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  1. Several members asked about something to get the wind off their knees. I have made up some Knee Wind Blocks. They are 38.00 a pair which includes shipping (40 USD if you live in Canada or Alaska). They mount with Velcro so they are removable for hot days. For cold days and nights these will really make a difference on your knees guys. I made mine up 4 years ago and was happy I did every time it got cool. Mine cut about 90% of the wind off my knees These are available in Black or smoke. I will make them in smoke if anyone really wants them like that but they will have some distortions because of the heating and bending
  2. I got to take a ride on a leer like jet today just for the Joy of it!.We flew to Birmingham, Al. then to Nashville,Tn. Then Back to Cartersville, Ga. Topped out at 34,000 ft. Had a leer flying with us too it was very cool to look out and see him off our wing tip. It was one of the best days of my life!
  3. Decals are ordered, paid for and on the way. I should have them in 10 days and will get them right out to you. Please get your orders placed to help me defray the initial outlay of cash. See this thread for ordering information. I had to order quite a few to keep the price down to where it was so any of you who can order and pay now will be appreciated. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/venturerider-merchandise/39088-venturerider-domed-decals.html
  4. Looks like you can click on shoutbox then archives and go back up to two days!
  5. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  6. It is windy and feels like 17°F. Snow tomorrow. It will be in the mid 20's for a high for the next 2 or 3 days. This afternoon, I plugged my RSV battery on trickle charge. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/05/72ff461ad8047aba8010ff8e039022f7.jpg
  7. The wife and I are headed for San Antonio in March for a couple days and then to the Texas Hill country for 3/4 days for some riding then over to Austin for a couple days. Any suggestions of things to see and do in Austin and must roads to ride in the Hill Country area? Have friends in San Anton to help there. Thanks Rick & Shirley
  8. djh3

    Rain Boots

    Just got back from a trip that I had to don the rain suit 4 out of 4 days of riding. 3 of the days was not bad an hour maybe 2. Anyways the last day I just rolled the suit, and boots up and bungied them to the trunk rack as it was easier. When I got home I noticed that the heel of my rain boot has a tear in it. The ones I have now are maybe 5 yr old so close to replacement. They are the "spyder" type that have a complete sole. I am thinking about the Tourmaster or Nelson Rigg type. The cover just the toe and the heel is open. Can anyone tell me do these keep your feet dry with the heel being open? Are they a good rain cover? Looked at the Hopnel rain gaiters but the couple reviews didnt seem like the folks were very happy about the fastening methiod.
  9. So I got this Venture about a week ago as a project bike. It wasn't in too bad a condition for sitting for four years, so after two days of cleaning it up it looked pretty good. Spent the better part of another two days making repairs and cleaning the carbs. Put it back together synched the carbs and it now runs like a champ. Thanks to all for suggestions and comments!
  10. Got the bike loaded on the trailer and in a few days the wife and I will be headed to florida for 12 days of riding. ready for some warmer weather and riding.
  11. I have an aux fuel cell connected via a valved T between the Main/Reserve selector and the fuel pump. Can I use that at Maintenance Days to run my bike if I take the tank off? Do I need to short the fuel sender unit or something? Dave
  12. OK, Dan.....I vote that you come out of your corner now. Surely you've been there long enough to pay your debt. It's just too boring around here with you standing in the corner. I think of the good old days of following along as you built your garage. What fun!!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!
  13. Hey Friends and family. I know we are hanging round for a while and have many eat a meet - ings, Fix a stuf day, International drink a days, Plan a pee stop rides ( by Eck ), Tail of Roosters days, Party at state park by Dragons days, Monster days, Eat more meet in the Pines ... and to many to remember. I did take some pics, but i know you guys have more. I have such a great time each and every whatever listed above. ( Or maybe is beer ) Please feel free to Post any pic of me and best one will win a price of your choice. Chicago Harley Davidson T-Shirt ( in your size ) 12 Pack of premium Beer ( Belive me on this one ) or $20.00 cash. I'm member since BC and old enough to remember ( "BC" Before Chrash ) Love Ya All.
  14. Our Christmas Day is over..... we had 104F :scorched: Had to move the family inside. We will have over 100F for the next few days
  15. Hello again. I have chosen tomorrow, of all days, to take my newly purchased 2003 RSV, on a field trip. Headed to hilton head, SC. Just an overnight trip. Riding solo but packing stuff to get used to the handling with weight in the bags and trunk and top. Approx. 725 miles round trip. For some of you that's miles you put on in one day. For me it's a real luxury lately to have days off. That's said, I will report once there and the return trip how it went. ( that is of course if we are not doomed courtesy of the Mayan calendar prophecy ) Still a bit nervous due to me being very new to bike and how she handles. On a separate note, the custom dynamics tail light came in and I chose the 100 LED. Boy oh boy, is it BRIGHT. If you can not see those babies, you shouldn't be anywhere inside a vehicle... Have a great day:Venture:
  16. The more that pray the better.... My 19 year old niece Olivia was hanging out at college like any other 19 year old. Didn't feel well and rapidly deteriorated.... one day hanging out with friends.... days later on a vent at the hospital being treat for APL - an acute leukemia..... Please pray for her and our family..... My sister has already lost one at 39 days old..... anything else is unthinkable..... prayers needed........
  17. We've had so many nuts this year there have been days where it seems it was raining nuts, gonna have to use a shovel to clean up around the house, don't recall ever having so many especially with the drought we've been having, been a while since any rain. Have to watch out for falling nuts when out riding on windy days. Now the mountains have snow, US441 closed thru the smokies due to snow, early for snow, heck last year not many days all winter below freezing. Crazy weather. And now all this wind has blown over a pretty large oak tree thats been dead a while in the woods out back, guess I'll be out cleaning up the mess, when the nuts stop falling cause the little suckers hurt when they hit you in the head. Heres a link to some pic of snow on Mt. Leconte up in the Smokies. http://www.highonleconte.com/daily-posts.html
  18. the bike has 21000 mi. and after the bike set for 4 yrs i figured i would take the clutch apart and re soak them in oil i had a lot of trouble getting the disc apart looked them over quick glance and trew them in oil to soak for a couple days i put it back together and it sat for another year then i rode it around the block and sat for 2 more days i cranked it thismorning ready to go to work and reved it up full throttel and was bearlly moving any ideas i dont think i lined up the notches when i put it back together could that have something to do with it im thinking new skydoc replacement now and just cant afford that yet
  19. This was a bit before my time. But some of the "old times" like, Don, Bubber, Condor and a lot more probably do. http://www.stumptownblogger.com/2012/04/what-a-cool-video.html?cid=6a010536b86d36970c0163050cd62f970d Those were the days were they not...
  20. Please, need some help. Got caught in a very heavy rain in the ozarks. Cars going by sent waves of water. Anyway, couldn't get the bike to run properly the next day. It would run on full choke only #1 & 4 were cool and not firing, pulled #1 plug it was wet with gas. Put the bike in my trailer and had to ride two up on my wife's bike, thank God she let me drive. Two days later when we got home the bike started okay and took it for a 1/2 hour ride. 4 days later I washed the bike it started but after about 30 seconds it started to miss and quit. About 15 minutes later I tried again and it seems to be running okay again. Looks to me like a moister problem. Not really sure where to start. I took the seat and side covers off and was thinking of misting around the coils and connectors with a spray bottle while it was running but thought I better check to see if anyone else has had this problem. Also thought of taking the connectors apart and use some dielectric grease on them. Not sure if it could be used on the coil wires? Thanks in advance
  21. This time of year I watch the weather looking for a nice day to plan a trip on the 1st Gen. And week after week I am consistently disappointed with the weather but more importantly, the timing of the weather. I am noticing (and I'm sure many of you have as well) that the weather during the week will have one or two days of sunshine while the weekend is always wet and miserable. I propose we reset the week. We need to pause the week so that the weather comes into alignment with the days of the week and that will give us sunny weekends. So here's what we do. Wednesday October 31 will be the start of the reset. The next day will be Wednesday November 01, and the third day will be Wednesday November 02. Then we carry on as usual. We have now reset the week. Now the days that used to be sunny in the middle of the week are now the weekend and we can ALL appreciate more sunny days on the weekends. If this doesn't work, I'm moving to Texas. They always seem to have sunny weekends. Thomas
  22. After my bike was hit by a blind truck driver, August 11 (See thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=72484 ), I contacted my insurance company took the bike to the dealer for estimates on the damage. I immediately ordered a side stand, which arrived in a few days and was quickly replaced. On September 18th, the parts were in, and I delivered the bike for the parts to be replaced (Front fender, front lower fork, wind deflectors, passing light bar). First thing on the 19th, I was informed that the label on the fork package indicated the correct part, but the contents were not as advertised. This was not discovered until AFTER the bike had been taken apart. A new fork would be ordered RUSH, but it would be coming from Japan. Should be in by Friday, 28th September. (10 days to ship by air across the Pacific?) Friday, checked for the part... should be in later. "Please let me know either way!" Dealer didn't call, so I phoned on Saturday. "I don't think it came in" he says. Why didn't he KNOW? He did call back, and said that Toronto told him it would be in on Tuesday. Tuesday noon: The part is still not there. Toronto says it's in transit. Should be there tomorrow. Got the call at lunch time that the bike was ready. Great... job done, and I am thrilled to have her back with a forecast of at least seven days perfect riding weather ahead. (Big advantage to being unemployed! ... the ONLY advantage). My confusion: why would a rush item shipped from Japan to Vancouver (Port Moody) have to go through Toronto?
  23. 5 Days to St. Jude.........:dancefool:
  25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deborah ride safe and enjoy your day. It was a nice suprize seeing you both at Victory Demo Day's. If you ever get down this way to A Town stop in your alway's welcome.
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