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  1. Thought some would find this amazing. At about 2:45 into the video the sound you hear is just the starter for the engine
  2. On my old honda one of the many things I did when winterizing was I always fogged the cylinders and plugs with fogging oil before putting it away for winter. I'd also sprits the top of the plugs with a little WD-40 to keep them from getting any nasty buildup. Come summer I never had a start up problem. She would just fire right up. I've done some searching on the forum and see lot of talk about draining the carbs or putting in staybli/seafoam and not draining the carbs but no mention of fogging the cylinders. I don't want to start another "to drain or not to drain" debate, so let's stay away from that topic. Question is do you fog your cylinders or Is this not something that needs to be done on the RSTD? Thanks
  3. I ordered and received a Carbtune and Colortune this week. I was very impressed with the personal service used on my order. I have no problems with setting up and using the Carbtune. However, I haven't figured out how to install and read the front two cylinders with the Colortune. I have managed to get the plug in and hook up the lead, but I can't get a visual on the glass to see the flame color. The adapter with the mirror is too long to set up without removing the tank. Is there a trick that I haven't figured out yet? I just want to know what method everyone else is using.
  4. Being that I do not think I'll be able to find a set of those nice highly polished cylinder side covers that were on the rear set of cylinders on my 91 VR (Took them off my 89 Front Cylinders). Is there any one with the skill and equipment be willing to provide an insurance estimate for me. Thank You
  5. Found a time saver here is a list of most bikes handlebar sizes in one place... Comes in handy if you want to replace master cylinders or even the handlebars from one bike to another. Has all the measures distances including pullback, rise and such.
  6. OK The brakes are blead and now feel fine. I just took the second test ride and it is now back firing just a little bit on the # 3 and 4 cylinders when de- accelerating any hints on this new problem?
  7. This is probably a dumb question. I think there is something wrong with my fuel injectors. Can a person roll this type of vehicle down hill and pop the clutch and get the cylinders to pump/suck fuel to start. If so then will the car stay running until shut off.
  8. Linking the Vacuum Ports Taken from various posts on the VentureNet Forum http://www.venturers.org/NextGenTech/2ndGen/images/ais_tee.jpg This is a simple and near zero cost modification that improves low end throttle response and is claimed to increase gas mileage. (yet to be verified) The only drawback is that it causes a slightly irregular idle. Step 1 - Remove the rubber plugs from the vacuum ports of cylinders 2 and 4 and the AIS hoses from cylinders 1 and 3. Step 2 - If you have already disabled the AIS by plugging the hoses going to the exhaust ports, then the small rubber hoses attached to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 3 can be left disconnected. For protection, they should be plugged. (a spent .22 shell fits very nicely) Step 3 - If you plugged the hoses in step 2, then connect a piece of 3/16" fuel line between the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Connect another piece of line between cylinders 3 and 4. Skip to step 5. Step 4 - To leave the AIS vacuum control enabled, connect the control hose to a small T fitting with the other 2 ports of the fitting to the vacuum ports of cylinders 1 and 2. Repeat for the other side. (A suitably sized brass T is available from aquarium supply stores.) Step 5 - Ride your bike and enjoy the increased performance and mileage!
  9. I'm trying to get my bike going its been sitting for a long time, I've had a long running issue with the starting system its never been dependable so I pretty much gave up on it. Well another thread on another members starter switch problems got me looking at mine and long story short I jerry rigged it up so it now will dependably crank with no problems, its still not %100 correct but it works. So now I'm trying to get it running, I had a heck of a time at first, needed to clean the carbs out some ether & its running, not good but it ran. I could tell it wasn't running on all cylinders but I thought it was just dirty fuel system so I let it run and run seafoam, carb cleaner the works. After a while I could tell it was more than the fuel system. I pulled the plugs and only 1 cylinder look right, nice & dry with just a touch of brown on the ceramic.The rest were wet and covered in black suit. I check them for spark & no surprise only the 1 cylinder had a good spark, the rest nothing. I tried WD & checking the connections and got 2 of the cylinders showed a weak spark and the 4th didn't have enough spark to jump the gap on the plug just spark at the ground a little. I'm not real familiar with this type of ignition system so I was hoping some one here might have some suggestions. Sorry this dragged out so long. Thanks Pete
  10. I ride an '07 RSTD - i was cleaning the bike today - had seat and both side covers off - i was using a mild cleaning solution in a spray bottle, chased with another spray bottle of clean water - i spritzed both side, cleaned and blew excess water away - i also sprayed behind the rear jugs and blew water away....well you may have guessed that when i went to start it, the bike is running one two cylinders - the right rear pipes are definitely hot and the front two pipes are cold. i followed the plugs wires on rear jugs to the coils, which is where i sprayed a fair amount of cleaner and water but those cylinders are firing. i can't locate the coils for the front cylinders (even looked in service manual). i have not done any real troubleshooting yet but hoped someone may have experienced the same issue and might save me needless time - any suggestions are appreciated.
  11. I have had an ongoing problem with my 84 VR. On start-up, it continually smokes black, and then when riding/cruising, keep getting small snaps from the breather box. From what I have seen, it backs up on two cylinders. Anyway, today I took my laser temp gun and checked all outlets to make sure I was getting a good reading. They all showed between 72 and 78 F. Started the bike up, and let it get warm. Just at idle, the two front cylinders were showing 180 - 190 F, and the two back ones were 84 -85 F. Does anyone have any good / bright ideas?
  12. I have a 2005 RSTD with Khromewerks exhaust, K&M air filters, and no other modifications. Over the past week or so I have had the following problem: When the bike sits overnight or cools down for several hours it starts but only runs on 3 cylinders until I rev the engine a few times then I can actually hear a change in the pitch of the exhaust and the other cylinder fires up. I have installed new plugs (rear only) yesterday and it still have the problem. I'm pretty sure it's getting gas because if I let it idle I can smell gas. I know its only running on 3 cylinders because I do the "touch test" on the headers. The cylinder affected is (as your sitting on the bike) the back right cylinder. After I rev the motor a few times the header gets hot like the others. It runs normally the rest of the time, it's only when it cools off that I have the issue. Using the choke doesn't really make a difference.
  13. Hi guys, I just purchased a 2009 Venture with only 1480 miles on it. It ran fine when I bought it but now the rear two cylinders do not seem to be getting any gas. I checked for spark and it has lots of spark. Compression seems good. I changed the spark plugs, checked all of my fuses. The bike fires up no problem, I let it run for about 15 mins but only the front cylinders get hot, the backs are cold. Any ideas? I purchased the bike on ebay from a dealer, not a yamaha dealer, in the States and shipped it to Canada so, I do not have a warranty. Before I take it to the dealer here and then have to see a proctologist, I wanted to get some ideas. Brian
  14. OK, I was riding to work today, and I noticed what looked like an RSTD at the light waiting to cross in front of me. As he went by, it looked like he had a billett cover between his cylinders kinda like the Roadstar has for the air cleaner. I may have been mistaken but since he had a 2 in 1 exhaust on the one side and I thought I saw another from the back that would indicate 4 cylinders. It looked awsome and covered up the dead space taken up by carbs inside. Any ideas or am I looking at a Roadstar. Nothing in the yamaha catalog on it
  15. I'm working with a local custom exhaust shop on a collector replacement. It will be two pieces, one for the front/rear left cylinder banks, and another for F/R right cylinders. The original collector acts as a crossover for all cylinders, would my system cause any tuning issues? I will post info and pics as we progress. Thanks, Briley.
  16. on cylinder 1&2 they just get warm also the exhaust just gets warm not hot like 3&4 cylinder i have gas and spark to all cylinders compression pressure on all 4 cylinders is 165 psi is this right or should all 4 cylinder get hot on 1&2 cylinder i can touch the motor and exhaust right off cylinders just warm ever after a 30min run time does not get hot like 3&4
  17. OK, its me again with MORE questions. This time as I basically reading the repair manual from front to back I notice that the RSTD and I assume the Venture show different size main jets for each cylinder. Main jet (M.J) #1, #122.5 #2 #122.5 #3: #117.5 #4: #120 Why is this. I know on my wife's HD Fatboy the front cylinder gets different spark plugs from the rear due to the difference in the heat range of the cylinders as the front will run cooler due to getting colder air as you ride, the back gets the warm air from the front cylinder. But this is a water cooled engine, soooo all the cylinders should be within a few degrees of each other. It uses the same spark plug front and rear why not the same jets? Just doesn't make sense to me, can anyone explain? Tom
  18. Well, I thought I'd like my 86 lst Edition louder so I installed a brand new set of Macs, heck they could be Jardines for all I know as they look exactly alike and boy did I have a hard time finding them. But after riding it for a few months and about 1000 miles, I couldn't wait to get the thing quieted down to stock noise levels again but I had to wait for a set of the double down turn extensions. Finally obtained those from another member here so I could reinstall the stock mufflers. She is back to being quiet. If I want noisy, I can always take my Ultra out for a spin and I really don't mind a loud sounding Harley; two cylinders of 750 cc each sure do sound differently that four cylinders of 325 each. Maybe someone here will want these Macs, don't know in this economy. I will be posting them in the Classifieds here real soon. Silence is golden.
  19. I believe my carbs are about to get cleaned up using the Seafoam and technical advice from Goose and some of you other techs. At least they're running smoother but the bike still revs between shifts. Another strange thing (to me) is the difference in the temp between the cylinders. Cylinders 1, 2, &4 run about 250 deg but #3 is about 400 deg.as checked with my handi dandi IR thermo gun. What temps should they run and will it hurt #3 to run 400+?? Will appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
  20. Ideas needed. I pulled my plugs out to check them. Number 2,3,and 4 were wet. Running down the road at lower rpm's it sounds like it was flooding. I have richened out the carps. Could it just be to rich on those cylinders. The pipes are all hot so it is firing on all four. When I turn the throutle it runs fine at higher rpm's. Do I just need to lean out those 3.?????????????????????? Thanks Richard
  21. well guys my names Bob im new to the forums im and new owner of a 1986 Venture i picked up for 800 dollars its in really nice shape and it ran well for 1 day lol talk about a let down so heres how it started i started it and it was running way rich and when i went to pull out it kept stalling so i checked spark and im not getting spark to the rear 2 cylinders ive seen alot on here about the TCI box and how there at fault for most spark issues and im wondering if its the same problem for me if i know people move them to the top of the airbox but i dont even know where to find the TCI box to move it up and maybe hope that all it needs is to dry out any help would be great thanks all
  22. I just had my carb redone and i still am having a problem.when I drive below 4500rpm i am only on 2 cylinders. as soon as i reach 4500rpm I take off in all cylinders. does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this. I have a 1985 royale. Thanks chefjim
  23. I have one of the drain hoses on my 86 that fell off. Drain is just leaking down between cylinders. Any trick to hook that thing back up without pulling carbs??
  24. Ok guys, the new cams are installed and the engine is back in the frame. I connected the battery and cranked it over. The front cylinders are firing, the back cylinders are not. The back cylinders are spitting out of the carbs. I checked and found no compression on those cylinders. I removed the valve covers and rechecked the cam timing. It looks right with T1 = back cams aligned and T2 @ 430 degrees counter-clockwise and front cams aligned. Any ideas as to why the back cylinders are not firing?
  25. My 08 RSV feels and sounds like its only hitten on two cylinders. It won't even run in 5th gear without bogging down and I have to shift back into 4th. And then it will barely hit 50 MPH. I changed out the plugs, but I think it just made it worse. I may have some bad gas. I'm going to get some Sea Foam and try running it with that in it for a while. Any easy way to figure out which cylinders are not firing? Any ideas why it would quit firing on two cylinders? Thanks, Glenn
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