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  1. i'm sitting here with tears in my eyes writing this. i just talked to la on the phone, and he is'nt doing to well. i know he will be mad at me for posting this but i think all his friends should know. he has'nt been on the site since last december cuz he does'nt want folks to feel sorry for him. he said he does'nt go much farther than the grocery store any more. it's hard for me to picture the ambassador not out on the road heading to visit with one of us. i don't know if he gets on the computer anymore at all. but his phone number is on the members list. he is a true friend and i really miss riding with him and his drop in visits. i just wanted everyone to know his situation even if he does'nt. he sounded really depressed cuz he can't do the things he really loves anymore. maybe some of us can cheer him up a little. bill
  2. I almost got my first deer of the season this morning. I was on my way to work heading down the highway, and there was a car stopped at the stop sign waiting for me and a few cars behind me to go by. As I was approaching the intersection the car starts beeping it horn like crazy. Of course when you are approaching an intersection and someone is beeping at you you are looking at them to figure out just what the problem is. That took my attention away from my normal scan and that is when 3 deer in single file showed up. They came running out into the road right in front of me from behind a bush and out of the rising sun, that was next to the cage at the intersection. With a good strong pucker, my brakes and dual Bad Boys all got a good workout. Those deer did not want anything to do with whatever was screaming at them and it was a$$holes and elbows as they scrambled to get out of my way. Then I had to get hard on the gas cuz the cage behind me was getting way to close way to fast. Had I come to a complete stop I don't think the cage could have stopped behind me. I did use some advise that I read somewhere that if it is a moving deer, to aim for the deer, cuz it will be somewhere else by the time you get there. It worked this time. After playing this back in my mind, and getting my own underwear extricated out of my backside where the pucker factor had sucked it up, watching those deer scramble on the pavement was pretty funny. My adrenalin is still way up there. If I had been in the truck I would have gotten at least one of them and been having fresh venison tenderloins for dinner tonight. Its always GMC deer season. I hate it when I have the wrong weapon for the job at hand.....
  3. i heard a horn beep in my driveway, and looked out and saw this white haired guy in a cool sports car. i thought it was a salesman of some sort. it was my good buddy la pryor. he drove all the way from springfield to visit. he looked great and was his same old wildhair. we had a few beers and chatted for several hours. he is planning on attending don's md and eureka springs. he will be caging it cuz he said he's not ready to ride just yet. he said he hasn't been on the site to much cuz he is down in the dumps not being able to travel and see all his friends. it was great to see him and made my day. :clap2:
  4. living here in frozen Arctic circle of Iowa (yeah, it's 32 below 0 ...again).... I start to suffer from brain freeze. It's a terrible disease and happens every year around the end of Feb. It's dark at 5:00, cold, blizzardy, windy, etc, etc. Honest to gosh.....everyone walks around here in a daze for months on end. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, tired all the time, it's miserable. Please don't tell me to move cuz all the family lives within 20 minutes and I would miss them to much. So..............anyway, just wanted to thank you for helping me keep my sense of humor. No computer at home, so the only time I can jump on is during work. Everyday, someone posts something so funny, I end up spitting my coffee out while I'm reading a post. I start laughing so hard, my co worker think I've lost my marbles. All I do is talk, eat, and sleep motorcycles. (I'm sure people where we live think we're nuts) I just really appreciate having this forum so even if the hubby and I can't ride for 6 months out of the year, it helps just to talk about it. So thanks for helping me keep my sanity!
  5. Ya well, Dis iss da official reeport on da first of 2010's gittogedders in Minnesoda.... First, we's all runnin late ta git to dat Chico's Mesican restrant cuz #1 dat Owl'e coult git lost inna hallway,,,,,,after be'in tolt "turn left" an go 5 miles to Renne's,,,,,well,,,,I tink maybe he's lucky to ust drive in da daytime ya'know..........an dat Bubber too.....I spose he musta fergot Lu'wassername and had ta go back en' git her.................annahow,,,we cut trail to dat Chico's ta find Lee & Aeleen from so far south Minnesoda dey had tans! Grandpagak & Ms. Gak was starv'in wait'in fer us,,,,some Mn nice huh? Me and Cookie tink'in we's inna a Mesican place...order Mesican ya? Owl'e orders hamberg steak a french fries wit gravy!!!! Imagin dat! He's so lost he tink he's in Canada! Sheesch! Ok we's ust hav'n on good laugh an another fer about maybe a hour and da door bust open and here comes dat Brandy........well,,,we didn't say no'tin cuz she came all da vay from Fargo,,,an iss "fargo" to Chico's an "fargo" to home,,(das funny ya?) and besides she drives truck like Lina and nobody to poke a stick at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annahow,,,we's took lotza pixures soon's we figured out how to run Owl'e's new camera...told a bunc'ha fibbs drank and burped some. Den we made plans for da P.I.P. and a new ting,,,,a chili cookoff!!!! (Owl'e tinks he knows chili,,,ya right,,,,I tink NOT after see'in him order ff& gravy inna Mesican place!) Ok so den da waitress say's we's gotta go,,,,I tink it was Bubber's fault cuz he was gitt'in outt hand an carry'in on about somting "CPO"......Brandy said she thought it was somting about "Star Wars" childhood flashback,,,,,,,,I dunno.. Oh well,,,we's all had a goot time I tink,,,we didn't you's dat didn't come but you cudda! Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dos BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNSSSS)!
  6. Howdy howdy one and all. I'm back on-line once again. Boomer....who sez hide yer booze and lock up yer wimmen cuz de Big Dog is back in town.
  7. Cuz I looked at my odometer and it ready 66666:scared:
  8. Well, my summer officially starts Sunday night at 6:00. After 3 months of hard, manual, labor we finally have the place spruced up for our big weekend. (Folk's 50th anniversary party at our place and haven't done anything to the farm the last 5 years, cuz we've been to "busy" riding) So.....I'm thinking I derserve to treat myself. I want some chrome, but I'm too tired to come up with any idea's. What do I need to spruce her up a little? Got any idea's?
  9. going back to highspeed. signed up today. had it twice. first time it was cable. they were screwing me to the wall. then i had dsl. worked great for 2 weeks and went caput, and could get no one from at&t to help me so i went back to dial up. well went back to at&t with wireless cuz i want to get a good laptop. i will be on highspeed as of april 3rd. yipee. :clap2: now i can harass people 50 times as fast. :rotf:
  10. Mine finally gave out on me yesterday after completing a Patriot Guard mission. Locked up so bad I could not even start the bike. My local Dealer picked her up within 30 minutes of my call to him. New switch was already on Order by the time she came off the trailer at the Shop and the new switch from Yammi should be in within 3-4 days. Can't ride this coming week anyhow cuz of our lousy weather of snow/sleet/ice.
  11. well i have really tried to pick this scoot to pieces. only two complaints, biggest is i need more time to ride it, and rough front suspension. i plan on fixing those two. it is the ultimate do it all road bike bar none. i tried to hate it, just won't happen. not prejudist cuz i own one, just can't lie about it. honda did good. i picked at it and it just keeps fighting me back and doing everything absolutly perfect, so i guess i have to throw in the towel and love it. what a machine. let the bashing begin. bill
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