites and Custom Sound amps and speakers and I get to go to all the m/c shows ! I unloaded the 1st Gen when we got to daytona and used 4 gal of gas in 78 miles , Ouch !! but on a side note there is a lot of Hardlys than don't like me LOL Sorry Doodle I missed your MD but had to work
  5. Leaving for Daytona soon. About 10:30. Ill be at the speedway about 1 pm. JRichard should be there as well. Maybe some lunch at US-1 restaurant in S. Daytona then over to the mess on Main St. Cant believe im up this early.....
  6. to go !......well, i had bike all packed last night, cloths laid out for the morning, all i had to do was get dressed, plug in my heated gear and hit the road for daytona, wanted to be moving by 6..................get up, look out window.....SNOW....and frozen streets......which means slush and salt later.......i hate winter....
  7. Any of you going to Daytona there will a coffee tent set up on I10 at the Alabama-Mississippi State line. We will be there the 5th and 6th of March at the Alabama Welcome Center. Hope to see you there. Snack will be served. tew47
  8. Its been a long cold winter and I'm ready for a road trip and motorcycle adventure. Due time schedule, responsibilities and resources I'm not planning to do the whole week thing. But' I think I can pull off the following. Leaving Atlanta area after work on Wednesday 5:00 to 7:00PM-ish, Doing a night ride to Moonshiner's Campground at Ormand Beach, next door to Destination Daytona. Pitching a tent and then spending Thursday, Friday and Saturday doing the bike rally thing. Then leaving Daytona around Noon on Sunday heading back to Atlanta. That would put me back in Atlanta around 8:00 to 9:00 PM-ish. In time to rest and make work Monday morning. I tentalively have one buddy talking about riding with me. But, because he rides a Hardley, just in case, he is having his wife follow in the truck with a trailer. I guess back up is never a bad thing. With that scenario it allows the opportunity to throw the camping gear and luggage in the back of the truck for shipment to and from the event. Those of you that know me, know it's a done deal if I've thought it out this far. All are welcome to ride with me, hook up on the way, or in Daytona. Let your conscience and courage be your guide. If interested send a PM or e-mail before it's too late.
  9. I couldn't make the m/e yesterday and was just wondering how it went. I will be going to bike week in Daytona and camping at the Cabbage patch and hope to meet some peeps then.
  10. Just got the word, my friend has a condo at Daytona Beach and I will leave out this Friday or Saturday for Daytona and plan to stay the whole week. There will be six of us going and I am the only one riding down on my bike (of course I am the oldest); I haven't riden 575 miles at one time before but I think I can make it okay. The reason for the posting is that I hope to meet some of my VentureRider buddies so if you have some time to goof off, give me a call and maybe we can hook up. My cell no. is (919) 801-0751. I'm looking forward to this trip; I've spent time working on my bike, new rear tire, switching around the brake pads, changing oil, etc. and I'm ready. Sunny Florida - I'm coming.
  11. Around the new year, I bought my 2000 Venture. I upgraded from a 98 RSTD. I got it from a dealership in Daytona, but I live in Louisiana. My father-in-law lives 20 minutes from Daytona, and he's doing to drive it here this coming Thursday. I AM SOOOOO EXCITED. After paying that much money for it, and only having to see it in pictures. I should go to work on it FRIDAY!! :mytruck1:The Anticipation is KILLING me!
  12. Spoke with JRichard today about doing something during Bike Week. Since I no longer have weekends off I mentioned that ill most likely be down there on the 2nd (tue) or the 3rd (wed). No official plans are set but most likely we will get together at US-1 Restaurant in South Daytona for lunch. Dont know what everyone elses plans are but thats where ill be. Kinda sucks giving up weekends but hey, its a job........We have been meeting there for years. Kind of like an old shirt...... Hope to see some of yous there....
  13. I was ridding behind my wife on her road star, she has bridgestone mc tires, the rear tire has worn flat in the middle. The thing I noticed is the fact that when she leans the bike in a curve, the tread lifts off the pavement, and there is very little tire contact with the pavement. So I began to closely watch all the bikes I was following around daytona. What I saw was the same, when you lean a bike, even with the MC tire gound contact is reduced, some more than others. It appears to me, that the CT on the back of my venture maintains more ground contact than the motorcycle tire. Just an observation Gregg
  14. Well, Karen and I rode 650 miles south through the cold and rain to get to Daytona. I woke up this morning and it's 50 degrees outside. I heard that it's some kind of record cold snap down for this time of year. I'm ready for some warm air.
  15. Can someone tell me if the vendors are pretty much set up by Thrusday 10/15/2009 on Main Street or is Friday 10/16/2009 a better day to check things out. The Biketoberfest web site says there is also stuff going on at the speedway. Is there an entrance fee for stuff that goes on out there? This will be the first time I've gone to Daytona so I'm not familiar with the event.
  16. One of the nations largest Harley Dealers died in a crash on his way to Sturgis. Here is the story. http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJournalOnline/News/Headlines/frtHEAD01073109.htm Bruce Rossmeyer owned 13 Harley Dealships and of course, the one in Daytona. Yama Mama
  17. My daughter just called with some bad news. Her husband does filming for Destination Daytona. Bruce Rossmeyer, the owner was killed in a bike accident today. From what she said he was struck by an RV. Prayers go out to the Rossmeyer family....... http://www.wesh.com/news/20229340/detail.html
  18. OK, so lets make it official: Address is: US-1 restaurant (old Sly Fox) 2842 S Ridgewood Ave (US1) South Daytona FL Date: 05/17/09 (Rain Date: 05/31/09) Time: 1 pm Located on southbound Ridgewood ave (west side of roadway) Link: http://www.us1restaurantgrill.com/2031807.html This place has great seating, great parking made even better now that its paved and last but not least.......great food. And a place to unwind and BS one another after the meal. I will be requesting a small donation for the maintenance of this site at the M&E. A dollar or two will be fine. Donations of $1000.00 or more will go right into my pocket so be warned...... Lets hope for good weather and have a safe ride there.
  19. EDT 14 hours and counting! gonna go to JAX 2 see grand daughter @ 7months of age! filled with excitement, joy, on a fantastic Natural high. Daytona MId week flat track races. Key West, N'Orleans. C ya OTR, ~~~ Peace out:guitarist 2:.
  20. Guest


    Howdy - a buddy and I got fed up with the cold and decided to head off to Florida on Feb 22, and just got back this morning. By the way, we WILL take the credit for bringing the warmer weather up north with us! It was a great couple of weeks of riding, friendship, more riding, some drinking, some eating, and lots and lots of pictures. We were joined by our lovely wives for 3 days and they brought with them some great weather last Friday and Saturday. We sent them home on a plane on Sunday and then headed to Daytona Bike Week on the Monday. Got the HOG pin, went to the Iron Horse Salloon and to Destination Daytona. At the HD exhibit at Daytona, I tried the Reach seat on the 09 frame, and it has just jumped to the top of my wish list - sure helps short sh$ts like me to flat foot the bike! Managed to hook up with some other guys down there called "The Geezers" for lunch rides on both of the Tuesdays that we were down there. The rides start out at Lakeland HD and the young ladies bring out freshly baked cookies for the riders to enjoy before the rides - now THAT is service!!! The entire "roll of film" can be found at http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b320/BluesLover55/2009%20Trips/Florida%20with%20Vaughn/ For those that aren't familiar with Vicki, her nickname is "Shutterbug", so there are quite a few pictures from where she and by buddy's wife Terri joined us. The new bike handled very well - it now has over 6,400 kms on it since last Oct 31 and all but 100 or so kms of it have been done in Florida, so I'm thinking it's starting to talk to me in "american". It was great to have Vicki try the bike before the riding season officially opens. She had not been on the back of a bike since we had the accident on the Venture in early October, so I was a bit tentative as to what her reaction was going to be. From some of the pictures of her smiling on the back of the Ultra, you can see that she enjoyed getting back on. We managed to stop at several HD shops, and some are absolutely huge! We met members from HOG and other riding groups from lots of places far and near - riders from Germany and Denmark, France and England. We experienced all kinds of weather down there - a couple of beautiful days in teh low 80s while the ladies were with us, and nights that just barely stayed above the freezing mark. Last Sunday we started with heavy rain, high winds, and dropping temps. We waited til the rains passed and then followed the storm all the way from St Pete's (Treasure Island) to Orlando to drop the girls off at the airport. Cheers,
  21. The wife made the comment she would like to go east to see the grand kids, but was wondering what I would do if she went. Hmmm, always wanted to break the winter up, go to Daytona and ride all over Florida for a week, this might be a opportune time. Couple of problems, I'm not hard core enough to ride down that time of year (biggest problem), got rid of the truck, and don't have a covered trailer. But, if someone is going down and you have room in your trailer for another bike (1st gen Venture) maybe we could work something out. I was going to fly down to wherever (haven't got the ticket yet), but if you need help with the driving maybe we could do it that way also. Also would need a ride for the bike back home. If this is something that sounds like it might be workable for you, contact me and we'll see if things can be worked out. Thanks
  22. If you are planning on coming to Daytona for BIKEWEEK this year you may want to attend the Yamaha / STAR breakfast. See below for information and links. DAYTONA BIKE WEEK February 27- March 8, 2009Daytona, Florida Daytona Bike Week Website Star Motorcycles and STAR Touring will be hosting again this year a breakfast at Bike Week in Daytona. We would like to have you for breakfast on Friday morning March 6. The information sheet and sign up form is available to down load and print. See you there! DAYTONA BREAKFAST2009.pdf
  23. While my brother and I were out riding this year we started kicking around an idea about doing a 4-corners tour come spring. Not the 4-corners area in the Southwest, but the four corners of the US! Touching the bike tire as close as possible to the US border in the SE, SW, NW and NE corners of this country. We haven't actually planned anything yet, but the general idea was maybe to hit Daytona again in the early spring, then swing on down to Key West again, scoot along the southern boarder to San Diego while it is still relatively cool, then up to Washington and over to Main. Lots of other options too, but that will give you some idea of what I am talking about. I don't even know yet how many miles it is, when we might start (if we don't do the Daytona thing), or how long it might take. I can map it out on the computer pretty quick to start answering some of those questions, but I just thought I'd throw the idea out here and see if anyone might be interested in joining a trip like that? Or even part of it? I'm not talking about anything formally planned and pre-scheduled with reservations or anything - just an ad-hoc ride were we throw the leg over the bikes and go. I could actually put together a formal tour with plans and prices if enough people actually wanted to do something like that, but I doubt it. So what say you? Anyone interested in joining up for a long tour? Goose
  24. I am wondering how many members we have in Vegas or Daytona. I am a regular visitor in Vegas, and I am starting planning on a Daytona bike week visit. I would love to get the chance to meet some more members. If any of you would like to meet up, or would be willing to give me some local info, that would be great. I will be in Las Vegas November 6 - 13. Without bike however. I always have planned to ride in Vegas, but alas it has not happened as of yet. Hope to hear from someone! Sonny
  25. We will be heading down to Daytona next Sat, the 18th for the day. Were meeting up with "Coach" and his wife Linda from Ohio for some lunch. Any local who wants to make the trip chime in. We used to meet at a place called the Sly Fox on US1 South but it has since closed down. However I saw it was open again under new ownership, US1 restaurant or something like that. Its located South of the Sunshine Mall. Address is: US-1 restaurant 2842 S Ridgewood Ave (US1) South Daytona FL Time: 2PM Located on southbound Ridgewood ave (east side of roadway) If not there then Webbers Steaks is another good place, also on US1. This will be updated later this week.
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