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  1. Well, looks as if a new bike is in my future......... All is ok, just bruised up, but just damn................
  2. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/30/14160479-2-killed-1-wounded-in-biker-shooting-at-vfw-lodge-in-florida?lite Damn shame you can not even be safe at a charity event
  3. Damn, I hate letting the dealer work on my bike. I prefer to do my own work. After some great tips here on how to replace my steering bearings, I thought it was a bit much for my knowledge base and tool box, so after a good deal from the dealer (350.00) I took it there. Three days later I go pick it up and WOW! What a difference. On the way home, I notice my modulator is not working, so I figure they moved the sensor under the tank. Upon further examination, the eye is where it should be, so now I figure they must have turned the switch off while it was apart. As I start looking, I grab the passing lamps and they move? They got about a half inch play in them. Go get a wrench to tighten and it's tight as hell, both of them. Sooooooo, I remove both bolts to find that neither one was in correctly, BOTH stripped, deep in the fork frame!!!! Damn damn. Once I split the faring, found indeed they had switched the modulator off and also ther is an electrical connection not plugged in and I have no idea where it goes too? The two holes for the passing lamps are totally stripped and is my supposed to be leaving for a. Two week trip to Fl next Tue. I do hope they take responsibility of it and fix it (just don't know how). I guess drill out the holes and install helicoils. It seems that the two brackets on the inner faring were too low and didn't allow the bolts to go in correctly so the mechanic just forced them. I cannot get them to raise and am afraid to crack the faring. I tried to pry them up a bit, but they hardly budge and it seems to,stress ihe faring. Damn, I'd hate to have to take the cage on vacation................... Just venting. Thanks
  4. Well, damn. Had my tank off so that I could run the GPS wire under it and decided that I had 47k on the bike, figured I'd change plugs. Took out an old one, #2, was an NGK DPR8EIX9 Irridium. Hmmmmmmmmm..... Wonder when these were put in? They looked ok, not really burnt, but what the hey, go to the parts store, they don't have them i stock but can get them by the morning. Kewl, I order. Picked up this morning, read a few posts here, anti-sieze, grease for the caps, man, what a deal! Finish for the night, get out my log to write down al I did and as I am coping the numers, DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plug numbers are different? Does anyone know wha the difference in an; NGK DPR8EIX9 and an NGK DPR7EIX9 is????????????????? I've already got them gapped and installed..................................
  5. Well, we had a couple of close calls with deer this spring, but one finally caught us tonight! We were on our way back from visiting our youngest daughter for her birthday up in Toronto when a doe jumped from behind the pillar of an overpass and landed in the grill of our car (Just 20 KM from home...DAMN!). My wife was quite upset (I wasn't exactly overjoyed either!) but as I told her ... we are OK and we weren't on the bike. I shudder to think what would have happened if we had centre punched that deer with the Venture. Here's what the car looked like. Now to see if they'll fix it and then hope it won't have a hidden problem showing up in a year or so! Damn - we were finally able to buy a decent car when my wife got a long term contract a couple of years ago. Thought we were set for our "retirement" vehicle. HA! No such luck! Oh well, as I said, we're alive and uninjured. We'll settle for that at this point. Andy
  6. we had some storms over the past few days. some heavy wind and rain. there was no trees down where i live. but lots of rain. well today i went out and washed my black pontiac grandprix and waxed it till it looked great. i then cme home and parked it.of course under a over hanging tree. i was going to go out and get some fast food when i saw somethig on the car. yep it was 2 tree branches about 4 feet in leant on the roof and the hood of the car. also the rear quater panel on drivers side was scratched. i called nation wide and i be damn there was a ajuster in the area and he would stop by. seems like im not the only one. he looked over my car and said hey the rear quarter panel has som rust bubbles by the fuel door. and there are some on the roof? and said the insurance company wont cover them? hey there are deep scratches and i left the branches on the car. he said sorry but he,s sure all they will cover is the hood. im so pissed i been with this company for almost 10 years never filed a claim on any of my cars in 25 years. and i got a $500 deductable. damn what luck huh? think i will shop around for another company. this company said they drop a $100 for every year you dont file a claim i say bull poop.. i can get the whole car repainted for $1500. not sure id a 2005 pontiac with 65000 miles on it is worth the paint job but she runs like a top. ok im done with my rant now
  7. While few of you knew Curt (he rode a Honda ST), I wanted to pass along this tragic news. Curt was a fellow LD competitor and a friend. He was one of the guys that picked my Venture off me when I went down on gravel in last year's MN1000 rally. He didn't even take a picture first or laugh at me afterwards (even though it was deserved). Curt Gran died Sunday morning as a result of a motorcycle accident that occurred Saturday night outside Minot, ND. He was participating in the MN1000 Long Distance Rally and ran into a storm cell with high winds. Per the local LEO, the wind appeared to have pushed him into the path of a pickup pulling a horse trailer. Curt was full ATGATT and a very experienced LD rider. He took 5th in the 2011 IBR and several trophies in regional rallies. Curt was also the developer/founder of the Fuzeblock auxiliary fuse block product/company. He married Cindy within the last year. Curt was a great guy and a good friend to be around. He will be missed by all who knew him. Godspeed Curt. He is now sitting at God's Waffle House in the sky, sharing smothered hash browns and a Dr. Pepper with Eddie James. Damn, Damn, Damn, this hurts!!! He was really one of the really good guys. Please include Cindy and the rest of Curt's family and friends in your prayers. RR
  8. Dear Diary, Just moved to Texas! Now this is a state that knows how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy evenings. It is beautiful. I've finally found my home. I love it here. June 14th: Really heating up. Got to 100 today. Not a problem. Live in an air-conditioned home, drive an air-conditioned car. What a pleasure to see the sun everyday like this. I'm turning into a sun worshipper. June 30th: Had the backyard landscaped with western plants today. Lots of cactus and rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing the lawn for me. Another scorcher today, but I love it here. July 10th: The temperature hasn't been below 100 all week. How do people get used to this kind of heat? At least, it's kind of windy though. But getting used to the heat is taking longer than I expected. July 15th: Fell asleep by the community pool. Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body. Missed 3 days of work. What a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson though. Got to respect the ol' sun in a climate like this. July 20th: I missed Lomita (my cat) sneaking into the car when I left this morning. By the time I got to the hot car at noon, Lomita had died and swollen up to the size of a shopping bag, then popped like a water balloon. The car now smells like Kibbles and $hits. I learned my lesson though. No more pets in this heat. Good ol' Mr. Sun strikes again. July 25th: The wind sucks. It feels like a giant freaking blow dryer!! And it's hot as hell. The home air-conditioner is on the fritz and the AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he needed to order parts. July 30th: Been sleeping outside on the patio for 3 nights now, $225,000 house and I can't even go inside. Lomita is the lucky one. Why did I ever come here? Aug. 4th: Its 115 degrees. Finally got the air-conditioner fixed today. It cost $500 and gets the temperature down to 85. I hate this stupid state. Aug. 8th: If another wise ass cracks, 'Hot enough for you today?' I'm going to strangle him. Damn heat. By the time I get to work, the radiator is boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like baked cat!! Aug. 9th: Tried to run some errands after work. Wore shorts, and when I sat on the seats in the car, I thought my ass was on fire. My skin melted to the seat. I lost 2 layers of flesh and all the hair on the back of my legs and ass . . . Now my car smells like burnt hair, fried ass, and baked cat. Aug 10th: The weather report might as well be a damn recording. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. It's been too hot to do •••• for 2 damn months and the weatherman says it might really warm up next week. Doesn't it ever rain in this damn state? Water rationing will be next, so my $1700 worth of cactus will just dry up and blow over. Even the cactus can't live in this damn heat. Aug. 14th: Welcome to HELL! Temperature got to 115 today. Cactus are dead. Forgot to crack the window and blew the damn windshield out of the car. The installer came to fix it and guess what he asked me??? "Hot enough for you today?" My sister had to spend $1,500 to bail me out of jail. Freaking Texas . What kind of a sick demented idiot would want to live here?? Will write later to let you know how the trial goes.
  9. Drove up to Omaha today to go helmet shopping. Didn't find a helmet but did get to look at what the dealer had for Ventures. I was glad we looked. We paid 10,900 for the 2008 with under 1100 miles one it. They had a 2007 with 24k for 13,699!?!?! Two others for around the same price. I think we got a pretty damn good deal! They also had a 2011...damn that was a bright and pretty blue! I like the Venture a lot but damn if I wouldn't have taken the 2011 Vmax home in a heartbeat. Frank
  10. Went out to install a center stand on the '99 this morning. I'd been making headway when I decided to get back up from laying on the floor wrenchin' to get another tool. Instead of grabbing the work stool for support, I figured I could stand on my own.. Nope!! Ended up flat on my face and blood all over the place. Wife came out and thought I was dead... I may have been out for a few secs... I donno?? But I finaly said something and she said 'Oh Damn!'. Now I'm not sure if it was because she was greatfull I was alive... or disppointed?? Anyway 2 skinned up knees, and one big time skinned up forehead. I quit for the day...
  11. Being from Louisiana, we use some surpurlatives here that some people don't use and if I at some time during the year have offenced anyone or made anyone lost their relax, dat was not my intention and I apologize from the bottom of my heart.................don't that sound good, really, I don't give a damn.......... Happy New Year....... I love you guys. This was a quote from the late great Justin Wilson at a ducks unlimited banquet that he spoke at. I sure do miss him........
  12. Hi friends has anyone changed the driver and passenger seats on a RSTD to the RSV seats? Snowing like hell here by the way; yesterday it was 76 degrees out. Damn maybe this weekend I can get out my 09 RSTD. Wyoming Tom
  13. Major kudos to Garmin! In Oct. bought a refurb. Garmin Streetpilot 2720 off the web. Had one year factory warranty. Been using it off and on in the cage. Friday after work, I decided to mount the GPS it permantly and hardwire it in. (Bought mount and used directions I got from the good folks here!) Long story short, after finishing it all, hooked it up only to find out the power connector on the back of the unit broke. Damn, only two weeks to Bike Week. Friday I called and they're tech support was only open to 6pm EDT. Damn Damn! Sent an e-mail, hoping to hear back by Monday. By Friday night at 9p, I recieved a return e-mail about a return authorization! Mailed it Sat. morning, Garmin got it Monday Morning, and got it back today!!!They didn't repair it, just replaced the WHOLE unit. Even copied the data from mine to the new unit! Itd soo nice to do business with a company that does its best to please its customers! Hoping if anyone is on the fence about buying one, I would wholeheartily recommend Garmin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. are these jets supposed to screw all the way out of the carbs? mine will turn just a hair past 2 complete revolutions, from a "soft seat", and that is ALL. still trying to make this damn thing IDLE!!! anyone who can help, please JUMP in! just jt:bang head:
  15. Hi all . I can't find a post I made ,it was askin for help with my air suspention control,, Is there some place I can enter the KEY words and find a post ,,, Damn I was just lookin at it ta day ???? now can't find it .. thanks ED:detective:
  16. I'm in the trucking business and have been in quite a few states this last few weeks and have watched the warm weather bring out our fellow riders! BUT, has the rules changed over the winter and I didn't get the memo? More and more groups of two or more have the lead bike on the right hand side of the lane (right). I ask someone on the radio and got one of those moronic responses, "I'll ride any damn way I want too". I'm thinking he just wishes he could ride and if he ever gets to he wants to be a Hells Angel and be rebellious. But, seriously, has anyone else noticed this?
  17. Well, I rode a Vision on my trip to Death Valley last weekend and was pretty impressed with the bike overall. Has plenty of smooth power, very, very comfortable. I don't believe that I've ever sat on a more comfortable bike. The ergos were perfect for me (6'1", 230 lbs.). What's truly unique about this bike is that the damn thing fits almost anyone because of the handle bar pull back, low seat height, and extra long floor boards. One of my buddies is 5'8" and had no problem handling this huge bike. I say huge, cause it's damn near as long as the U.S.S. Missouri and weighs 890 lbs. wet. It kinda freaks you out at first cause the windshield is so far out in front of you, and couple that with the fixed fairing, and it takes some getting use to. I was doing almost 75 when I dropped down into 6th gear and it felt like it wasn't even needed. It's a very stable bike in that it handles cross winds, sweepers, and twisties extremely well. The adjustable windshield (electric) makes a huge difference for the passenger when in the highest position. The model we had had everything except the navigation system (heated grips, seats, etc, very nice). Sound of the stereo was excellent. Plug-ins in's galor for your MP3 player and IPOD. Saddlebags are lacking somewhat in space, but the trunk is a good size. We met a writer (Clement Salvadori) from "Rider Magazine" on the trip who was doing a review and of the Vision (he was riding his Vision with a group of BMW sport touring riders) for the magazine at a restaraunt in the park and he sat down with us and picked our brains about our impressions of the bike. I'm gonna get the next issue to see if he plagerized any of us. :lol: The bike drew crowds everywhere we went. It's a great machine and I would recommend it to anyone seeking a serious touring bike. (By the way, I had my Midnight RSV parked right next to it and got just as many compliments as the Vision. People were fascinated by the Vision, but also appreciated the "old school" look of the RSV. A lot of people just couldn't handle the futuristic look of the Vision.)
  18. Ok....my Vulcan sold on Friday! WOO HOOOOO! I went to the bike shop on Saturday....they already had my 2008 RSTD assembled for me to look at! Got to fire it up and sit on it......not overly exciting for some, but damn exhilerating for me! Going back to pick it up in 2 weeks! Damn family trip to Alasha for a week getting in the way of getting the bike! Oh well. Thanks for allowing me to share!
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