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  1. Hi everyone I am looking for a right side front crash bar that the highway peg mounts onto . my bike is a 2004 yamaha midnight venture . I looked on ebay but could not find one . I hit a mean bump and me and the bike took on some road rash . the crash bar took the blont of the damage . Barry:
  2. Going to visit my Grandkids in Illinois for Thanksgiving and I am considering renting a luxury Car or Minivan to make the 12 hour each way trip a little more comfortable (would ride but my daughter and her boyfriend are going too). I have never rented a car for pleasure so I have never had to deal with all the diffrent add ons. I have heard that my insurance will cover some damage and that credit cards will cover some items but I am not sure guess I should give them a call. The other thing is which rental companies do not charge per mile if you leave the area. Enterprise charges $.25 a mile if you are going further than the adjoining states. Any advice/tips are appriciated.
  3. Well I guess when you ask for "Full Coverage" with progressive, that doesn't mean collision. I am out of luck on the bike, It can be saved, but at least $3000 in damage I think.
  4. At a sloped blind intersection where oncoming cars are allowed right turn without stopping (or signaling in most cases). As I started out it looked like the oncoming car was coming through. I stopped and put my foot down, but nothing was there. I dropped the bike, and made my donation to the site. Here's a picture after the touch up. I must say this bike was tougher than expected. 750 pounds ~ and very little damage. The scuff on the crash bars cleaned up with steel wool and wd40. A little touch up paint on the fairing and I feel lucky. Lesson: always know where the high side is. Don't mind the reflections. Damage is front and center on the ridge. http://db.tt/jixV46Xw
  5. Looks like he got T-boned by a Buick. I sure hope he didn't lose his leg or his life. Some good pics of the damage. I don't think there is more than a handful of salvageable parts. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1987-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-1300cc-/221114114187?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item337b6da08b
  6. Can anyone tell me what type of pump you use to pump up the forks? I don't want to damage anything. Thanks. (05 Midnight Venture.)
  7. Last Friday my friend Terry went down. No one knows how or why yet. It appears that a very experienced long term rider simply veered off the road and crashed hard. (we do live in serious deer territory) He has a broken leg and collar bone as well as a ruptured spleen and serious kidney damage. He is being kept in a medically induced coma for now. Please folks, be safe out there. As was so rightly pointed out, prayers are better.
  8. Yesterday evening, my 20 year old grandson, Lil Venturous" son, lost it on his CBR600 and went down. He was going over a rise that sweeps to the right and I suspect he was going too fast and as he crested the hill and when he touched the rear brake, it locked up. He went off the left side of the road, went over a barbed wire fence, bending or breaking four metal poles, dropped about 6 to 8 feet and hit a telephone pole. He was left laying beside the telephone pole and the bike went farther down the bank. The fortunate thing was he was able to call his dad, who was at my house and we took off to find him as Brian called 911 and gave them directions. When we got there, his sister, who lives within a mile was already there. Within minutes we had the fire department, a crash truck, EMS, a city policeman that was on his way to work and then a State Trooper. If he had not been able to call, I don't know if he would have been found. You could not see him or the bike from the road unless you stopped and got out of the car and looked over the bank. He also could not move as he had a compound fracture on his right leg with the femur sticking out about half way between his knee and hip. He is now out of surgery and also has a torn muscle and skin damage. Fortunately, he had on a good mesh jacket with armor pads, heavy boots, heavy work pants and a full face helmet. He will be in ICU tonight and in a couple of days he will have more surgery to see how much muscle damage there is. I have some pictures that I will try to post that were taken after the fact. RandyA
  9. I am in need of the lower center reflector for our 1986 Royale. Unfortunately momma learned how to stop our riding lawnmower by using the rear of the bike! Could have been worse. The trailer hitch protected protected everything but the reflector. And my radial arm saw supported the bike so it didn't drop to the floor. Small left fairing scratch with no cracks or damage. Just the reflector. Momma feels worse than I do about the damage. Would love to get the bike fixed quickly and make her feel better. JB
  10. hi all. is it ok to use battery tender jr on my 08 rsv? the owner man. says don't use a conventional charger as it could damage the battery. I like to use the battery mounted pigtail so you don't have to remove the seat to maintain batt. thanks
  11. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 35 years ago and quite honestly did a poor job of controlling it. I took the pills prescribed, but my eating habits were terrible and was about 80 pounds overweight. I eventually ended up on insulin, but that did not help as my A1C numbers were from high 9's to about 11. When it became obvious that I was going to be dealing with a divorce after a 41 year marriage, I started getting serious about myself. I ended up loosing about 50 pounds and went off insulin and my last two A1C numbers were 6.7 and 6.4 which are very good. But, the problem with diabetes and poor control of it is damage done over the years just don't go away whenever you decide to do better. So, I am sitting here right now trying to type with one eye and hoping I will get some good vision out of the eye when it heals up. The hemorrhage I had was as bad or worse than any of the examples shown on the website about these things. About two years ago I was really happy with the results from my cataract surgery. Now I am being told that I have a lot of damage in both eyes and it will get worse. The reason I am writing this is I know I am not the only one in this bunch with type 2 diabetes and I hope some of you will start taking diabetes a lot more serious than I did, so maybe you can keep some of the damage to a minimum. It is a beautiful day outside and to be almost 80 degrees and I would love to be going for a ride. RandyA
  12. On Friday night i got a knock on my door about 1030 pm and its my neighbour asking me if I knew that my bike was tipped over against another neighbours truck. Of course the answer is NO, so I go have a look and I see my scoot tipped over the right side and the windshield is against the truck, the bike is flat on the ground with both wheels totally off the ground. I cant even get close to it to lift her up as the bike is right tight against the truck. I got get my neighbour and ask him to move his truck and we try not to damage anything any farther. I think I got lucky and the clearview windshield caught his tire first slowing the bike falling and the bike didnt actually contact any paint on the truck. I lifted the bike when the truck was moved and stood her up and have a look for damage, i have a couple of spots on the crash bars the size of quarters , a bit of rubbing on the fairing and the hiway peg, a broken but still useable brake lever, and a lot of scratches on the windshield from the truck wheel and tire. And yes, the backside of the crashbar did make a mark in the water pump pipe but it seems to be ok also. On Sat morning I buffed the windshield using Plexus and a soft cloth and kept at it for about 20 minutes, and the scatches almost have vanished, i was sure i was going to have to replace that shield because it was bent so far and scratched so badly. I am impressed with how durable that Clearview windshield is and how clear i got it with just a bit of buffing by hand. I am also real impressed with how well the G1's are built as I really dont have much in the way of real damage!! I would love to catch the guys that thought the city-fied version of cow tipping would be fun, to give the new boots I just bought a work out on their butts! Brian
  13. Chime in here Bob if you have anything to correct or add So Bob and I have a difference in opinion as to what damage someone can do to you personally in regards to identity theft when someone has information from your driver's license like name, address, DL#, & dob. I agreed with Bob in that with my they can't get money out from our bank account, but I think they can do other forms of damage like take out loans, credit cards, etc...Lender says you owe money because you took out this, that and the other. You say I didn't do those things. They say prove it. Not sure if/how you could prove you didn't. Thoughts?
  14. New here, will add more photos when he stops riding it long enough to take more pictures! http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5261/5634591907_648b2b0173.jpg Not perfect, but 43K miles and runs perfect. Already laid it down gently in the driveway this morning and he was able to pick it up easy, no damage. It's got some scrapes already so he didn't feel like a moron. Glad I wasn't there to laugh at him, LOL!!!! Ginny in Denver-ish More photos: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5190/5641034056_4075372106.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5641031072_49a7e139a7.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5640464425_6fb5cf8cb2.jpg
  15. Does anyone have experience or thoughts with removing heavy smoke damage from a motorcycle? Thanks in advance.
  16. This is one of the strangest things I've seen happen to a headlamp. It's on the Harley, not the RSV. We left the house on both bikes at 3ish on Saturday with no damage (I know this because I personally cleaned the windshield and lights on both bikes before we took off), and came home at 7ish to find that this had happened. No signs of a rock hit or any other kind of impact at all from anything, and no real change in temperature extremes. It's actually a really beautiful spider web looking pattern, and it's cracked completely through the full depth of the glass. The only thing I can imagine is that it's a stress fracture that's been building since we had the new lights installed at the dealership over 2 years ago. Just thought I'd post this since it's such a pretty picture of the damage!
  17. While wandering thru websites looking stuff today I stumbled on a nice looking RSTD with some road rash on it. Its a write off from insurance but if someone could buy it cheap enough it might be worth while. I know the side bag and the tank damage is pricey to buy new, but a guy might be able to find used. Does anyone know If this one of our members old machines? http://www.crankyape.com/default.asp?pg=DispSingleItem&ItemNumber=24503 Brian
  18. MrsSquid and I were on the last day of a 12 day vacation to the north shore of Lake Superior when I ran into a ditch just after a hairpin turn, on the INSIDE of the corner..... We were having a great time. We met up with a shipmate of mine who lives in western Minnesota riding around, seeing the sights. I blame my self as it only took a few seconds of inattention to ride into a ditch. Progressive told me the bike is worth $12,400 and it suffered enough damage to be totaled..... I am perplexed as I did not think the bike was worth that much or that it took that much damage. I looked at the online pricing sites Nada lists a high retail as $11,085 and KBB lists $10,795 (BTW, the midnight venture has a high price on NADA of $12,050) I will try to get some photos of it as it is at the local multi-brand dealership...... Live and learn. Physically we are OK, but MrsSquid got some nasty 2nd degree road rash on her left arm. I got 1st degree road rash, a bruise on my chest where I broke the windshield and a really sore and bruised thigh where the clutch handle pressed against me. Neither of us have broken bones and MrsSquid is VERY thankful for wearing an armored textile jacket as it saved her shoulder. Both of us were wearing helmets so they took the damage. We are so thankful to GOD that we were not hurt worse!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I need to go motorcycle shopping.......
  19. Hoping you were going to be able to give us an update on your dealings with Earl. So far, it looks like most of the damage was on the Outter Banks. RandyA
  20. Well, I found out today that blue Loctite eats paint, and eats plastic. I loctited the bolts on my windshield, to keep them from coming loose. I didn't think I used very much. I put everything back together, and came inside for a few hours. I just went outside, and see the damage is done. It runs all of the way down my lower. If I try to wipe it off, it just takes the paint off. The clear deflector is etched now, and will have to be replaced. I will probably wait until winter, and then have the lowers painted, and paint the deflectors to match. It just pi$$es me off, is all. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/Damage001.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/Damage002.jpg
  21. I just found out today one of my co-workers went down on his V-Rod when he hit some loose gravel and sand on the road, sent him off the side of the road and bike fell over on him trapping him under the bike, a couple of passer by stopped and helped him out from under the bike. He has some rash and a broken collar bone, this guy usually wears ATGATT, but it was so hot out he decided not to, might have fared a little better if he had. Damage to the bike was mostly cosmetic. Lets be careful out there and just because its hot out its no excuse to ride unprotected...........accidents are gonna happen but we can lessen the damage to ourselves if we wear ATGATT!!!!
  22. I went down yesterday after going through a construction zone with a lot of crushed stone. I'm ok but my leathers got some road rash as well as 1 boot. I was on a secondary paved hi way that they were replacing alot of culverts. In the section where they removed the asphalt they filled it in and then put 10-12" of loose crushed stone. I went across one section doing maybe 50km's (30mph) and felt the rear of the bike go a bit so I slowed down for the next one....next thing I knew I was slidng across the ground and the bike was heading for a ditch. It stopped before going over the bank. It went down on the left side and then it flipped to the right. Not a whole lot of damage other than cosmetic from what I can tell so far. My right lower cowling is trashed and the crash bar it self is bent. I had a set of the crash bar supports on and kinda think that saved me from getting more damage (it did break but I think it can be rewelded if its not bent). My handle bar ends didn't touch the ground or the mirrors either. So I'm kinda thinking slowing down wasn't such a good idea? I do have a rub mark on my fairing.....has anyone have one sanded and painted before? My thoughts on the crash bar supports......I think they saved me from having alot more damage...and my V/R gremlin bell of course! I didn't realize I went down on my left side at all because I saw no damage but was puzzled why my left boot and chaps were scuffed. It was only on the way home when we stopped to check the tie down straps on the trailer that my friend noticed the left front bar was worn down a nice bit. It was then I was able to put it all together.....it happened so fast I wasn't really sure what had happened. So I went down on the left and it flipped over to the right all in about 30 ft. To add some humor to it I called my sweetie and said " I just went down on my bike" she replied " did you do much damage to the bike!"....I immediately asked..."what about me" She just assumed I dropped it! So now its panic time......was planning to go on a 10 day trip the end of this month.....I hope Yamaha has the parts. If anyone has triked and have some rear crash bars available I may be interested. Be careful out there!! Keith
  23. Went to change the lube in the rear end and started with the wrong part. I twisted off the cap on top of the rear end thinking it was the filler. It wasn't. What is it? How much damage have I done?
  24. I just finished my restore project on my 86 Venture yesterday {pics to follow} took it for a ride last night, big grin on my face.... happy camper So this morning at 4:45 AM I am getting on the bike to ride to work, trip on the backrest and tip the bike over ... WTF! no damage, just rested on the guards but it sure is heavy to pick up! Does this mean I owe $5 to the fund, or is this a "gimme"? Cheers, Gary
  25. Had the most amazing thunder and hail storm here in Perth, Western Australia. 203million in damage to cars and homes. Hail stones as big as golf balls on the north side of town, where the storm hit worst. Some of the damage to cars was unbelievable!! We had no power for a few days, and my daughters' was out for longer.:doh:Part of our national park in town slid down into apartments at the base! They say it was the worst for over 50 years.....hope that we don't get any more.
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