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  1. “Fiscal Cliff” put in a clear perspective which explains why so many of our American colleagues are dead against tax increases of any kind. Lesson # 1 * U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000 * Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000 * New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 * National debt: $14,271,000,000,000 * Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000 Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget: * Annual family income: $21,700 * Money the family spent: $38,200 * New debt on the credit card: $16,500 * Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710 * Total budget cuts so far: $38.50 Have you got it???? OK now, Lesson # 2: Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling: Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood.... and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do ...... Raise the ceilings, or remove the crap? Tough decision, Eh?????
  2. I like to look over the WS, not thru it. Given my height this means the stock WS is about 1-1/2 too high. bike is 2008 star venture was looking at it and seems like I could cut away the bottom to lower it and much more easily mask my cuts. did some searching but didn't find any relevant threads. Anyone done this or have advice?
  3. I was looking at my 84 after I made the side cover block offs & something didn't look right. It finally hit me the plates where the rear foot pegs bolt on need some dressing up. The black with the ribs was to plain. I decide chrome would accent it nicely but as you all know, I could not find anything for this bike. When I was at Walmart, I noticed this for $6.95: It's basically a plastic mirror which is attached with double face tape. It cuts easily with a scissor. I took a piece of butcher paper & traced the opening I wants to chrome. Made the template & I cut the mirror. I used a regular scissor for the straight runs & a cuticle scissor for the tight bends. Here's the finished look: Though I would share!
  4. My boy DaKota born on Oct 16, 2011. Sorry it took so long to post, but I know the rules about pictures. Check out the scales. Kitty did a great job on that day, all natural, no drugs or cuts ! Kitty was on her bike 10 days after delivery. Still looking for a good deal on a used hannigan 2+2!
  5. Here's an odd one. Bike is on the side stand. Turn the radio on, works fine. When I take the weight off the kickstand, while leaving it down, the radio cuts out. Put the bike back on the kickstand, radio works fine. I have put washers under the blue connecters thinking maybe that was it but that did not help. If I try the radio while riding it cuts in and out.
  6. Does anyone have a set of Bubs they are looking to sell? I have a set of harley slash cuts with clamps and brackets that may be for sale.
  7. Omaha is back at the road repairs on I-80 since the CWS is over. They have been cutting the surface on I-80 between 24th St. and 13th St. on the east bound side for a few days now. I got caught in the left lane on Saturday and it was a rough one. The surface cuts were so deep and crooked it just took the bike for a ride I didn't want to be on. I was all over the place even dropping down to 40 mph. Sunday I had to go that way again and stayed in the right lane as it had not been cut yet. I had to go back again today so I stayed in the right lane again. I saw cars hitting their brakes ahead of me and I caught a glance of new blacktop in the left lane ahead so I switched over. Whew......safe. My butt! The new surface ended in short order and dropped me right back into a snakepit of the worst cuts I've ever seen on a road. Had to drop speed and hang on but the cuts were so bad the bike just followed them to the left onto the breakdown lane. I got it pulled up about a foot from the retaining wall. Pucker factor.....about 8. Ok. Cool. I got my business done on the other side of the river and headed home on west bound I-80. That has been clear and good running even with the bridge work. Not today. Just past 13th St. again and had just passed a couple in the right lane on a Victory. They fell in behind me as their lane was slowing down and then....BAM... drop off and the danged cuts in the left lane. The worst part is this is where the road work switches traffic onto the left shoulder for a ways than then back onto the regular surface. The problem there is the drop off between lanes is so sharp there is no safe way to jump the bike back across the lane again. The shoulder has been cut down so deep and so badly and you're stuck in it until you can find a smooth spot on a bridge to make the lane change. You're just stuck on the shoulder. No safe way off. Puker factor west bound........I'm going with a 10 on this one. I kept glancing back in the mirrors at the Victory and he was having a terrible time, looked like he was serving about a foot back and forth and losing speed fast. I finally hit a bridge section and got over to an uncut lane. I worked my way over to the outside lane and watched the traffic slowing down back where I had been. I pulled off at the first exit and waited to see if the Victory was coming up. I sat there for a smoke and the couple never came by. Now I'm worried. I hope they just stopped and waited for a safe chance to get back onto the road. The Avons have always done me proud on the way they walked across the surface grinds and tar snakes. NEVER had a moment of concern with them. But the grooves are so bad in spots that you would think you lost a rear tire. So if you happen to be coming into Omaha on I-80 in the next few days, be prepared. Or detour through on I-680 or I-480 or even better use the new Veterans Bridge into South Omaha. Maybe they will have this death trap fixed soon before somebody goes down. I'm not one to whine about road condtions. It's part of traveling. But this is nuts. Mike
  8. Hi, Question?? My radio/ cassette on my 83 VR cuts in and out... Will sound fine out of both speakers while idling.. Put it in gear and sometimes it cuts out.. sometimes goes to one speaker or the other, sometimes sounds great. Same with Cass. Perfect at times.. almost nil at others.. a good bang on the volume switch will occasionally fix it otherwise not.. I have heard that the pins sometimes are bent or do not connect well... Looking at another radio or 2 on e-bay... not the best luck? Any similar experiences or successes. I have thought about retro fitting a marine radio. but would really prefer to keep factory.. Clay
  9. On my way home last night I hit a deer.........Glad I was riding the tour Deventure.... Never went down.... Cracked the right side lower and the passing lamps and bruised up my right leg.... But no cuts or road rash......... WOW what a night.... Went out today and bought lottery tickets....
  10. Just ran across a listing for a new set of Baron Nasty Boy Slash Cuts on eBay. New but one is missing a baffle. Says fits 99-10. Opening at $100.00. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170445062588&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Just FYI.
  11. I had a little booboo and layed my bike down on the left side. Banged up a little but getting better. Anyway, the insurance payed off and I sold the bike to my brother. He wanted to fix it up. The damage on the bike was mostly cosmetic like windshield and front fairing scratched, left saddle bag cracked etc. The shifter and the footrest did catch a little of the pavement. The bike will run fine in 1st and 2nd, but going into 3rd it cuts out. Could the kick stand switch have anything to do with this. I know the info is a little vague but he would like some ideas before paying a ton of $$$$ to the stealer.
  12. What will make an '87 start missing at around 6k rpm?
  13. I pulled my rear tire off today my new one came in and I need to take it out and get the new one mounted. When I got it off I noticed some cuts / tares in the tread area. My first thought was that I ran over something and cut the tire but there are several of them and they are way to big to be just road damage. I did see some spots that the tread was completely gone but their different. I have never seen a tire tare like that before without some explanation. I was wandering, as some of you may know I crashed it on the way home from the western NY M&E when that happened I was pushed sideways before I laid it over but I wouldn’t think that there is enough friction to tare the tire like this. The cuts are through to the cords but it holds air. The tire is a Dunlap E2 491 it was on the bike when I got it a year ago last June so I have no idea how many miles are on it. I am just looking for some thought and opinions on what caused the damage. I am going to try and post some pictures I hope they come through ok Thanks
  14. I've got a 99 venture - never had any problems with the audio system 'till now. Two things showed up within days of each other. 1) the up selector on the controller quit working and scrolling down works on station selection but when I do it with something like bass, I can't go back up, then 2) a few days later the audio started to just cut out, on the radio and aux - no static at all - just gone then back. I noticed that the CB RX (receiving) indicator comes on when it cuts out and goes off when it comes back. Finally, it happens a lot under 40 mph and just occassionally above 40 (weird!). I'm gonna try disconnecting the antenna as I never use the CB anyway, but was wondering if anyone had any experience with this or suggestions.
  15. Greetings... Anyone ever dissasemble the power Amp on a 1st gen? I've seen a lot of people complaining that the left channel cuts out intermittantly, and mine has been doing it since I got the bike. It's NOT a wiring or ground problem - AFTER the amp. I've isolated, at least MY problem to, at least the amp. (New speaker and ALL new wire hooked up directly.) I've noticed that it's failure is consistent with tempurature change. On cool days, or cool nights - it cuts off and pretty much stays off, or if it's on, it's affected by bumps. During really hot days - it will pretty much stay on all day and NOT be affected by bumps in the road. Unless I park in the shade! When it cuts out - I can frequently turn the radio off and on restoring it. Where it will usually then cut out (when I'm in the shade!)after a few seconds or minutes. That tells me that it's probably a cracked solder on the left channel speaker output. The intercom output is unaffected. I've already cleaned and shimmed the blue interface connectors, cleaned all connectors, and tried a hard wired connection bypassing the wiring harness... Before I tear it all out and dissasemble it to trace the line - I was wondering if this was a known problem, or if anyone else has already figured out a common failure point...
  16. I'm on a 07 Midnight Venture, I have a Sirus radio hooked up throught a casset adapter, it cuts out at about 78-80 MPH, the radio comes up and says no signal and when I drop back to about 75 it comes back on, the rest of the system is fine, has anyone experienced such a thing?? Thanks in advance for any info. Love the forum John Pensacola FL
  17. Lately I've noticed that my 83 cuts out at 6500, like it has a rev limiter. When it does this, the tach drops to zero until you let off the gas. No load, or 1st gear the same symptom. I havent torn into checking the wires or the TCI or anything yet, it still runs and drives fine. Any quick ideas? I'm sure its electrical since the tach drops like that..... PS I didn't see many Ventures at Wildwood NJ.....
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