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  1. Well there I was, out in the back yard working on the bike. It has been having some carb issues beyond the abilities of even the magical Seafoam. The next thing I know I'm chasing the dang front tire as it goes rolling down the street. That tire was quick. It managed to stay about 3 feet in front of me for the next 3 hours. That dang tire rolled all over SE WI with me right behind it. I thought I had it once at a gas station but I took my eye off it for just a second and zoom, it was off and rolling down the road again with me in hot pursuit. But I did finally catch it and lock it up in the shed. Now I have a smile on my face and feel like a nap is in order. Watch out for those front tires, they can be sneaky.
  2. Well I went for a ride today. I know... soooo? So its been what seems like forever since I was on the bike last. November I had surgery for cancer. That went fine and with good results, no radiation or further treatment needed. Four weeks after that I was involved in a car accident that totaled my truck and left me pretty banged up. Most of that has now been resolved also. Today was the first day with decent wx that I actually felt good enough to ride. So, I did. Short run for about an hour but, Dang, that was nice!
  3. Check this out... http://bc.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-1998-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Tour-De-Luxe-W0QQAdIdZ400373052 I emailed him to confirm "fuel injection" and he says it does have it. I've replied with "where was the conversion done?" Dang, wish I could afford another scoot!
  4. Son of a Bike the Venture is... DANG.!! I did the Polk401B replacement today. DANG. I ain't that much trouble with a screw since I was 18 years old. The replacement is simple technically, but DANG, getting to those nuts is tough (again, I ain't heard that since I was 18). The LEFT SIDE (clutch side) was the worst!!! It took me a total of about 5 hours (this includes numerous breaks - temps here around 98 degrees). I also installed baffles behind the speakers...and that was easy enough to do, but you're doing some stuffing. At first I hooked up (installed) one of the Polks and compared the sound...takes a LOT more volume for the same sound on the Polks. At first I even considered leaving the Clarions (stock) on the bike...but when I put the baffles in...the sound changed and the speakers sounded pretty dang good, so I changed the other side out. The RIGHT SIDE took HALF the time to install that the left side did... More of a review after I have used these speakers for awhile. Wally
  5. After reading jer878's thread about his new Wing I got to wondering.... We go out and buy a new or fairly new bike and some of the firsts thing we start doing is modifying them. Handle bar risers, Air Wings, Levelling links, Progressive springs, .... the list seems endless (and none of this involves safety chrome). And we're told that the front bearings need to be lubed and torqued, the hub pins are dry and need to be lubed, etc, etc... DANG!!! does anybody make a bike that doesn't need so much adjustments and modifications so a guy can just get on the danged thing and ride it without having to change this, adjust that, and lube what the factory didn't???? Something is wrong with this picture!
  6. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Took my rear wheel to the dealer to mount a new tire. Went to put the wheel on today only to find out the hub is missing the bearing collar. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Also noticed a bunch of new weights, 8 of them on the rim to balance the new tire. Hummm... don't suppose they tried to balance the tire without the bearing collar do you? Dang! I hate going to the dealer. The collar is only like $9.00 but I have a 4 day ride planned and I doubt I can get one in time for the ride. Of course the dealer is closed Monday, don't suppose they are smart enough to find it on the floor and say ooops we forgot someones bearing collar. Dang! I hate going to the dealer. Or do they just trash all the "missing parts" left on the shop floor. Dang! I hate going to the dealer, you just can't trust them to do anything right. The reason I brought just the wheel was so I could grease my own splines and NOT strip out my mufflers nor saddlebag bolts like they did the last time. Dang! I hate going to the dealer.
  7. My wife is in a hot looking 2010 Taurus with a smoking V-6. It has everything a person needs then some. But Chrysler and their commercial with the rapper guy.................with that music.......................... and now my wife wants one. But dang it they are nice looking. The Chrysler 200 in Jet Black
  8. Messing around in the garage a few days ago and took some pics of my bike. Couldn't believe how the flash makes he flames show up even more. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/S7301175.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/S7301176.jpg Ok, so I'm bragging a little, but I REALLY like my bike. Dang snow needs to go away!!
  9. Dang it's wet. Too bad it's not the white stuff... http://www.cast-aways.com/images/unlucky.jpg
  10. Just was not my day today. Got a call from the owner of the repair shop where I dropped of my semi to have some work done. He said someone had broken into some of his trucks and also got into mine. Now on top of them busting out driver side glass to get in they stole my GPS,Laptop,truck manuals,TV vcr radio combo went through all my stuff and get this THEY TOOK ALL MY T-SHIRTS AND SOCKS BUT LEFT MY UNDIES NOW GO FIGURE. :rotfl::rotfl: Now I have to call dispatch and have my load picked up and deliver it to Wi. another week with out work and money DANG.
  11. Help! I can't get one saddle bag open on my 07 RSV. I push the button and it doesn't feel like it is doing anything. Do you know of any way to get the dang thing open? I may not care so much except my wife's purse is in there! Thanks for any advice!
  12. Haven't been on 'puter most of the week. Couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the dang thing to even turn on:bang head: We tried everything...pulling cords out, then re-connecting eveything -- except the plug in the computer-safe power board. Quickstep finally decides to try it in another spot on the board, and HEY PRESTO! we have lift-off :happy65:Powerboard decided to blow one of the five plug in's and as red light indicated it was working Quickstep ended up saying "If brains were roses, mine would smell real sweet"
  13. jrcain32

    CB woes

    Is there a fuse for the CB? The reason I ask is because my CB light will not come on. I have had this bike for 3 yrs. and the CB has never worked. In the past the light has always come on but I never could get past the the "CB-err". It never bothered me because I never used it. Now it does bother me. I just did the Marshall Mod and the dang thing will not even come on. I found in the manual there is an "audio" fuse but the radio works so it can't be that fuse. Any ideas?
  14. Dang it's hot over here today 37C!!!!! (104F) and it's still going to be 23C (76F)overnight :scorched::scorched:
  15. Condor


    I'M BORED:thumbdown: BROKE:mo money: and IT's TOO DANG COLD.....
  16. So I drove down to Eva Alabama on Monday to help my Bro In-law move. We turned around and drove home Tuesday morning. I was on US24 on that little section that dips down into GA from TN heading to Chattanooga. The ONLY RSV I spotted on the whole dang trip was around exit 169 head North/West. It was a purty blue and so shinny it almost hurt to look at. Who was it? Art~
  17. Did a lot of research over the last six months, was ready to head down to Harbor Freight to begin the project.. When I received a call from someone who had just traded his RSV for a Rhino... something about the RSV note working well off-road..... Anyway - his loss was our gain.... Narrowed Harbor Freight trailer w/12 inch wheels, dual one gallon gas cans, cooler, cargo box, hitch, permant AZ plate and he even did the wiring for me... DANG! now i have no excuse to enforce the "pack-light" guideline... Have logged almost 100 miles so far - i notice it tends to wag a bit when empty and over 70mph. gotta be careful of that tendancy...
  18. Is it just me or is everyone having this problem? All of a sudden I can't get my font enhancement options to work. When I pull the selection list down they go away before you can make a selection and the highlighted text area un highlights. Very frustrating:bang head: Dang it worked that time what's up with dat. I swear it did not work the last fifteen times I tried it on other threads. I swear it didn't
  19. wow.......i must say Missouri is impressive when it comes to turn around time on taxes.... I always do our taxes and I filed them tuesday night.....i file electronically and do direct deposit..... both returns were approved by mid day wednesday and ...we already got our refund from the state in the bank this morning !!! Federal should be here by the end of next week. Fastest its ever happened. The best news is......we are getting enough back this year from both state and federal to pay off a bunch of stuff..........and cover that dang bill for the van fix:yikes: which will help our finances tremendously!!! all we will have left is the bike payment and the mortgage ( of course) This is all great for us since the economy is so unstable, especially if you are working for an automaker and dealing with layoffs here and there. For once I can honestly say.............THINGS ARE LOOKING UP !!!!
  20. Just noticed this on our home page "recommended links". I am afraid to check that link out!!!! Dang artic blast. Too much computer time on my hands.
  21. Here is what has been occupying my time lately. New pool and now I've been working on the deck. This is better than a diet. I've lost 10lbs since Thursday! Thank goodness for my friend AJ:biker: and my blessed wife:2132:. AJ came and helped Sat. & Sun and my wife helps all the time. She is quite the woman. I've never had her shy away from helping with anything. One question though.........How'd I get so dang lucky!! I've taken the rest of the week off to finish the railing and the lattice around the bottom and then maybe I can relax and ride again. Later. Out to work! Jay
  22. the thing where when you click on some ones name you see all the post that they have been to and with the dates dang i need to get out more Dray
  23. for my birthday, i bought a new toy. i haven't seen one on the market in 30+ years. do any of you remember ".05 spinning tops"? you know , the wooden one, that you wrap the string around, and toss! dang near beat my brains out, trying to re-learn what seemed to come so easy , when i was a kid. lol just jt
  24. I've been having problems with the original head sets ('01) shorting out and not working most of the time, so I replaced them with a couple of "Chatter Box" head sets. Well, here's the problem... the rear set can send but not receive (she can't hear a dang thing I say, but I can hear everything she says!). Consequently, the problem must be in the wiring for the back set. Can a person with little or no (me) mechanical abiltiy replace the back part of the intercom system?
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